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Sat Jun 1 2024 05:03:09 EDT

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586 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
21084 Platform IDE Mike_Wilson NEW --- Delete read-only resource on filesystem fails 2019-09-06
24753 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [UX] Add Show Next/Previous Buttons 2019-09-06
30398 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] New File/Folder dialogs should assist user in creating non-existent link location. 2019-09-06
35074 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Export dialog: inconsistent checkbox appearance for partial selection 2020-09-22
37220 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Enable/Disable paste - currently being done incorrectly 2019-09-06
38300 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Make zip descriptions saveable 2019-09-06
40738 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [LinkedResources] add external source folder ui needs to be in intuitive place. 2019-09-06
44346 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] More Info in a class path's entry Info node 2019-09-06
67196 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Wizards don't do immediate validation on source 2019-09-06
69260 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Could use jobs to allow for completion of input name. 2019-09-06
70952 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] org.eclipse.ui.importWizard needs support of finalPerspective 2019-09-06
74487 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] project checkout should be extensible 2019-09-06
76157 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Open Resource: Right click on the directories for each resource could provide actions 2019-09-06
76380 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow SaveAs to update Most-Recently-Used list 2019-09-06
77782 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Can't move a project that's been moved outside of Eclipse. 2019-09-06
79887 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Zip Export should preserve permissions 2019-09-06
80184 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] imorting subfolder from zip is not possible 2019-09-06
80247 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Add open external directory 2019-09-06
80538 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] project description popup 2019-09-06
82810 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive as zip treats target as directory 2019-09-06
83240 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Importing Archive Files and File System as configured projects 2019-09-06
84212 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Deleting a large project UI feedback issues. 2019-09-06
84704 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Export/import local history with project 2019-09-06
84756 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] tar import/export does not support pax extensions 2019-09-06
86711 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Copy one directory from a project to another with "overwrite all" as exists for files 2019-09-06
87261 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EFS] Browse Zipped Resources 2019-09-06
87690 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] Open Resource folder list better guess than alphabetical 2019-09-06
87802 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] MarkerImageProviderRegistry cannot support nl 2019-09-06
87863 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] "save as" can't save outside the workspace 2012-11-28
88572 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Refresh should run in a background job 2019-09-06
88972 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive export does not allow path relative to workspace 2019-09-06
88975 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive export does not allow storing archive in path of exported project 2019-09-06
88981 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Archive export should be able to store preferences 2019-09-06
90963 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] should be able to import/export using varying filename encoding 2019-09-06
93163 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow to copy full file names in various views 2019-09-06
94061 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] unable to move files when others are open 2019-09-06
94647 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Add Task gets blocked by background job but doesn't show blocking dialog 2019-09-06
98106 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] File properties do not list line delimiter 2019-09-06
99656 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Status bar content not updated when a project is deleted 2019-09-06
100394 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] general Import/Export functionality for User Libraries 2019-09-06
100440 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Add fitering mechanism to FilteredResourcesSelectionDialog 2019-09-06
100554 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] Default Path Variable: CURRENT_WORKSPACE 2019-09-06
102299 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Mac] Dragging files to the dock icon does not work 2022-04-07
102424 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] File "save as" should auto-suggest name and folder based on package name in file 2019-09-06
104880 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] For Export -> Zip file, no indication of where the file will go 2019-09-06
106349 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Move Dialog not resizable 2019-09-06
106506 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Dialog initial size too wide to read long file/folder names 2019-09-06
107928 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] need possibility to step to bookmarks with keyboard keys 2019-09-06
110135 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import existing projects wizards: enhancements for duplicate projects 2014-04-08
110246 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Consider dividing import/export categories according to the data being imported/exported 2019-09-06
110624 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Clear-All UI should check all projects for 'Clean all' 2019-07-10
111345 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Suggest items based on user context 2019-09-06
111619 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Filters in Problems View: Provide separate marker limits per filter 2019-09-06
111699 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Support SHIFT-DELETE functionality when deleting resources 2019-09-06
113658 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] [Zip Export APIs need to be public 2019-09-06
113858 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Cell editor remains active when task deleted 2019-09-06
114626 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Labeling issues in Problems view filters dialog 2019-09-06
115029 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] allow the user to save some remark comments during creation of a 2019-09-06
115655 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Move bookmarks easily in editors 2024-01-08
116220 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] allow a file to be saved in two simultaneous places 2019-09-06
117826 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [LinkedResources] Linking to external file via New File action fails and causes other startup problems 2019-09-06
120388 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Project Close dialog should not show cancel button 2019-09-06
120692 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Bookmarks View needs more spacing on the left hand side 2019-09-06
122456 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] adding linked resources at any sublevel in a project 2019-09-06
124098 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] [Import/Export] Importing of existing projects from a different workspace could offer to ignore derived files 2019-09-06
125709 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Allow Tips and Tricks categories 2018-04-29
127511 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Editing a task is slow to refresh 2019-09-06
129917 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Preferences UI issues 2019-09-06
130179 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Help] Task view (problems view) missing help in associated dialogs 2020-01-12
130214 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] should have more detailed progress for large file import/export 2019-09-06
138396 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Adding an entry to the Tasks View should select it 2019-09-06
140970 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] can only extend variable pointing to local file system 2019-09-06
145722 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Need a way to filter out the resources in the list/tree in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardExportResourcesPage 2019-09-06
149349 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Way to "highlight" a Workspace configuration. 2019-09-06
149443 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Importing source files without a project could be more helpful 2019-09-06
150898 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [LinkedResources] Resource should be located even if opened externally 2019-09-06
151601 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Enhance "Resource Exists" dialog 2019-09-06
154425 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Should support import to root (/) again 2019-09-06
156334 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Proposal for some changes in WizardExportResourcesPage 2019-09-06
157198 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] export / import should merge wizards 2019-09-06
157961 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Open Referenced projects opens unpredictable list of projects 2019-09-06
158576 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] Derived files should be decorated distinctively 2019-09-06
158716 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Pull Scripting support into platform 2019-09-06
160960 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Decorators] org.eclipse.ui.ide.internal.LinkedResourceDecorator always decorates links referencing non-local IFileStore URI with warning decoration 2019-09-06
161753 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Wrong result after a file system import. 2019-09-06
162409 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Add an option to Export dialog to filter exported files by creation / modification date 2019-09-06
162759 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Error message is not displayed when special characters are enetered as export file name 2019-09-06
164313 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Opening of projects should support implicit references 2019-09-06
165480 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Make projects relocateable by using relative paths 2019-09-06
166341 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Project specific linked resources definitions 2019-09-06
168106 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EFS] PathVariableSelectionDialog doesn't suport URI 2019-09-06
169631 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] PDE runtime icon is different from the icon 2019-09-06
184814 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Allow Export to run in the background. 2019-09-06
186451 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesView] Custom control at root node of property view 2019-09-06
187825 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [PropertiesView] Set initial expanded node and text color 2019-09-06
188827 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Open Resource dialog should not show non-resource working sets 2019-09-06
188982 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] markerResolutions extension point should provide ability to specify regex value for attribute matching 2019-09-06
191624 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [About] Suggestions for improved feedback related to Execution Environment "errors" 2013-09-20
191746 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] Multiple Project organisation 2019-09-06
191828 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] IDE should allow extensions to override the creation of editor input for a file store 2019-09-06
192702 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Trim] Help View is maximized when welcome is closed. 2019-09-06
192765 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ErrorHandling] Need better way to access resources from error messages 2019-09-06
195548 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] ProjectLocationSelectionDialog allows invalid path 2019-09-06
196586 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- If Alt + Numeric pad key assigned to action then get action plus character when used 2019-09-06
196818 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] -showlocation does not update task bar 2019-09-06
201092 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] Delete Projects from disk - cancelling delete process does not revert back. 2019-09-06
201295 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [DND] Enhance drop-n-drop from view to editor 2019-09-06
201855 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] ResourceException: "resource exists with a different case", when moving a file need a precheck 2019-09-06
202172 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [ViewMgmt] Language Switching should update language strings on tabs 2017-06-20
202939 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] The problems view should have an option to turn sorting off. 2019-09-06
203110 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Build File(s) functionality 2019-09-06
205424 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] ResourceListSelectionDialog should be marked as deprecated 2019-09-06
206163 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Change in default editor using extension point is ignored 2019-09-06
206243 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [UX] Copying and pasting an item in the navigator view doesn't open pasted item 2019-09-06
208252 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] From Problems views, allow to change severity level by right-click 2019-09-06
208773 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Workspace window exceeds the screen limits when invoked in the zz_ZZ local 2019-09-06
209095 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Modifier keys should only affect the click if they precede mousedown 2019-09-06
210512 Platform IDE eden NEW --- Underlining text as squiggles is not working when a bookmark is created from Edit menu 2019-09-06
210527 Platform IDE eden REOP --- Tasks are not deleted after deleting the line 2019-09-06
210671 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Undo] Treat redo buffer as precious! 2019-09-06
214824 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Progress] Provide a way to clear tab highlight 2019-09-06
215887 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Marker table in MarkerResolutionDialog needs more details 2019-09-06
218427 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Eclipse freezes on preferences import 2019-09-06
218958 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Filters in File System export are confusing 2019-09-06
218973 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import existing projects wizard: can't import two version of same project 2019-09-24
219100 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] Improved listing of files opened in Editor 2019-09-06
220159 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Provide action to create project and folder in ResourceAndContainerGroup 2019-09-06
220531 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Filter on resource name 2016-10-01
222553 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Reveal file in file manager/CLI 2019-09-06
223138 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Next/Previous hidded/filtered markers button 2019-09-06
224805 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Eclipse shuts down when trying to add a new repository 2019-09-06
227121 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Enhanced IMarker navigation 2019-09-06
235161 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] A dialog for regex testing and verification 2019-09-06
237941 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] [GlobalActions] Clean Project and Clean Build Project option in Projects context menu 2020-07-17
238867 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Emacs Ctrl-W cut 2019-09-06
240610 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] [Launcher] Can't start PDE launcher against dev workspace as of 3.4 2019-09-06
240779 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Unable to delete the created workspace 2019-09-06
243355 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] Error reporting could be improved for import wizard 2019-09-06
246833 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Trim] Toggle StatusLine 2019-09-06
248109 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Ignore selected warning type in Problems View 2019-09-06
249538 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] [API] consider making an API around WorkspaceChooserDialog 2019-09-06
250556 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Recent perspectives 2019-09-06
250662 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Cycle to View dialog, dialog cutoff with long view names 2019-09-06
252964 Platform IDE ahunter.eclipse REOP --- [TabbedProperties] TabbedPropertyRegistry logs error when no contributors are available 2019-09-06
253155 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] copy key scheme information to the newly created workspace 2019-09-06
253167 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] QuickMarks 2019-09-06
253981 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [EditorMgmt] [GlobalActions] Emacs key bindings: add window-related Ctrl-x 2, Ctrl-x b, Ctrl-x o, amd related 2019-09-06
255764 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GlobalActions] Recreate workspace 2019-09-06
256319 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Help view maximized after viewing welcome 2019-09-06
257689 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Display Version ID in Splash 2015-04-30
259814 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [GTK/Linux] Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers remains as zombie process after exit 2019-09-06
260628 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] Store ALL configuration in one subfolder 2019-11-27
261212 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] org.eclipse.ide delivers unwanted menu contribution 2019-09-06
261593 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [OLE] Problems opening OpenOffice documents. 2019-09-06
262648 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Creation of Tab Sets 2019-09-06
263019 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Ability to activate problems view automatically when there are errors 2019-09-06
264044 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Add bookmark through shortcut key doen't correclty fill input text 2019-09-06
266579 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Expose encoding validation from ui.ide to another plugins 2019-09-06
266635 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Switch Workspace via One Click Button 2019-09-06
267845 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Wizards] Allow import/export wizard shortcuts in perspective extensions 2014-12-22
268544 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] [IDE] Display working sets in "Project References" preference page 2019-09-06
269509 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Tail Logging view 2019-09-06
270183 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Undo] Undo resources 2019-09-06
273753 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] [DND] Enhancement: Create new editor by alt/option dragging editor tab 2019-09-06
276731 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Opening referenced projects refers to workspace known projects only 2019-09-06
279252 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] 'browse' on import project sometimes unnecessary scans filesystem 2019-09-06
280203 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Support importing preferences from HTTP url in wizard 2019-09-06
284708 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Local history manual file removing 2019-09-06
286115 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged REOP --- [Presentations] Mouse track wheel scrolling on the listing of files opened in Editor 2019-09-06
287220 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] DVT35:TCT580: CHT: Descriptions the same as for Problem view 2019-09-06
287936 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Import project archive (zip) does not work with umlauts / unicode 2019-09-06
287955 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchParts] Controls do not work for switching perspective or minimizing after all editors are closed 2019-09-06
288320 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Recent Files List required even after the files have been closed. 2019-09-06
294091 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Undo] Deleting a large set of projects causes Eclipse to freeze while creating "workspace undoable operation" 2019-09-06
297227 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Undo] IOperationHistory does not indicate if execute() failed due to IOperationApprover2 2019-09-06
297676 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Need an icon for an unfinished task 2019-09-06
298917 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] ContainerSelectionDialog is not extensible enough due to a hardcode behavior in ContainerSelectionGroup 2019-09-06
307305 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] [Bidi3.6]:Complex expressions are not displayed correctly in Bookmarks view 2019-09-06
307451 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Increase default width of Refactor - Move dialog 2019-09-06
310281 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Navigator] Use DND.LINK feedback when preference is set to use links 2019-09-06
311520 Platform IDE serge NEW --- [LinkedResources] Empty list of predefined path variables 2019-09-06
312688 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] [Problems View] FR - text wrap functionality in the "Description" field 2019-09-06
315934 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [IDE] Allow to set content type default encoding per project 2017-06-16
316854 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] New Working Set Select All Button Not Working 2019-09-06
317894 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Commands] Add Key Binding for Select Project 2019-09-06
322859 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Switching perspectives does not respect tool bar customizations 2019-09-06
327107 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] CleanDialog should be able to control whether non-AUTO_BUILD builders are run after clean 2019-09-06
327284 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] feature - new view listing files changed(from reset btn press or source control plugin change) 2019-09-06
327480 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [KeyBindings] Request to add brief emulation to the Editor's Keys scheme options. 2019-09-06
328936 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] [Workbench] Open Resource should support/index resources in JARs on project classpaths 2019-09-06
329546 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [UX] Usability: Provide a "File > Recently Opened Files" menu 2019-09-06
334331 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [DetachedView] [Workbench] Detached window functionality is very limited and not flexible 2014-08-18
343986 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged ASSI --- [Markers] The 'Show' > 'Show All' view menu should be a toggle 2012-06-07
349869 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [IDE] Problems view updating too slow 2019-12-17
350258 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkingSets] Share WorkingSets between Workspaces 2012-11-07
351735 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Problems view sort by line numbers 2011-07-13
355984 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- "Save automatically before build" does not save modified files from referenced projects 2021-03-02
356758 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] View "Tasks" -> ConfigureContents -> please support Regex-Matching 2014-03-11
359686 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE][Dialogs] Open Resource dialog should work like Firefox awesomebar 2011-11-18
362395 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Ignore already imported projects with the Import Existing Projects wizard 2015-03-04
364569 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Provide an extension point prior to project import 2015-10-15
373273 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add option to update .project path to missing .project dialog 2018-01-10
374017 Platform IDE javabrett NEW --- Enable refresh even when selection has closed projects 2019-09-17
382182 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Create a new feature that allow to Link beween editor (assistant Mode) 2012-06-10
383632 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] dialog "import existing project" from file system scans also .svn folder taking rather long for larger repos 2015-06-29
392901 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Searchable Palette 2012-11-05
393790 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [UX] Add last workspaces used in Jump List when Eclipse is added to the Windows 7+ taskbar 2012-11-07
397009 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Switch workspace doesn't work in fullscreen 2012-12-20
397080 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Modify default copy/paste/duplicate behavior to select newly created item 2015-02-20
397570 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- The "Clean..." dialog should allow to choose re-build or not even when autobuild is on 2013-01-10
398325 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Activating window should not activate all the other windows 2014-04-24
408406 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Show open tabs based on "popularity" 2013-05-21
410464 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Mouse left/right doesn't scroll Eclipse frame 2013-06-17
412043 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- .JSP files open with the plain text editor even after setting JSP editor as default 2020-09-25
413264 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Allow cancellation of long-running file-open operations 2013-07-23
413306 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Import project dialog automatic refresh on option toggle "copy projects into workspace" 2013-07-22
413706 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Signal to user that a project needs to be created before creating a new file 2013-07-25
413715 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- A "Customize" menu to install extensions & deal with Pref? 2013-07-25
415240 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- The "Open Resource" dialog should indicate which matches are symbolic links 2015-06-11
415241 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] The Tasks View displays the same item multiple times if there are symbolic link duplicates 2022-04-06
416736 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- When workspace directory is non-existent, directory prompting should occur 2013-09-06
421306 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] "Import Existing Project" wizard should connect to SCM 2013-11-08
421370 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- reorder the source file tabs 2013-11-13
422274 Platform IDE platform-ant-inbox NEW --- Eclipse SSH should use ~/.ssh/config aliases 2019-04-15
422284 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Are closing every hour, alone ... 2014-05-27
423056 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Intro] Restore welcome hyperlink on Welcome page does not work if view is maximized 2019-12-17
426906 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Dialogs] Support filename:linenumber in Open Resource to open file and go to number 2017-12-05
429102 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Allow derived resources to be excluded from archive export 2014-02-26
430252 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Workbench] "Close or Exit"-question in multi-window on window-close-buttons. 2014-03-16
430862 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Perspectives] Customized Perspective with Editors 2014-04-11
431827 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Show console only when it's created 2014-04-02
433815 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] [IDE] Add "Show In" menu item in Editor tab's Right Button menu 2014-04-30
433948 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Markers] Improve Task Tags 2014-05-05
438221 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] should support 7z 2014-06-26
438657 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Mac] Workbench windows need better multi-monitor support in OS X Mavericks (10.9) 2014-07-02
438957 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- editor tap position 2014-07-05
439045 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [EditorMgmt] Open files list should be alphabetical ordered 2016-04-17
440490 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Import/Export] Browse for folder - Increase default size & Provide search option 2014-07-30
440837 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Give me the option of keeping the old version of the project files 2014-07-31
441264 Platform IDE daniel.rolka REOP --- [IDE] New WIKI page with Eclipse feature proposals and the WIKI link attached to the N&N page of the milestone 2014-10-23
442269 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Backup workspace before updating to a new format of Eclipse version 2014-08-21
445021 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Navigator] Bugged forward / back navigation 2020-06-04
447518 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Create a 'presenter mode' for Eclipse 2020-08-11
456251 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [IDE] Viewing mode (browse project files without builder enabled) 2015-01-05
457723 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Start Eclipse in predefined monitor 2015-01-19
463927 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Find/Replace dialog in console obstructs view to results too often 2015-04-04
464766 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Interate "Coffee Bytes" with universal language support 2015-04-16
465206 Platform IDE bsd NEW --- Import Existing Projects should warn when project name is overridden 2016-03-29
471156 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse crashes after accessing preferences/maven tab or general/network tab 2015-06-26
471770 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Provide for replacing workspace selector dialog 2015-07-03
472069 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Show in System Explorer is wrong wording on Mac OS 2023-09-01
472862 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Error while updating eclispe 2015-07-16
473239 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Link files and folders are not affected by resource filters 2015-07-21
476560 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged REOP --- saveState is not called for background perspective Views 2020-06-11
478561 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Searching for PHP variable name with whole word parameter doesn't work 2020-10-17
479792 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Suggestion : Duplication and Renaming of classes 2015-10-14
482584 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [KeyBindings] Assign a key binding to the Open With menu 2015-11-19
483050 Platform IDE jhelming NEW --- Variables, properties and tags on supplementary tab in application model editor 2017-11-19
483082 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Please provide a pre-compiled version of the Workbench for ARM 2020-02-03
483562 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Grouping windows and a save a group of editors for later restore 2015-12-03
484407 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Move out datatransfer API from org.eclipse.ui.ide to a core (headless) plugin 2015-12-15
485101 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "New Project" Wizard completly empty 2016-01-04
485956 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- On CLI, delete a project from the filesystem, workspace refresh recreates it as an empty project 2019-11-28
486376 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Extra field on TCP/IP monitor to give each monitor a name/description 2016-01-22
486648 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- 'Open unknown files with' should have real 'System Editor' option 2016-03-23
489536 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Keys/Shortcuts not saved / resetted after restart 2021-09-14
489593 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Editor Mgmt] Automatically dispose/restore hidden editors without removing them from the editor list 2016-03-17
489652 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Pin to Windows 10 taskbar 2022-05-05
489988 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- Workspace Summaries 2016-03-21
490647 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Japanese language support 2016-07-16
490741 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Window toolbar visibility: Maximize view makes minimized views toolbar visible again 2019-12-04
491085 Platform IDE psuzzi NEW --- "Hide duplicate resources" and "Hide derived resources" don't work well together 2023-01-16
491367 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- user dictionary does not work 2016-04-09
492047 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- better support for external folders 2016-04-19
492275 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Feature/Enhancement Request: Navigation: Next/Previous Compilation Unit in Package Explorer 2016-04-22
495774 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Display projects in DAG order 2016-06-09
497646 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Incorrect Warning "An entry for is required in bin.includes" 2019-11-07
498262 Platform IDE psuzzi NEW --- Quick Access search should be more intelligent about category / item distinction 2018-05-24
498364 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Insert Spaces for Tabs Not Working in Eclipse for Mac 2017-08-24
498587 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Block Comment handler 2016-07-27
499807 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Open Resource] Add ability to specify line number in search text 2019-04-23
500180 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- mark only filename without suffix when creating new file by type 2016-08-24
500790 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Add ability to open a new editor without file 2016-09-05
500802 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Provide an AppImage for Eclipse 2020-06-30
500823 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- hierarchical project presentation not working 2019-05-27
500888 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Manage imports through code formatter 2016-09-05
501563 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Provide a way to control contributions for products and end users 2016-09-16
506130 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Hide Menubar via Menu Entry 2020-12-29
506821 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Strange eclipse icon while installation 2016-11-03
507589 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [IDE Discussion] Integrate traces/logs in IDE and see them in a debug like view 2016-11-18
507613 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [IDE Discussion] Open the Workspace behavior making the .project optional 2016-11-18
508072 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Consider shipping FiraCode as default font for all code editors 2020-05-22
508477 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Tab of Element don't work like expected 2016-11-30
508506 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- A "multi-browser" editor 2017-07-13
508519 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Give user ability to choose target size of the rendered page in Browser 2017-08-02
508912 Platform IDE psuzzi NEW --- Simplify "window title" preferences section 2018-05-24
509727 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Quick fix for multiple problems 2020-06-27
510078 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- high CPU useaged when scroll 2017-01-08
512376 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- File not release from memory when close it 2017-02-28
515074 Platform IDE david.eclipse000 NEW --- [WorkbenchLauncher] Allow to copy settings from another workspace from launcher 2020-02-19
515634 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Missing Marketplace after installing Jboss Tools 2017-04-24
515982 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- fortran fold code 2017-04-29
516981 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Problems view should provide rich problems hover 2018-05-24
517122 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- expression to check content-type (FilePropertyTester) to also work on IEditorInput (not only IFile) 2018-12-08
517148 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- cannot upload file to server with ftp plug-in 2017-05-23
517476 Platform IDE bsd NEW --- File History is difficult to use when dealing with long but similar file names 2018-05-24
518999 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Code folding does not work after last update 2017-06-30
519958 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cannot create Spring Legacy Project 2017-07-20
520028 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Launch configurations dropdown menu not filtered to Window working set 2020-07-09
520552 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Provide export and import for save actions & xml editor settings & more 2017-08-04
520853 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Find References in Javascript not working 2017-08-10
521781 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "Help Contents" != "Help-Eclipse" 2017-09-02
522373 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Provide a mean to reuse the ShowInSystemExplorer handler for non-resource paths 2017-09-16
522555 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Investigate which features of eclipse-plugin-commander could be in Quick Assist 2017-09-21
525523 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Can not create project. Don't active menu 2017-10-03
526022 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Support option for treating several spaces as one indent when backspacing 2017-10-13
526384 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- An error occurred while collecting items to be installed 2017-10-23
528823 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add a scrolloff=N option for cursor (i.e number of line always visible around cursor) 2020-10-27
529706 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Keybindings (CTRL+1) not working Czech (Querty) layout set as default 2018-01-18
530690 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- After I click on a pop up menu, another pop up menu appears 2018-02-03
531296 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox ASSI --- [code mining] Text annotation markers add support of inline annotations 2019-03-22
531837 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- unwanted identation 2018-03-01
533465 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Project rename dialog to also suggest renaming folder (like project move) 2018-04-17
536996 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Closing many editors in bulk operation freezes eclipse - should be inside a Job 2020-02-28
538713 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- When opening a file from filesystem, add it to a dummy project as linked resources 2018-09-17
538974 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- undo replace in files does not work 2018-09-12
539169 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- App will jot launch jscript. App will not support es6. App will not execute java. 2018-09-18
539948 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Margin linie always 80 even though changed to ex. 120 char 2018-10-09
540261 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Stop searching marketplace for editors for *.exe 2018-10-18
541238 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Drag and Drop as linked resource fails 2018-11-16
542995 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- On Dark theme, some textfields (mostly from preferences) cursor color is black 2018-12-22
543743 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- I would like to be able to configure mouse pointer buttons 2019-01-23
546932 Platform IDE rolf.theunissen REOP --- IDE looses basic key bindings with custom fragment.e4xmi with a bindingTable model fragment 2020-06-04
547460 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "Restore Defaults" doesn't reset "Color and Font theme" setting (Appearance pref page) 2020-06-20
548443 Platform IDE niraj.modi ASSI --- Windows10 Defender significantly slows down and freezes Eclipse 2023-04-11
548674 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Transparency does not appear to be working on OSX 2019-11-20
548689 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse crashing the JVM during installation 2019-09-12
549472 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Error starting process.Cannot run program "C:\Users\ALM\eclipse-workspace-n\helloworld-n\Debug\src\helloworld-n.o": Launching failed 2019-07-22
549602 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Spurious local file in recreated folder 2021-07-17
549605 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Installer missing for ppc64le 2021-04-14
549987 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- NullPointerException on startup (seemingly after installing git plugins) 2019-09-30
550162 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add new Button "clear all console" 2019-08-17
550647 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- `Open With` in Project Explorer doesn't work if target editor in an external Flatpak 2021-09-28
550779 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Open type dialog should automatically prefix a search string with * 2020-08-03
551181 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse hangs when save a java class 2019-09-18
551259 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- No description for preference saving section "Team Ignored Resources Transfer" 2019-09-19
551261 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- After update to 2019-09: The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library 2019-09-20
551262 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Allow using new Quick Search dialog as a view 2019-09-23
551428 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- File Not Accessible prompt when disconnected from network share makes IDE unusable 2021-12-14
551746 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Problems with new version of Eclipse 2019-10-04
552005 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Project Explorer EmptyWorkspaceHelper is not extensible and breaks ProjectExplorer extensibility 2019-12-11
552060 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Quick Access] 2020-05-20
553115 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- stupid code completion/inefficient error report 2019-11-18
553594 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Unexpected closing of Eclipse when working with the Windowbuilder plugin 2019-11-29
553721 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- View title was trimmed when there is lots view opened at same time 2020-06-12
553792 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Remove o.e.e4.ui.workbench.swt.internal.copy.SearchPattern 2019-12-16
553797 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Run As > JUnit Plugin Test crash on Mac 2021-02-01
558526 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cannot Open Sas file extension into Eclipse 2020-01-16
558879 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "show print margin" in editor preference ignores the column parameter 2020-09-13
558892 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- The Check for Updates fails on every attempt 2020-01-07
559068 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add suport for error indicators on Generic Editor 2020-01-20
559131 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- A project with this name already exists 2020-01-16
559182 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Not compatible with citrix environment 2020-01-14
559191 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Security violation on saving with Remote systems ansd SSH 2020-01-15
559452 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Export logs and configuration to zipfile, submit a bug from the workspace. 2020-02-02
559692 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Make it possible to rename / move / copy the workspace directory without issues 2024-04-18
559845 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- An internal error occurred during: "Open Call Hierarchy action." 2020-02-20
559898 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- An Error when trying to open Eclipse and choose a directory 2020-02-07
560023 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Preference windows grows wider when moving sash 2020-02-11
560540 Platform IDE platform-swt-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration 2020-04-05
560888 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Welcome page always shown! 2020-04-04
561149 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Eclipse crashing constantly 2020-04-03
561333 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Fail to start Java 14 / Linux (Fedora 31) 2020-03-26
561381 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse CDT huge process size 2020-03-23
561459 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Customize Perspective fails due to NPE 2020-05-14
561464 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Mouse pointer flicker 2020-03-25
561465 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Newer Workspace Version dialog can not be skipped 2020-03-25
561480 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Unable to launch Workspace 2020-03-26
561625 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- An error has occurred. See error log for more details. org/eclipse/buildship/core/internal/workspace/WorkbenchShutdownEvent 2020-04-01
561716 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Can not install eclipse on mac os X 10.15.3 2020-07-25
562226 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- The file type filter in the import dialog does not work. 2020-04-16
562245 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- CCE on moving Java class in Project Explorer 2020-04-17
562450 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Consider changing default memory settings to release unused heap 2020-04-23
562580 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add "Open projects from file system" into toolbar as well 2020-04-28
562720 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [KeyBindings] Make workaround for carbon/cocoa permanent and/or clean up keybinding definitions 2020-05-03
562855 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Exiting Eclipse causes org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Graphic is disposed under Windows 2020-05-05
563292 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- The ti program ccs version 10 fails because eclipsec.exe fails 2020-05-26
563332 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- renaming recources and updating expressions inline not working 2020-05-19
563378 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Link Handlers preference can't be enabled 2020-05-25
563447 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Proposals coming up with "No Proposal" when using CRTL+Spacebar 2020-05-21
563609 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Zombie progress entries in the Progress view 2020-05-27
563626 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- closing of all tabs while you do close left 2020-05-27
563641 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Let Eclipse start through command line but including a parameter to refer an epf file 2020-05-27
563668 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Search sometimes wrongly shows no results found on first search 2020-05-28
563691 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- composer.json is not saved when edited 2021-05-03
563703 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Why not introduce several features(Auto Surround、Format On Type、Trim Auto Whitespace) from VS Code into Eclipse IDE 2020-05-29
563735 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- MarkersPropertyPage has no text associated with Copy button 2020-05-29
563775 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- CCE in Tracing preference page 2020-05-31
563791 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Missing resource is breaking eclipse install on Mac OSX 2020-06-03
564030 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Default font for editors strain the eye on MacOS 2020-06-07
564169 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Update installation failed because of missing repositories 2020-06-11
564267 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Failed to execute child process 2020-06-15
564286 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Auto save should not interrupt IME(for example Microsoft Chinese Pinyin IME) 2020-06-15
564388 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- i am trying to download eclipse and i keep getting an error that says eclipse doesnt have an installation candidate 2020-07-02
564394 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse crash when browsing files 2020-06-18
564440 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Reverse print order option has no effect 2020-06-18
564632 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- After upgading to 2020-06, the runtime is about 100 times slower, with several seconds lag just switching tabs 2020-06-25
565100 Platform IDE cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse stucks while creating project 2020-07-14
565337 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Failed to create java virtual machine 2020-07-23
565385 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Remove usage of new Colors construtor using the Display 2020-07-21
565453 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Problem Launching Interactive View 2020-07-29
565527 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace 2020-07-24
565530 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- 2020-06 no software update 2020-07-31
565598 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Allow delete confirmation dialog to be disabled (DeleteResourceAction) 2021-02-15
565672 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- PayPal reCAPTCHA security challenge not working 2020-07-30
565753 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cannot run program "xdg-mime": error=2, No such file or directory 2021-02-10
565767 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cannot undo a copy resource action 2020-08-12
565972 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipes Variable like project_loc , git_branch are not getting resolved when tabs like console or Problem are clicked 2020-08-12
566033 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Option to automaitcally Expand All on search results 2020-08-13
566099 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [improvement] add support for hide the main menu bar 2020-08-16
566117 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- XML closing tags in a wrong position 2020-08-17
566169 Platform IDE platform-runtime-inbox NEW --- Code Injection in Eclipse macOS desktop client 2021-09-20
566429 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- An error occurred while automatically activating bundle 2020-08-27
566496 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Save All toolbar button stays enabled after closing an unsaved file 2020-08-28
566709 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- IndentGuide plugin preferences not saving correctly 2020-09-11
566785 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- When i choose a File -> Choose WorkSpace -> Other... it crashes 2020-09-08
566818 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- New System theme styled form headers which looks bad 2020-09-10
566916 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cant import zip file from D:\ 2020-09-13
567088 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Because the font of the menu bar in eclipse is too small, I adjusted the zoom ratio of windows 10 system to 175%. At this time, many icons in eclipse are not displayed clearly. This should be a bug 2020-09-17
567089 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Turning off Focus on Active Task blanks out package explorer 2020-09-25
567104 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Import/Export] FileSystem - Export Error if a File should be overriden 2021-01-22
567126 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Remove unused parameters in private methods 2020-09-30
567145 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- IT IS NOT INSTALL PROPERLY 2020-09-19
567170 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Won't download the IDE 2020-09-20
567173 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- errrors opening pages 2020-09-20
567224 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- upgrade 4.16 to 4.17 doesn't warn about running on jdk8 2020-11-01
567317 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- key binding for backwards/forward in history are inactive until opening the preference page once 2021-12-27
567337 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Auto-Completion does not work since Eclipse 2020.09 (4.17.0) 2020-09-25
567404 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Missing dependencies in PDT download package causes bugs 2020-09-28
567420 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "Other Projects" working set has numerous copies that display or not display as a unit, with exception 2020-09-28
567523 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Unhandled event loop exception 2020-10-01
567581 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- editor focus lost after code assist 2021-01-11
567766 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add Select Line command 2020-10-09
567889 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add option to import "Clean Up" profile into "Save Actions" 2021-01-15
567895 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Different handling of visibleWhen in package- and project-explorer 2020-11-01
567936 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- arrows / click area at package explorer can be larger, last edit can be more accurate 2020-10-16
568119 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Moving text with mouse click leaves wrong result 2020-10-22
568378 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Long workspace path editing is not visible in Eclipse Launcher 2020-10-29
568410 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Rename the project with link file 2020-10-31
568643 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- 'To use the “java” command-line tool you need to install a JDK.' popup when opening plugin.xml 2020-11-10
568657 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse IDE error messages 2020-11-10
568715 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Apple notarization is lost after opening Eclipse 2020-11-11
568762 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Deleting a project after renaming it leads to error 2020-11-16
568769 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cant remove oracle plugins 2020-11-12
569020 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Missing Close on Welcome tab 2020-11-23
569100 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- download problem 2020-11-24
569214 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- pasting into multiple cells of farpoint 2020-11-27
569293 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Wrong interpretation of generic types inside JSP attributes definition leads to false positive errors 2020-11-30
569461 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- hangs on xhtml files 2020-12-05
569589 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- When OS Display scale set to 125%, open MS Word document from eclipse, word document opened externally 2020-12-09
569620 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse freeze regulary 2020-12-10
569664 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse forgets about environment variable for project. 2020-12-15
569686 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Strange behaviour of new project dialog 2020-12-13
569688 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- unable to open Eclipse after download, it reads "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information." 2020-12-13
569708 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- JUnit will not execute as part of test suite if it has been created after it. 2020-12-14
569818 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- move tips to a new plugin 2020-12-20
569959 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Javadoc and Declaration Views must show the content even if they are located in other Window than the Java Class 2020-12-30
569960 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Show the Jars sorted for "Maven Dependencies" such as "References Libraries" does 2020-12-29
569991 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse freezes system lemminx.XMLServerLauncher 2022-03-16
570101 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath.lastSegment()" is null 2021-05-01
570183 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Associate perspective by file type 2021-01-07
570223 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- In lines that contain hebrew, word order is reversed. 2021-10-20
570282 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Global File Association 2021-01-12
570324 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Provide future acceptance of al identical licenses 2021-01-18
570384 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Import/Export] Import Projects should detect project types like in git perspective 2021-01-21
570388 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Keybindings from org.eclipse.ui.bindings lost when Keys Scheme is changed. 2021-01-16
570470 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add never ask again button to the "Would you like to restart the Eclipse for the zoom changes to take full effect" 2023-12-05
570495 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Generic editor YAML syntax validation issue 2021-01-19
570645 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- nondisposetracker should say what resource was not disposed 2021-10-14
570713 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- While undoing the operation, an exception occurred While undoing the operation, an exception occurred 2023-06-22
570918 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Add support to eclipse custom perspectives 2021-02-04
571001 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- High Contrast Theme no Changes 2021-02-07
571064 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- slow refreh rate when running a junit test case 2021-12-15
571167 Platform IDE egit.core-inbox REOP --- Ctrl + enter stops working in commit dialog 2021-02-15
571172 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Key bindings don't work after start 2021-02-12
571333 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Auto-Update and New Software Installation features throwing an exception - The artifact file for osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.userstorage,1.2.0.v20190307-0457 was not found 2021-02-19
571534 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Link Handler should register with latest started Eclipse release 2022-11-04
571551 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Option to Disable Folded Code Preview Popup 2021-02-26
571734 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- system:build infinite loop 2021-03-05
571741 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Project Explorer Graphic is disposed 2021-03-05
571885 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- /icons/eview16/error_log.gif 2024-04-06
571938 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- eclipse Unresponsive 2021-03-15
572014 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Delete org.eclipse.core.commands.util 2021-04-01
572037 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- The setting General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Search results does not persist 2021-03-17
572050 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- JSON Editor Outline pane shows incorrect hierarchy 2021-03-17
572130 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- RFE: Eclipse Platform Updates should display the size of each package to be updated 2021-03-19
572392 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Erroneous Window.getShell code/Javadoc 2021-03-30
572441 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [dogfooding][cleanup] "Remove overridden assignment" on platform code 2021-09-03
572472 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse software issue 2021-03-31
572475 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Move Felix gogo shell out of e4.rcp feature 2021-03-31
572536 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Terrible Developer Experience 2021-04-02
572670 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Error Accessing Compilation Unit 2021-04-07
572706 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Error "Unsupported content type in editor" when opening CSS files. 2021-04-08
572819 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- working directory has been reset 2021-04-13
572837 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- crash at startup, SIGSEGV and missing on POWER9 ppc64el 2021-04-15
573379 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- MacOS Big Sur Cannot change font size for Project Explorer. 2021-06-04
573425 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "some sites could not be found" Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers (includes Incubating components) Version: 2021-03 (4.19.0), Build id: 20210312-0638 2021-05-07
573507 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Marketplace connectivity issues 2021-05-12
573535 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "Show Problems on Selection" does not work with hierarchical projects 2021-05-14
574092 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Breakpoints view causes out of memory situation 2021-07-23
574329 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Alt keyboard shortcuts on "Import Projects from File System or Archive" has a conflict on "o" 2021-06-19
574367 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [mac] Eclipse repeatedly crashes 2021-06-21
574397 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Display issues when moving IDE from high to low DPI dislay 2021-06-23
574552 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access during start IDE 2022-02-22
574679 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- find and replace: add "initial letter auto case" replacement Uppercase / lowercase 2021-07-06
574847 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Problems View always empty 2021-07-26
574849 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- mvn project with wildfly, breakpoints do not work 2021-07-14
574918 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Navigation from "Problems" view does not consistently work with "Backward History" 2021-07-19
574996 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- --launcher.openfile with relative path and line number doesn't work 2022-10-17
575001 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Don't add numerical or suffix to copied files etc 2021-07-23
575073 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- The platform metadata area could not be written 2021-07-27
575142 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Generic text editor sometimes deletes characters while formatting Javascript sources 2021-07-31
575151 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [content assist] completion shows 1 completion proposal processors requested. 0 completed; 1 pending. 2021-07-31
575178 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Search (Ctrl-H) on large projects crashes IDE 2021-08-10
575209 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- file search: add path name patterns field (to filter directories) 2021-08-03
575284 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse cannot start with Temurin 11.0.12+7 2021-08-20
575318 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Color contrast for 'General expand/Collapse’ button is less than 3:1 2021-08-09
575321 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Color contrast for 'Edit fields' border is less than 3:1 with background 2021-08-09
575404 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Lag when pressing CTRL key-binds caused by Hyperlinking/Open Declaration setting 2021-08-15
575441 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Use Ctrl + e to open quick switch editor function optimization suggestions 2021-08-16
575536 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- You do not have permission to open the application "Eclipse" 2021-08-21
575676 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- After closing the gui, repening shows unable to create part control 2021-08-27
575678 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse does not launch for a second time on Mac OS Catalina, icon just bounces, but works from command line. 2021-08-27
575728 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse with High Contrast mode makes it impossible to write code 2021-09-01
575987 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Re-Install of Eclipse - Marketplace disappears - JDK Compliance Level 17 cannot be set - Multiple Errors 2021-09-15
576076 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- sources files DELETED during change workspace 2021-09-18
576079 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Windows alert with comparisons 2021-09-26
576212 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [Mac][x86_64] Title bar missing for Open perspective dialog 2021-09-23
576277 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Build failure after eclipse release 2021-09 2021-09-28
576330 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Current Eclipse instance does not support software installation. 2021-10-02
576420 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- eclipse hangs and crashes Windows 10 2021-10-04
576462 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Not wrapped lines in the failure trace 2021-10-06
576917 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Randomly inserted strings in edited sourcefiles 2022-01-19
576918 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Accidentally created empty sourcefiles in project directory 2021-10-27
576939 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Creating workspace problem 2021-12-07
576964 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Null Character '\0' in console logs stops copy/paste 2021-10-29
577102 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Since Kernel 5.13.13, Eclipse building workspace loop 2021-11-06
577108 Platform IDE nikita NEW --- file_prompt now requires existing file 2021-11-11
577137 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- win11 General - Editors - Text Editors: Insert spaces for tabs not work. 2021-11-09
577156 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- JavaFX on macOS is showing a "Graphics Device initialization failed for : es2, sw" 2021-11-09
577163 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Won't allow me to shutdown the application 2021-11-09
577187 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Consider the selected Workingset when performing the workspace build 2021-11-11
577195 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- JavaLeakTest.testTextEditorCloseOneOfTwo fails 2021-11-11
577272 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Getting An error has occurred. See error log for more details. Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding.getReturnType()" because "<parameter2>" is null 2021-11-17
577364 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Improve usability and performance of Eclipse in 4.23 2021-11-19
577420 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Make basic IDE settings work IDE-wide instead of only inside a workspace 2021-11-23
577421 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Problem with exporting project to file system 2021-12-22
577496 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Savable/restorable "Editor Groups" 2021-11-27
577579 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Failed to load a class upon first start 2021-12-05
577586 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Export preferences for unset properties 2021-12-02
577686 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Lost message on equinox console termination 2021-12-08
577694 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- crash of jre 2021-12-08
577712 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Some files are disappearing automaticaly from the 'Project Explorer' 2021-12-09
577753 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'demo'. Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class 2022-03-17
577785 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- File content magically appears for newly created file 2021-12-14
577978 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Make log files not hidden 2022-01-04
578007 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Tasks View - Description Sorting - Space character not assigned lowest ranking 2021-12-31
578019 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Gradle run config shows error for string substitution 2022-01-02
578106 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Closed Marker View causes UI Freezes 2022-01-13
578176 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Back history / navigation menu is not correctly updated (after manually opening files or using F3) 2022-01-12
578319 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Pasting text with Ctrl-v into Open Type "Enter type name ..." field often ignores the paste attempt 2022-05-12
578569 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Wrong scaling after opening a dialog or after restart for zoom 2022-02-07
578575 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- UI Colors are not correct after required reboot 2022-02-04
578595 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox REOP --- Poor performance 2022-03-29
578634 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Declutter right-click context menu in editor by grouping items 2022-02-08
578749 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Bug - unhandled loop expection , out of memory 2022-02-16
579240 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- [import] Import 'Projects from Folder or Archive' silently ignores failure to import already imported projects 2022-03-13
579262 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- i associated all .mp3 files in my eclipse 2021-12 (4.22.0) projects with VLC player (vlc.exe), but VLC starts only after closing eclipse 2022-03-14
579308 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Adding a project to a working set defaults to first working set, changing requires going to Select Working Sets dialog 2022-03-17
579443 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- BadLocationExcption in org.eclipse.jface.text.TreeLineTracker 2022-03-28
579503 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Update sites continue adding http:// URIs instead of https:// 2022-04-05
579517 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- IDE bottom status bar layout custom layout enhancement 2022-03-31
579519 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- "Reveal End of Document" schedule.redraw() of viewers. An internal error has occurred. 2022-03-31
579538 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Eclipse based product hangs while Importing projects using the "Import Existing projects into workspace" option 2022-05-04
579608 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- Cannot update 2022-04-08
579614 Platform IDE Platform-UI-Inbox NEW --- maven project autobuilding died loop 2022-04-07
586 bugs found.
