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2279 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1917 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Outline][PropertiesView] Multi-page editor support for separate property and outline pages (1GCBWEG) 2019-06-16
2614 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] No system error msg could be improved? (1GH2NKW) 2019-07-09
2647 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [DynamicGUI] UI contributions should be removed if plugin activation fails (1GHOOIH) 2019-09-06
2713 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] Feature request: API to traverse tree viewer (1GIIFW8) 2019-09-06
2746 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] EC DCR: Save As to existing file (1GIV4FW) 2021-02-03
2813 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Second click on view pull down menu icon should hide menu (1GJURR6) 2019-09-06
2861 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ActionSets] User-customizable menus and toolbars 2020-06-16
3962 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] DCR: Allow to reuse a JavaTypeHierarchy (1GF9N77) 2019-09-06
5060 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] errors: Should log the image full path name when a image is not found 2019-09-06
5160 Platform SWT veronika_irvine NEW --- HTML table layout 2019-09-06
5687 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Editor Mgmt] [RCP] A generic way to create IEditorInput instances for an IAdaptable 2012-06-20
6134 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow files to be printed without opening them 2019-09-06
6427 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] widgets: Toolbar drop-down items in view plugins inconsistent with other widgets 2019-09-06
6733 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] API: inconsistent for CheckBoxTreeViewer 2019-09-06
7171 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Views should have half height title bars 2019-09-06
7722 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GlobalActions] File menu need Print Preview menu item 2019-09-06
8625 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- Seeing inherited methods in Outline view 2022-06-19
9109 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [CVS UI] replace with needs to support multiselect 2019-09-06
9397 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] associations: Allow system editor as a choice in the default editor 2016-11-10
10605 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] Convert instance methods to static if they don't refer to non-static members 2016-12-10
10941 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] tabs: Editor view for managing editors 2019-09-06
10999 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Feature Request: ability to change perspective icon 2013-03-05
11485 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [jar exporter] jarsigner/keytool integration 2017-05-12
11757 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Closing windows causes loss of all unsaved perspective customization 2015-01-15
11961 PDE UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] Plugin Manifest editor very difficult to navigate 2016-11-10
13651 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [printing] Printed output issues 2023-05-13
13672 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [painting] Horizontal line between methods/members when editing class 2021-08-06
13794 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] External editor could allow arguments 2019-09-06
14849 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Need a new API IEditorPart.isSaveAllowed() to control Save menu 2016-11-10
16691 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Javadoc comment formatting option 2016-01-14
17547 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [build path] Should be able to copy & paste external JARs 2013-02-01
20426 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [content assist] Autocompletion for overview.html and package.html [editor] 2007-11-08
21000 Platform SWT info ASSI --- [StyledText] Allow positioning of the cursor beyond line end option 2017-06-26
21600 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] widgets: Eclipse should use default (bold) menu items 2019-09-06
22592 Platform Text a.nielsen REOP --- [typing] Block indent moves cursor 2020-03-11
23080 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] action for selecting word under cursor 2019-08-17
23295 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- [breakpoints] Move/copy breakpoints and retain conditions 2021-10-06
23341 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- Allow text search participants (was: Text search inside zips/jars/etc) 2017-05-09
23461 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] auto-insert ':' when typing '?' after an expression 2010-06-04
23625 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] copy whole line without selection 2019-06-25
24725 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Provide API for querying for physical view bounds 2019-09-06
25097 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] Provide "Delete/Remove" refactor 2021-11-27
25356 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Cell Editors] Support for multiline text cell editor 2019-09-06
26752 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [type hierarchy] Cannot multiselect in type hierarchy view 2016-04-14
26848 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Add Export As/Print As HTML 2019-09-06
26849 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Add recognition of Task tags to all other editing types, not just Java 2019-12-02
26872 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] TreeViewer deselects TreeItem in SWT.SINGLE mode 2019-09-06
28995 Platform UI bokowski ASSI --- [Import/Export] Remove files from project without deleting 2019-09-26
29658 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [JUnit] multi-select test files and run unit tests 2020-01-14
30398 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] New File/Folder dialogs should assist user in creating non-existent link location. 2019-09-06
30406 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] General filter mechanism for resource based views. 2019-09-06
30440 Platform Resource sptaszkiewicz ASSI --- Provide an ant task for setting the derived bit. 2012-06-19
30687 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] Sharing working sets 2016-03-29
30780 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Auto hide feature 2019-09-06
32189 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] preference page: Provide clues that handlers are bound to particular components 2019-09-06
32284 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Need tests for IElementComparer 2019-09-06
34226 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Enhancement of code formatter 2016-01-14
34736 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] File Associations and Link Resource preference pages have no restore defaults/apply buttons 2019-09-06
34885 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GlobalActions] Paste History 2019-09-06
34927 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Customize workbench title bar 2019-09-06
35074 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Export dialog: inconsistent checkbox appearance for partial selection 2020-09-22
36197 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Should offer to restart after importing preferences 2019-09-06
36754 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [hovering] deprecated warning hover could contain reason 2018-03-12
36939 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Improve support for Java-like source files 2015-11-23
36960 Platform UI Mike_Wilson NEW --- Add project templates 2016-03-28
37220 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Enable/Disable paste - currently being done incorrectly 2019-09-06
37572 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [reorg] Move refactoring should allow moving into nested class 2022-07-19
38125 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] adapters: Element factory registry should be public 2019-09-06
38300 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Make zip descriptions saveable 2019-09-06
38427 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- [breakpoints] stop in any method of the class 2015-10-07
39037 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ErrorHandling] Better error reporting on workbench window restore 2019-09-06
39636 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [About] plug-in details should show more information 2019-09-06
39699 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Javadoc Taglet option missing [javadoc] 2013-04-23
40738 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [LinkedResources] add external source folder ui needs to be in intuitive place. 2019-09-06
41098 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] PartSashContainer should be external 2019-09-06
41107 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] open new perspective in separate window 2019-09-06
41542 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] create method should detect when method is a getter or setter 2018-03-26
41558 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [formatting] provide a basic text/sgml formatter 2019-09-06
41918 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Perform Refresh Branches in background 2019-09-06
41929 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Commands] CVS ignores linked resources 2015-12-18
42543 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] misc: Provide new API to hook actions to commands 2019-09-06
42550 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [syntax highlighting] Syntax highlighting Based Upon Regexp Pattern 2019-09-24
43574 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] If all child popup menu actions are disabled the containing menu must also be disabled 2019-09-06
43699 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] [Properties] [Preference] Property/Preference pages should use a common operation/progress monitor 2019-09-06
43770 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Allow opening incoming additions in a read-only editor 2019-09-06
43805 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] preference page: Should remember previous selection 2019-09-06
43816 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- [patch] java logging view [misc] 2012-07-11
43970 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Configure history view columns 2019-09-06
44102 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up][organize imports] organize imports should optionally remove FQNs 2013-12-09
44156 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] parameters: provide M-x-like command interface 2019-09-06
44346 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] More Info in a class path's entry Info node 2019-09-06
44761 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted][Managed Build] Support importing options from pkg-config 2020-09-04
44811 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [introduce parameter] Should allow to select local variable declaration [refactoring] 2020-06-04
44831 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GlobalActions] Request for ability to set transient status messages 2019-09-06
44944 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] Project Interchange Wizard - Feature 2019-09-06
45109 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] Allow to "hide" View's t itlebars 2019-09-06
45318 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] misc: Write OS-level test cases 2019-09-06
45386 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] widgets: Need an action contribution that's only a menu 2019-09-06
45647 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Open Perspective choices should not be based on current perspective 2019-09-06
46103 Platform Text platform-text-inbox REOP --- [preferences] Offer separate color preferences for line number ruler 2020-09-17
46171 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Comments] Inconsistent handling of comments adjacent to members 2022-12-05
46423 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Workbench] Need listener mechanism for individual parts/pages 2019-09-06
46963 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [RCP] Cancel button on workbench exit is always disabled 2019-09-06
47099 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Keybindings] preference page: Key config should allow mouse buttons 2021-02-11
47707 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] [Progress] Progress dialogs should capture keys 2019-09-06
47807 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [QuickDiff] Provide a generalized TeamSubscriber quick diff provider 2019-09-06
47826 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] WizardNewFileCreationPage should support a default file extension 2019-09-06
47930 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] Move icons from IDE to workbench 2019-09-06
48095 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] would like to control spacing between members in local types 2016-01-14
48258 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] ResourceSelectionDialog not expand Tree and not display resource 2019-09-06
48326 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Contributions] updating: Need hooks to control enablement of global menu items 2019-09-06
48340 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] misc: Provide multiple accelerator formats 2019-09-06
48356 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Show perspective name under the Icon 2019-09-06
48438 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] request: Select All does not work in resource or package explorer view 2019-09-06
49688 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ActivityMgmt] Shorthand notation in activity declaration elements would rock the Casbah 2019-09-06
50268 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] [RCP] Make EditorHistory API public. 2019-09-06
50373 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] IMemento usage too tightly bound to XMLMemento 2019-09-06
50969 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] request: Move to bookmark 2014-06-17
51011 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] Views should remember its sizes for active and non active state 2019-09-06
51852 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] "Pending" TreeItem causes unexpected shifting (usability) 2019-09-06
51858 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Tags] Confusing error message when tagging with local changes 2019-09-06
52149 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ViewMgmt] Tab width should not change when gaining/loosing focus 2019-09-06
52791 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] provide new extract field refactoring 2011-10-15
53178 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Open Type and Open Resource enhancements 2014-06-26
53370 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged REOP --- [ViewMgmt] loss of space (titlebar) when a view is alone (not stacked with others). 2014-06-26
54039 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Themes] Add System Colors to colors preference page choices 2019-09-06
54543 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Eclipse cvs reports branch point as tag. 2019-09-06
54604 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [preferences][typing] add preference to "jump to next line after 'Toggle Comment' 2012-02-23
54762 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Opening project of same name reuses old project's settings 2019-09-06
54788 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Path variable preference page not updated 2019-09-06
55351 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [browser] link hover listener 2018-07-10
55681 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync Info] NPE in EclipseSynchronizer.endOperation 2019-09-06
56119 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Auto hide on all perspective windows. 2019-09-06
56172 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] views/editors close icon not shown 2019-09-06
56372 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Synchronize window too large 2019-09-06
56629 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Trim] Make Menu Bar a "live" toolbar row 2013-06-05
57352 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] User customization of menus and toolbars 2019-09-06
57480 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Presentation should allow for italicizing title 2019-09-06
57580 JDT Debug sarika.sinha REOP --- [expressions] Add code assist/complete to watch expression editor 2021-03-11
58144 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Connection] should not use multiple status objects to split long message 2019-09-06
58400 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Keyboard navigation in CVS Repo view is slow when Properties view open 2019-09-06
58544 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Connection] Authentication options for SSH and password saving 2019-09-06
58848 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] CheckBoxTreeViewer class should not create the roots' children tha tare not visible 2017-07-06
59163 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] A Working Sets View? 2014-06-26
59676 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] High Tab font not changing the height of the tab 2019-09-06
59783 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] WorkbenchParts resized when maximized Shell is minimized 2019-09-06
60732 CDT cdt-pars cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted][Parser] not working at all w/Lex & Yacc 2020-09-04
60833 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] [ViewMgmt] Right click on part tab should not realize part 2019-09-06
61024 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Modules] Share project doesn't work as expected for projects containing multiple cvs modules checked out with external cvs 2019-09-06
62597 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Tags] Enter tags directly without using "Configure tags" dialog 2019-09-06
62752 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ActivityMgmt] Activity bindings that are circular. 2019-09-06
63096 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Misc] All outgoing changes WorkingSet or Filter 2019-09-06
63679 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Checking out over top of a pruned folder fails 2019-09-06
63691 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Should not show perspective bar if "open perspective in new window" is on 2019-09-06
63724 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Custom Widgets] Outlook bar (palette) 2018-07-10
63900 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [format] Indent declarations within inner classes 2016-01-14
64064 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] add to cvs version control dialog scales badly 2019-09-06
64270 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] CheckBoxTreeViewerMissingTest suite needs to be fixed 2019-09-06
64276 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] Allow subclassing of IDEApplication 2019-09-06
64693 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] history: Back Button poor locations 2019-09-06
65030 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] Dragging a tab to the end of a set of tabs is not consistent 2019-09-06
65352 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ActivityMgmt] Activites preferences should update preferences tree view 2019-09-06
65856 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Provide splitters for a large Views 2019-09-06
65906 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] registry: Need way to define keybindings by OS, not by platform 2019-09-06
66002 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Browsing the results of a compare as "commit sets" displays too many things 2019-09-06
66027 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Tags] Problems comparing by date 2019-09-06
66529 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [templates] create template from snippet 2016-10-13
66729 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] [Doc] Some workbench preference strings need clarification 2019-09-06
66884 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Modules] workspace location cannot be specified for defined module 2019-09-06
66965 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesDialog] Info property page has no help 2019-09-06
67107 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ViewMgmt] Workbench allows two views with the same ID 2019-09-06
67137 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Widgets] Implement smooth scrolling for text editors 2017-06-21
67196 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Wizards don't do immediate validation on source 2019-09-06
67315 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [ccp][dnd] Package Explorer should allow to copy and move a linked resource 2021-07-02
67381 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [navigation] Improve Java word navigation 2016-09-06
67504 Platform Doc platform-doc-inbox ASSI --- "Text folding" documentation is missing 2019-09-06
67766 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- WSI2101 Fails 2010-07-20
68012 Platform CVS ymnk NEW --- [SSH2] Canceling "Add CVS Repository" connection waits 60 seconds 2019-09-06
68134 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [TeamOperations] saving of dirty editors may still make sense for some operations 2019-09-06
68330 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Accesibility: Navigate to C/C++ Perspective in Open Perspective Dialog ( pressing C key) will not work 2019-09-06
68828 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-inbox ASSI --- [Help Wanted] [Managed Build] Support Project Creation on FreeBSD 2020-09-04
68956 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] drop-down: Editor list improvements 2019-09-06
69090 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- make wsdl.validate.wsi.ui.ant tool to be independent from plugin 2010-07-20
69245 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatting] Option to exclude CVS keywords inside Javadoc from formatting 2016-01-14
69260 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Could use jobs to allow for completion of input name. 2019-09-06
69290 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] topLevelAdmin conflict with Checkout Into 2019-09-06
69516 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] Ability to plug in alternative editors, for example GVIM or emacs 2019-09-06
69633 CDT cdt-pars cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted][Variant] __asm keyword flagged as error by indexer 2020-09-04
69659 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Actions] Selecting multiple folders invalidates team options 2019-09-06
69858 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- WS-I test tools report incorrect error on wsdl:import of xsd file 2010-07-20
69887 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Unable to share project with existing invalid connection method 2019-09-06
69962 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Test tools provide wrong error message for invalid schema import 2010-07-20
70050 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Presentations] No API for adding detached views in IPageLayout 2019-09-06
70814 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Themes] Themes should handle images 2019-09-06
70952 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] org.eclipse.ui.importWizard needs support of finalPerspective 2019-09-06
71386 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-inbox ASSI --- [Help Wanted] Would be nice to call ant to build my C/C++ apps 2020-09-04
71513 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- [Help Wanted][Managed Build] Make Targets empty for Managed Make 2020-09-04
71610 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] CDT Tutorial, Creating a Hello World application with Qt in Linux 2020-09-04
71832 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [SSH2] Multiple ssh keys for the same cvs host not handled properly 2019-09-06
72234 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Prefs] Add support for change listeners on Java project options 2007-06-21
72249 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Want better Commit Set tooltip 2019-09-06
72418 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [sort members] Sort Members doesn't provide a means to group getter/setter pairs 2014-03-17
72525 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Allow class member Javadoc to reside on one line, if it will fit 2022-01-12
72607 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged REOP --- [WorkspaceLauncher] Workspace chooser does not expand ~ 2020-03-23
72812 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] interactions: Edit box and scroll bar context menus do not have self documented keyboard shortcuts 2019-09-06
73093 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Javadoc] Make all javadoc compiler warning options available from command line 2016-01-14
73175 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DetachedWindows] Add support for DetachedWindow snapping 2020-06-09
73269 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] team project sets should optionally include .project, .classpath 2019-09-06
73438 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [synchronize] provide java stream merger 2008-07-28
73544 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Project content deletion during CVS checkout 2019-09-06
73590 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] CVS checked out project to be set as 'java project' 2019-09-06
73978 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Server encoding not included in project set 2019-09-06
74193 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Add just-one-space functionality 2019-09-06
74393 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] add api for supplying diff input 2019-09-06
74451 CDT cdt-pars cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted][Parser][Variant] Parser breaks on specific .h file (Watcom) 2020-09-04
74487 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] project checkout should be extensible 2019-09-06
74724 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DND] EditorAreaDropAdapter should ignore non-existing resources should be disabled 2019-09-06
74752 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Version tagging should exclude added files 2019-09-06
74754 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] expose CTabFolder#setMRUVisible 2019-09-06
74811 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] ability to hide tab when only one tab 2019-09-06
75396 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Intro] Intro page should go to "stand by" mode even if user selects already active perspective. 2019-09-06
75439 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- [Help Wanted][Managed Build] Support building working sets 2020-09-04
75478 Platform CVS platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Team=>Add to Commit Set on resource and editor 2019-09-06
75572 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] Hover over progress indicator should show full message 2019-09-06
75829 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] Need more programmatic control over Wizards for CheatSheets 2019-09-06
75832 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Improve handling of non-root-level projects 2019-09-06
75878 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Mark exception occurrences could ignore already catched code 2015-04-28
76122 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] JFace filters need to have dispose() method 2019-09-06
76157 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Open Resource: Right click on the directories for each resource could provide actions 2019-09-06
76380 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow SaveAs to update Most-Recently-Used list 2019-09-06
76468 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] "Checkout from CVS" import wizard should remember last repository selected 2019-09-06
76561 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox REOP --- [Tags] Date tags on a branch 2019-09-06
76735 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Need better warning/error dialog when saving of preferences fails 2019-09-06
76859 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] request: Second ESC in editor should minimize the lower views 2019-09-06
76888 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Hitting the minimize button on a view collection is pointless when column tiled 2019-09-06
77286 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] [RCP] RCP friendly keys preference page 2019-09-06
77476 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [JFace] JFace registries should fail when accessed from non-UI threads 2019-09-06
77560 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] widgets: Need to define a standard contribution item 2019-09-06
77660 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GlobalActions] No rename dialog when pasting file of same name 2019-09-06
77782 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Can't move a project that's been moved outside of Eclipse. 2019-09-06
77817 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] [RCP] Public API for displaying job progress 2019-09-06
78695 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync Info] Ignore resource trees deeply 2019-09-06
79188 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] (Table)Viewer should allow update of a known (Table)Item 2019-09-06
79325 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Remote tag should batch as much as possible 2019-09-06
79476 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Tests] Investigate test case failure due to previous test garbage 2019-09-06
79707 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] viewContribution.menubarPath should not be optional 2019-09-06
79887 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Zip Export should preserve permissions 2019-09-06
79925 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [consistency][Gtk] Button MenuDetect preceeds MouseDown 2020-01-21
80184 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] imorting subfolder from zip is not possible 2019-09-06
80203 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [JFace] ApplicationWindow contents are reduced to thin strip when showTopSeperator() returns false 2019-09-06
80247 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Add open external directory 2019-09-06
80307 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Validation Rules 2016-04-15
80308 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Unit Tests 2012-06-19
80381 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] ScopedPreferenceStore should also work for ProjectScopes 2019-09-06
80538 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] project description popup 2019-09-06
80734 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Unlock Workspace Feature 2019-07-09
81588 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Parsers for HP-UX 2020-09-04
81771 WTP Sour jst.jsp NEW --- [content assist][templates] Java templates not shown in scriptlet Content Assist 2013-06-19
82119 WTP Sour wst.sse david_williams NEW --- ReadOnly state in DOM should be "pay as you go" 2007-09-13
82153 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [editor] Allow to select alternative DTD when not found 2013-06-19
82158 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Toolbar of view/editor parts 2019-09-06
82308 WTP Sour jst.jsp NEW --- [preferences] JSP scriplet sections should use Java preferences 2013-06-19
82360 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [RCP] API to query visibility of action bars 2019-09-06
82473 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] [RCP] [PresentationsAPI] Remove the title bar from the editor 2019-09-06
82621 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ViewMgmt] [RCP] Support for passing input data to views 2019-09-06
82810 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive as zip treats target as directory 2019-09-06
83071 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [editor] Make elements/attribute/etc. names in design view editable 2013-06-19
83074 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [editor] Define views to edit attributes and to show text content 2013-07-18
83240 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Importing Archive Files and File System as configured projects 2019-09-06
83374 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Pending... node in CVS Repository view hard to use 2019-09-06
83416 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] new listeners for Editor and view parts 2019-09-06
83528 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Stronger indication of incoming changes in outgoing mode 2019-09-06
83798 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-triaged NEW --- [content model] need to improve JSP/XML detection 2013-06-19
83945 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Tags Operations] Moving an existing tag on a local project ignored deleted files 2019-09-06
83970 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Remote compare orders revisions incorrectly. 2019-09-06
83985 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [About] The About Feature Dialog does not show indirect plug-ins 2019-09-06
84183 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync Info] Copy resource from one branch to another, file properties shows wrong tag. 2019-09-06
84200 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Error when updating files containing merge markup 2019-09-06
84212 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Deleting a large project UI feedback issues. 2019-09-06
84364 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] "show views" context menu or window menu in views 2019-09-06
84636 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart does not remove property listener on nested editor 2019-09-06
84704 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Export/import local history with project 2019-09-06
84712 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GlobalActions] [RCP] Retargetable actions should register themselves with partservice 2019-09-06
84756 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] tar import/export does not support pax extensions 2019-09-06
84776 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Some modifier + mouse wheel could change text font size 2019-09-25
84823 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] [RCP] Need a general strategy for migration of preferences to API 2019-09-06
84878 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Draw vertical lines in control flow statements 2017-11-22
84893 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] request: need platform-independent definition of "close Application" key combination 2019-09-06
84916 JDT Debug sarika.sinha ASSI --- [breakpoints] Method breakpoints for abstract methods and interfaces 2018-03-16
84938 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] Provide a way to set initial application window position 2016-09-26
85059 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Commit dialog could count Changes about to be submitted. 2019-09-06
85536 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] DefaultTabFolder should ignore invalid tab position constants 2019-09-06
85650 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Declaration view 2020-09-04
85883 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing][preference] Please add option to disable auto-indent...? 2019-12-28
85897 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] Copying file doesn't honor target folder's charset 2019-09-06
86429 WTP Sour wst.css NEW --- [properties] @IMPORT rules should show URI in Properties view 2010-07-28
86691 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Editor displays garbage when double-clicking object file in C Project view 2020-09-04
86771 Platform UI daniel.rolka NEW --- [RCP] [PerspectiveBar] Allow Open Perspective button to be hidden 2015-09-18
86794 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Watch/Edit] Edit flag is not removed when file is updated 2019-09-06
86809 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Add query method isSaveAllowed to the ISavableEditPart 2019-09-06
86843 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] preference page: add "print keymap" support 2019-09-06
86907 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [XML Catalog] Handle multiple DTDs with same public key in XMLCatalog 2013-06-19
87261 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EFS] Browse Zipped Resources 2019-09-06
87863 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] "save as" can't save outside the workspace 2012-11-28
88112 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] ProductProperties needs to be API 2019-09-06
88297 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] unattach one or all views from window 2019-09-06
88315 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Synchronize View should provide keyboard shortcuts 2014-03-17
88427 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [CellEditors] ComboBoxCellEditor API unclean if combo box has not style SWT.READ_ONLY applied 2013-01-18
88572 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Refresh should run in a background job 2019-09-06
88626 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Debugger stops twice at same location 2023-02-05
88648 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [validation] improved XML validation messages 2013-06-19
88706 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Set visible view in IFolderLayout 2019-09-06
88816 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] Support different window advisors for different windows 2019-09-06
88972 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive export does not allow path relative to workspace 2019-09-06
88975 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive export does not allow storing archive in path of exported project 2019-09-06
88981 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive export should be able to store preferences 2019-09-06
89155 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- [Help Wanted] Support GCC precompiled headers for managed makefiles 2020-09-04
89612 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [5.0][content assist] Content Assist for annotation elements should add a '=' 2014-04-23
89704 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Changing Change Set preference shoudl apply to active page 2019-09-06
90277 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] configurable minChars of CTabFolder 2019-09-06
90341 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] ViewerActionBuilder processes more config elements than it should 2019-09-06
90963 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] should be able to import/export using varying filename encoding 2019-09-06
91197 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] WSI-compliant: type for a messge part can't be "type" should be set as "element" 2010-07-20
91200 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [outline] improve the way schema imports are visualized (for imports via a 'shell' inline schema) 2010-07-20
91586 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Add more detailed descriptions for errors and warnings 2020-06-04
91596 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Allow to disable/remove Minimize/Maximize buttons in a tabgroup areas. 2019-09-06
91660 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Need Workbench level association between project nature and perspective 2019-09-06
91876 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [import] import netbeans project 2011-05-16
92125 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [SSH2] extssh and server using ldap authentication 2019-09-06
92153 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Request for new API on WorkbenchPart 2019-09-06
92178 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- ability to search open files only 2018-05-10
92224 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [StatusHandling] Error dialog border animation appears even when shell not visible 2019-09-06
92246 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] New workbench windows opening off of the screen 2019-09-06
92258 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Workbench should set focus on part's control if part doesn't 2019-09-06
92347 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] JFace Viewers should be better protected against OperationCancelExceptions/RuntimeExceptions 2019-09-06
92781 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Add Change Sets to remote compare 2019-09-06
93163 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow to copy full file names in various views 2019-09-06
93580 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Additional options for Java formatter 2016-01-14
93640 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Tabs with both label and icon reduce usability 2019-09-06
94061 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] unable to move files when others are open 2019-09-06
94164 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Undo] - Action handlers should provide progress monitor for sharing by operation approvers 2019-09-06
94833 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Allow to remove comments containing task tags 2005-05-12
94982 Platform CVS ymnk NEW --- [SSH2] Add option to turn off announce from SSH2 server 2019-09-06
95091 WTP Sour wst.sse NEW --- [formatting] support XML & HTML-source formatting profiles 2010-04-26
95155 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Actions] Reduce the number of actions that listen to selections 2019-09-06
95267 WTP Sour wst.html david_williams NEW --- Support authoring and validation of accessible web content 2010-03-15
95450 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-triaged NEW --- [refactoring] add extract include file for JSP source refactoring 2013-06-19
95558 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sharing] Performance issues sharing large projects 2019-09-06
95654 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] invalid WSDL when definition.updateElement() is not called 2010-07-20
95787 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [5.0][1.7][content assist][templates] Provide means to specify the Java version for templates 2017-11-10
96152 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Creating a patch should persist the file name even if an error occurs 2019-09-06
96742 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] export/importable tags 2019-09-06
97503 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] [Wizards] parameters: Assign keybindings to individual "New..." wizards 2019-09-06
97598 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] [ViewMgmt] Specifying view size in absolute dimensions 2019-09-06
97864 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Presentations] [ViewMgmt] close action not disabled for non-closeable view 2021-01-28
97969 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Presentations] [ViewMgmt] Quickly closing two views is interpreted as double-click 2019-09-06
98041 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] [ViewMgmt] 2.1 presentation bugs with standalone and non-moveable views 2019-09-06
98076 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] JUnit view should remember the test run history on restart 2016-04-22
98106 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] File properties do not list line delimiter 2019-09-06
98149 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [XML Catalog] Support multiple xsd->single namespace mapping 2013-06-19
98302 Platform SWT grant_gayed NEW --- [browser] add callback for handling errors 2012-07-17
98466 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] [Progress] "Progress View" mentioned when its extension is undefined 2019-09-06
98570 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Need API to delete a custom perspective 2019-09-06
98705 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Preferences] Pref Page Team/CVS/Label Decorations 2019-09-06
98926 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Merge] Empty subscribers should be cleaned up 2019-09-06
99051 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Problem with creating of the patch for a new package 2019-09-06
99154 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] request: Switch between open editors with Alt-<number> 2019-09-06
99294 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [find/replace] Proposal to enhance Incremental Find feature in text editors 2018-05-10
99656 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Status bar content not updated when a project is deleted 2019-09-06
99779 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Only show recursive creation errors when debugging 2019-09-06
99905 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] [DnD] Extract EditorInput drag'n'drop from EditorAreaDropAdapter out of org.eclipse.ui.ide plugin 2019-09-06
99968 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Offer Extensible File > Open menu 2019-09-06
100016 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] References to HTML tools in metadata files 2019-09-06
100394 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] general Import/Export functionality for User Libraries 2019-09-06
100397 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Cryptic CVS error messages on Commit 2019-09-06
100508 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add support to IClasspathContainer to associate CPE_SOURCE entries 2007-06-20
100554 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] Default Path Variable: CURRENT_WORKSPACE 2019-09-06
100571 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] IProgressService#busyCursorWhile() should handle IWizardContainer 2019-09-06
100738 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] CVS update -f option 2019-09-06
100844 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox ASSI --- CDT_LIBRARY path entries are not calculated from the MBS option values (was: Invalid lib path warning message appears even the lib does exist in the right place) 2020-09-04
101422 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [XML Catalog] Builder for XML Catalogs 2013-06-19
101598 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Add setting for context size for patches 2019-09-06
101599 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Add switch for -w when creating patches 2019-09-06
101730 WTP Sour wst.dtd wst.dtd-inbox NEW --- Make the logical groups in the Outline view filterable 2013-07-18
101736 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DetachedWindows] Customizing ShellPool/Shell style for RCP 2019-09-06
101869 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] Items in the ProgressGroup are not in the right order 2019-09-06
102118 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Connection] Canceling a password dialog cancels the entire synchronize operation 2019-09-06
102239 Equinox Launcher sravankumarl REOP --- [launcher] Environment variable substitution in <launcher>.ini/eclipse.ini 2021-03-18
102268 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ViewMgmt] Finding a view in an opened but inactive perspective 2019-09-06
102323 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] java code formatting 2016-01-14
102601 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Improve display and code navigation of decompiled classfiles editor 2012-06-19
102741 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Make synchronize flat-view a table 2019-09-06
102747 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [5.0][templates] For template for iteration over collection should be generics aware 2011-09-16
102910 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Share] Unknown file type handling in Share Project wizard needs to be improved 2019-09-06
103045 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] [RCP] Need way to disable "New Editor" action 2017-05-26
103239 Platform UI wim.jongman ASSI --- [Perspectives] Closed secondary-id views, when restored do not go to their place-holder folder-layouts 2020-01-03
103865 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart does not support CLOSE style 2019-09-06
103888 WTP Comm wst.comm cbridgha NEW --- [modulecore] Need api for getting at the actual links defining a virtual component 2010-03-26
104366 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Create Patch between two file revisions 2019-09-06
104431 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Should do completion on implicit objects in EL. 2013-06-19
104587 WTP Comm wst.comm wst.common-inbox NEW --- export ANT build file support 2016-03-22
104597 WTP Comm wst.comm cbridgha NEW --- [modulecore] WEB-INF/classes is mapped to JavaSource 2008-11-12
104744 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Mac] Investigate open document/applescript support 2019-09-06
104880 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] For Export -> Zip file, no indication of where the file will go 2019-09-06
104998 z_Archiv VE ve-inbox NEW --- VE extremely slow on Linux and Mac OS X 2011-06-13
105007 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] Status line message label should allow for standard appearance (bevel border) 2019-09-06
105011 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- XSDEditor: add support for Task Tags in <documentation> 2013-07-18
105161 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [refactoring] Refactor->move WSDL should adjust imports 2010-07-20
105179 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [linked mode] LinkedModeUi exiting too early 2019-09-06
105267 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- strange library name generated when using managed make to build shared libs on Mac 2020-09-04
105394 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [editor] some enhancements when editing a xml file in design mode 2013-07-18
105598 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [outline] Enhance xml editing experience 2015-08-21
105619 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [editor] Add a function to convert particular chars to html entities. 2013-06-19
105625 Data Too Enableme dtp.enablement-inbox NEW --- MySQL SQL formatter uppercase table names 2013-08-01
105721 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] easier minimize of views 2019-09-06
105739 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] option to use same tabs for editors and views 2019-09-06
105896 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] Grouping several opened files to a "file set" 2019-09-06
106037 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] parameters: command mode field in status bar 2019-09-06
106204 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] workbench doesn't restores original state after oppenig resource in a new window 2019-09-06
106349 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Move Dialog not resizable 2019-09-06
106506 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Dialog initial size too wide to read long file/folder names 2019-09-06
106878 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Should the IDEAdvisor allow for a hook after the workspace has been chosen and before the workbench starts 2019-09-06
106985 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Job found still running after platform shutdown. 2019-09-06
107039 WTP Java jst.j2ee cbridgha NEW --- [modulecore] We should have a resource mapping tool for flexible projects 2010-03-19
107275 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- Code Assist for the web.xml file 2009-04-30
107341 WTP Java wst.web kaloyan NEW --- [junit] Support HttpUnit testing by adding a page to the new JUnit wizard 2010-01-28
107371 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [API] Want to specify target directory for project set import 2019-09-06
107499 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Reverse engineer from XML to XSD 2013-06-19
107650 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Create patch option to ignore line ending differences 2019-09-06
107755 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] an option to hide images of "Action" in menus (JFace) 2019-09-06
107819 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] [RCP] Minimized views should not show toolbar buttons 2019-09-06
108135 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [formatting] Pretty / compress formatter 2013-06-19
108152 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [inline] Inline Method doesn't remove imports 2022-07-01
108207 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-inbox REOP --- [Help Wanted] Out of memory and threading problems on Eclipse 3.1 x86_64 GTK2 2020-09-04
108208 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [javadoc] Ignore missing Javadoc comments on JUnit test methods 2019-03-20
108320 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [type hierarchy] Add ability to print type hierarchy 2016-10-06
108336 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Watch/Edit] CVS Editors View enhancements 2019-09-06
108687 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Switch perspectives dynamically based on current project 2019-09-06
108770 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Easiness of Compare Revisions 2019-09-06
108841 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Misc] CVS isDirty filter for Package Explorer 2019-09-06
108936 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Provide command to change log message 2019-09-06
108946 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] [EditorMgmt] Allow preferred perspective(s) for specific editors 2019-09-06
108997 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Need ability to open Editors and Views in new Windows 2019-09-06
109005 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] DCR: display action description in the status bar 2019-09-06
109046 WTP Sour wst.xml NEW --- [formatting] No automatic indentation on enter 2013-06-19
109565 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] [Workbench] Enable WorkbenchWindow configuring the display position of Coolbar button's label 2017-05-18
109596 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] could not clear the cached images from the DecorationScheduler 2019-09-06
109844 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] misc: ESC handling with Emacs bindings 2019-09-06
109929 WTP Sour wst.html wst.html-inbox NEW --- [ca] JS content assist in html/jsp for JS action attribute value 2017-02-15
109968 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] allow user hide text label in title bar of views 2019-09-06
110018 WTP Sour jst.jsp NEW --- [preferences] Link JSP preference pages to Java where appropriate 2013-06-19
110054 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Initial Eclipse window size with GTK panel 2019-09-06
110109 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ViewMgmt] Views that have not been activated cannot have a title tooltip 2019-09-06
110135 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import existing projects wizards: enhancements for duplicate projects 2014-04-08
110246 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Consider dividing import/export categories according to the data being imported/exported 2019-09-06
110418 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] event before view is closed 2019-09-06
110430 WTP Comm wst.inte wst.internet-inbox NEW --- [cache] Provide ability to prohibit net retrieval of resources for XML validation 2011-01-26
110602 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Expose EditorRegistry, FileEditorMapping as API 2016-04-14
110624 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Clear-All UI should check all projects for 'Clean all' 2019-07-10
110686 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Save password and password warning should be in authentication section 2019-09-06
110905 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Ignore differences caused only by CVS keyword update 2019-09-06
110970 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Merge] Fix CVS merge conflict markup with built-in compare tool 2016-06-09
111126 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Need to support testing multiple projects 2020-10-13
111164 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Select and Commit Multiple Commit Sets at once 2019-09-06
111345 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Suggest items based on user context 2019-09-06
111699 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Support SHIFT-DELETE functionality when deleting resources 2019-09-06
111958 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Option to "semi-maximize" editors tab group to editors area 2019-09-06
112282 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- Expand content in XML editor graph view 2013-07-18
112340 WTP Java jst.j2ee ccc NEW --- [j2ee properties] Unable to change the 'main-class' attribute of a J2EE App Client project 2008-10-02
112549 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Commit] Option to synchronize and commit using only explicit CVS added resources 2019-09-06
112556 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] 'Stop JUnit test run' does not terminate the VM immediatelly 2024-05-02
112728 WTP Sour wst.xml NEW --- [editor] Add Template for CDATA section 2016-01-27
112814 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Connection] Need a "Skip" button on the password required dialog 2019-09-06
112882 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] open on function should tie into hyperlink navigation framework 2010-07-20
112915 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Remove TextEditor dependency from RevertToSavedAction 2019-09-06
112948 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox ASSI --- [console] Make the console ANSI compliant 2022-06-30
112956 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] [RCP] Support perspective categories 2019-09-06
112970 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Support 'disconnected' XML development mode 2009-09-02
112999 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up][code style] Refactoring to remove/add all fully qualified type names 2013-11-19
113014 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Formatter option for no newline in enum declaration 2016-01-14
113029 Data Too SQLDevTo bfitzpat NEW --- Insert JDBC code in Java files from existing DB connections 2013-08-01
113103 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] WSDLSelectionManager can be replaced by base's ISelectionProvider 2010-07-20
113629 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] CVS-History for packages 2019-09-06
113640 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] [ViewMgmt] View tab text label cannot be hidden 2019-09-06
113658 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] [Zip Export APIs need to be public 2019-09-06
113662 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Commands] Error tagging project in cvs: CVSROOT/Emptydir permissions problem 2019-09-06
113858 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Cell editor remains active when task deleted 2019-09-06
113907 WTP Webs website NEW --- [tutorial] bug in tutorial Building a School Schedule Web Application 2009-03-12
114195 GMF-Tool Core tikhomirov.artem NEW --- [req] Provide a set of jumpstart templates 2010-07-19
114206 GMF-Tool Core dimzzy NEW --- [req] Generate skeleton test cases for diagrams 2010-07-19
114209 GMF-Tool Core gmf.generation-inbox NEW --- [req] Generate with builders 2010-07-19
114225 GMF-Tool Core gmf.generation-inbox NEW --- [req] Support filtered views 2010-07-19
114286 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] TreeViewer caches children of an expanded node 2019-09-06
114454 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [CellEditors] ColorCellEditor should put the color dialog in a better position 2019-09-24
114517 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Create patch and Selection rooted patches 2019-09-06
114660 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] Add automatic support for table sorting in both directions 2019-09-06
114686 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [code templates] The Javadoc of autogenerated get/set method should use the Javadoc of the field 2009-06-15
114738 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Model API] Accomodate models localized to files 2019-09-06
115029 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] allow the user to save some remark comments during creation of a 2019-09-06
115151 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Modules] CVS module definition key -l is ignored 2019-09-06
115245 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] Statefull Areas 2019-09-06
115310 Platform Ant platform-ant-inbox ASSI --- Ant uses Bundle classloader before Ant classloader: Improve UI display of full classpath 2019-09-06
115477 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Refactor: move LogBuilder from ui component 2010-07-20
115808 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Save/Restore Perspective State 2019-09-06
115875 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench]Status bar should be resizable 2019-09-06
115934 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] request: Tree expand/collapse keys 2019-09-06
116084 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [API] Make ChangeSetProvider and friends API 2019-09-06
116138 WTP Comm wst.comm zalapa NEW --- [validation] Excess builders re-added and enabled when already exists and disabled (validationBuilder) 2011-01-19
116220 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] allow a file to be saved in two simultaneous places 2019-09-06
116414 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EFS][Dialogs] Need better file dialog for external EFS file systems 2019-09-06
116489 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [modulecore] More ways to specify external jars 2010-01-28
116641 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Support 'export to CVS' as counterpart to 'import from CVS' 2019-09-06
116659 Platform UI bokowski ASSI --- [DataBinding] partial validation 2019-09-06
116944 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Allow to retry ops in the Error dialog with a 'Retry' button. 2019-09-06
116945 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Actions] 'Compare with Branch or Version' dialog should remember it's selection. 2019-09-06
116955 WTP Webs website NEW --- [website] Expose WTP RSS feeds 2008-01-31
117129 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Plug-in specific new entries should have ... 2019-09-06
117329 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Modules] Can't check out branch on ampersand module 2019-09-06
117515 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Commands] Empty folders not fetched when pruning is off 2019-09-06
117796 WTP Webs website bob.fraser ASSI --- [build] Build pages should not link to SDK/OS specific versions 2007-07-13
117826 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [LinkedResources] Linking to external file via New File action fails and causes other startup problems 2019-09-06
118296 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Pass image descriptor when cloning a perspective 2019-09-06
118446 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Ability to setLabel, setImageDescriptor, setDescription on an existing perspective 2019-09-06
118451 WTP Comm wst.comm wst.common-inbox NEW --- [URI resolver] Support restriction based on facets 2010-03-26
118802 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] [BiDi] Layout of PaneFolder with rtl-oriented contents doesn't work properly. 2019-09-06
118948 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] interactions: Provide ability to link Alt+F4 to Exit 2019-09-06
119493 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [find/replace] incremental find regular expressions 2019-09-06
119660 GMF-Tool Core gmf.generation-inbox NEW --- Add support for ECF generation (shared editors) 2011-08-08
119791 Platform UI djo NEW --- [DataBinding] Need isDirty() and save() 2019-09-06
120388 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Project Close dialog should not show cancel button 2019-09-06
120605 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Expand All needs beter progress 2019-09-06
120613 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Expand All and deferred tree fetching 2019-09-06
120650 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DnD] Drag and Drop does not respect my system settings 2019-09-06
120692 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Bookmarks View needs more spacing on the left hand side 2019-09-06
120708 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] CVS history not shown for unreleased file 2019-09-06
120833 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [RCP] Handler mechanism to store and restore all workbench/dialog settings 2019-09-06
120939 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Merge] Allow specific version merges 2019-09-06
121116 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Connection] Improve error message "Cannot connect to Host" 2019-09-06
121183 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Checkout as workspace 2019-09-06
121184 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] CVS repository information presentation 2019-09-06
121234 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [refactoring] "Introduce xsd:include" refactoring 2010-09-16
121459 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Missing drag&drop in CVS Synchronize view 2019-09-06
121782 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] (C)CCP support in the JFace environment, please? 2019-09-06
121934 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] CVS view times out on projects without tags 2019-09-06
122265 WTP Sour wst.dtd wst.dtd-inbox NEW --- Add a CTRL-Hyperlink feature to jump to child ELEMENTs' type declaration 2013-07-18
122268 WTP Sour wst.dtd wst.dtd-inbox NEW --- Add a "Show Tree Structure" mode to the DTD outline view 2015-09-26
122456 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] adding linked resources at any sublevel in a project 2019-09-06
122463 WTP Comm Snippets wst.common-inbox NEW --- [snippets] Unify Templates and Snippets 2013-07-18
123258 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Future] Local Tags 2019-09-06
123291 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] standalone views with hidden titles have incorrect minimum height 2019-09-06
123295 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] DeferredContentProvider should use a stable sort algorithm 2017-12-14
123729 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] Conversion between array variable declaration styles 2008-07-16
124018 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Workbench][Commands] Shift key makes part switchers sticky 2019-09-06
124069 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] preference page: Show me just keybindings for a given editor 2019-09-06
124098 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] [Import/Export] Importing of existing projects from a different workspace could offer to ignore derived files 2019-09-06
124325 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Creating a CVS EFS project adds a duplicate entry to the repo view 2019-09-06
124331 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] Do an automatic refresh before Team Update 2019-09-06
124482 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [SSH2] Dialogs that warn of creation of .ssh files are excessive and confusing 2019-09-06
124512 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [RCP] Move TextActionHandler out of IDE 2019-09-06
124796 WTP Java jst.serv dariog NEW --- [refactoring] moving a servlet is not reflected in web.xml 2015-02-24
124807 WTP Sour wst.css NEW --- CSS source needs batch and as you type validation 2010-07-28
124911 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [validation] WSDL delegate validator does not underline WSDL errors 2010-07-20
125000 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Custom Perspectives Can't Be Deployed With RCP 2012-08-23
125066 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Model Sync] Clean up content caching operations 2019-09-06
125597 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] ampersand character interpreted incorrectly (mnemonic) in Job's dialog (at least not consistent) 2019-09-06
125709 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow Tips and Tricks categories 2018-04-29
125805 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Additional filtering criteria for CVS commits 2019-09-06
125825 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Camel case in case conversion 2019-02-05
125957 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DnD] Hooking a Drop event that falls on the Java Editor 2019-09-06
126121 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox NEW --- Parallelize Java build process 2020-06-04
126387 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] WorkbenchSessionTest leaves files on disk 2019-09-06
126609 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [CVS] Export Preferences - CVS Repositories - Custom Label not saved 2019-09-06
126695 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [CellEditors] Text shifted up by one pixel when entering CellEditor 2019-09-06
126850 Java Ser UI raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- New JSF-JSP Page Wizard 2010-02-25
126934 WTP Sour wst.html wst.html-inbox NEW --- [validation] HTML 4.01 Traditional validator does not follow doctype 2013-06-19
126949 Java Ser JSF Tool gerry.kessler NEW --- Refactor 2008-02-06
126951 Java Ser JSF Tool raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- JSF Search Page 2008-02-07
126975 Platform UI bokowski ASSI --- [DataBinding] Defined Rules Needed When Firing Change Events 2019-06-25
127003 WTP Comm wst.comm shr31223 NEW --- [project creation] Odd default button behavior on project wizard 2011-01-19
127224 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- WS-I warnings when opening complex WSDL - wrong alarm 2010-07-20
127347 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Test case fails in new build environment 2010-07-20
127710 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DnD] [Progress] sash under half-busy cursor works but does not show the arrow 2019-09-06
127714 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [ValidateEdit] Give repository providers complete description of change on validateEdit 2019-09-06
127901 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] Need test for AbstractTreeViewer#insert 2019-09-06
128022 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up][J2SE50] use static imports for accessing static members: 2021-02-03
128065 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] API to query what views/parts exist in a perspective by default 2019-09-06
128091 Java Ser JSF Tool ian.trimble NEW --- need programmatic enhancement for plugin-provided JSF libraries 2008-09-05
128296 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [RCP] If one perspective has a cool bar, others that don't are affected by it. 2019-09-06
128385 Platform UI bokowski ASSI --- [DataBinding] Debug bindings 2019-09-06
128411 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [RCP] Allow size of recently opened files list to be changed 2019-09-06
128626 Dali JPA General neil.hauge NEW --- Changes are not undoable in a single "step" 2008-11-10
128661 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [content assist][organize imports] Completion on type in javadoc formal references should not add import 2018-04-05
128988 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] The progress dialog box is not visible during startup if cancel is enabled 2019-09-06
129132 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] preferences for saving-before-build should offer Always, Prompt and Never 2019-09-06
129278 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Support for GNU Global (alternative CTags indexer) 2020-09-04
129453 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] add unimplemented methods should add compatible throws clause 2012-06-11
129543 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- Nice Netbeans 5.5 preview features 2010-09-16
129597 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] [Commands] Share the handler when reading a legacy pulldown action 2019-09-06
129602 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] handlers: Handle state changes in CommandLegacyActionWrapper 2019-09-06
129603 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] help: Support help listeners on CommandLegacyActionWrapper 2019-09-06
129702 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] WSDLMultiPageEditorPart confuses adapter factories 2010-07-20
129917 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Preferences UI issues 2019-09-06
129965 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Patch] Automatic CRLF detection needed 2019-09-06
130214 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] should have more detailed progress for large file import/export 2019-09-06
130801 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Contributions] Add setMenuText() to MenManager 2019-09-06
130888 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] remove unnecessary modifiers (public static final abstract) 2015-03-13
131122 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Make view borders "snap" to each other when dragging 2019-09-06
131125 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Keybindings] Shoud accept Ctrl-[ as ESC for Emacs scheme 2019-09-06
131395 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] Do not allow XSD files to be imported in wsdl:import statements when WS-I compliance is set to suggest or require 2010-07-20
131631 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Keybindings] Keybindings window need a filter 2019-09-06
131753 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] Eclipse should help resolve mnemonic conflicts 2019-09-06
131788 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync Info] CVS unmaps project when project directory is missing 2019-09-06
131820 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] IWorkbenchPage doesn't provide openEditor(EditorInput, editorId, activate, matchFlags) 2019-09-06
132440 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [quickfix] Quickfixes for WSDL validation errors 2010-07-20
132466 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [editor] BIDI3.2: [HCG] Can't define element of simple/complex type with NL name in schema with NL name 2010-09-16
133205 WTP Webs NEW --- Eclipse WTP does not support the J2EE 1.4 standard for Web Services Creation 2009-02-25
133389 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History] Consolidate Restore From Repository and Restore from Local History 2019-09-06
133505 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Refactor CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy to update connections without domain element associated 2014-02-12
133644 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-triaged NEW --- [validation] JSP Validator does not provide proper progress 2013-06-19
133698 WTP Sour wst.sse wst.sse-inbox NEW --- [dnd] Drag and drop file from navigator to editor inserts relative file path 2013-06-19
134274 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Wrong application window gets focus after "Tag as Version..." 2019-09-06
134475 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] User-oriented date formats in history view 2019-09-06
134821 Dali JPA Framewor neil.hauge NEW --- DDL and Entity generation at project level is too high 2007-04-05
134918 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Add "switch to perspective" feature 2019-09-06
135171 WTP Sour wst.sse wst.sse-inbox NEW --- Ability to extract strings to resource bundle 2013-07-18
135200 CDT cdt-buil cdt-core-inbox ASSI --- [Help Wanted] Request for error parser for Sun compiler 2020-09-04
135485 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- There should be a way to specify a schema through the UI. 2013-07-18
135595 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] unecessary accesses to preferences 2019-09-06
135635 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync Info] Package explorer incorrectly shows cvs files on linux FAT32 partition 2019-09-06
135740 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Not possible to use IViewerLabelProvider with DecoratingLabelProvider 2019-09-06
136568 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] possibilty to remove implicit viewer listeners 2019-09-06
137075 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Encoding change lost if connection info changed 2019-09-06
137076 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Prompted that location has changed and encoding change lost 2019-09-06
137086 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [project explorer] Add link with editor using logical hierarchy meta model object 2010-01-28
137092 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- WS-I WSDL validator does not support recyprical or self imports 2010-07-20
137593 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged REOP --- [WorkbenchParts] org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart#setPartName(String) doesn't refresh the tab text 2020-08-04
137610 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] when restart is called twice Workbench should assert an error 2019-09-06
137763 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged ASSI --- Refactor WS-I analyzer to remove hardcoded artifact types 2010-07-20
137822 WTP Serv jst.serv larryisaacs REOP --- Tomcat: launchTomcat server from Run/debug dialog throws error 2017-10-11
138396 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Adding an entry to the Tasks View should select it 2019-09-06
138583 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [API] Common Team Repository browser view 2019-09-06
138622 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- [Metadata Conversion] Convert annotated JPA meta data to orm.xml 2013-09-04
138709 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [CellEditors] CellEditorActionHandler doesn't mirror all action state 2019-09-06
139368 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] ColorSelector does not support null 2012-08-27
139584 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Share] Sharing wizard runs commit in background 2019-09-06
139758 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] Revisit inline schema editor design 2010-07-20
139796 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] History view should reveal revision on click in QuickDiff annotation ruler 2019-09-06
139824 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Open mementos to work with other persistence solutions than XML 2019-09-06
140065 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] Open up DeleteResourceAction for subclasses 2019-09-06
140311 WTP Sour jst.jsp NEW --- [preferences] JSP Source preferences should have a link to CSS preferences 2013-06-19
140766 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][null][enh] save null queries upon flow info 2020-06-10
141006 GMF-Tool Core borlander NEW --- Support link decorations other than based on Polyline/Polygon 2010-07-19
141072 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- Allow Dynamic Web Project wizard to take parameters for its default settings. 2011-05-20
141391 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Check Out from CVS wizard ignores repository selection changes 2019-09-06
141834 WTP Webs mahutch NEW --- Web Service Publication page mentions a uddi test registry which doesnt exist 2009-10-08
141898 WTP Sour wst.sse wst.sse-inbox NEW --- Consider using retargettable enable/disable breakpoint action in SSE Editor 2013-07-18
142422 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- When refactor rename is used on a class, update references in dependent plugins 2016-09-10
142586 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Merge] Refresh Tags button in merge dialog doesn't revalidate 2019-09-06
142641 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] Remove unused wrapper objects generated/added by the editor 2013-07-29
142788 Java Ser Core gerry.kessler NEW --- Improve experience of adding JSF facet to existing project 2008-02-06
142790 Java Ser Core debajit.adhikary NEW --- JSF App Detection 2008-04-01
142899 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [sort members] More intelligent grouping when sorting members 2018-08-16
143055 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [validation] Missing facets for dynamic web project trigger NPE at at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.web.validation.WarHelper.loadWarFile( 2008-09-24
143217 GMF-Tool Core gmf.devtools-inbox NEW --- [GMFGraph] Reverse-engineer GEF figure into GMFGraph primitive instances 2010-07-19
143712 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [Graphical Editor] No way to specify include or import location in the XSD design editor 2010-09-16
143737 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] Provide for specifying the namespace in the New element dialog 2010-07-20
143738 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [refactoring] Refactor option on entire document should refactor the document in abstract/concrete documents 2010-07-20
144098 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [CellEditors] Cannot Activate Cell Editor With Keyboard 2019-09-06
144510 WTP Webs ericdp NEW --- Ant task should reuse mappings from widget binding 2010-06-10
144642 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] Allow users to create their own refactoring, extend existing ones 2020-06-18
144898 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Browsing projects without proper permissions needs better handling 2019-09-06
145073 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [j2ee properties] Should be possible to "Migrate J2EE Dependency" 2010-01-28
145079 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] Provide a refresh all command 2019-09-06
145169 Java Ser UI ian.trimble NEW --- support a way to auto arange a navigation rules diagram 2008-02-07
145288 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- [limitation]:Bundle localization not supported 2010-12-30
145376 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [import/export] J2EE archive export customization needed 2011-05-20
145722 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Need a way to filter out the resources in the list/tree in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardExportResourcesPage 2019-09-06
145754 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [encoding] Need encoding error detection for text load 2019-09-06
145885 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Watch/Edit] Error after renaming a folder in a project with watch/edit enabled 2019-09-06
146190 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [XML Catalog] Allow listeners to detect "catalog has changed" 2013-06-19
146447 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Generate DAOs 2011-07-01
146451 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Detect existing entities when generating new entities from schema 2011-07-01
146521 Java Ser Core raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- Porting jsf library reference across hosts 2008-02-07
146705 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- [servlets] WebDeployableArtifactUtil doesn't handle servlets without URL mapping 2008-09-04
146921 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- [limitation]: Java instance objects cannot be fully populated with design time map info 2008-01-14
147098 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- Maintain relationship between included JSPs or JSP and JSPF 2013-06-19
147113 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- [tests] Create a JUnit testcase to stress test deadlocks/multi-threading/etc 2013-07-18
147536 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [import/export] create an export target to create an ANT Build File for packaging the web application, or enterprise application, or ... 2014-07-02
147723 WTP Comm Snippets wst.common-inbox NEW --- [snippets] Support mandatory variables for Snippets 2013-07-18
147788 WTP Comm Snippets wst.common-inbox NEW --- [snippets] Parameterized snippets does not insert in SUSE Linux 2013-07-18
148085 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] - Need common status message presentation in different dialogs 2019-09-06
148382 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] Leave multi page editor with Control-Page Up/Down 2019-09-06
148825 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] Cheat sheet is missing Ctrl-C support 2022-09-01
148844 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Overloaded method requires clients to add plug-in dependency 2023-12-13
148899 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] Refactorings to downgrade Java 5 source 2010-11-04
149000 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [CommonNavigator] Selection and expansion state should be persisted between sessions 2012-08-13
149123 Target M RSE dmcknigh NEW --- [dstore][api] Hanging connect cannot be canceled (or takes very long to cancel) 2012-05-22
149255 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Support implicit TLDs by project 2013-06-19
149349 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Way to "highlight" a Workspace configuration. 2019-09-06
149443 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Importing source files without a project could be more helpful 2019-09-06
149447 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] No mixed mode disassembly when debugging MIPS32 code 2020-09-04
149497 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- Should support f:selectItems validation of value 2008-04-14
149674 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.5][select] IMethod and Javadoc missing for implicit enum methods values() and valueOf(String) 2022-06-10
149719 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [MPE] Allow tab style changes to MultiPageEditorPart 2015-01-21
149732 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Operations] If problem encountered on cvs update - everything aborted. 2019-09-06
149772 WTP Comm Snippets wst.common-inbox NEW --- [snippets] Parameterized snippets does not insert in Redhat Linux 2013-07-18
149825 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Add error parser for Solaris CC compiler 2020-09-04
150302 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Misc] Create working sets for each repository provider 2019-09-06
150328 Java Ser Core NEW --- Auto-complete for the map brace syntax 2011-03-15
150408 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Unable to update links to/form inner elements correctly using CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy 2010-07-19
150564 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [QuickDiff] During CVS annotation, highlighting lines in the file should highlight lines in the annotation 2019-09-06
150665 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Allow Team Project Sets to contain projects checked out against a date 2019-09-06
150806 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] Allow user to filter tasks displayed by the progress indicator. 2019-09-06
150842 Java Ser Core gerry.kessler NEW --- Validate the value atttibute of the h:selectMany* tags 2008-04-04
151058 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [Graphical Editor] Please re-introduce a tree view for the schema editor 2010-09-16
151175 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- [limitation]: Design time method resolver does not handle method overloading 2008-02-06
151179 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- ENHANCEMENT: Validate arguments in load bundle messages 2008-02-06
151218 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [spell checking] Support for user defined ignore expressions on spell checker 2007-06-22
151313 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Facility to disable tab close hotspots pre tabfolder group basis per perspective 2019-09-06
151419 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Allow variables in commit comment templates 2019-09-06
151469 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] StringFieldEditor claims to allow subclassing, but prevents it 2013-09-24
151573 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [properties] Enhance editing in the Documentation field 2010-07-20
151601 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Enhance "Resource Exists" dialog 2019-09-06
151703 Java Ser JSF Tool cameron.bateman NEW --- Enable "free" usage of EL completion 2010-12-17
151715 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Allow More Programmer Control over Perspective Layout 2019-09-06
151856 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Maximize functionality on tab click 2019-09-06
152048 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [validation] Preference to add custom tag for html validation 2013-06-19
152110 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [key binding] Provide command for double-click strategy 2019-09-06
152165 GMF-Tool Core gmf.generation-inbox REOP --- One modeler for more than one root element 2010-07-19
152186 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Allow importing of team project sets right from Repository Exploring view 2019-09-06
152205 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Closing and reopening a resets the perspective 2019-09-06
152223 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- FacesConfig Editor - Property sheet not available from Source page 2008-02-06
152225 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- FacesConfig Editor - Attribute Property cell editors incorrect 2008-04-01
152362 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [save actions][clean up] remove declared exceptions 2013-03-28
152373 EMF XSD Ed.Merks NEW --- XSD2Ecore Enhancements 2023-01-12
152620 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- [validation] [content model] "missing end tag" : WTP seems validate HTML and JSP tags at the same level 2013-07-18
152754 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Infinite loop at BP2202 when validating WSDLs with cross imports 2010-07-20
152758 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- Important changes for Faces 1.2 2008-04-15
152767 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] ASCII/BINARY change panel is slow 2019-09-06
152924 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Decorator s should move to common expression 2019-09-06
153023 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Expose flexible bundle root location in bundle creation wizards 2018-02-08
153031 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Preferences] Team:Ignored Resources Preference also as project specific setting 2013-10-29
153269 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Uncomment Java doc comments containing pre tags 2007-06-22
153625 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [JFace] Action class needs setData/getData API 2019-09-06
153706 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Empty folder not shown unless it is a source folder 2019-09-06
153791 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [RCP] Support for a dedicated periphery area of the window 2019-09-06
154202 GMF-Tool Core tikhomirov.artem NEW --- headless support for gmf code generation 2012-10-29
154425 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Should support import to root (/) again 2019-09-06
154576 Java Ser Core gerry.kessler NEW --- JSFFacetInstallDelegate should add the JSF application config-params to the web.xml 2008-04-04
154860 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [editor] Scrollbar does not page down 2010-09-16
154954 Java Ser Core raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- Suggestions for improving JSF Tools Platform 2008-02-07
155193 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- Better tooltip documentation for xml elements 2013-07-18
155379 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Problems view redefinable default action depending on marker type 2012-06-28
155395 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [JFace] Filename input control 2019-09-06
155407 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Import Team Project set UI should provide a list of existing projects 2019-09-06
155414 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Add project to existing PSF file by drag/drop 2019-09-06
155479 Platform Runtime platform-runtime-inbox ASSI --- [Jobs] Job Progress Dialog should allow disabling of cancel button 2016-05-03
155664 WTP Sour jst.jsp NEW --- Validate JSPF fragments based on context 2013-06-19
155669 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Javadoc view to handle custom tags 2010-05-05
155697 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged ASSI --- [performance] The WS-I validator should reuse the WSDL model created by the WSDL validator 2010-07-20
156129 WTP Java jst.j2ee ccc NEW --- [j2ee properties] Empty implemented "Web App Libraries -> Configure..." dialog box 2011-05-13
156334 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Proposal for some changes in WizardExportResourcesPage 2019-09-06
156874 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [comments] More flexibility with handling trailing and/or leading comments needed. 2007-06-21
157007 WTP Sour wst.html david_williams NEW --- Unicode pages cleanup 2011-09-21
157008 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Modules] CVS modules -a doesnt work 2019-09-06
157041 WTP Comm wst.comm cbridgha NEW --- [emfWorkbench] Request interface for Translator 2007-11-29
157053 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Mapping] Add transaction like support to model merge (e.g. commit or rollback) 2019-09-06
157129 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [UX] [Workbench] Editors should have a general link to views like Show In 2019-09-06
157198 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] export / import should merge wizards 2019-09-06
157212 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [jar exporter] Provide Java web start deployment mechanism 2008-08-07
157233 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- [JSF 1.2] Faces-config editor needs to be updated to respond to EMF model changes for JSF 1.2 2009-01-02
157266 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox ASSI --- [Content Type] ContentDescriptionManager: want you to implement cache mechanism for performance 2019-09-06
157407 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [API Request] Add some sort of support API (hooks?) in html editor to support custom tags in html 2011-09-21
157524 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Unable to run all of the assertions 2010-07-20
157617 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] 'Change Sharing' should be possible on multiple projects 2019-09-06
157661 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Synchronize view should turn off redraw when toggling filter mode 2019-09-06
157808 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] JFace library has two independent collections to get an accelerator text for a Menu contribution item 2019-09-06
157937 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- update to WS-I website causes JUnit failure 2010-07-20
158050 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- [xdoclet] Would like public API to determine if project has webdoclet enabled for the deployment descriptor 2008-09-04
158208 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Cancelling restart of workbench does not reset presentation 2019-09-06
158576 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Derived files should be decorated distinctively 2019-09-06
158716 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Pull Scripting support into platform 2019-09-06
158834 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [search] Search for occurences should ignore brackets 2013-06-19
158910 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GTK/Linux] Support switching tabs by mousewheel scrolling w/ Gtk 2019-09-06
158933 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- [j2ee properties] Simplify build path management 2010-01-28
159085 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] refactor support for expression language inside jsp / jstl 2013-07-18
159164 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- Execute a single shell command on multiple servers 2007-05-10
159237 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox NEW --- CVS Checkouts require the workspace rule and hence block operations on other projects 2019-09-06
159246 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] CVS Properties page doesn't do the "Restore Defaults" in the right way. 2019-09-06
159281 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Annotate] Quick-Diff does not allow to go to the version shown in popup box 2019-09-06
159627 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- synchronize view shows transient conflict decorations during update 2019-09-06
159740 WTP Serv jst.serv gorkem.ercan NEW --- ExternalServerBehaviour for external servers on localhost which are already running 2007-12-16
159899 MDT.UML2 Core camle NEW --- Some UML strings not translated 2007-08-24
160094 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Better window resizing when 3 windows are visible in a frame 2019-09-06
160163 WTP Java jst.j2ee ccc NEW --- [j2ee] No source/javadoc attachments for J2EE Module Dependencies 2011-05-20
160220 WTP Serv jst.serv sinan.konya NEW --- WebSphere 6.1 server plugin 2011-08-16
160320 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- [ssh] Remote search is not working for ssh 2015-09-09
160567 WTP Comm wst.comm ccc NEW --- [emfWorkbench] Translator framework does not support namespace prefixes 2009-07-14
160960 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] org.eclipse.ui.ide.internal.LinkedResourceDecorator always decorates links referencing non-local IFileStore URI with warning decoration 2019-09-06
161292 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [SSH2] extssh -- Error fetching resource list from repository (CVS on Solaris 9) 2019-09-06
161318 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History] Problems with the new file history API 2019-09-06
161437 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- Fix referential integrity when deleting types 2010-09-16
161455 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [extensions] Required elements in the content model of a newly added element in the extensions view should also be added 2010-09-16
161542 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Commands] The CVS commitinfo only display in the CVS Console 2019-09-06
161753 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Wrong result after a file system import. 2019-09-06
161783 Web Tool document larinac NEW --- expand doc to include info on less rudimentary functions 2007-08-23
162158 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- [enhancement] EL scoping 2008-04-14
162409 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Add an option to Export dialog to filter exported files by creation / modification date 2019-09-06
162465 WTP Java jst.j2ee ccc NEW --- [j2ee] Support wildcards for runtime types in extension points 2010-11-04
162502 Communit UI Guide ui.guidelines-inbox NEW --- [Field Assist] - SDK adoption of local field error and warning indicators 2024-04-15
163021 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- [jspcss] cannot specify expression language with Properties view for content type css jsp file. 2013-07-18
163365 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] problem methods can throw java.lang.VerifyError at runtime 2023-06-21
163439 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Import Team Project Set should provide ability to specify project location 2019-09-06
163494 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Delete project should consolidate questions 2019-09-06
163722 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Keybindings] Profile based key bindings 2019-09-06
163890 Java Ser Core raghunathan.srinivasan REOP --- Validating large, complex JSP pegs CPU and takes several minutes 2010-06-11
163926 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] preview of overview file in Javadoc view 2012-12-19
164122 WTP Java jst.j2ee shr31223 REOP --- Problems with Utility jars imported as linked jars 2013-03-07
164313 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Opening of projects should support implicit references 2019-09-06
164315 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] AssertionFailedException while doing update in model-based synchronization with change sets 2019-09-06
164455 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Properties] Provide tab on properties view for CVS resources 2019-09-06
164617 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor][outline] Support imports of files with extensions other than wsdl or xsd 2010-07-20
164692 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Tasks View/List should provide a comment field and be "attachable" to specific projects 2019-09-06
164832 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] break up multiple variable declarations 2008-07-16
164957 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [content model] XHTML editor to allow various content models for namespaces 2013-07-18
165163 Platform UI francisu NEW --- [Navigator] Add "open command-shell here" on a folder in Navigator view 2019-09-06
165299 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [SSH] Message from Jsch requires monospace font 2019-09-06
165480 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Make projects relocateable by using relative paths 2019-09-06
165659 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [content model] Reload dependencies does not work 2013-06-19
166150 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [terminal] Terminal does not enable global edit menu actions for Cut, Copy, Paste, SelectAll 2020-09-04
166152 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] Make key assist a real window. 2019-09-06
166335 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Commit Wizard - Add Files - Option to set content type of multiple files at once. 2019-09-06
166341 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Project specific linked resources definitions 2019-09-06
166373 WTP Serv jst.serv gorkem.ercan NEW --- Need an extension point to customizing behavior in PingThread. 2007-12-16
166380 WTP Serv jst.serv gorkem.ercan NEW --- Support "runtime=false" in org.eclipse.wst.server.core.serverTypes ext-pt 2007-12-16
166501 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Perspectives] Need to be able to edit perspectives before opening them 2019-09-06
167194 Java Ser UI cameron.bateman NEW --- [enhancement] Faces-Config editor should allow New Class wizards 2008-02-06
167248 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] ElementListSelectionDialog should support partial name filtering 2019-09-06
167286 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Add Retry (button) to 'Committing resources' error dialog 2019-09-06
167425 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] JFace dialog shows incorrect size 2019-09-06
167499 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- [limitation]Faces config editor mishandles descriptionGroup elements in navigation-rule 2008-04-04
167548 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- Faces config editor does not initialize components, converters and validators properly 2008-04-25
167921 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- [faces-config editor] Allows user to create invalid properties, attributes and facets 2008-04-25
167984 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- [faces-config editor] Does not enforce constraints on inputs 2008-04-15
168027 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Workbench] Error dialog with duplicated messages if view could not be restored 2019-09-06
168081 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] Show actual progress in view icon 2019-09-06
168106 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EFS] PathVariableSelectionDialog doesn't suport URI 2019-09-06
168109 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] tab versus indentation, and line wrapping 2016-01-14
168769 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Adding support for a generic message manager 2019-09-06
168937 WTP Webs samindaw NEW --- Axis2: Support import of AAR 2010-06-10
168938 WTP Webs samindaw NEW --- Axis2: Support the export of AAR 2010-06-10
168953 Java Ser Core debajit.adhikary NEW --- Faces-config model extension loses data on write 2008-04-14
169117 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Add to Synchronize view ability so see CVS editors 2019-09-06
169140 z_Archiv ERCP ercp.ecore-inbox NEW --- [docs] Include info on why you should use eRCP over other things 2021-07-15
169169 GMF-Tool Core gmf.generation-inbox NEW --- StructureBuilder cannot handle multiple packages/resources 2010-07-19
169384 WTP Sour wst.sse wst.sse-inbox NEW --- [DnD] Dragging image file to editor should insert corresponding tag 2013-07-18
169409 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] "Consult Change Sets" dialog should be included in commit dialog 2019-09-06
169439 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [Apply Patch] Use faded font to identify excluded resources 2019-09-06
170189 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Paste should replace "&" by "&amp;" 2016-01-27
170196 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Open Resource shows content .svn directories 2019-09-06
170305 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] new extension points for commit operation 2019-09-06
170437 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Model Sync] Coloring of changed packages, classes and methods 2019-09-06
170473 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Eclipse cannot import archives it exports! 2019-09-06
170626 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Commands] Close window menu option and keybinding 2019-09-06
170769 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Negative progress on synchronization 2019-09-06
170771 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync Info] Invalid state of file in CVS after paste over existing file 2019-09-06
170825 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Repo view should auto-refresh on commit 2019-09-06
171034 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- Print/Save/Export search results 2012-09-05
171378 GMF-Tool Core gmf.templates-inbox NEW --- Add diagram elements to 'Add' diagram context submenu 2010-07-19
171714 Equinox Security NEW --- [sec] Provide common UI for managing identity info stored in the platform keyring 2019-09-06
171730 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- [faces-config editor] Saves source file three times for each Save action 2016-03-31
172059 WTP Webs NEW --- Need way to create pure Java project from the wizard 2009-10-08
172386 WTP Sour wst.sse sarika.sinha ASSI --- [highlighting] Syntax highlighting needs more Content types 2013-06-19
172401 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- Detail formatter value not shown in label of subtype 2023-09-28
172595 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [search] Feature proposal: Identify all unused classes, methods etc within project/package 2018-10-20
173002 Java Ser UI cameron.bateman NEW --- [WPE] Component drop tool is not escapable once dragged over the SSE 2010-02-20
173212 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [Actions] Compare vs source files/compressed archives. 2019-09-06
173277 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Generating Entities option: set selected schema in orm.xml 2011-07-01
173305 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] [Mac] Option to switch placement of editor close and file type 2019-09-06
173513 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Entity Generation wizard - select primary key 2011-07-01
173517 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- entity generation - generate additional useful constructor 2011-07-01
173607 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Net] Utils for responsive network I/O should be pushed down 2019-09-06
173698 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- [WPE] Property view in Visual Page Designer has issues with the tag selector drop-down.. 2010-02-20
173731 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- Navigation page of Faces Config. Editor should support adding new pages 2009-03-20
173735 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Better tab layout on java editor 2019-09-06
173768 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- [faces-config ui] Managed bean text labels are invalid 2008-04-14
174203 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] WSDL editor do not display types declared in imported WSDL file 2010-07-20
174223 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] PreferencesUtil.createPreferenceDialogOn should allow to display tree of nodes 2019-09-06
174926 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Rename project should update external location 2019-09-06
175177 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Allow extension of Entity Generation inside Dali framework 2011-10-06
175344 Target M RSE ddykstal.eclipse NEW --- [usability] Data in Remote Resource Property Pages doesnt allow Copy&Paste 2011-04-04
175715 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Meaning of decorators not always apparent and hard to discover 2019-09-06
175855 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- WSDL validation message references R2119 2010-07-20
175858 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Ordering of fields generated in Entities should be consistent with database 2011-07-01
176012 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- TextActionHandler refuses work with Toolbar 2019-09-06
176393 WTP Comm wst.comm ccc NEW --- [emfWorkbench] Translator framework does not support dependency objects in collections 2008-11-12
176469 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] Full screen editor and search/file forward/backward 2019-09-06
176852 WTP Comm wst.comm ccc NEW --- Translator frameworkd does not support mixed content 2008-11-12
176860 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] CVS Checkout and create Java Project from Existing Ant build file 2019-09-06
176887 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [find/replace] Provide Find/Replace in a ViewPart 2019-09-06
177024 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [DataBinding] Investigate Swing Usage 2019-09-06
177299 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- Cryptic error message from Eclipse CVS integration when CVS is absent on remote server 2019-09-06
177435 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [nls tooling] Allow Externalize Strings Accessor class that is not in source folder 2007-09-14
178061 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Standard library in Sun C++ compilers messes up CDT parser/indexer 2020-09-04
178071 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [hovering] Allow to configure Javadoc provider (attached Javadoc or attached source) 2011-12-15
178143 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Need a way to launch the Dali wizard using programmatically using API 2011-07-01
178254 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] quick fixes for null-related problems 2013-04-20
178319 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Expanded change set gets collapsed after update 2019-09-06
178429 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [save actions] Save action should execute a clean up wizard based on a existing profile 2022-02-08
178502 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [formatter] DBCS3.5: DBCS comment length issue 2022-11-28
178813 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] -perspective command line argument causes two perspectives to be opened 2019-09-06
179160 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] Refactoring: merge interfaces 2010-11-04
179198 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [content model] XML Generation from Schema doesn't respect SimpleType restrictions 2010-09-16
179453 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] visual support for multiple versions (projects) in the same workspace 2019-09-06
179568 WTP Comm wst.comm ccc NEW --- Translator framework does not reload model when changing the root node of XML file 2008-11-12
179924 Platform Team ymnk ASSI --- [SSH2] SSH connection should respect ssh-agent in publickey authentication 2019-04-11
180141 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox NEW --- Content Assist: no support for Doxygen & Co 2020-09-04
180349 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Remove trailing spaces as an option while saving files 2020-10-16
180935 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences][Themes] Color and font settings need a contributed area 2019-09-06
181192 Platform Runtime platform-runtime-inbox NEW --- Create a post mortem analyser to track floating ClassLoaders 2019-09-06
181574 Java Ser JSF Tool ian.trimble NEW --- DBCS3.3: baseline truncation in design view of page editor on Vista 2008-04-16
181647 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Problems view does not properly process ResourceMapping 2019-09-06
181866 Java Ser JSF Tool gerry.kessler NEW --- Provide user preference to display tags by tag name or display label 2008-02-06
181958 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- Provide user preference on tag sorting in palette 2008-04-01
182010 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [javadoc] warning visiblity should distinguish members and methods 2016-01-14
182149 Platform Ant platform-ant-inbox ASSI --- Error occurred when running J2EE Ant tasks in eclipse 3.x 2019-09-06
182223 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- JSF FacesConfig UI preference page shows no default Label Placement value 2008-02-06
182235 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- JSF Facets requires an icon 2008-04-02
182905 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] IDocument Position vs undo-redo for text 2019-09-06
183272 z_Archiv BIRT Birt-Report-inbox NEW --- Provide tree-based controls with ability to expand/collapse data in a report 2011-10-10
183376 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Label Decorator could be optimized with owner draw 2019-09-06
183396 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [CellEditors] Make DialogCellEditor more easily extensible 2019-09-06
183407 Java Ser JSF Tool ian.trimble NEW --- [WPE] Dropping a tag into source view at an invalid position is inconsistent 2008-02-07
183590 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- "Tail" context option on files 2007-05-09
183684 Java Ser JSF Tool cameron.bateman NEW --- [testing] JSFTestUtils.getAbsolutePath() fails with spaces in path name 2008-04-15
183855 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [WorkbenchParts] ISelectionService should provide method to listen to specific editor 2019-09-06
184619 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] in tabbed dialogs, allow Ctrl-Tab to switch tabs 2019-09-06
184659 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] General > Keys page button layout is incorrect 2019-09-06
184687 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Watch/Edit] Link with Editor on CVS Editors view 2019-09-06
184814 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Allow Export to run in the background. 2019-09-06
185081 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesView] PropertySheetPage - no accessor for field cellEditorActionHandler 2019-09-06
185223 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [Views] Provide a view to display the type hierarchy for an xsd type 2012-10-24
185255 Java Ser UI ian.trimble NEW --- [WPE] Web Page Editor 'Design' mode doesn't layout floating blocks correctly 2010-06-03
185261 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- WTP schema import locations should be case sensitive 2011-02-25
185525 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [syntax highlighting] - Method linkage seperation 2007-05-04
185721 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted][UI] [Wizards] Source/Header file/Class wizard missing title + non-eclipse behavior 2020-09-04
185799 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Synchronize view: 'Add To > change set' should select change or change set 2019-09-06
185921 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- Add Platform/Team WebDAV connector to RSE 2010-05-06
185926 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [gsoc] Migrate Platform Team/Extras functionality to RSE (FTP, sync, WebDav) 2010-05-06
185997 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] "Refresh Branches" should use FilteredTree 2019-09-06
187063 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] KeyAssistDialog not layed out properly on the Mac 2019-09-06
187243 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [FieldAssist] Flexible field editors needed 2019-09-06
187346 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Copy of files should be done in the background 2019-09-06
187407 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Keybindings] Assign Scroll Lock to Scroll Lock 2019-09-06
188181 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [introduce factory] Remember choices, make easier to use. 2008-12-15
188476 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Presentations] view toolbars flashing on resize 2019-09-06
188708 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Configure newly created working set to be displayed 2019-09-06
188715 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Wizards] Clicking "Back " on the "Check Out As" wizard page results in lost values 2019-09-06
188888 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Scheduled syncs are not triggered until Synchronize view is activated 2019-09-06
188981 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] Refactor refactorings to provide a library on which to build new refactoring 2008-12-26
188982 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] markerResolutions extension point should provide ability to specify regex value for attribute matching 2019-09-06
189522 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Presentations] Outline View looks duplicated for a few seconds before Welcome Page is opened 2019-09-06
189714 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] ViewPreferencePage needs a serious code cleaning 2019-09-06
189739 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] busyCursorWhile with no cancel button 2019-09-06
189870 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Aggregated Working Sets in Refresh Branches dialog 2019-09-06
189875 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Enablement of Finish button on the Refresh Branches dialog 2019-09-06
189908 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Paste Connection should be disabled when there is no connection in the clipboard 2019-09-06
189940 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Transparency: overlay icons obscure too much of main icon 2019-09-06
190164 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Preferences] Editing a global ignore pattern 2019-09-06
190165 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Preferences] Detecting sub- and equal global ignore pattern 2019-09-06
190291 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman REOP --- JSF Semantic Page Validator is not facet sensitive 2008-04-22
190688 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Improve handling of pseudo-conflicts 2019-09-06
191118 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DnD] Dragging a view shows the detached affordance incorrectly on the Mac 2019-09-06
191131 Java Ser UI ian.trimble NEW --- Run on Server on a JSP page in the navigation page of Facec config editor is broken.. 2008-02-07
191493 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- Unable to select into links on config editor without a mouse 2010-06-03
191495 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- Unable to tab to palettte on nav rule page of config editor 2010-04-23
191496 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- Unable to use palette on nav rule faces config editor without mouse 2010-12-09
191500 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- [WPE] Unable to use palette on web page editor design page without mouse 2010-02-21
191544 Java Ser UI gerry.kessler NEW --- [WPE] Home and End keys do not work in Web Page Editor 2010-02-21
191569 Java Ser UI ian.trimble NEW --- [WPE]Images with relative paths don't appear in preview tab 2010-03-31
191716 WTP Comm Faceted fproj-inbox NEW --- [UI] No context sensitive infopop help for facets page 2012-01-03
191828 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] IDE should allow extensions to override the creation of editor input for a file store 2019-09-06
191865 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler] "finally does not complete normally" problems not detected properly in non-trivial cases 2022-06-19
192565 Java Ser UI cameron.bateman NEW --- Preference pages want empty space 2008-04-14
192767 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- It would be great if you could do a file search on any file system directory (non-workspace) 2014-03-21
192779 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [api] Push down CommitterColours to Team or Text 2020-02-20
192831 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [DND] New SWT Drag'n'Drop API should provide bounds of target item 2017-07-28
192942 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Edit Change Set... should be bound to File > Rename... (F2) 2019-09-06
193975 GMF-Tool Core tikhomirov.artem NEW --- Show list of stale resources after generation 2010-07-19
194027 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [ErrorHandling] Configuration of the error part 2019-09-06
194113 WTP Comm wst.comm wst.common-inbox NEW --- Integrate With PDE 2009-05-06
194117 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Decoration Support Needed for Part Title and Part Image 2019-09-06
194162 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [JFace] [Preferences] implement DateFieldEditor 2019-09-06
194473 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [telnet] Telnet should handle invalid prompt character more gracefully 2012-11-19
194669 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [Templates] Add more templates around the new command/menu framework 2014-04-11
194920 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- No validation of uplevel DDs 2008-05-22
195063 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [api][clean up] Add Clean Up on Save (push down from JDT Text) 2021-09-23
195170 Target M RSE NEW --- Support for SSH port forwarding (tunnelling) 2013-06-19
195297 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] Expandable Wizard Page Banner Area? 2019-09-06
195388 WTP Comm wst.comm wst.common-inbox NEW --- Mylyn Bridge 2010-03-26
195473 z_Archiv BIRT zqian NEW --- Date / Time Picker for entering report parameter of type date, time, datetime 2013-03-12
195548 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] ProjectLocationSelectionDialog allows invalid path 2019-09-06
195757 JDT Core jdt-core-triaged REOP --- Missing redundant null check in if condition through ternary operator 2023-05-18
195855 Data Too Table Da dtp.enablement-inbox NEW --- Can't support MySQL UNSIGNED data type 2008-10-09
195903 Dali JPA JPA danny.ju NEW --- Entity Generation - table with auto_increment ID does not generate @GeneratedValue annotation 2011-07-01
195988 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [validation] xsi:Schemalocation not marked as error when specified schema can't be found 2013-06-19
195996 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [highlighting] Custom highlighting of XML namespace prefixes 2013-07-18
196176 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [DND] Need API for deferred transfer of remote files to Windows Explorer through drag&drop 2017-06-30
196271 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- Add action to generate deployment descriptor from Annotations for Java EE 5 projects 2010-11-04
196542 WTP Sour wst.xml thatnitind NEW --- [editor] Show Error markers in Design View 2013-06-19
196543 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [ui] Add a view that shows annotation information for an XML with grammar 2013-07-18
196616 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [Actions] Provide a three-way merge action 2019-09-06
196818 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] -showlocation does not update task bar 2019-09-06
196946 Platform UI bokowski NEW --- ActionFactory.TOGGLE_COOLBAR fails to update label 2019-09-06
197198 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- Could the Search view use Working Sets like the Package Explorer? 2019-09-06
197326 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DND] EditorAreaDropAdapter should try to open files in default editor for EditorInputTransfers 2019-09-06
197360 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer#setTextColor method is logically wrong 2019-09-06
197536 CDT cdt-debu cdt-debug-inbox NEW --- [remotecdt] RemoteRunLaunchDelegate#remoteShellExec not compatible with Windows remote system 2020-09-04
197851 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets] Import-> Team Project Set needs workspace file browser 2019-09-06
197993 Java Ser Core ian.trimble NEW --- ConfigLocators could/should be added via ext-pt 2008-02-07
198246 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Widgets] Link widget should be alignable 2018-07-10
198258 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Project Sets][Wizards] Create a wizard for importing Team Project Sets 2019-09-06
198260 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Provide possibility to set cell selection 2016-09-28
198291 Platform Resource NEW --- AliasManager should track symlinks 2019-09-06
198395 Target M RSE ddykstal.eclipse REOP --- [dstore] Can connect to DStore with expired password 2009-08-06
198621 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- CVS uses the wrong encoding when reading/writing to "Entries" (dual-boot system) 2019-09-06
198717 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] should pref dialog remember previous size 2019-09-06
198808 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Misc] QuickFix to checkout dependant project 2019-09-06
198886 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [templates] Clipboard and own functions support in templates. 2019-09-06
198970 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][null] False positives for "null comparison always yields false" in finally clause 2022-06-09
199085 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] "Unable to Discard Location" dialog resizing issue 2019-09-06
199341 Java Ser UI raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- Add Web Page Designer to WST 2010-03-10
199344 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Add support for new Basic Profiles from WS-I 2010-07-20
199476 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- [DataBinding] Classes should be serializable 2013-06-05
199580 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- new project wizard can't use ant build script importing cvs project 2019-09-06
199583 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- [ftp] Support for FTP Only Connections to MVS running on z/os 2013-08-04
199615 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [validation] validation fails on well-formed valid WSDL that has two schema nodes with same namespace 2010-07-20
199853 Java Ser Core ian.trimble NEW --- ContentAssist: Improve parent symbol resolution 2011-03-15
200152 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] convert int-constants to Java5-enums 2010-12-21
200265 Java Ser JSF Tool gerry.kessler NEW --- Autocomplete and codehints for attributes os JSF componets 2008-02-06
200440 Java Ser Core cameron.bateman NEW --- Static tag validation doesn't check for empty for on h:message 2008-02-06
200662 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Change Sets] Show change sets in the resource navigator 2019-09-06
201120 Data Too Enableme bfitzpat NEW --- Data Source Explorer shows no data type for image/text columns in SQL Server 2000 database 2010-03-08
201295 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DND] Enhance drop-n-drop from view to editor 2019-09-06
201386 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- warn if commiting from workspace with compile error 2019-09-06
201438 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [efs] Create Remote Project Action should use New Project Wizard 2008-04-06
201453 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] [FieldEditors] Directory and File FieldEditor enhancement - Combo box 2019-09-06
201501 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [Extensions] Provide support for attribute extensions 2010-09-16
201589 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Contributions] visibleWhen has no effect on toolbar 2020-03-15
201599 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [javadoc] Add warning/error for empty javadoc comments 2016-01-14
201680 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [getter setter] Generate indexed get-set method for indexed property 2007-12-06
201808 z_Archiv SOC soc-inbox NEW --- "inferior is already running" exception keep the plug-in to restart the debug event listener 2011-01-18
201855 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] ResourceException: "resource exists with a different case", when moving a file need a precheck 2019-09-06
201951 WTP Sour wst.xml NEW --- [Contribution] Configurable XML Outline from Orangevolt XSLT 2013-06-19
202172 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] Language Switching should update language strings on tabs 2017-06-20
202263 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesDialog] Want interdependent source trees with common settings 2019-09-06
202592 Data Too SQL Quer bpayton NEW --- Enablement: SQL Dialect Support / Extensibility 2011-10-14
202593 Data Too SQL Quer bpayton NEW --- Enablement: User-Interface Enablement 2009-04-21
202594 Data Too SQL Quer dtp.sqldevtools-inbox NEW --- Enablement for exemplary database 2008-10-24
202616 GMF-Tool Core gmf.generation-inbox NEW --- Allow to specify how validation erorrs should be presented 2010-07-19
202786 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [key binding][hovering] "Press F2 for focus" for long string variable in debug mode not always available 2022-11-26
202939 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] The problems view should have an option to turn sorting off. 2019-09-06
202948 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [compare] Please provide an IStorageMerger for Java files 2007-09-12
203001 Target M RSE dmcknigh ASSI --- [usability] Support remote folder compares 2008-10-06
203110 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Build File(s) functionality 2019-09-06
203257 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] ns prefix renaming does not affect references to that prefix 2010-07-20
203278 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Attribute Type Selection for generated Entities 2013-09-04
203427 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [PropertiesView] Two Apply Events When Enter Pressed - Enter Does Not call deactivateCellEditor 2019-09-06
203575 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Could not restore workbench layout message does not make issue clear 2019-09-06
203650 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] [Dialogs] org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SaveAsDialog always shows all projects in workspace, and cannot filter to only one project. 2019-09-06
204047 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [source generation] Generate Comparable implementation 2010-11-04
204125 EMF XSD Ed.Merks NEW --- Investigate support for XML Schema 1.1 2023-01-12
204231 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [nls tooling] Provide a resource bundle editor 2009-06-15
204310 Data Too Enableme dtp.enablement-inbox NEW --- Need Derby implementation of DB recognizers 2008-05-23
204488 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [validation] Re-use the XSD validator for inline schema validation 2010-07-20
204524 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Jump between bookmarks with key shortcuts 2019-09-06
204714 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Field Assist] AutoCompleteField enhancements to support browser address bar 2019-09-06
204728 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [editor] Quoting selected HTML text 2013-06-19
204730 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- Ability to Add SchemaLocation to XML file 2013-07-18
204952 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [convert anonymous] Convert Class to Top Level Type 2008-11-29
205760 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] No option for wordwrap in the problems view 2019-09-06
205903 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- show local history dialog compare as in 3.0 2019-09-06
206243 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [UX] Copying and pasting an item in the navigator view doesn't open pasted item 2019-09-06
206484 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] CVS Repositories view looses selection after 'Refresh View' 2019-09-06
206644 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- English String "Abstract" shows up on the Korean Version 2008-07-30
206845 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- WS-I validator should produce useful error message when TAD cannot be obtained 2010-07-20
207167 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] include option to close all hidden editors in the MRU tab 2019-09-06
207189 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- [efs] Link remote resources into workspace 2008-02-05
208085 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] Prompt when importing project with undefined resource link location 2019-09-06
208177 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Removal of non-existent projects 2019-09-06
208191 Java Ser JSF Tool ian.trimble NEW --- [WPE] JSF Page Designer - missing vertical scrollbar, wrong tags visual nesting 2010-02-21
208252 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] From Problems views, allow to change severity level by right-click 2019-09-06
208424 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- [tests] [refactoring] tests for launch configuration refactoring 2023-11-26
208432 Platform UI bokowski REOP --- [DataBinding] ObservableList exposes underlying list 2020-06-25
208447 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- Editor save read only files without any warning. 2019-09-06
209291 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [terminal][api] ITerminalViewControl.connectTerminal() should throw exceptions on error conditions 2020-09-04
209565 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] The OK button in ContainerSelectionDialog should be disabled if no project is available 2019-09-06
209653 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] filter warning using path in problems view 2016-10-01
209875 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [terminal] Allow user to capture Terminal Output 2020-09-04
209989 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- CompareEditor doesn't show child files if folder not available on both sides 2019-09-06
210308 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] "Change method..add params" inserts params in wrong order if type is same 2009-01-23
210313 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Removing JPA facet does not clean up resources 2011-07-01
210415 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [preferences] Provide a way to change the "default" inline schema namespace 2010-07-20
210468 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [type hierarchy] resolve type parameters in generic superclasses 2010-11-04
210557 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] [PreferencePage] Preference Dialog should support IMessageManager 2019-09-06
210646 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [History View] Enhancements for copying tag action in CVS Resource History view 2019-09-06
210651 Java Ser Core ian.trimble NEW --- &quot; is translated too soon in included JSP-fragments 2008-04-23
210717 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [validation] Add Post Schema Validation Infoset support to web tools DOM 2013-07-18
210724 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [formatting] <xmp> tag content should not be formatted? 2013-06-19
210749 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ErrorHandling] [StatusHandling] Icons should mark status type when StatusDialog displays the list 2019-09-06
210876 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ContainerSelectionDialog should allow the creation of new directories 2019-09-06
210898 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- Be more resilient when one team repo connection fails 2019-09-06
211059 Target M RSE ddykstal.eclipse NEW --- [doc] Add user docs for Scratchpad, Details View and Monitor 2010-05-26
211265 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] WSDL editor should check whether a fault with that name already exists when adding a new fault to port type 2010-07-20
211467 z_Archiv Mylyn mylyn-triaged ASSI --- attach context in same comment, not different one 2011-09-28
211560 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- Bogus conflicts in .zip file compare 2019-09-06
211755 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [push down] Push down method changes program behavior 2023-01-24
211902 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- Jumping to a line by clicking overview ruler does not work 2019-09-06
212250 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Refresh resources button in file/directory selection dialogs 2019-09-06
212296 Data Too Enableme dtp.enablement-inbox NEW --- Exception not caught entereing data into MySql Table 2007-12-20
212383 Target M RSE javier.montalvoorus NEW --- [ftp] Support custom FTP command input through FTP console 2007-12-10
212508 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [editor] Error parsing messages if WSDL has no targetNamespace attribute 2011-01-12
212873 Data Too Enableme dtp.enablement-inbox NEW --- Mysql wrong sql generation 2007-12-23
213044 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Warning for new project reads in preferences from deleted project 2019-09-06
213148 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] "Confirm exit when closing last window" doesn't prompt on closing through menu action 2019-09-06
213395 z_Archiv BIRT Birt-Chart-inbox NEW --- Venn diagram chart type 2012-02-16
213499 z_Archiv BIRT dongpo.bian NEW --- Add a gif/png emmitter to the Birt Viewer 2012-02-16
213693 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Generic annotation support for non-text based editors 2019-09-06
213717 Platform SWT duongn NEW --- [SashForm] Method to lock SashForm to disable resize 2018-08-14
214439 WTP Sour wst.xml d_a_carver NEW --- [api] WTP DOM fails W3C DOM Test Suite 2013-06-19
215118 WTP Sour wst.xsl doug.satchwell NEW --- [xslt][debug] Add ability to step into and out of Java during Transformation 2011-09-21
215119 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- [xslt][debug] Ability to set break points on Input XML 2009-09-02
215146 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] Preserve default Workbench suggestion for non-default 2019-09-06
215929 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox ASSI --- [transport][security] Support for unknown SSL 2020-02-21
216401 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [LinkedResources] Can't make multiple choose on linked file 2019-09-06
216415 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] Linked folder does not remember his last browsed position like linked file 2019-09-06
216763 Target M RSE dmcknigh NEW --- [api] Support server to server copy 2008-07-04
216884 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox ASSI --- Add mechanism to support storing persistent properties for resources for delete undo 2019-09-06
216915 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Open entities, generated from tables in their own java editor 2012-04-10
216924 WTP Comm wst.comm dimitar.giormov NEW --- Data models of contributed wizard pages are not loaded if the wizard is finished on the first page 2011-05-20
217065 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] PatternFilter should support ITreePathContentProvider as well 2019-09-06
217083 EMF cdo.db stefan NEW --- [DB] Option to generate single-column PK when in auditing mode 2020-12-11
217228 Babel Website babel.core-inbox NEW --- Translated/Untranlated/All - Switch for Texts 2024-04-18
217321 Data Too Enableme dtp.enablement-inbox NEW --- Cannot edit/run stored procedures on SQL server 2005 2009-08-27
217387 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesDialog] Error Status is loss when invalid dialog display 2019-09-06
217432 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [refactoring] [drc] automatically replace qualification with import 2008-02-29
217475 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [doc] JavaScript editor preferences pages missing CSH (infopops) 2013-06-19
217665 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [GlobalActions] Allow 'Build All' button to be switched off 2019-09-06
217759 WTP Sour wst.sse NEW --- Any chance of an IWorkbenchAdapter ;-) 2013-06-19
217891 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [DCR] [Javadoc] Avoid Javadoc warning about non-visible references when doc comment would not be visible itself 2016-10-31
217981 ECF ecf.ui ecf.core-inbox NEW --- [Discovery] org.eclipse.ui.preferencePage based on OSGi configuration admin/metatype service 2008-07-16
218024 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import existing projects into workspace - fails silently if there is a name collision 2019-09-06
218122 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- [new feature] WSDL Documentation Generator 2010-07-20
218452 ECF ecf.disc ecf.core-inbox REOP --- [remotesvcs] [discovery] [ui] add filtering to discovery services view 2009-09-28
218705 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [sort members] distinguish or permit member kind exclusion 2008-02-13
218887 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] support the Platform's decorating label provider for marker views 2019-09-06
219100 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] Improved listing of files opened in Editor 2019-09-06
219319 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [preferences] improve auto insert column on Templates page 2019-09-06
219833 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- Provide examples of diagrams to use as examples for the BPMN modeler 2012-01-06
219887 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] ISelectionProvider events not triggered by TableViewer.setItemCount() 2019-09-06
220044 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [LinkedResources] [LinkedResources] Decorator image should be updated using the new LOCAL_CHANGE flag 2019-09-06
220531 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Filter on resource name 2016-10-01
221075 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] UI Capitalization 2020-09-04
221147 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Split field initialization 2010-12-15
221291 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [search] open method/field declaration dialog 2017-02-01
221607 Data Too Connecti bfitzpat NEW --- Generic Catalog Filtering for all Database Profile Types 2008-04-24
221643 Data Too Enableme bfitzpat NEW --- Problems with MS SQLServer 2005 - Stored Procedures 2008-11-03
221697 WTP Sour wst.sse NEW --- [formatting][preferences] Shared settings such as formatting 2018-05-16
221797 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- plugin_customization.ini will be overridden by do a Synchronize 2023-11-28
221850 WTP Sour wst.html wst.html-inbox NEW --- [editor] Matching brackets within JSP's or Javascript? (not working) 2021-06-07
222151 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [tests][patch] Add new PDESchemaHelper tests 2013-01-28
222843 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- CVS history for container resources 2019-09-06
222946 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] add support for indentation guides 2020-09-11
223138 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Next/Previous hidded/filtered markers button 2019-09-06
223430 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- Find Functionality in Compare 2019-09-06
223566 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [extract method] introduce result type for multiple results 2008-03-26
223882 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox ASSI --- [breakpoints] default breakpoint working set not exported / imported 2019-09-25
224105 Java Ser UI raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- jsf creation not supported 2008-06-17
224562 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- Provide more flexible way to compare files 2019-02-21
224974 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- -jar option as a VM argument is causing grief for other added VM argument 2019-12-09
224995 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Make a SAX/DOM XML parser pool available for all of WTP 2013-06-19
225080 TCF Core ASSI --- [tcf] Investigate compiling TCF Agent for Windows CE 2014-11-05
225082 TCF Core NEW --- [tcf][releng] Improve TCF Agent build directory structure 2011-04-28
225220 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] add icon for "Java Task" and other marker types 2019-09-06
225588 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] Contextual search of local/remote delta 2019-09-06
225857 Java Ser Core ian.trimble NEW --- [WPE] Web Page Editor in Turkish Locale Doesnt Work Properly 2010-02-22
225883 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick assist] Simplify boolean expressions with redundancy 2009-01-23
225994 WTP Sour wst.sse wst.sse-inbox NEW --- Add a extension point and support for Contributing Parsers for specific Partions 2014-07-06
226014 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- Specify project name when checking out multiple projects 2019-09-06
226028 z_Archiv ATF atf.core-inbox NEW --- no keybindings exist for run/debug in Mozilla 2020-05-07
226199 Dali JPA Framewor neil.hauge NEW --- Add Ability to Generate PropertyChangeSupport on Entities 2008-04-09
227207 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [ftp] FTP should support canceling operations even if they are stuck 2012-11-19
227262 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] Select working set to clean. 2019-09-06
227410 Target M RSE dmcknigh NEW --- [ftp] need listing parser for HFS (on z/os) 2009-06-16
227652 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- Allow results in Compare view to be printed and/or saved. 2019-09-06
227677 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [ui][content assist] XML Editor ignores icon attribute on templates during completion proposals 2013-07-18
227757 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Move MultiLabelDecorator to JFace. 2019-09-06
227802 Java Ser UI ian.trimble NEW --- [WPE] Extended character sets do not display correctly in graphical editor 2008-09-16
228345 Target M RSE ddykstal.eclipse NEW --- BIDI3.4: Arabic text in command line of shell session is not ordered and not shaped correctly 2008-04-23
229126 EMF cdo.core emf.cdo-inbox NEW --- Commit generated models to the server 2020-12-11
229710 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] I want an option to close an editor during it's creation 2019-09-06
230441 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- E/R Metamodel 2015-01-21
230443 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- Core Metamodel 2015-01-21
231280 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [actions] open project dialog could use a filter field 2009-10-27
231920 Dali JPA JPA NEW --- New Entity wizard generating "@IdClass" for compound keys 2013-10-08
231990 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- Add DOM Level 2 support 2013-07-18
231992 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [api] Add DOM Level 3 Support 2013-07-18
232281 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- [ssh][shells] Strange/Inconsistant prompt in RSE command view 2008-10-07
233191 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [DataBinding] Support for asynchronous validation/conversion on a Binding 2013-11-06
233565 Data Too Enableme bfitzpat NEW --- JDBC Connection Fails With Integrated Security 2017-02-01
233981 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- persistence.xml edtior does not work on persistence.xml in all projects 2011-07-01
234009 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Commands] easy way to set/clear "home" locations 2019-09-06
234661 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [Sync View] NPE browsing changes with CVS 2019-09-06
234965 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] Setting File Associations needs to be radically simplified 2019-09-06
236047 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesView] 'Copy' enabled in the context menu when no properties are available 2019-09-06
236597 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- Include commit set details in patch files 2019-09-06
236621 WTP EJB jst.ejb kaloyan NEW --- Add EJB metadata to DD automatically 2012-10-05
236801 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- Better anchors for pool messages 2012-01-06
237050 WTP EJB jst.ejb kaloyan NEW --- Promote business methods automatically to interfaces 2010-09-30
237343 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [syntax coloring] Separate setting for the semicolon 2008-06-17
237344 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox NEW --- [autorefresh] Leopard FSEvents RefreshProvider 2020-10-22
237388 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [syntax coloring] Separate coloring for primitive type keywords 2008-06-17
237941 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] [GlobalActions] Clean Project and Clean Build Project option in Projects context menu 2020-07-17
237952 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [QuickAccess] The "Line Down" and "Line Up" keys do not behave like arrow keys in Quick Access 2019-09-06
237989 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- Find/replace dialog - scope section not working 2019-09-06
238144 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Provide Java Project templates 2016-05-02
238762 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- REFRESH button in a dialog 2019-09-06
239108 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox ASSI --- Enhance Find Unreferenced Members 2019-09-06
241698 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add Validation Support 2022-06-09
241896 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [api] Make HTML2TextReader API 2018-01-27
241956 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [KeyBindings] "open type" with more than one keybinding problematic 2019-09-06
242155 EMF cdo.ui vroldanbet NEW --- [UI] Importing multiple inter-dependant resources 2020-12-11
242157 EMF cdo.ui vroldanbet NEW --- [UI] Enhance "load resource..." action in CDOEditor 2020-12-11
242224 EMF cdo.ui vroldanbet NEW --- [UI] enhanced CDO Editor 2020-12-11
242230 EMF cdo.ui vroldanbet NEW --- [UI] provide CDO server preferences 2020-12-11
242432 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- JSP's do not display proper syntax highlighting in accordance with <@page "contentType" tag attribute specificifications. 2018-07-16
242736 WTP Java jst.j2ee cbridgha NEW --- Allowing Java EE Utility projects to be changed to Web/EJB projects 2010-11-04
243018 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- [api] WTP DOM Attribute nodes should support text and entity nodes 2013-07-18
243088 WTP Sour wst.xml NEW --- [formatting] formatter inserting newline after comments should be optional 2013-06-19
243414 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Add quick fix to replace comparison of identical operands with true / false 2008-08-08
243492 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- JPA entity wizard adds @Inheritance to child class 2011-07-01
243570 Target M RSE kjdoyle NEW --- JJ: Remote Shell command results should be editable but are not 2008-09-23
244132 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- [api] Request API to send signals to IHostShell 2008-11-21
244417 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [ssh] Remote copy fails without notice if only sftp is enabled (but shell access is denied) 2012-11-19
244627 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- Entity wizard not identifying when a key field is required 2011-07-01
244644 z_Archiv IDE4EDU ide4edu-inbox NEW --- Consider renaming the Java Lite perspective and views 2014-01-09
244791 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Themes] Eclipse uses wrong font settings defaults 2019-09-06
244930 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [assist][javadoc] Code completion not working correctly for {@link ...} if invoked after a "(", html tag, or dot 2024-02-16
245698 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [misc] New XML wizard creates optional but invalid attributes from schema 2013-06-19
245801 Dali JPA Framewor neil.hauge NEW --- Even if the profile of the unconnection is specified, the Next button can be pushed 2008-09-02
245808 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- CVS commit choose previous comment combobox popup too large 2019-09-06
246023 WTP Sour wst.css NEW --- Identify CSS documentation and comments differently 2010-07-28
246080 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [jar exporter] use current project 2019-02-11
246590 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Adopt the menu/command framework in PDE 2018-12-13
246833 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Trim] Toggle StatusLine 2019-09-06
246874 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Viewers] ContainerCheckedTreeViewer should be moved to JFace 2019-09-06
247045 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [search] for references within jar without sources returns no result 2024-01-18
247106 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- The JPA project folder can be specified by "Generate Entities" generation the Entity class ahead 2011-07-01
247114 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- The height of the [Properties] table of the [Properties] tab of "Persistence XML Editor" is narrow 2011-07-01
247167 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Mylyn Bridge for XSLT Editor and Outline View 2009-09-02
247458 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- E/R Profile 2015-01-21
247459 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- Relational Profile 2015-01-21
247460 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- XML Schema Profile 2015-01-21
247468 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- LDAP Metamodel 2015-01-21
247473 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- LDAP Profile 2015-01-21
247479 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- Traceability Metamodel 2015-01-21
247865 EMF cdo.core emf.cdo-inbox NEW --- Manage CDOResource's time stamp 2020-12-11
248024 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- XMI for XML Schema Metamodel 2015-01-21
248025 z_Archiv IMM mdt-imm-inbox NEW --- XMI for Relational Metamodel 2015-01-21
248274 WTP Java jst.j2ee kaloyan NEW --- Migrate JETEmitter usage to M2T/JET technology 2010-11-04
248275 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- [Help wanted]Create video of BPMN diagram edition 2012-01-06
248306 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [preferences] Add "Set all to Ignore"/Warning/Error buttons to Errors/Warnings prefs page 2014-04-23
248766 EMF Edit Ed.Merks NEW --- Source editor added integrated with a generated EMF model 2018-01-22
248985 WTP Sour wst.html wst.html-triaged NEW --- [ui] Provide alternative outline view showing logical document structure 2013-06-19
249014 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [hovering] show default value for annotation type member reference in Javadoc hover 2014-01-07
249566 CDT cdt-coda cdt-codan-inbox NEW --- [Quick Fix] allow to correct type casts 2020-09-04
250090 z_Archiv BPMN hmalphettes NEW --- "Initialize bpmn_diagram diagram file" having problems with Subprocesses and Lanes 2012-01-06
250099 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- [Repo View] Filter modules in CVS repository list 2019-09-06
250719 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [templates] Text selection as substitute for ${iterable} 2008-10-14
250747 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Request to make NewXMLWizard part of public api 2013-06-19
250950 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Javadoc location unconfigured error should allow for easily supplying a javadoc location 2008-10-16
251050 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox REOP --- Use doxygen comments on documentation hover 2020-09-04
251194 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox ASSI --- [Viewers] Provide a way to select type of changes 2019-09-06
251226 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- New entity wizard should give options on creating the default constructor 2011-07-01
251375 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ErrorHandling] Error help 2019-09-06
252889 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- The WS-I validator should make use of the common URI resolver 2010-07-20
253046 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Label for workspace 2019-09-06
253167 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] QuickMarks 2019-09-06
253920 Java Ser JSF Tool raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- content assist for "var" names show up everywhere 2012-01-03
253981 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] [GlobalActions] Emacs key bindings: add window-related Ctrl-x 2, Ctrl-x b, Ctrl-x o, amd related 2019-09-06
254639 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- [validation] Directive Validator should use listed TagLibraryValidator classes 2013-07-18
255349 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- Customized EAR/WAR deployment 2008-11-25
255437 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Image decorators should have text equivalent built into framework 2019-09-06
255764 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] Recreate workspace 2019-09-06
256340 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Contributions] Allow switching between icon and icon and text mode for commands 2012-04-05
256587 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- [ssh][performance] support supertransfer on SSH connections 2009-01-05
256614 EMF cdo.ui vroldanbet NEW --- [UI] Invalidation Log ViewPart 2020-12-11
256676 WTP Webs ericdp NEW --- AXIS WS runtime- specify root WSDL folder in Web service & client wizards & ANT tasks 2009-10-08
256698 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [QuickAccess] Improve handling of duplicates or ambiguous matches 2019-09-06
256873 Equinox Framewor equinox.framework-inbox NEW --- [console] Ability to start/stop a set of bundles 2019-09-06
257689 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Display Version ID in Splash 2015-04-30
258202 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Import Location Remapping 2019-02-09
258836 Dali JPA General neil.hauge NEW --- Provide capability funcitonality to pick & choose features 2009-05-28
258965 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Custom Code Folding 2020-09-04
259117 z_Archiv gyrex gyrex-platform-inbox ASSI --- [HTTP] Test before opening ports 2018-03-19
259257 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- Task name extends the box width automatically 2012-01-06
259366 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Main classes in dependent projects invisible to debug configurations 2023-10-07
259431 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Allow to embed images 2019-09-06
259435 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] No compiler error/warning for invalid encoding in Java source files 2023-08-23
259441 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Should restore windows when swicthing from a perspective to antoher with no files open 2019-09-06
259524 z_Archiv Sequoyah vncviewer.sequoyah-inbox NEW --- [tml][vncviewer] Contribute VNC protocol implementation and viewer via ECF 2016-11-08
259864 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- [Help wanted]Save as or copy a diagram 2012-01-06
260242 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [navigation] Provide a shortcut to focus on the first visible line 2019-09-06
260588 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- [breakpoints] Lock Breakpoint to prevent removal 2011-01-20
261626 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] quick on/off selection of displayed annotation-types 2019-09-06
261631 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Preview of image in debug hover 2009-01-20
261716 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [misc] Comparison for file changed on disk 2019-09-06
261882 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox ASSI --- [formatter] Enhancement to indentation for code styles 2020-09-04
262206 WTP Sour wst.xml NEW --- [formatting][preferences] Provide an option in window -> preferences to honor white space when formatting 2013-06-19
262398 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [content model] Support HTML Ruby extension 2013-06-19
262430 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] VIRTUAL TreeViewer possible setItemCount(1) optimization? 2019-09-06
263092 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Workbench] [Serviceability] Access System Summary via public API 2014-06-13
263436 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [ssh] RSE Import fail to PDT's php project 2014-05-01
263466 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] adding project nature filter for WizardNewFileCreationPage API 2019-09-06
263547 z_Archiv Buckmins buckminster.core-inbox NEW --- In UI: Use build launchers instead of menu 2019-02-25
263976 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox REOP --- [content type] XMLRootElementContentDescriber2 need support for schema version 2019-09-06
264063 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Add "New Folder" tool to org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.misc.ResourceAndContainerGroup 2019-09-06
264084 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [About] Filter box in the plugin details page 2019-09-06
264426 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] NPE in PageBookView if no default page 2019-09-06
264686 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Themes] org.eclipse.ui.themes.fontDefinition needs a fontFactory like colorDefintion has 2019-09-06
264699 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Themes] org.eclipse.ui.themes.fontDefinition and colorDefinition label should not be a required field 2019-09-06
265237 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] PreferenceDialog doesn't update the min size of its ScrolledComposite when page layout changes 2012-10-24
265711 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- Kerberos authentication support through SSH protocol in RSE 2015-06-09
266039 Equinox Security NEW --- add, edit, delete features for secure store entries via preference UI 2019-09-06
266199 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox ASSI --- [transport] [repository] Provide an (API) mechanism enable / disable the use of mirrors 2018-03-16
266392 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [validation] XML Validator doesn't support custom parsers or user-specified parser features 2015-09-17
267330 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- Need a way to contribute custom drag and drop in XSD editor 2011-02-21
267340 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- Need way to customize (add/remove/replace) XSD editor actions 2011-02-21
267799 WTP Serv wst.serv arvera NEW --- Why exclude servers with no runtimes? 2009-12-17
268140 WTP Comm wst.comm cbridgha NEW --- ext point org.eclipse.wst.common.modulecore.componentimpl 2009-10-07
268407 Java Ser JSF Tool debajit.adhikary NEW --- Focus not set properly after activating faces-config editor with the keyboard 2010-12-09
268426 Java Ser JSF Tool debajit.adhikary NEW --- Objects on Navigation Rule tab of faces-config editor aren't accessible 2010-12-09
268435 Java Ser JSF Tool raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- Tab names on faces-config editor aren't read by screen reader 2010-04-23
268500 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox ASSI --- BIDI: Method declaration shown incorrectly in the editor 2020-09-04
268501 WTP Java jst.j2ee stryker NEW --- Project Properties - Java EE Module Dependencies unsorted 2010-02-19
268665 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [change method signature] misleading error message when removing unused parameter of recursive function 2023-12-25
268871 Java Ser JSF Tool raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- Improvements to tab order in faces-config editor 2010-04-23
268874 Java Ser JSF Tool raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- Focus improvements to ManagedBean tab of faces-config editor 2010-04-23
269227 Java Ser UI debajit.adhikary NEW --- JSF Validation Preference page layout does not expand 2010-04-23
269584 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] Hotkey for Build Working Set 2019-09-06
270090 WTP Java jst.j2ee stryker ASSI --- ClassCastException in JavaEEArchiveUtilities when publishing 2015-05-05
270630 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Need to Document How to Use External Tools to Run Transformations 2012-07-19
270664 Babel translat babel.server-inbox NEW --- Provide Buckminster resolution as an alternative to find project source 2009-04-06
270738 WTP Java jst.j2ee ccc NEW --- Copying and pasting a dynamic web project does not update the web module name on the target project 2015-03-18
270754 JDT APT jdt-apt-inbox REOP --- annotation processing for inherited annotations only if base and subclass are compiled at same time 2022-10-18
271281 WTP Java jst.j2ee cbridgha NEW --- Enable resource sharing between web projects 2013-12-06
271360 WTP Webs NEW --- Service Policies preference page controls don't line up 2015-04-30
271385 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Navigating to inner class goes to wrong class when there are multiple inner classes of the same name in a binary type 2023-01-02
271625 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Allow Java profiling for JAXP processors 2009-09-02
272966 WTP Sour wst.html NEW --- [validation] The validator doesn't flag missing required attributes 2013-06-19
273228 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [validation] Incorrect line number for cvc-complex-type-2.4.b error on empty-element tag 2010-09-16
273407 Java Ser Core raghunathan.srinivasan NEW --- JSF helper and validator shows incorrect warnigns 2009-04-28
274722 WTP Java jst.j2ee ccc NEW --- deploy-name not updated in org.eclipse.wst.common.component 2015-10-19
275311 Babel Server babel.server-inbox NEW --- cannot use muliple selection with no-translatable checkbox 2023-09-10
278879 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox ASSI --- [doc] No Debug doc if JDT is not installed 2020-01-07
279106 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- Headless export of WAR and EAR files 2009-10-16
279166 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [DataBinding] JSR 303: Bean Validation 2015-05-06
279659 Equinox p2 pascal ASSI --- [director] provide a way to update 2014-10-14
281487 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] Save Participant Cleanup preferences cannot be defined as default in plugin_customization.ini 2023-11-17
282115 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [package explorer] Provide 'Open With' for files in JARs 2014-03-28
282254 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [target] Support variable/paths relative to target definition files 2021-10-23
282277 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- CVS: Adding ignore whitespace option 2019-09-06
282511 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox ASSI --- open declaration does not work properly in multi page editor 2020-09-04
282650 Dali JPA General neil.hauge NEW --- Impossible to install other pane switcher for QueriesComposite 2009-07-28
282741 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- XSL Transform fails to use DTD Catalog 2011-12-29
282881 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [nls tooling] Allow to consider numbers when sort externalized strings 2009-07-09
282962 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- AddQueryDialog doesn't support attribute query for NamedQuery 2011-07-01
283003 GMF-Tool Core gmf.models-inbox NEW --- Highlight or bold a part of text in a table 2010-07-19
283342 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Add quick fix to remove obsolete label 2009-07-17
283780 WTP Sour wst.xpat wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- [xpath2] Refactor Dynamic Error for additional static methods methods. 2011-05-19
284368 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Create Property (getter, setter, field) from unresolved method reference 2010-01-25
284800 RAP Workbenc rap-inbox ASSI --- [Forms] Weak performance in FormText 2012-01-20
285017 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Project Creation wizard does not check if folder is read only 2020-09-04
285121 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Native looking checkboxes in a viewer 2013-02-05
286454 TMF Xtext Ba tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- [grammar] Different icons for rule types 2012-11-09
286466 WTP Sour wst.xpat wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- [xpath2][refactor] Implement TypeInfo to determine PSVI information 2011-04-19
286801 WTP Sour wst.xpat wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- [xpath] Use context of last active XML file in XPath view 2011-01-28
287779 z_Archiv ATF atf.core-inbox NEW --- ATF needs icon/logo 2020-05-07
288520 MTJ (Arc Docs dsdp.mtj-inbox NEW --- [docs] Java ME Development User Guide > Reference > Preferences 2009-09-04
288576 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- Allow dynamic filtering of types/elements in XSD editor and outline view 2010-09-16
288623 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] Remove unsupported @Override annotation 2009-09-25
288663 z_Archiv IDE4EDU ide4edu-inbox NEW --- Update build scripts based on maven/Tycho 2014-01-09
288860 z_Archiv IDE4EDU ide4edu-inbox NEW --- Prepare JavaLite perspective (and views) for localization (i.e. translation) 2014-01-09
289267 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- unusable mounting existing web projects 2009-09-29
290106 z_Archiv ERCP ercp.eswt-inbox NEW --- Drawing Images to Display doesn't work 2021-07-15
290231 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- Incorrect enablement of the "Update All" button 2019-09-06
290267 z_Archiv ERCP ercp.eswt-inbox NEW --- Control.setFont propagates to children 2021-07-15
290675 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [templates] Allow to distinguish preview from real resolve 2019-09-06
290856 MTJ (Arc Project dsdp.mtj-inbox NEW --- [preprocessor] User experiences of preprocessing is not good 2010-07-12
290937 Papyrus Core mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- [CDO] Papyrus shall support CDO for persisting more scalable models 2017-09-08
290939 Papyrus Core mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- Investigate use of RESTful resources API from e4 2017-09-08
290941 Papyrus Core mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- Investigate support for EMF binary resource implementation 2017-09-08
290943 Papyrus Core mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- [Usability] Papyus shall investigate introduction of custom widgets to improve its usability. 2017-09-08
291010 WTP Serv wst.serv arvera NEW --- TCP/IP monitor should keep web browser 2009-12-21
291101 z_Archiv IDE4EDU ide4edu-inbox NEW --- Consider adding an interactive pane 2014-01-09
291226 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Show View menu does not get shortcuts for new views 2019-09-06
291613 PDE Incubato PDE-Incubator-Inbox NEW --- Have a way to highlight cycles 2016-01-22
291921 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- Task - wrong xml format 2012-01-06
291966 WTP Sour wst.html wst.html-inbox NEW --- The editor.templates are under powered. 2018-04-30
292204 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ActivityMgmt] Need a way to disable the enabling of activities 2019-09-06
292430 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- Convert Search view contributions to new command/action story 2017-01-06
292886 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Not possible to change keybinding to close Quick Switch Editor 2019-09-06
293189 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- [ENTITY GEN] getters do not reflect camel case of class names 2013-10-08
293281 MTJ (Arc MTJ proj dsdp.mtj-inbox NEW --- [fiximprove][antenna]: Antenna export should create the user defined symbols as separated .properties files 2009-10-28
293621 Java Ser UI jsf.ui-inbox NEW --- acc: Missing mnemonic key definition on New Managed Bean wizard 2010-04-23
293650 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- [editor] Add breadcrumb to the generic XML editor 2019-02-06
294071 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [preferences] Add support for import/export of content assist settings 2021-11-12
294426 Platform Team platform-team-inbox ASSI --- [Apply Patch] Add search text box to filter for target project and several other options 2019-09-06
294945 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Warn on return/throw in finally. 2014-07-30
295069 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] viewer in the problem view does not support label decorators 2012-07-09
295214 z_Archiv BPMN soa.bpmnmodeler-inbox NEW --- Moving the task do not resize subprocess 2020-01-23
295281 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [getter setter] Generating getters/setters doesn't remember specific insertion point 2009-11-17
295502 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- turning off "open file on completion" does not enable the apply button 2011-04-28
295695 WTP Webs NEW --- In Web Service Wizard, Server field should be cleared if Web Service type doesn't need a Server 2011-07-21
296063 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- [OSGi] Synchronize Class List does not consider Entities in required bundles/projects 2013-10-08
297009 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Help Wanted] Missing shortcut keys in UI project properties and preferences 2020-09-04
297873 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Quick fix offers to call a different parameterized method but it does not help 2022-10-15
298190 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Need Unit Tests for Xalan Debugger 2010-04-29
298743 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Quick fix "replace catch clause with throws" is enabled even if it will give compile errors 2010-01-04
300020 EMF cdo.db emf.cdo-inbox NEW --- [DB] Develop a delta-mapping 2020-12-11
300188 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- XSL run configuration should allow selecting *.* files 2010-01-20
300477 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] there is no option in preferences to set view background color 2019-09-06
300480 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Saxon 9.2 produces an exception when used with XSL tranformation 2010-02-17
301515 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Browser] WindowEvent does not include name of new window 2017-06-27
301821 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox REOP --- Support workspace-global resource filters 2023-12-20
302115 Platform CVS platform-cvs-inbox ASSI --- Add ${cursor} variable to commit template variable 2019-09-06
302265 WTP Serv jst.serv arvera REOP --- Provide a way to get to the Java code generated from a JSP 2010-02-11
304965 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Clone doesn't allow to specify --upload-pack 2013-09-27
305205 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Disable inner class imports with preference 2018-05-16
306127 WTP Webs NEW --- [JAXRS] ACC: Capabilities page - mnemonics missing 2015-02-05
306940 WTP Sour wst.xsl wst.xsl-triaged NEW --- Debug XSLT 2.0 2010-03-26
307003 EGit UI jens.baumgart REOP --- Import wizard's tree filter doesn't filter selected entries 2013-09-27
309092 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Commands] Unify hotkeys for all platforms 2019-09-06
309484 JDT APT jdt-apt-inbox NEW --- Saving a java file takes 10-20s due to APT 2023-04-13
309692 Java Ser JSF Tool jsf-inbox NEW --- JSF EL expression with 'empty' operator generates warning for non-collection operand in Web Page Editor 2010-12-28
310001 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] Java "Project" support in project settings that automates Javascript stub creation 2013-06-19
310580 ECF ecf.prov NEW --- [Discovery][DNS-SD] DNS-SD based wide-area discovery provider 2012-06-08
310972 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [target] Allow to garbage collect bundle pool via the target editor 2023-12-03
311235 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- building project from command line with -cleanBuild or -build switch triggers extra unnecessary clean 2020-09-04
311368 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- RemoteCommandShellOperation.sendCommand() doesn't call finish handler after physical disconnect / reconnect 2010-05-04
312162 WTP Serv wst.serv arvera NEW --- TCP/IP monitor does not update data for Byte 2013-08-20
312228 Platform Team platform-team-inbox NEW --- [Net] Improve authentication capabilities 2016-10-08
312319 ECF ecf.disc ecf.core-inbox NEW --- [jslp][remoteservices] add usage of slp discovery to hello world examples 2010-05-10
313834 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Add an "Ignore..." action allowing to specify the ignore rule 2013-09-27
314401 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Trim] When last editor (maximized) tab is closed, all views on the side become restored 2019-09-06
315049 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [import/export] exception printed to stdout when synchronizing to non-writable folder 2010-05-31
315126 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- First scrapbook evaluation attempts to display source 2023-11-27
315264 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Feature: support for git-svn 2020-01-23
315387 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][compiler][correlation] Helios is flagging a potential NPE in a context where it can't occur. Galileo handles this context correctly. 2022-07-11
315470 Dali JPA General neil.hauge NEW --- quick fixes for changing the severity of a problem 2013-09-06
315592 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Clone wizard: Add button to change remote name from the default "origin" to hostname 2015-03-22
315866 z_Archiv Buckmins buckminster.core-inbox NEW --- Add support for findbugs and/or pmd 2019-02-25
316471 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchParts] SelectionProviderAdapter is not visible 2019-09-06
316523 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Support the creation of 'patch sets' from the history view 2013-09-27
317186 ECF ecf.remo ecf.core-inbox NEW --- [remoteservices] enhance local remote services provider for testing 2010-06-17
317556 Papyrus Core rschnekenburger ASSI --- [Palettes] Papyrus shall support a life cycle management for palettes 2017-08-03
317894 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Commands] Add Key Binding for Select Project 2019-09-06
317944 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [ssh] Files accessed via symbolic links are locally cached and don't get updated on remote change 2011-10-03
317964 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Data loss when migrating UML 2.1 models into UML 2.2 if these models have instances of Template Parameter Substitution using multiple actuals 2010-06-25
321018 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Commit dialog: embedded compare editor instead of opening a new window 2013-11-14
321577 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [rename][nls tooling] allow to rename externalized string 2011-01-06
321605 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Several UML constraints seem not implemented in the metamodel 2016-04-15
322616 Java Ser UI jsf.ui-inbox NEW --- Support ruby annotation in the HTML and JSP Design pages 2013-11-19
322906 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- [breakpoints][detail] Breakpoint properties in details pane are cutoff 2023-09-07
323338 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- 'Synchronize' view should collapse common folders in change sets 2013-09-27
323565 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Launcher] read vmargs in eclipse.ini file when restarting RCP by calling PlatformUI.getWorkbench().restart() 2022-02-11
323619 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Support for adding a VM to "Installed JREs" and "Execution Environments" even if it doesn't run on the current machine 2023-08-17
323679 JDT UI psuzzi ASSI --- [build path] Add Filter field to Project Properties - Libraries 2015-11-23
323895 Dali JPA Diagram dali.diagrameditor-inbox NEW --- Support project lombok for generating getters and setters for a field 2022-03-09
323951 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Git Repo view should remember its state (expanded nodes) 2013-09-27
324882 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Themes] org.eclipse.ui.themes contribution per OS name 2015-12-10
325090 CDT cdt-debu cdt-debug-inbox NEW --- cdt does not support full functional terminal 2020-09-04
325103 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [reorg] Copy & Paste a package with subpackages 2022-12-15
325285 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- [content assist] Add unique/key/keyref XSD identity constraint aware proposals to XML editor, please 2011-02-24
325422 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Eclipse 4.0 tab rendering should be improved 2016-04-22
325617 Virgo unknown virgo-inbox NEW --- Kernel build unit test coverage is below 70% 2015-06-03
326059 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [launch] [patch] Add Eclipse Product launch configuration type for true product configuration launches 2019-06-04
326387 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] PageLayout.addStandaloneViewPlaceholder(): ".standalonefolder" should be public API 2012-06-07
327107 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] CleanDialog should be able to control whether non-AUTO_BUILD builders are run after clean 2019-09-06
327284 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] feature - new view listing files changed(from reset btn press or source control plugin change) 2019-09-06
327480 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Request to add brief emulation to the Editor's Keys scheme options. 2019-09-06
327734 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Modifying a file whilst in synchronize view causes the tree to close all nodes 2013-09-27
328074 ECF ecf.prot ecf.core-inbox NEW --- [Discovery][SLP] Implement SLP modifications for IPv6 (RFC3111) 2014-05-01
328171 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox ASSI --- Plugin for native lib for OpenSolaris has not been updated... 2020-09-04
328460 Platform Text platform-text-inbox NEW --- Go To next search result 2020-11-04
329124 ECF ecf.doc ecf.doc-inbox NEW --- ECF Documentation Project 2019-01-03
329657 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox NEW --- An active build blocks user task (like save) 2023-11-01
329861 Virgo unknown virgo-inbox NEW --- Show list of installed web applications from main page 2011-10-12
330157 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Add command to quote selected text 2019-09-06
330270 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [UX] The list of wizards on the Select A Wizard dialogue is unusable unless you already know which you need 2019-09-06
330385 Target M RSE John-Paul.Stanford NEW --- Support X port forwarding for RSE SSH Terminals 2017-06-08
330502 Platform Ant platform-ant-inbox NEW --- Ant can't read "antlib.xml" from JAR added to Ant's runtime, if the JAR is updated while the workspace is running 2019-11-05
330579 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [director] Allow for incomplete version numbers to be specified on the command line 2019-09-06
330601 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [templates] Allow to specify which template variable instance is used for initial editing 2019-09-06
330921 z_Archiv E4 e4.runtime-inbox NEW --- Icons needed for context views 2012-12-13
331214 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [scp][apidocs] Integrate SCPFileSubsystemConfiguration into rse.doc.isv 2010-11-26
331218 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [scp][doc] Create a Wiki page documenting scp limitations for end users 2010-11-26
331426 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox ASSI --- Code Style formatted contribution in a product 2020-09-04
331648 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Entered values on following pages in clone wizard are not cleared after changing URI 2013-09-27
331746 Platform Runtime platform-runtime-inbox NEW --- Allow control over construction of contributions 2016-10-04
331840 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [clean up] Qualify static accesses only if necessary 2010-12-06
331859 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [ltk] Ability to create new folder within Move Resources dialog 2010-12-14
331926 Virgo unknown virgo-inbox NEW --- Allow PLAN-artifact-property to append manifest headers instead of replacing them 2010-12-06
332079 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-triaged NEW --- [content assist] JSP editor inserts template instead of surrounding selection 2018-02-01
332615 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [testing] Add an RSE Unittest for SimpleCommandOperation 2010-12-15
333049 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Context menu for Revert/Reset functionality at file level. 2014-04-25
333126 Virgo snaps virgo-inbox NEW --- Snaps for submenu with Snap-ContextPath 2017-02-03
334207 Woolsey IP Log T woolsey-inbox NEW --- Warn user when version number or project id entered in wizard differs from values in IP Log 2011-03-17
335658 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [hashcode/equals] Should not warn when class has no fields and superclass implements methods 2011-02-02
336868 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- No mechanism to escape ${...} from variable substitution 2023-11-16
336886 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Suppress console output dialog when connecting with SSH 2013-09-27
337070 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Add Edit commands: Copy&Append, Cut&Append and Paste&Copy 2019-09-24
337298 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [actions][clean up] command to save without save actions 2011-02-16
337528 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- Different formatting of name space declarations 2017-10-23
337955 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick assist] Allow refactoring of bean property type 2011-02-24
338323 Java Ser UI jsf.ui-inbox NEW --- [BIDI3.7]:dir="rtl" is not recognized by Web Page Editor 2013-02-07
338493 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Provide a tool for detection and debugging of window handle leaks 2019-04-05
338770 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Custom Runners cannot communicate file information 2012-10-03
338957 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] StringFieldEditor shows error message of a field that has lost focus 2020-02-12
339127 Java Ser Core jsf.core-inbox NEW --- Add support for Facelets with JSF 1.2 2011-04-12
339984 JDT Core jarthana NEW --- Breakpoint hit twice 2022-06-08
340585 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- Variable that holds config-output directory is not available 2020-09-04
340623 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Support configurable colors in EGit History view 2015-09-10
340833 CDT cdt-buil cdt-build-managed-inbox ASSI --- Builder is too verbose 2020-09-04
340876 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [preferences][content assist] Request for more flexible configuration of content assist lists 2014-11-03
341375 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [inline] Inline local from reference should allow inlining single occurrence 2012-01-12
341510 WTP Comm Faceted konstantin NEW --- Support optional facet references in the supports extension point 2011-04-01
341526 WTP Webs samindaw NEW --- Axis 2: Not supprted in projects with Dynamic Web Module facet version 3.0 2013-01-17
341588 EGit UI egit.core-inbox NEW --- [repoView] Decorate repository or working directory node with status about files (same as project) 2013-09-28
341832 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- FTP transport push fails with error (fetch probably also) 2013-09-28
341865 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- TreeColumn.getWidth() returns 0 for unrealized column 2019-11-12
342087 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Compare results of different JUnit executions 2012-03-20
342122 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Allow multi-selection for 'Push to Upstream' 2014-12-24
342761 WTP Sour jst.jsp thatnitind NEW --- Enhance double-clicking in a complex JSP attribute 2018-02-12
343168 WTP Webs wst.wsdl wst.wsdl-triaged NEW --- Support for WSDL 2.0 in WSDL editor 2014-01-16
343435 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox ASSI --- Inserting tabs instead of spaces if "Tab key adjusts indentation of the current line" set 2020-09-04
343593 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Pull on branch without merge strategy should provide help instead of failing 2013-10-25
344396 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] warn about range problem regarding hex literal 2014-06-15
344834 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Create Tag should be possible with multiple repositories 2013-09-28
345465 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Add option to checkout a particular SHA-1 commit 2013-09-28
345938 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- BundleWebappClassLoader.clearReferences() - extend current functionality 2013-03-25
346174 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [planner][registry] Use the actual packages provided by the JRE when resolving 2020-03-26
346422 CDT cdt-pars cdt-parser-inbox ASSI --- Support for microsoft compiler 2020-09-04
346530 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox NEW --- [ftp] FTP fails to re-connect automatically due to 30 sec timeout cache 2011-05-20
346689 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Add preference for warning when pulling with uncommitted changes 2013-09-29
346958 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Clone operation as part of wizard should be able to run in background 2014-02-03
347513 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [osgi] Support for Provide/Require-Capability from OSGi R4.3 core spec 2016-04-26
348093 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-triaged NEW --- icon change request 2013-06-19
348621 Equinox Framewor equinox.framework-inbox NEW --- Support java.util.Locale#setDefault(Category, Locale) on Java 7 2017-05-26
348717 WTP Sour wst.xpat wst.xsl-inbox NEW --- XPath view has "Sheet 1 to 5" tab pages 2013-04-10
348916 TMF Xtext Ba tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- Missing mnemonics in Syntax Coloring preference page 2015-09-21
349362 WTP Webs wst.wsi ASSI --- Duplicate mnemonic in WSICompliancePreferencePage 2015-02-05
349363 WTP Webs ASSI --- Duplicate mnemonic in ProjectTopologyPreferencePage 2015-02-05
349560 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Fetch from upstream not available when multiple repositories are selected 2020-10-02
350279 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.7] Compiler warning for overriding methods of AutoCloseable#close() that throw InterruptedException 2020-06-05
350506 EGit Core egit.core-inbox NEW --- [reflog] Add Create Branch/Tag to context menu of reflog view 2013-09-29
350745 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- Varargs are not evaluated correctly when no arguments are given 2023-09-02
350861 EGit Releng egit.releng-inbox NEW --- EGit doc plugin should include a pre-built help index 2013-09-29
351244 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- [sync] Flat representation does not work for 'Git Change Set' model 2013-09-29
351735 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Problems view sort by line numbers 2011-07-13
352384 WTP Comm Faceted konstantin NEW --- Add ignore-problems to facet.core.runtimes supported extension point 2012-02-04
353075 TMF Xtext Ba tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- LexerErrorContext should not implement IParserErrorContext 2013-05-06
354784 JDT Debug sarika.sinha NEW --- [breakpoints] DebugException: Breakpoint does not have an associated marker. 2023-12-24
354857 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- MemoryRenderingElements created by MemorySegmentLabelAdapter can have improper cell addresses 2021-11-06
356036 Dali JPA General neil.hauge NEW --- Provide mechanism to invoke Dali metamodel generation externally from Eclipse or provide overwrite capability 2013-09-11
356522 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [director] List IUs to install in file 2012-06-11
358114 Java Ser Core thatnitind REOP --- Formatting XHTML file clears closing brace of Expression Language 2019-10-13
358702 WTP Serv jst.serv jst.server-inbox NEW --- Read time out is 0 when performing Ping towards started server 2012-04-18
359625 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Adopt new Windows 7 APIs 2019-12-17
359686 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE][Dialogs] Open Resource dialog should work like Firefox awesomebar 2011-11-18
361259 WTP Serv wst.serv wst.server-inbox NEW --- "Automatically publish" produces ClassNotFoundException on JSP when resources change 2014-11-30
361306 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Synchronize View "Next Difference" and "Previous Difference" should find ALL differences 2021-04-07
361731 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Set size constraints on children of PartSashContainer 2019-12-18
362072 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Offer 'Copy' or 'Copy Qualified Name' on selected test 2019-05-19
362261 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox NEW --- "Ending brace on the same line" option for Code Style 2020-09-04
363803 WTP Java jst.j2ee shr31223 ASSI --- Export of Java EE projects ignore removed source directories in Deployment Assembly 2015-05-27
365691 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- SESSIONS.ser is not preserved when stopping GW/stopping web application bundle 2013-03-25
365950 Dali JPA JPA pascal.filion NEW --- Refactoring support for named queries 2014-10-27
366277 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.7] Incorrect dead code/null value analysis in try-with-resources 2023-01-16
366327 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- Guess available NonNull annotations 2020-06-10
366352 Java Ser UI ian.trimble NEW --- HTML Component is always left aligned when drag & drop component from Web page Editor 2012-04-24
366922 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- [repoView] Add "Push..." to context menu of individual remote (nodes below "Remotes") 2014-07-31
367599 JDT Core jarthana NEW --- [apt6] FilerException - Source file already created 2022-06-07
367918 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- Pax Exam support 2012-08-22
368106 JDT Core jdt-core-triaged REOP --- Javadoc: validate HTML-code/check for HTML errors 2015-07-02
368287 Virgo bundlor virgo-inbox NEW --- additional line feeds would make the generated manifest more readable 2016-09-27
368955 z_Archiv gyrex gyrex-platform-inbox ASSI --- Integrate with Tomcat 2018-03-19
369060 Target M RSE tm.rse-inbox ASSI --- Runnig script on remote system 2012-01-20
370226 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [terminal] On Eclipse 4.2m5, the Terminal Summary line is sometimes shown in the status bar instead of the view 2020-09-04
370692 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Extdoc: Provider for 'Static Hooks' that return a specific type 2019-07-24
371061 Virgo snaps virgo-inbox NEW --- Using JSF with snaps gives IllegalStateException: Could not find backup for factory javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory 2017-02-03
371206 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- Feature Request: Capitalize Selected Text 2012-02-10
371309 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Prevent workspace from being created inside project 2013-08-20
371379 Virgo snaps virgo-inbox NEW --- Add listener support in snaps 2017-02-03
371562 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Non-workspace files are treated differently depending on whether the workspace has any C projects 2020-09-04
371733 z_Archiv Mylyn rd12hq ASSI --- add proposals from Gerrit server to the content assist in the "Add Reviewers" text box 2016-12-07
372618 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- XSD Design view need back button 2012-03-01
373044 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [transport] Implement support for HTTP caching shared by all installations and instances on a system 2015-10-24
373870 Dali JPA JPA tranle1 REOP --- Should support table generation for OSGi persistence bundle project 2014-02-06
374017 Platform IDE javabrett NEW --- Enable refresh even when selection has closed projects 2019-09-17
374238 Xtend Backlog xtend-inbox NEW --- Regenerating files causes them to be deleted during the next commit 2012-11-08
374639 JDT Core amj87.iitr NEW --- No expectedType when triggering completion on MessageSend in JavaContentAssistInvocationContext? 2022-07-25
374722 EGit Core egit.core-inbox NEW --- History, compare with each other doesn't work when a resource has been renamed 2014-08-08
376061 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Allow to export validation results of "Eclipse Application" launch config 2016-10-15
376097 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Merge file/directory selection with "Open Resource" dialog 2020-02-29
376117 CDT cdt-debu cdt-debug-inbox NEW --- [breakpoints] "Add breakpoints..." only opens "Common" properties page 2020-09-04
378724 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- Null annotations are extremely hard to use in an existing project 2020-06-10
380233 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- [Trim] Right-clicking on the tool bar to customize it no longer works 2020-05-12
383415 z_Archiv gyrex gunnar ASSI --- Integrate ECF OSGi Remote Services 2018-03-19
383460 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- Add git cherry-pick --no-commit option 2021-03-03
383632 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] dialog "import existing project" from file system scans also .svn folder taking rather long for larger repos 2015-06-29
383965 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][resource] Error/Warning "Potential resource leak" triggered for methods which return InputStream 2022-07-03
384146 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Allow extenders of WizardExportResourcesPage to customize the input of resources. 2012-07-04
385547 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PerspectiveBar] [PerspectiveSwitcher] Remove all dependencies on org.eclipse.ui.* (Pure E4) 2020-09-30
386125 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [content assist] Allow packages to be filtered directly from autocomplete popup/organize imports 2021-02-16
386362 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][resource] Need more descriptive warnings for resource close() check 2022-06-11
386453 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] JUnit view shows tests run in execution order, but that's not quite so useful for me (JDK7) 2020-10-27
386929 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- e4 Add ability to hide Restore buttons 2019-07-12
387175 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Java package incorrectly decorated in flat representation (from changes in subdirectories) 2014-04-19
387702 Gemini.W unknown milesg78 ASSI --- Code coverage is below 70% 2017-01-26
387726 Virgo unknown virgo-inbox NEW --- Support more than one pickup folder 2012-09-17
388057 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- [chain] completion should leverage IRecommendersCompletionContext.getExpectedTypeNames 2019-07-24
388686 z_Archiv gyrex gyrex-platform-inbox ASSI --- Make roles first-class citizens 2018-03-19
388688 z_Archiv gyrex gyrex-platform-inbox ASSI --- Smart load-balancer based on Jetty 2018-03-19
389147 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox REOP --- [xbase][lib] Add overloaded variants of InputOutput.print and println 2016-09-14
389493 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Text Paste without cursor movement 2012-09-21
389494 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- The PathTraverser class does not support wildcards in path 2013-08-26
390158 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Hierarchical layout for tags in Git Repositories view 2020-02-10
390869 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- Convert debug to use commands / handlers / ui.menus 2020-05-19
391023 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Support UI extensions for custom runners 2019-05-01
391059 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [search] Add enablement to Java queryParticipants extension point 2012-10-04
391381 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- provide filtered tree option in error view and problems view 2022-09-01
391665 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Remove accepted incoming changes from merge tool diff view 2014-01-21
392124 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Add view filter that filters types as defined on the 'Type Filters' preference page 2012-10-17
392133 WTP Serv wst.serv wst.server-inbox NEW --- Button "?" does not call context help in Juno unless some widget is selected 2012-10-17
392433 PDE UI Vikas.Chandra ASSI --- [JUnit] JUnit test case wizard does not specify minimum requried bundle version for JUnit 4 test 2023-06-26
392642 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Impossible to configure the Keys preference page 2012-12-03
393794 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Method camelcasing optimization request 2019-07-24
394654 TMF Xtext Ba tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- UI - Save Actions for DSL, e.g. Format on Save 2018-04-26
394683 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Compare Editor opened via Synchronize view shows wrong commit hash and author on the right 2016-09-01
394732 Platform User Ass Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Browser] Unable to open the internal browser forcefully 2012-11-23
395137 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [FieldAssist] [JFace] ContentProposalAdapter needs to set focus on the secondary popup 2012-11-28
395141 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Annotated web components are not found if they are not in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib, but in the bundle class path 2013-03-25
395587 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox REOP --- indentation changes not correctly detected 2020-05-12
395604 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Code assist does not work after anonymous class inside in an array initializer 2022-10-04
395609 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Inner interface not offered for code assist 2022-07-28
395628 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- PushCommand to delete remote branch differs from command line 2014-04-25
395973 z_Archiv VJET earlyster NEW --- [enhancement] Better integration with HTML and HTML template editors (such as php,jsp,etc) 2017-04-11
395993 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Provide a official JUnitPluginTest-Runner class 2012-12-07
397009 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Switch workspace doesn't work in fullscreen 2012-12-20
397402 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- [stagingView] Warn about potential data loss when dragging partially staged files from staged to unstaged area 2019-04-28
397632 z_Archiv VJET earlyster NEW --- [typelib] Update NodeJs type library 0.8.16 2017-04-11
397654 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Open containing directory option on right-click on a file name in the editor 2015-06-29
397902 Virgo snaps virgo-inbox NEW --- NPE when looking up a path from the servlet in Snaps 2017-03-07
397954 Virgo snaps virgo-inbox NEW --- Improve the documentation 2017-06-16
398240 z_Archiv VJET earlyster NEW --- [enhancement] NodeJS node_modules folders processing 2017-04-11
398384 Ecoretoo General ecore-inbox NEW --- Default fill color of EClasses in Ecore Tools Diagram Editor cannot be modified 2014-05-10
399446 z_Archiv VJET earlyster NEW --- [feature] add type library for backbonejs 2017-04-11
399447 z_Archiv VJET earlyster NEW --- [typelib] Update Jquery type library to 1.9 2017-04-11
399448 z_Archiv VJET earlyster NEW --- [enhancement] Update build to tycho 0.16 2017-04-11
400043 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- lib/endorsed content does not appear under project classpath container 2013-04-02
400166 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- removing a bundle from a par doesn't update the bundle's classpath and manifest 2013-04-02
400217 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- [Contributions] Not possible to change visibility of tool items or menu items at runtime 2020-05-30
400835 Platform UI simon.scholz NEW --- Add search box to property sheet 2015-01-22
401217 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] JUnit view doesn't abbreviate package names 2013-03-05
401309 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- Xtext EmbededEditor not compatible with e4 application model 2018-04-04
401432 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Investigate caching JRE default library src locatons 2023-09-06
401548 Virgo bundlor virgo-inbox NEW --- Create ${bundlor.manifest.output.path} if it does not exist 2013-02-25
401575 Dali JPA JPA neil.hauge NEW --- "Generate entities from tables" should not create @Id when extending class which declares @Id 2014-02-06
402363 EMF cdo.ui stepper ASSI --- Make CommitHistoryComposite usable with RAP 2020-12-11
402445 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Viewers] Add generics to the JFace Viewer framework 2019-06-17
402711 Jubula ( Core Marcel.Krauth ASSI --- Drag and drop does not work on tree table 2023-08-09
403015 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- MANIFEST.MF of maven based WAB not copied to stage directory 2013-04-08
403017 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- All projects do always get redeployed when changing anything 2013-04-02
403019 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- A WAB is redployed also by just changing a file that should not trigger redeployment 2013-04-02
403261 Orion (A Server grant_gayed REOP --- Allow overriding of email templates 2017-01-25
403976 Orbit releng orbit.releng-inbox NEW --- It would be nice to have a releng test that confirmed signatures of split packages, and fragments and hosts 2013-03-21
404248 Virgo tooling virgo-inbox NEW --- publish jsp changes is not working on a virgo tomcat server from STS 2013-04-02
404635 Virgo tooling eclipse REOP --- Virgo Tooling not deploying changes in JS files into Virgo work folder 2013-09-16
404738 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Error Log (org.eclipse.pde.runtime.LogView) should delete .bak files 2013-04-02
404768 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Allow "Compare With" for open Editor windows 2016-10-02
406499 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][loop] Incorrect "Dead code"/"Null pointer access" warnings when tracking the most recent value and previous value 2022-12-11
408263 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Impossible create launch configurations from feature-based products using requires/imports 2023-03-29
409142 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [organize imports] Organize import doesn't find moved classes of static imports 2013-05-28
409727 z_Archiv gyrex gyrex-platform-inbox ASSI --- Integrate with Virgo 2018-03-19
410769 WTP Webs NEW --- Help me pick the REST handler Servlet when installing the JAX-RS facet 2013-06-27
410865 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Make extending Java project wizards straightforward 2013-06-21
411215 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- PDE JUnit laucher to launch test from Target Platform (not only workspace) 2013-06-20
411862 EMF cdo.rele emf.cdo-inbox NEW --- [Releng] Add helpful information to Version Management Documentation 2020-12-11
412095 EMFCompa UI NEW --- EPackage.eClassifiers ordering ignored in display 2018-03-07
412410 Virgo snaps virgo-inbox NEW --- Static resources do not have Content-Type (MIME type) set and are always treated as binary 2017-02-03
412558 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged REOP --- Setting via UI (WorkingSet Dialog) a WorkingSet Icon 2013-07-22
413214 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Contributions] [Compatibility] dynamic nodes of Menu contribution on toolbar are ignored. 2016-04-27
413306 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Import project dialog automatic refresh on option toggle "copy projects into workspace" 2013-07-22
413706 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Signal to user that a project needs to be created before creating a new file 2013-07-25
413854 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][resource] Provide annotation to recognize custom close() methods 2020-06-10
414237 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][null] Support a @LazyNonNull annotation for fields 2020-06-09
414932 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [navigation] Navigation from JUnit does not select the expected text region 2015-02-24
415053 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Support OSGi Subsystem artifacts 2013-08-14
415361 JDT Core Vikas.Chandra NEW --- [search]"Find references" does not find "implicit params" javadoc 2024-02-19
415475 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Provide selected commit(s) as variable for external tools 2016-04-15
416130 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Allow to run a class as an java application with a selection which does not contain a main type 2015-02-24
417142 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- [Viewers] Update JFace viewer unit tests to use generics 2020-05-18
418210 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Improve integration and UI of "Clean..." action 2016-06-02
418299 z_Archiv gyrex gyrex-platform-inbox ASSI --- ApplicationProvider for RAP applications 2018-03-19
418524 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null] Incorrect redundant null check in a finally 2022-06-15
419052 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Selecting the menu Source / Format in a large source file takes forever 2020-09-04
419291 Tracecom TMF patrick.tasse NEW --- When previewing Sequence diagram print, escape key doesn't always cancel 2019-01-10
419649 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- CLI clone fails to checkout a tag 2014-04-25
420689 WTP Sour wst.xml NEW --- Impossible to disable or lower severity on *.xml validation 2017-09-28
420881 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- [stagingView] Add "Open With" menu entry in context menu 2015-06-04
420898 ECF ecf.prov ecf.core-inbox NEW --- [providers][MQTT] Create MQTT broker container 2015-07-24
421239 ECF ecf.prov ecf.core-inbox NEW --- [Discovery] Create discovery provider based on Hazelcast 2013-11-07
421305 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Allow direct import of a single project 2013-11-28
421377 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Remember Push Confirmation options 2013-11-10
421933 Platform Ant platform-ant-inbox NEW --- Assertion Error: Program did not suspend, and unable to terminate launch. 2019-12-02
422126 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Method usage is marked deprecated when incomplete 2020-04-07
422620 Tracecom TMF patrick.tasse NEW --- [TMF] Events List's "Show Raw" option should be greyed-out for trace types that don't support it 2019-01-10
423123 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [1.8][navigation] Quick Type Hierarchy doesn't show all implementations of functional interface 2022-07-17
423129 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][compiler] Hook up lambda expressions into statement recovery 2022-10-31
423168 CDT cdt-core cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT "Save Actions" settings panel lacks options found in other language "Save Actions" 2020-09-04
424222 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- deleting sourcefolder does not delete in bin-folder 2023-08-08
424352 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- Launches ignore workspace line-endings preference 2015-05-15
424353 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- Cannot specify Unix line endings when launching a JVM 2024-04-05
424805 z_Archiv Tycho tycho-inbox NEW --- "publish-product" fails to update icons for launcher 2021-04-28
424846 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox REOP --- Add preference for soft-wrap/scrolling in commit message text fields 2015-08-12
424994 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- "Discover new extensions" popup appears when all extensions are installed 2019-07-24
425592 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Comparing renamed file shows "file not in ..." on the "old" side instead of contents before rename 2014-01-13
425744 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Method Breakpoints do not support conditionals regarding the return value 2020-02-05
426243 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [All] Add Display API to spin event loop 2018-07-10
426443 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler][flow] Var initialization within an argument to JUnit assertTrue call not honored for definite assignment 2022-09-21
426613 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Add "Compare Parent Version with Workspace" to file context menu 2014-01-27
427115 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.7-][compiler] Compiler mishandles most-specific method test 2023-01-13
427423 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [1.8][quick fix][null] Provide quick fixes for the new problem id's introduced for null analysis 2022-08-30
427753 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8] org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.ClassFileEditor should show type annotations. 2023-06-08
427897 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [package explorer] Remove need for "Package Explorer" in favor of "Project Explorer" 2022-05-05
427971 PDE UI julian.honnen REOP --- No quickfix to import plugins which are not referred too in the workspace 2023-11-23
428081 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow to trigger a project build from the context menu 2015-06-29
429354 CDT remote ptp-inbox NEW --- Remote browsing does not properly handle directory names containing a colon 2022-03-09
429655 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Forms] Provide an option to set the disabled image in ImageHyperlink explicitly by the client 2014-06-26
429804 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Remove " // TODO Auto-generated method stub" from default method generation template 2017-04-25
429814 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8] ICodeAssist#codeSelect should return lambda IMethod, not the overridden SAM of the functional interface 2022-11-22
430090 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Provide a way to clear the persisted state when application is updated 2022-09-09
430252 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] "Close or Exit"-question in multi-window on window-close-buttons. 2014-03-16
431130 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] FieldEditor.adjustForNumColumns(int numColumns) client access 2015-04-03
431392 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- CleanCommand does not clean file in sub-directory 2019-04-25
431518 EGit GitHub egit.github-inbox NEW --- Internal error when trying to add https link to remote git repo 2014-04-19
431553 z_Archiv BIRT Birt-ReportDesigner-inbox NEW --- Ubuntu 13.10 ClassNotFoundException: org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptOrFnNode cannot be found by 2014-04-03
431750 GEF GEF Layo gef-inbox NEW --- Migrate Draw2d/Zest DirectedGraphAlgorithm to GEF4 Layout 2015-12-18
432934 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Make it easier for users to install and build against older JREs 2016-05-04
433497 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Commit Changes Dialog should show asterisk for files added to Index in Files table 2014-04-28
434065 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][resource] Ternary operation breaks resource leak detection (sometimes) 2022-07-03
434135 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- frame.charEnd ignored for SourceLookUpFacility.positionEditor 2021-12-27
434332 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Add a placeholder text to search text field 2019-07-24
434737 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Sorting of coordinates in Model Repositories view a bit naive 2019-07-24
434805 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [imports on paste] unnecessary import pasting class name within String 2022-09-06
434955 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Selecting a package in the Outline view does not fire a package selected event 2019-07-24
435372 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Downloading snippets job doesn't display a name 2019-07-24
435442 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][null] False-positive on null reference 2022-11-09
435572 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Annotation for declarations that need to work with all AST levels 2018-04-13
436074 z_Archiv Recommen yasett.giselle ASSI --- Stronger indication when snippet cannot be applied at current cursor position 2019-07-24
436737 WTP Java jst.j2ee shr31223 NEW --- Stubs for abstract methods of abstract superclass are not created for Java EE classes (servlet, listeners, etc) 2015-02-05
436976 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [syntax highlighting] Add color highlight for class and interface declarations 2021-02-02
437499 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Autocomplete for Snipmatch tags 2019-07-24
438221 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] should support 7z 2014-06-26
438306 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- Unexpected opening of a method declaration while selecting method with CTRL key down 2023-04-27
438381 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Completion tips disappear after skipping over them 2019-07-24
438526 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox REOP --- [P2] support GIT source location in target definition. 2015-09-23
438610 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Dependency Overview should show project/model coordinates for projects 2019-07-24
438798 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Please allow scrolling to the latest entry in the Error Log 2014-07-03
438853 z_Archiv Tycho tycho-inbox NEW --- Automatically skip tycho-p2-director-plugin:materialize-products on projects with "pom" packaging 2021-04-28
439404 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Refresh Dependency Overview View 2019-07-24
439465 Ecoretoo General ecore-inbox NEW --- to distinguish two clases with the same name but from different packages 2014-09-12
439777 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Automatic conversion of local snippets from older format to current format during upgrade 2019-07-24
440306 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [null]Quickfix extract to checked local variable on Potential null pointer access 2022-09-05
440465 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- Expressions View does not respect Java Preferences for hex/unsigned primitive 2024-01-18
440479 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [1.8][null] feature request: more warnings on redundant null annotations 2020-06-10
440507 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [find/replace] Add (?x) and (?U) flags to the tooltips for regular expressions 2016-09-09
440568 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Integration into CDT 2019-07-24
441787 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Add "Fetch All" menu entry to fetch from all remotes (git fetch --all) 2015-07-16
442108 Platform User Ass Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add methods to set or clear selection for FormText 2015-11-13
444107 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Columns in Model Repository view too narrow 2019-07-24
444363 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- DiffCommand: Doing "git diff HEAD" is too complicated 2014-10-19
445635 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Source attachment: allow attaching non-java source code to a library 2014-11-10
445768 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- [stagingView] "Commit and Push" button should not be available during rebase 2014-10-09
448143 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- CellModifier API should be removed from Platform code 2020-01-05
448501 z_Archiv Tycho tycho-inbox NEW --- Improve logged error messages for baselineRepositories in tycho-p2-plugin 2021-04-28
449652 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- No feedback when saving snippet without a import capable repo 2019-07-24
449659 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- [1.8][compiler] Investigate status of disabled generics tests 2022-10-30
450745 WTP Sour wst.xsd wst.xsd-triaged NEW --- Allow XSD type refactoring similar to how the Java editor does it 2015-09-26
452034 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- Spelling is checked on the main thread 2015-11-11
454476 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [rulers] "Show Revision Information" should be a toggle 2018-07-31
454619 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [jar exporter] Runnable JAR-file results in OutOfMemory errors 2023-04-08
455555 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox REOP --- [MacOS] Browser should support searching for text in the page content 2014-12-18
455923 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] code incorrectly flagged as "dead" 2022-06-29
458144 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- [1.8] Conflict with default interface methods is not detected 2022-06-16
458364 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Code Generation for Builder and Factory classes 2019-08-06
458413 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [GTK] [Missing functionality] DND should be able to aquire data over a drag-over event. 2018-07-10
458477 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- clone(pull) fails when i clone empty repository via SSH 2016-12-09
458727 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Multiline comment after Javadoc comment at class header is compiled as Javadoc comment, original Javadoc comment gets lost 2019-01-08
458807 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Not enough information in hierarchy consistency check 2022-12-10
459212 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- Debug details formatter never works work for java.util.Date objects 2023-10-16
459244 WTP Webs wst.wsi wst.wsi-triaged NEW --- Add back WSI test org.eclipse.wst.wsi.tests.internal.BasicProfileAnalyzerTest 2015-02-05
459408 andmore General d_a_carver NEW --- Android Unit testing in Eclipse 2015-02-26
459569 andmore Core d_a_carver NEW --- Support AARs within Andmore 2017-04-10
459570 andmore Core d_a_carver NEW --- Support M2E integration 2016-05-04
459572 andmore Core d_a_carver ASSI --- Support Gradle and the Buildship project and Android Gradle Plugin 2019-08-06
460293 andmore Core d_a_carver NEW --- Investigate leveraging the WindowBuilder project 2015-02-18
460745 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- CTabFolder layouts ALL children when a parent container request layout(true,true) 2019-12-17
460795 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged REOP --- [Commands] fireHandlerChanged does not cause UI enabled status to be updated 2021-04-26
460921 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- [1.8] Content assist does not work in lambda with typed parameters 2022-07-13
461624 WTP Java jst.j2ee daniel ASSI --- Generate index.html in default Dynamic Web Project 2015-08-20
461809 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [content assist] Completion proposals for Java 7 (diamond constructor) are broken with Mylyn in the loop 2024-04-10
461868 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- "Include all plug-ins from target in Java search" preference should trigger and update of the Java index 2023-03-15
463610 andmore Core d_a_carver NEW --- Support Android Studio Project layout 2016-05-04
464733 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox NEW --- Ignore launches from derived folders 2018-01-13
465563 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Nested project hierarchy not available in Package Explorer 2015-04-29
465695 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Add "Next/Previous Skipped Test" buttons for "Show Skipped Tests Only" filter 2024-04-04
466287 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [quick fix] No quick fix provided to copy library with default null annotations to build path 2022-07-09
466406 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compile] valid final variable causes eclipse compilation error when set via multiple catch blocks 2022-07-24
466657 Data Too DataTool dtp.connectivity-inbox NEW --- I can't find the source for the org.eclipse.datatools.intro bundle. 2016-06-13
466881 Java Ser Core ian.trimble NEW --- Namespaces in JSF (JSP) templates should be updated 2017-02-08
467496 Jubula ( Core jubula.core-inbox NEW --- Jubula client API - internal usage of static wait to synchronize to AUTs RC state 2023-09-22
467567 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- NPE in BindingKeyResolver.consumeLocalType 2022-08-04
467935 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][compiler] Eclipse Luna R2 Generic Bounds java.lang.StackOverflowError 2022-05-27
468254 Jubula ( Core jubula.core-inbox NEW --- AUT Activation by Tabbing 2015-05-28
468454 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Proposal for loop variable resolution of enhanced for-loop fails if variable used in body 2023-05-04
468761 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Support page up/down, home, and end keys in snippet search 2019-07-24
469115 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Support more snippet locations 2019-07-24
469131 Babel Website babel.core-inbox NEW --- Ability to search for a specific bundle 2021-12-14
469233 Platform User Ass platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Support alternative URL for cross-plugin references pointing to optional bundles 2015-07-25
469324 JDT Text julian.honnen ASSI --- [Content assist] auto-completion adds wrong type arguments 2023-01-31
471252 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- [editor] wrong highlighting of matching rule begin and end tokens 2015-11-11
472065 andmore General d_a_carver NEW --- Sometimes appears: "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" 2016-05-04
472069 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Show in System Explorer is wrong wording on Mac OS 2023-09-01
472115 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Allow disabling the project location label suffix for Project Explorer Hierarchical mode 2016-02-11
472246 andmore General d_a_carver NEW --- Warning when is res/raw file has illegal chars 2015-10-09
472400 EGit GitHub egit.github-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in Pull Request Editor when opening commit from the list 2017-11-23
472571 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- ClassCastException in BindingKeyResolver.consumeTypeWithCapture (582) 2022-12-15
472701 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [open type] Sorting 2022-02-28
472710 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [quick assist][null] Infer null contract from javadoc 2020-06-10
473538 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Allow to hide "Fetch", "Pull" and "Push" was successful dialog 2022-02-16
473818 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null] Incorrect "Illegal redefinition of parameter" error 2022-06-21
473884 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Using "Open Terminal" command from Remote Systems prompts for password every time 2020-09-04
474157 CDT cdt-debu cdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Eclipse does not send breakpoints to GDB on remote debug 2020-09-04
474272 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- NullPointerException in ASTParser.internalCreateAST (1135) 2022-08-13
475378 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null] Annotation interference causes contradicting null annotations 2022-08-17
476116 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [TERMINALS] in a fixed width font, not all fonts are 1 "extend" wide 2020-09-04
476122 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [TERMINALS] TextCanvas model of the string breaks for Unicode codepoints above the 16bit range 2020-09-04
476213 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- Enable JDT Null Analysis for Code Recommenders 2019-07-24
476276 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Debugger can grab focus and corrupt editing context 2023-11-23
476560 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged REOP --- saveState is not called for background perspective Views 2020-06-11
476636 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] wrong indentation when breaking a line before method invocation 2023-06-15
477670 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Allow configuration of Toolbar elements by a contextual menu on right click 2019-07-27
478277 andmore General d_a_carver NEW --- Android Project wizard blocked with an empty error popup 2017-02-16
478606 Platform UI alex.blewitt ASSI --- Replace uses of PackageAdmin.getBundles with BundleContext.getBundles 2020-06-18
478835 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox ASSI --- "Restore Defaults" for Syntax Coloring pref page doesn't work under Dark theme. 2022-04-22
479917 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [nls tooling] Find Broken Externalize Strings search result should offer to fix the problems 2016-09-13
480386 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Narrow views cut of menu bar instead wrapping into additional row 2020-06-08
480861 Jubula ( UA NEW --- Show output of embedded AUT Agent in the Jubula ITE console 2015-10-28
481242 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Open editor for copied file 2021-11-19
481593 Babel Website babel.core-inbox NEW --- Consider creating Marketplace Entries for some/all languages 2023-03-23
482201 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][null] @NonNull SomeType[] not remembered on caller site? 2022-06-15
482829 WTP Sour wst.xml wst.xml-inbox NEW --- XPath expression in status line: show absolute path; add @ for attributes 2016-02-22
482913 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- Need a command to reset font size 2021-04-29
483539 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- NPE ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding on auto-complete within lamdas 2022-08-12
484641 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Display command: "Error Evaluating: -1" not a very helpful message 2023-09-08
484825 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][loop] Wrong warning "Potential null pointer access" when exiting loop with break 2022-07-02
485135 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- "Method does not override a package visible method" should also apply to private methods 2016-01-05
485441 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][loop] Improper deadcode/null detection in an exception handler 2023-01-18
485661 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][null] bogus conflict reported between @NonNull type variable and its @Nullable upper bound 2022-06-23
485775 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] Doesn't report cycle inheritance problem which is detected by Oracle JDK 2022-06-06
485931 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Context sub-menu items appear twice when using ExtensionContributionFactory 2020-05-01
486083 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox REOP --- AutoBuild might run into an infinite loop under certain conditions 2022-03-22
486868 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][external] external annotations not resolved to plugins 2023-03-24
486885 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [typing] Shortcut for duplicating selection to the right or left 2016-02-09
487039 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- StyledText with auto scroll does not redraw scollbars correctly 2020-05-19
487057 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- No debug options help in Preference Page 2016-02-16
487247 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [actions] "Add Import" on static method invocation removes qualifier and causes semantic change 2023-03-02
487391 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler][1.8] detect super type cycle due to new rule in JLS 2022-06-02
487691 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [p2][ui] Selecting an IU in the AvailableIUsPage select all instances of that element in all branches 2016-02-19
487812 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Illegal overload with type variable 2023-01-05
488645 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][external] Annotation conflict resolution 2020-06-10
488843 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Support Alt+Shift+R as shortcut for rename resource 2016-03-25
488936 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- EclipseFileManager cannot handle UNC paths 2023-03-21
489988 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Workspace Summaries 2016-03-21
490063 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox REOP --- [DS] Generate Provide-Capability header for declarative services 2020-10-30
490411 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- Dirty working tree: files/jars in JDT Debug 2022-08-21
491098 GEF GEF DOT gef-inbox NEW --- DOT Graph View - Bundle native dot executable for layout and image export. 2020-12-10
491998 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [impl] Suspecious looking code in LookupEnvironment.createWildcard(ReferenceBinding, int, TypeBinding, TypeBinding[], int) 2022-06-25
492219 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Show compiler warning for method with Optional return value returning null 2020-06-10
492265 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Hot Code Replacement should not replace garbage Classes 2023-12-18
492282 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink Moxy Dynamic JAXB support for standard XSD restrictions 2022-06-09
492365 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler][null] Wrong warning: "Potential null pointer access: The variable abc may be null at this location " with logical or 2022-10-02
493053 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- API tooling should also warn about service segment version increase 2023-08-19
493078 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- CoolBar layout improvement 2017-05-24
493377 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- Toggle Word Wrap command has to be exposed in the main menu 2017-05-26
494283 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Allow for assigning varargs arguments to a new local variable (or field, etc.) 2016-05-25
494293 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox REOP --- Support sealed unmodifiable layout on macOS 2024-05-01
494663 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Visible-When Expression is not evaluated for Tool Items 2021-05-22
494789 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.ui.trim.command2 failing to display on right side during first startup 2021-12-10
495014 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Terminals] Reconnect option icon 2020-09-04
495591 Platform Runtime platform-runtime-inbox NEW --- [Jobs] JobManager should support optimistic locking 2016-06-08
495674 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Content assist immediately after case statement inside lambda expression missing 2023-05-13
495767 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [Windows] Exception with latest YBuild with IBM Java 9 2022-08-28
495856 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [resource] Add annotation to clarify ownership of returned resources to improve analysis of 'potential resources leaks' 2020-06-10
495883 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Erroneous "The local variable xxx may not have been initialized" error message 2022-09-04
496186 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- [launch] Launch config editor rewrites line breaks in encoded VM arguments string 2020-06-04
496570 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Icons bigger than 32 pixels should be possible for visually impaired people 2016-08-30
496661 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [content assist] Duplicate recommendations after removing comment 2022-08-23
496814 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox NEW --- "Create Snippet..." should use sensible preset for "Location" 2019-07-24
497103 Tracecom TMF tracecompass-inbox NEW --- CallStack view : Limit Maximum number of rows for each thread 2019-01-10
497121 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Not possible to cut and paste in the project explorer 2020-08-03
497183 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- overload resolution wrongly applies erasure (?) 2022-07-18
497417 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.5][compiler] type argument inconsistency not detected 2022-07-20
497494 WTP Sour wst.json wst.json-inbox NEW --- Need to create New Wizard for creating JSON files 2016-10-09
497718 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Calling private static method from subclass instance overload 2022-09-16
498124 z_Archiv Tycho tycho-inbox NEW --- port nexus unzip plugin to Nexus 3.0 2021-04-28
498433 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- Templates like ${enclosing_type} can't resolve context in conditional breakpoints editor 2024-04-22
498530 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [1.8][null] null not correctly inferred as @Nullable String 2020-06-10
499197 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8] Wildcard type inference for method reference fails 2023-06-07
499232 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Project explorer - Show filters in drop-down. 2017-05-24
499261 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] compiler error with invocation of overridden method in interface with method generic 2022-06-12
499326 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] error reporting depends on order of compilation units 2022-12-12
499649 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Autocomplete not working in enum parameters 2023-01-13
499766 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Improve solution from bug 497698 2022-07-15
499789 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- loop in lambda makes it ambiguous 2022-08-12
499807 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Open Resource] Add ability to specify line number in search text 2019-04-23
500209 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [null] Refactoring ignores @NonNullByDefault 2020-06-10
500859 WTP Sour wst.css wst.css-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Neon - Content Assist in HTML does not work for linked CSS files 2020-02-24
501125 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Add Ctrl+D to delete a line in the commit message "editor" 2019-07-14
501312 JSDT General psuzzi NEW --- JSON Editor improvement: enclose text within quotes 2018-11-22
501738 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox REOP --- Dictate does not work on macOS (IME commit is broken) 2020-12-12
501880 WTP Sour wst.json wst.json-inbox NEW --- Quick outline for JSON Editor 2016-10-03
501939 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- Allow to type in the preview of search and replace preview 2017-04-20
502389 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- PDE menu additions target Package explorer but not Project explorer 2023-05-31
502558 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Allow to start the clone operation on the first wizard page and skip branch selection 2019-08-22
502581 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Support local CSS changes by the end user 2020-06-17
506243 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Infer Generic Type Arguments command should use diamond operator when possible 2023-05-31
506573 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [package explorer][preferences] Abbreviate Package Name preference section has usability issues 2017-04-18
506588 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Allow to trigger the export installation wizard via the Eclipse About dialog 2019-04-30
506606 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox NEW --- render green background for hunks of new content and red background for hunks of old content 2016-10-27
506645 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Internal compiler error: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding.constant( 2022-11-03
506722 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- search bar for problems view 2017-07-18
506741 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8] accept potentially compatible method in overloading 2022-08-04
506947 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Replace MANIFEST.MF editor with generic editor implementation 2022-10-07
507579 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Copy file should open the file 2018-04-16
507629 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Implement new definite assignment rules for lambdas 2022-07-26
507758 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Redundand Null Check wrongly higlights non null check after calling HashMap get function if using @NonNullByDefault 2020-12-04
507794 WTP Java jst.serv jst.servlet-inbox NEW --- Cannot add existing servlet in Eclipse "Oxygen" 2016-11-19
508257 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- The "Swap sides" preference negatively affects Refactoring Preview dialog 2024-04-21
508506 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- A "multi-browser" editor 2017-07-13
508519 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Give user ability to choose target size of the rendered page in Browser 2017-08-02
508535 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Browser] Merge "Refresh" and "Go to URL" buttons 2017-07-17
508586 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [dom ast] StringLiteral.getLiteralValue() throws IllegalArgumentException when called in multiple threads 2023-03-05
508912 Platform IDE psuzzi NEW --- Simplify "window title" preferences section 2018-05-24
509035 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Further improve progress reporting for large number of p2 software site target locations when resolving Fri 14:20
509039 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null] local flow analysis for final fields 2020-06-10
509171 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [call hierarchy] doesn't properly expand caller in lambda in "Expand with constructors" 2023-11-06
510175 JDT APT jdt-apt-inbox REOP --- TypesImpl.capture is not yet implemented 2023-05-15
510472 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- eclipse word wrap in display view 2023-10-18
510592 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Do not lock workspace during fetch operation in a pull operation 2019-06-14
510797 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null][loop] Incorrect dead code Warning 2022-06-10
511234 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [dark theme] Overlay icons look not very well on dark theme 2022-05-28
511269 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Fix the Problems view 2020-08-31
513241 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Add icons for abstract UML classes 2017-12-19
513355 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- Create top level Debug menu 2020-06-04
513423 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- Quick Fix provides incorrect placement of @Nullable 2022-06-21
514055 JDT APT jdt-apt-inbox NEW --- Annotation processing not used until I manually enable / disable the APT processing preference 2022-08-24
514063 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Common Navigator] API should support ViewerComparator 2018-05-25
514592 WTP Sour jst.jsp jst.jsp-inbox NEW --- JSP editor does not highlight or assist JSP tags in files with alternate contentType 2018-05-05
514793 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [1.8][null] EEA "Annotate" fails on generic array field with "Mismatching type structures" 2022-10-11
515074 Platform IDE david.eclipse000 NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Allow to copy settings from another workspace from launcher 2020-02-19
515081 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [open type] Open Type dialog doesn't include local classes 2019-04-03
515316 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- No shortcut for Terminate action in Console in Run mode 2021-06-08
515462 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Creating two source folders with makes project unusable in Package Exporer 2023-07-20
515643 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [1.9] [rename] rename module feature 2020-10-20
515729 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- Add "Import from existing installation" to installation dialog 2020-02-17
516230 Platform Team platform-team-inbox REOP --- History View does not update when selection/selected page in a MultiPageEditorPart changes 2020-03-17
516450 Platform Compare platform-compare-inbox REOP --- Proposal for a set of consistent rules for what to show on the left and right sides of the compare viewer 2022-11-13
516897 Sirius Properti NEW --- Newly created "Open Dialog" operations are incomplete/invalid 2017-06-12
516981 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Problems view should provide rich problems hover 2018-05-24
517000 Sirius Core sirius.core-inbox NEW --- Improve error reporting in VSM validation when typename can not be found 2017-06-12
517023 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Auto complete order for generic types 2024-01-07
517122 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- expression to check content-type (FilePropertyTester) to also work on IEditorInput (not only IFile) 2018-12-08
517329 Sirius Core sirius.core-inbox NEW --- [aird editor] Provide more guidance in the aird editor's UI when there are no models or viewpoints/representations 2018-04-03
517332 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Fine tuning for enhanced deprecation 2022-06-01
517446 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Poor scrolling performance of Terminal 2020-04-30
517452 Equinox Launcher equinox.launcher-inbox NEW --- [launcher] Fallback mechanism for launcher.ini (eclipse.ini) based on Java vendor/major version detected 2017-05-31
517721 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [compiler] Misleading error message when placing a conditional expression where a statement is expected 2020-04-07
517919 Sirius Core narayana.nekkanti NEW --- [model creation wizard] Advance to the next page automatically on double-click 2022-02-19
518100 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Method to obtain current URL from WebBrowserEditor 2018-07-22
518187 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Provide DebugListener through OSGi component to decouple 2023-07-19
518535 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [package explorer] Add modification decoration to Package Explorer icon 2017-06-21
519247 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- The method foo(...capture#95-of ? super...) is ambiguous for the type Bar<capture#94-of ? super...> 2022-11-14
519256 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unexpected type error 2022-06-20
519339 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Implement [JDK-8182734] "7.7.1: Forbid modifiers on explicit java.base dependence" 2022-09-27
519442 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- [9] API to suggest valid module name 19:08:15
519506 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Add role name in Connector End label for identification 2017-12-19
519534 Platform Resource platform-resources-inbox NEW --- Define "archives" and "zip" content-types 2017-07-12
519652 JDT UI david.eclipse000 NEW --- [find/replace] No matches to replace message dialog should use verbs (Close) instead of OK 2017-12-04
519728 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Overlay scroll bar hides last element 2020-11-16
520041 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- Hot code replace does not replace all instances in multi-classloader scenario 2024-02-20
520048 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][inference] A type witness should not be required to call a method in a lambda when the bound is known 2022-08-10
520107 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][inference] Regression: type mismatch 2022-07-07
520718 Paho MQTT pierre.fersing UNCO --- TypeError: on_connect() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given) 2019-08-16
520799 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][inference] lambda compile error 2023-01-22
521352 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] Code involving wildcards and cast compiles with ECJ but fails to compile with Oracle JDK 2022-12-23
521445 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Check javac release notes for changes that need to be adopted by ecj 2022-12-27
522011 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] build time validation for module related classpath attributes 2023-01-31
522257 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Diagnose missing Profile URI 2017-12-19
522380 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler] The method is ambiguous error if method is overridden with same signature 2023-05-29
522403 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Details of UnresolvedReferenceBinding resolving in SplitPackageBinding settings 2022-10-14
522429 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [navigation] a hyperlink provider for file path (in any context) 2018-06-17
526072 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- "New source folder" wizard should create folders even if already in listed classpath 2017-10-16
527004 Platform Search platform-search-inbox ASSI --- Search in 'Open Editors' scope 2017-11-13
527347 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Subtyping error between wildcard and genericty 2023-01-04
527665 Platform UI alex.blewitt ASSI --- Remove references to org.eclipse.core.boot 2020-06-12
527711 Eclemma General eclemma-inbox NEW --- Use icons for full/partial/no coverage in General > Editors > Text Editor > Appearance 2017-12-20
527741 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- PDE should not warn if resource URI of unknown scheme cannot be found 2023-10-29
527782 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- 'Toggle full screen' (and others) menu should be changed to show current state 2018-05-25
527943 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox REOP --- [javadoc] Constant values should be colored in Javadoc view/hover 2017-11-30
528181 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Conditional breakpoint text box should use Java editor font 2020-11-05
528322 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- A shortcut to minimze view stack 2018-05-10
528406 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Win32: Toolbar drop down arrow always black 2020-11-23
528410 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Wrong "can be declared as static" warning for readResolve() and writeReplace() 2023-12-24
528691 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [GTK] StyledText ignores text after \u0000 character 2020-11-18
528697 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [content assist] Lots of parser invocations for classes that should have been compiled already 2024-01-01
528763 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Exit action should warn when multiple windows are open (and will get closed) 2017-12-14
528788 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- UML2EcoreConverter should manage TemplateBinding 2017-12-30
528996 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SelectionRequestor may add "null" elements 2023-02-16
529324 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- No UML nature/builder/validator 2018-03-28
529336 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- ecj reports a compilation error while javac does not (The method X is ambiguous for the type Y) 2022-06-27
529767 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- [Markers] Missing problem marker target for "The required feature 'base_Interface' of ..." 2018-01-13
529780 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Show stereotype applications as child tree elements in UML Model Editor 2018-01-13
529903 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Windows -> Navigaten should move to the Navigate menu 2019-07-10
530208 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [quick fix] Split composite try-with-resources into two nested ones 2024-02-21
531094 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [1.8][inference] Type error on functional interface assignment in generics method 2022-06-01
531102 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Browser] background not set via setBackground() 2018-07-10
531548 MDT.UML2 Core mdt-uml2-inbox NEW --- Message::validateSignatureIsSignal ignores Signal owned attributes 2018-02-24
531668 WTP Comm wst.comm wst.common-inbox NEW --- Web browser & Web Services Explorer icons are not looking good in dark theme 2022-03-08
531897 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- testCyclesCleared failed 2024-02-11
531914 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [type hierarchy] Does not scroll to method 2024-04-01
532000 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox REOP --- Run Configuration Dialog - why does it have to be modal? 2022-02-28
532336 Java Ser Core jsf.core-inbox REOP --- Add support for JSF 2.3 2018-11-15
532359 Platform Text platform-text-inbox NEW --- [code mining] Use a font from FontRegistry to draw code mining 2023-04-25
532861 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [1.8][compiler][null] java.lang.Class.cast(Object) returns @NonNull object even if null is passed as parameter 2022-07-04
532951 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- "Ignore unavoidable generic type problems" does not work in lambda expression 2024-03-22
533104 z_Archiv BIRT Birt-ReportViewer-inbox NEW --- Text Fields - Unable to Align HTML Checkbox and Labels 2018-03-30
533327 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9] Implement JEP 211 2022-07-15
533859 GEF GEF DOT gef-inbox NEW --- DOT Graph View - wrong edge target position calculation 2019-03-07
534032 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add a warning access restriction on packages who will be removed with Java11 2022-12-26
534165 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Use better icons for the Junit run results 2018-04-27
534217 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Inconsistent capitalization in Add Dependency dialog 2021-04-19
534548 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [tests][search] Test JavaIndexTests.testNonExistentIndexRestart throws an error 2023-06-24
534553 WTP Java jst.jem thatnitind REOP --- Enable JEM tests 2019-09-05
534832 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [javadoc] Cursor Caret disappears when Javadoc view is open 2022-10-24
534967 Babel Server babel.server-inbox NEW --- Search functionality to find translation keys on Babel web site 2022-04-04
535795 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- [null] Error during computation of Annotate proposal: could not resolve type - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.fix.ExternalNullAnnotationChangeProposals$MissingBindingException 2022-06-18
535812 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox REOP --- The fix 'Remove redundant nullness annotation' generated a null change. 2022-06-20
536527 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Inspecting local variables fails when Debug Info is not available 2022-09-14
536757 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox NEW --- Option to merge console output of "Launch Group" projects 2018-07-08
536951 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Implement SWT.ALT_GR on Windows and Cocoa 2018-07-12
538043 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox ASSI --- Use verbs in Cancel Confirmation dialog 2020-11-30
538209 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [toString] Allow to use StringJoiner for toString() generation 2018-08-24
538773 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [Feature editor] Allow sorting of plugins and dependencies to prevent merge conflicts 2018-11-28
538885 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [JUnit] Ability to specify RunListener for a JUnit in a JUnit run configuration. 2018-10-17
539024 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Quick Access] Previous choices disappear when typing, even though matching 2019-09-09
539183 PDE UI mike.majewski ASSI --- Show already added plug-ins in the plug-in selection dialog (grayed out) 2022-10-20
539497 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- Name of Installed JREs not correctly set when clicking on Search... on Max OS X 2022-06-16
539878 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Bad stale error markers and stale error content 2022-10-19
539930 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- JavaOutlineInformationControl: outline view filter should match on substrings 2023-04-07
540135 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit 5] Support test source URI for dynamic nodes 2021-08-29
540291 GEF GEF DOT gef-inbox NEW --- DOT Editor - improve refactoring support 2019-03-07
540531 z_Archiv LSP4E eclipse NEW --- [Dark Theme] "LSP Text Occurrences" background color not adapted 2022-02-04
540576 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [null] Enabling annotation-based null analysis makes JDT complain about not being able to resolve a field 2022-06-07
540831 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Unexpected behaviour using swt-maximize-visible/swt-minimize-visible 2020-11-26
540961 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- [Marker Property Page] Re-layout Property/Task Page 2020-12-29
541001 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Allow navigate to line number in Open Resource 2019-04-23
541092 GEF GEF DOT gef-inbox NEW --- DOT Graph View - No double-click / single+single-click distinction 2019-03-07
541115 EGit Core egit.core-inbox NEW --- git operations should not wait for builds to complete 2019-02-28
541406 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [code mining] Allow to set color and styles for code mining text (see Syntax Coloring page) 2022-03-28
541489 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Show Logical Structure not working for some launch configurations with Advanced Source Lookup Wed 02:07
541580 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox NEW --- [content assist] when class has a missing field/method, make it a proposal when CA is invoked in class body 2018-11-27
541651 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [hovering] Use field to show Javadoc for undocumented getter/setter 2018-11-29
541779 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- HashSet logical structure is shown as a HashMap 2018-12-05
541866 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- Uncheck "Group items by category" should at least show all categorized items 2020-03-24
542090 JDT APT jdt-apt-inbox ASSI --- FilerException: Source file already created 2022-07-19
542481 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- An OCRHelper class to read widget text 2019-02-12
542762 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Use less margins in MANIFEST.MF editor 2022-12-20
543268 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [JUnit 4] JUnit view considers only one instance of parameterized tests with same name 2023-05-09
543269 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- reopenEditors ContributionItem causing subsequent menu items to not be displayed 2020-08-25
543283 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- toCamelCase command 2022-03-05
543303 Papyrus Core mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- [OpenModel]Opens a Papyrus Model can throw Cannot modify resource set without a write transaction 2019-03-25
543360 Platform Team platform-team-inbox REOP --- "Finding differences" message should be on editor and not be a popup 2021-11-25
543402 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- Use Objects.equals(...) and Objects.hashCode(...) 2019-03-08
543623 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Correct indentation slow for very large files (> 10k lines) 2023-01-27
544529 Platform Text platform-text-inbox ASSI --- [content assist] Asynchronous content assist completion doesn't keep selected proposal in CompletionProposalPopup 2019-09-17
544929 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [navigation] resolve "implementation" for final fields set at declaration that override a method 2019-03-01
545164 Platform Releng platform-releng-inbox NEW --- Easy solution for SDK committers to setup environment on latest nightly build 2019-08-26
545216 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Please support ES8 syntax, e.g. async and await keywords 2021-10-06
545439 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [dom ast] case statement rewrite formatting 2023-11-18
545465 GEF GEF Zest gef-inbox NEW --- Implement background color/background image support for graphs. 2019-03-16
546072 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [13][quick fix] Assign to Local variable Quick fix can be added for Switch Expression 2020-02-17
546123 Tracecom LTTng tracecompass-inbox NEW --- Add support of session rotated traces 2019-04-04
546139 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add compare to clipboard (similar to AnyEdit) 2019-04-05
546857 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox NEW --- [code mining] skip parameter names for library method with no source information 2019-09-20
546951 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [package explorer] Allow to assign key binding to Navigate > Go To > Resource... 2019-05-22
546992 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Run As > Java file for non-ICompilationUnit Java file with JDK 11 2019-05-06
547052 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [save actions] final is sometimes added when source doesn't compile 2023-04-26
547136 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [9][search] CoreException when searching for modules encounters a project-as-automodule 2023-09-13
547229 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Debug Shell with Remote Java Application connection reports "Evaluation failed" for valid expressions 2023-05-24
547316 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Mac]Support dynamic switching of dark/light theme 2022-01-18
547460 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "Restore Defaults" doesn't reset "Color and Font theme" setting (Appearance pref page) 2020-06-20
547538 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- [GPG signing] Implement real signing tests 2019-05-29
547826 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [inference] Sub-optimal error message for inference failure at overloaded constructor 2022-06-05
547850 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox NEW --- Render URLs as hyperlinks in Console view 2019-06-03
548069 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- Modular Java: Correct type resolving for Javadoc in module-info files 2022-11-08
548132 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Signed-Off button selection in Git staging view not persisted 2019-06-20
548248 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Support IStorageEditorInput in TargetEditor 2019-06-16
548481 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- BasicPartList should be extend FilteredTableBaseHandler 2020-10-28
548667 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Add API to manage Import-Packages 2019-06-26
548894 PDE Build pde-build-inbox NEW --- Enhance product builder to sign windows launchers 2020-10-01
548967 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Stack Frame filter for debug view 2019-07-04
549099 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [1.8][null] Inline lambda expression ignores @Nonnull constraint (declaration annotation) 2023-06-28
549230 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [1.8][compiler][null] inference unnecessarily instantiates type variable as '@NonNull String' 2022-06-10
549411 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [macOS] Support emojis in text input fields 2023-05-15
549820 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Programmatically set keyboard focus on View Title 2020-02-27
549860 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- [Workbench] [Compatibility][api] IWorkbenchPage's showEditor(*) and hideEditor(*) methods are buggy 2021-07-30
549919 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- PDE Smart import does not detect bundles without .project file 2024-05-03
550034 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Use project scheduling rule for PluginModelManager job 2023-07-26
550071 WTP Sour wst.xsd thatnitind NEW --- Generating autocomplete from XSD crashes Eclipse 2023-06-08
550078 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- a "search for dependency and add to target-platform" quickfix 2019-08-23
550385 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Project Explorer should support Navigator View properties 2022-02-17
550816 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Fix process monitoring bugs in PDE 2023-08-23
551043 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Target editor does not resize well 2023-08-25
551157 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Improve problem marker "Bundle x.y.z cannot be resolved" 2023-08-29
551262 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Allow using new Quick Search dialog as a view 2019-09-23
551405 Platform SWT lshanmug NEW --- [Mac] Text widget with SWT.SEARCH and SWT.ICON_CANCEL - cancel icon no longer accepts left-click to clear the field 2021-05-31
552035 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- Unhelpful org.eclipse.xtext.util.EmfFormatter list index 'stabilization' 2019-10-16
552056 BPMN2Mod Doc pleacu NEW --- Error during saving 2019-10-12
552136 z_Archiv EPF epf.tool-inbox NEW --- Update application Terms of Use to GDPR 2023-02-16
552146 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Wrong insertion of postfix template 2023-11-21
552331 JDT UI kalyan_prasad ASSI --- [13] Use semantic highlighting to mark the relevant region of a TextBlock 2023-10-17
552439 Platform Debug platform-debug-inbox NEW --- expose Java Stack Trace Console in "Find Actions..." / Quick search 2021-10-24
552561 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Expressions view: provide API for other languages (like groovy) 2019-11-02
552710 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Add External JARs selection ignored when creating a new project 2023-02-03
552728 Platform Text platform-text-inbox NEW --- [Dark Theme] Search shows white artifacts 2023-05-15
552774 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Call Hierarchy does not show all callers for method with nested type argument 2023-10-03
552946 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- < and > characters are not escaped in Annotation values displayed in Javadoc 2022-05-30
552994 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [CSS][Dark] Delay in background rendering 2020-06-28
553029 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add preference listener to retheme Eclipse if theme preference changes 2021-11-19
553280 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Mac] Tables containing images have header same size of the row and the table scrolls under the header it self 2020-11-23
553384 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- JAR export can leads to module inclusion 2022-07-14
553385 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- Jar export should propose to add version information for modular project 2022-05-30
553690 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Changing new feature project name does not change feature vendor 2019-12-03
553832 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Tests] Move o.e.jface.tests to JUnit4 2019-12-05
553833 Platform UI info ASSI --- [Tests] Move o.e.jface.tests.databinding.conformance to JUnit4 2022-03-30
553834 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Tests] Move o.e.ui.tests.performance to JUnit4 2019-12-05
553836 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Tests] Remove UITestCase dependency on TestCase 2020-04-20
558394 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox ASSI --- SashLayout should not ignore the flush flag 2021-09-03
558545 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- support shebang style java 2020-01-15
558618 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox ASSI --- Quick Fix Wizard should have column sorting 2020-03-31
558784 JDT UI tobbaumann ASSI --- [package explorer] sort order should take abbreviated package names into account 2020-11-10
558831 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Stale invisible debugger repositions editor 2023-12-19
559000 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- @SuppressWarnings("overloads") is not supported by Eclipse 2024-01-25
559019 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox NEW --- CTRL+/ (Toggle Comment) can make a selection 2020-01-11
559021 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox NEW --- Undo CTRL+/ fails to retain cursor position and makes selection 2020-01-11
559022 CDT cdt-edit cdt-editor-inbox NEW --- CTRL+/ (Toggle Command) at line start misplaces caret and makes a selection 2020-01-11
559115 MoDisco Main modisco.web-inbox NEW --- Maintain currency with UML 2.5 2020-01-30
559172 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Null pointer exception in: org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaAllCompletionProposalComputer 2022-06-21
559211 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Can we have a filter that only shows (or sorts) based on actual source instead of code from lib/jar? 2022-02-22
559294 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- Invisible text in Refactor Preview with bright foreground 2023-12-30
559506 MoDisco Main modisco.web-inbox NEW --- Debug KDMtoUML for non-trivial models 2020-02-05
559532 OCL Core mdt-ocl-inbox NEW --- [releng] Use SLF4J rather than LOG4J 2022-02-08
559721 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox REOP --- The debugger moves the cursor on a code change to the active method 2024-01-24
559763 JDT UI jjohnstn ASSI --- [14] Provide quickfix to convert to Text Blocks 2023-02-21
559872 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- UI freeze at DecorationScheduler.queueForDecoration 2020-02-19
560046 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Text hover in wrong location on KDE Plasma with GDK_SCALE=2 2020-06-05
560145 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [13] Improve error message for parse error on yield() method call 2021-02-10
560474 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- Null annotation processing uses different init sequence for SourceTypeBinding and getField may fail 2022-12-20
560637 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Decorate deprecated extension points in manifest editor 2020-03-31
560700 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [feature] Support for completing multiple lines with content assist in column or multi selection mode 2024-02-27
560702 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- entry breakpoint not hit 2024-02-20
560705 CDT launchba cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Automatically attach to process during debug by name 2020-03-02
561170 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- "This thread has been manually suspended and therefore object details are unavailable." 2023-03-24
561188 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- warn when optional warnings are configured as error but no longer suppressable 2021-02-10
561291 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Detail formatter prints with white font? 2024-03-09
561334 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [resource] leak should be classified as potential 2022-12-19
561433 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox REOP --- [resource] Cannot @SuppressWarnings("resource") on variable, the annotation must be put on the whole method 2020-06-10
561656 EGit GitHub egit.github-inbox NEW --- CommitComment has default line 0 which now causes request failure 2020-04-04
561977 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Eclipse prevents MacBook Pro to use integrated intel graphics 2020-09-25
562268 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [14] No compiler error/warning for @Serial annotated methods/fields that are not part of the serialization mechanism 2023-04-25
562304 JDT Core rgrunber ASSI --- [search] for references of method with type parameters does not find overriding methods 2023-03-07
562526 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Exception occurred during compilation unit conversion 2023-08-13
562832 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- [1.8][select] "Open Declaration" does not work inside specific JDK Streams code snippet 2022-11-20
562858 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit] Open JUnit failure stack trace in a dialog 2020-07-01
562885 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Hexdump Detail Formatter for byte[] 2022-07-17
563084 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- DnD of a toobar from a the top trimbar to the left or right looks bad 2020-05-12
563191 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Wayland] Try to remove forceResize() from getClientAreaInPixels() 2020-05-14
563428 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [test] testCreateIncludedCompilationUnit failure 2024-02-07
563609 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Zombie progress entries in the Progress view 2020-05-27
563792 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Missing *.target Editor File Association 2024-05-14
563977 Platform Text platform-text-inbox NEW --- [Quicksearch] Include files in hidden folders 2021-04-27
564537 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- Allow to define a delay for BusyIndicator to show the busy cursor 2020-06-26
564878 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- There are white backgrounds on some of the PDE edit screens for a component 2022-06-24
564913 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quickfix] generate referenced method 2020-07-06
564914 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [Junit5] test not found 2023-01-17
564955 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- The Element area is too small in Java Syntax Coloring Preference page 2022-08-04
565023 JDT Core Vikas.Chandra NEW --- No content assist after Stream#map() function whose parameter is method reference 2023-03-11
565471 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Incremental update of the Call Hierarchy 2020-07-28
565777 EGit UI egit.ui-inbox NEW --- Switch to branch from pull result dialog 2020-08-03
565825 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- Do not insert closing brackets if already present when typing opening brackets 2024-02-23
565868 Tracecom Trace ty tracecompass.incubator-inbox NEW --- Add binary support 2020-10-23
566030 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Type mismatch when using StackWalker::walk 2024-02-10
566359 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Dark theme][win32]- TabFolder header not styled 2023-04-29
566706 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add static constructors for SyntheticMethodBinding 2023-02-27
566840 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick fix] Rename quick fix should suggest unique suffixes 2020-09-10
566957 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Content auto-detection, syntax highlighting and validation for JEP 378 Text Blocks 2020-09-15
567064 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Java Project is forced to move to compliance 15 if using 14 compliance with enabled preview feature 2023-06-30
567667 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quick assist] Pattern matching for instanceof 2021-07-02
567839 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [run configuration] eclipse automatically adds "-m <projectName>/<class>" to runconfig command line in JPMS projects 2022-11-16
567924 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- "Install New Software..." dialog should have option/links to "Install: From Existing Installation" 2020-10-21
567940 Tracecom Trace ty tracecompass.incubator-inbox NEW --- Add mono trace support 2020-10-23
568065 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [Install Software Wizard] Merge "manage..." and "Contact all update sites..." widgets 2020-10-21
568067 Equinox p2 equinox.p2-inbox NEW --- [Install Software Wizard] Merge "Hide what's already installed" checkbox and "see what's already installed" link 2020-10-21
568184 Tracecom Trace ty tracecompass.incubator-inbox NEW --- Add support for OTF2 trace format 2020-10-23
568201 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox ASSI --- Integrate Memory Analyzer in JDT 2020-12-09
568353 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- E4 plug-in selection spy does not observe macOS dark theme 2022-03-11
568692 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- Product launches that fail should take me to the launch configuration 2020-11-13
568708 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- [compiler][resource] Potential resource leak flagged twice for unassigned case 2023-03-11
568816 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [quickfix] remove redundant type arguments fails 2023-02-10
568819 TMF Xtext tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- UML2Ecore2Xtext is not adequately tested. 2020-11-23
568884 Platform Text platform-text-inbox NEW --- Improve Find/ Replace to allow continuous search 2020-11-17
568937 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse freeze when invoking type hierarchy for java.lang.Object 2023-05-13
568955 EGit Core egit.core-inbox NEW --- Git clone or commit reports symlinks permanently as modified 2021-06-18
569037 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox ASSI --- InfixExpression badly parsed 2023-06-07
569423 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Improve / allign quick switches (CTRL+F6/ F7/F8) with Ctrl+3 2021-11-25
569495 JGit JGit jgit.core-inbox NEW --- JGit allows Push to update checked out branch (receive.denyCurrentBranch and receive.denyDeleteCurrent not implemented) 2020-12-07
569695 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Almost invisible info icon decorator 2021-01-05
570122 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- [Package Explorer] Sorting not consistent 2023-02-01
570697 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox NEW --- Projects imported from ZIP archive do not automatically add included JARs to classpath 2023-04-30
570785 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- Extract method refactoring provide better default names 2021-07-02
571504 Platform Team platform-team-inbox NEW --- Compare editor opens up slow and seems to update itself even if the editor is not visible 2021-02-25
571717 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- [JUnit 5] Nested test class with dollar in name cannot be opened from JUnit view 2023-03-05
572681 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Hover gives IllegalArgumentException 2024-02-10
573211 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Restore from local history issue with dark theme 2022-02-15
573645 CDT terminal cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Get the current working directory of shell process on Windows/macOS 2021-05-19
574122 WTP Java jst.j2ee jst.j2ee-inbox REOP --- Missing Jakarta EE 9 Project Facets ( JSF 3 , JSF 4 , JPA 3 , CDI 3 , Servlet 5 ) 2022-10-17
574309 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Compile error on deeply nested type parameters 2023-07-12
574587 JDT UI jdt-ui-inbox ASSI --- Cleanup does not work with Aliased Files 2023-06-27
574950 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- [product editor] Support Versions for configured plugins 2021-07-22
576124 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- [search] provide an option to search the JRE sources for a specific text 2021-09-22
576280 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Multiple snooze 2021-09-30
576530 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Refactor ECJ to a separate project 2021-10-08
576653 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Tooltip of marker in detached window doesn't work 2022-04-19
576672 JDT Text jdt-text-inbox ASSI --- Automatically wrap Javadoc 2022-01-19
576942 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Dark][Win32] ToolItem hover/selection color is blue 2022-11-21
576991 Platform UI Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [test] PartOnTopManagerTest can timeout 2021-11-01
577395 Platform Text platform-text-inbox NEW --- Overview ruler colors have poor contrast, discovered logic error in code 2021-12-13
577951 WTP Webs REOP --- CVE-2021-4104: Remote code execution in Log4j 1.x when application is configured to use JMSAppender 2022-02-22
578306 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Support '*' in module source path expressions 2024-01-12
578452 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- JavaProject.computeExpandedClasspath() too aggressive at duplicate removal 2024-01-24
578669 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add workspace preference for enabling annotation processors 2022-02-10
578941 M2T Xpand m2t.xpand-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.xtend.dependencies depends on log4j 1.2.15 explicitly 2022-03-02
579011 JDT Debug jdt-debug-inbox NEW --- Use Hidden Break Points to Enhance Performance of Debugger Step Operations 2024-02-28
579214 PDE UI pde-ui-inbox NEW --- IES423: The icons is not mirrored in Arabic locale in 'Preference Spy' panel 2024-03-20
580155 Papyrus SiriusDi mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- [Sirius][ClassDiagram][ContainmentLink] we must improve reconnect validation precondition 2022-08-30
580168 Papyrus SiriusDi mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- [Sirius][ClassDiagram] The Node InformationItem declared in the VSM must be updated. 2022-10-19
2279 bugs found.
