Sun May 19 2024 07:22:39 EDT

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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
4326 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE SWTException from CompletionProposalPopup (1GLDGUI) 2001-10-11
4264 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE SWT Error in Java editor (1GKX6ZZ) 2001-10-11
4283 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE assertion failed on opening rename parameters (1GKYY5N) 2001-10-11
4376 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE refactoring CCE 2001-10-11
4373 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Packages View - double clich doesn't expand two hiearchy levels 2001-10-11
4912 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Copy in Packages View - can not copy to top level package folder 2001-10-12
4365 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Deadlock on save 2001-10-12
4355 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Double click does not bring editor to front 2001-10-12
4251 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Text search for 'ß' gives results for 's' (1GKQ0XA) 2001-10-12
4272 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NPE from ExtractMethodAction (1GKRSGD) 2001-10-12
4268 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Can't launch mains inside JARs (1GKRE1P) 2001-10-12
4017 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NewJavaProjectWizardPage doesn't reinitialize default classpath (1GFZG1U) 2001-10-12
4029 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE F1 context help points to empty pages (1GGLV9F) 2001-10-12
4244 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Reorg: Preview button needs mnemonic (1GKEXO1) 2001-10-12
4031 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Incorporate latest artwork (1GGN43Q) 2001-10-12
4035 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Meta PR - Compare fix candidates (1GGP2IH) 2001-10-12
4250 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE DND: can't copy a CU into the same package using copy modifier key anymore (1GKKF7U) 2001-10-12
4218 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Exception using F4 to open the hierarchy from a jar .class file (1GK9N10) 2001-10-12
4045 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Jar Exporter duplicates JavaElementContentProvider (1GGY618) 2001-10-12
4916 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Potential IDE freeze on Template Preference Page 2001-10-12
4358 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Template - steals closing bracket 2001-10-12
4354 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Template - pressing new presents an error 2001-10-12
4924 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NullPointerException starting eclipse. 2001-10-12
4909 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE EC: Combo.setText doesn't work on Linux 2001-10-12
4217 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Java build path tabs show "&" on the tab name (1GK9GIF) 2001-10-15
5014 Platform Releng Brian_Young RESO FIXE Generating JARs where they should be ZIPs 2001-10-16
5040 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Exception opening editor 2001-10-17
5045 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Control.moveAbove() throws NPE if argument is null 2001-10-17
4977 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Extra spaces in completion for <code></code> 2001-10-18
5035 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE in Deleterefactoring 2001-10-18
4910 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE EC: fires a selected event on Linux only 2001-10-18
5059 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE IPath#append API different then implementation 2001-10-18
4972 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE move CU creates imports at wrong position 2001-10-18
5075 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Class cast extception in JavaOutliner 2001-10-18
4957 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - implement StyledTextBidi.isLigated 2001-10-18
4932 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledTextBidi has equals but no hashCode method 2001-10-18
5094 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE template pref page could use in-place editing 2001-10-19
5095 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE template: toarray incorrect 2001-10-19
5099 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE TypeCache duplicated 2001-10-19
5091 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Source attachment is broken for JRE_LIB 2001-10-19
5093 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Lost exported classpath entries 2001-10-19
5101 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Package view is sorting roots in reverse order 2001-10-19
5092 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Open type list - no longer works if ever cancelled during indexing 2001-10-19
5052 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Scrolling to the top of page when synching packages view 2001-10-19
5107 Platform UI Karice_McIntyre RESO FIXE Duplicate mnemonic in Perspective menu: Open and Close all 2001-10-19
5117 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Gaining editor focus shows only package declaration 2001-10-19
5122 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Outliner looses selection when switching editors 2001-10-19
5097 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Version Info in Package View marks all members of a type as changed 2001-10-19
5026 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE When "Show source of selected element only" is active we should focus the class file and not the package name 2001-10-19
4000 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE JavaRuntime: initializeVMInstalls not robust against multiple calls (1GFO0YG) 2001-10-22
5066 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Code Assist: Thread created / not removed 2001-10-22
5120 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Empty popup doc in java editor 2001-10-22
5132 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - remove hardcoded margin 2001-10-22
4316 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search view should show if search results are accurate or not (1GLADMY) 2001-10-23
5048 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Too many declarations in hierarchy of (jdt)Parser.initialize() 2001-10-24
5098 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search Text page: Button margin & Mnemonics 2001-10-24
5146 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Walkback opening editor on .class file 2001-10-24
5128 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE JavaUI.revealInEditor doesn't handle ICompilationUnits properly 2001-10-24
4991 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Empty hover help over import statement 2001-10-24
3461 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NL: Line breaking in Java doc hover (1GIYPNK) 2001-10-24
3695 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE memory leak in codeFormatterPreferencePage (1GE6WQU) 2001-10-24
3914 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Duplicate extensions in text search (1GF5WA9) 2001-10-24
3923 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Other than default JRE selected (1GF604N) 2001-10-24
3938 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Suggestion for nls tool (1GI3K1B) 2001-10-24
3960 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Review BuildPathsBlock.updateBuildPathStatus (1GF9KQS) 2001-10-24
3964 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE JAR Packager: Errors and warnings must contain full workbench path (1GFMN20) 2001-10-24
3971 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Review: MoveCompilationUnitRefactoring should not reference StubUtility from UI (1GFBD60) 2001-10-24
3994 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Can't extend the hierarchy view's context menu using XML (1GFM0I7) 2001-10-24
4024 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NL problems in xml files (part 2) (1GGCRP3) 2001-10-24
4030 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NLSTool: Problems with special chars in value (1GGN2N8) 2001-10-24
4034 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Can't copy file to a non-source folder (1GH0PN1) 2001-10-24
4056 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Search: Default pageTab position should not be MAX int (1GH4D6K) 2001-10-24
4329 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE No results If searched via Package view selection and dialog (1GLDN1X) 2001-10-24
5178 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE Change BidiUtil calls to handle true Unicode/Windows CE changes 2001-10-24
5167 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Wrong F1 help on templates preference page 2001-10-25
5140 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Array out of bounds during code completion 2001-10-25
4362 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Template - should insert import statements 2001-10-25
5232 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Java Search page not initialized correctly from Navigator 2001-10-25
3027 Platform Resource rodrigo RESO FIXE Integrate changes to core lib (1GDKWLA) 2001-10-25
5108 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Bracket matching does not handle strings 2001-10-25
3133 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE API - clarify IProjectDescription.setLocation (1GKS62X) 2001-10-25
3137 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Performance: slow autobuild with many projects (1GL4NI5) 2001-10-25
3122 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE -dev bin not removed from application arguments (1GJUABB) 2001-10-25
5241 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Please don't automatically add to my imports 2001-10-25
5230 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE TVT: The "empty" Hierarchy view message is confusing 2001-10-25
5256 Platform Resource debbie_wilson RESO FIXE XML: plugin prerequisites - match attribute changes 2001-10-25
5249 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Missing resource in OpenTypeHierarchyHelper 2001-10-25
5262 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Automatic comment generation 2001-10-26
5233 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Internal Error during code assist 2001-10-26
5201 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Cursor set to top of file when switching editors 2001-10-26
5270 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE No command line args when running from outliner 2001-10-26
5177 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE extract method: NPE on binary file 2001-10-26
5289 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE Classloader performance improvements 2001-10-26
5015 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NullPointerException in refactor wizard 2001-10-26
5278 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Show Library Projects preference lost on restart 2001-10-29
4971 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Strange 'copy package' 2001-10-29
5180 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Open Motif for Linux shared libraries are duplicated in the Eclipse 2001-10-29
4725 Platform SWT carolynmacleod4 RESO FIXE FontData spec should disallow null name (1GL34H3) 2001-10-29
4762 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - default lineStyler remove line background color hack (1GHBMUV) 2001-10-29
4820 Platform SWT carolynmacleod4 RESO FIXE StyledText with style SINGLE does not handle CR/LF well (1GJM2Z5) 2001-10-29
4844 Platform SWT Mike_Wilson RESO FIXE Tab appears narrower than space (1GL2WTY) 2001-10-29
4852 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE German: Cannot start Eclipse in Linux 7.2 (1GKYY99) 2001-10-29
4855 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Severe: Check boxes are black (1GL0XSI) 2001-10-29
4865 Platform SWT Mike_Wilson RESO FIXE TableTreeEditor.getItem returns an item after setting it to null (1GLE0IQ) 2001-10-29
2204 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Opening PDF files. (1GEAHMI) 2001-10-29
4057 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE JDT Search: Should only use label provider (1GH4D89) 2001-10-29
4067 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE "Add JRE" dialog error (1GHHJDN) 2001-10-29
4080 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Organize Import: Invalid import order (1GHVYM1) 2001-10-29
4092 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Null Pointer Exception when delete 2 projects with the search view open (1GI7GCW) 2001-10-29
4102 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Path Extension in Classpath Variable Selection dialog does not remember intermediate folders (1GIEUG1) 2001-10-29
4109 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE JAR Packager: Fix trailing spaces workaround in seal label (1GIFZKR) 2001-10-29
4112 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Reconciling: Problems with the C parser (1GIHV3E) 2001-10-29
4127 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Erroneous reference to xerces in StandardDocletPageBuffer (1GIWXZS) 2001-10-29
4143 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Refactoring: Should not use computed strings (1GIWKFJ) 2001-10-29
4150 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NL: No NLS support for Java keywords "public", "protected" etc. in dialogs (1GIYQKG) 2001-10-29
4154 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Search page extension point doc inaccurate (1GJ6EXO) 2001-10-29
2558 Platform UI eduardo_pereira RESO FIXE [UI] Unzoom can cause view to move tab folder (1GFOGFE) 2001-10-29
2601 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE [UI] Finish button still grayed out even though file name is pasted (1GGYVYG) 2001-10-29
2627 Platform UI eduardo_pereira RESO FIXE [UI] Dragging view border near scroll bar detaches view (1GHDIIU) 2001-10-29
2694 Platform UI Karice_McIntyre RESO FIXE Editor Selection Dialog: UI suggestions (1GI6RPE) 2001-10-29
2968 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE TaskListMarker violates API (1GL2XHA) 2001-10-29
5255 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE ClassFileEditorInput should implement hashCode 2001-10-30
5220 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Multiple editors opened on .class file 2001-10-30
5150 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Compare with patch cannot read VCM's CVS patch file 2001-10-30
1914 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE F2 should invoke rename? (1GC2UNE) 2001-10-30
5332 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE deleting classpath jar using packages view 2001-10-30
5231 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Add search for field read and write references 2001-10-30
5304 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in StyledTextBidi.segmentedRangesFor 2001-10-30
4664 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText does not compute correct text width (1GELJXD) 2001-10-30
5288 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE no revision tag for non-java resources 2001-10-31
5116 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Showing methods in the Type Hierarchy View is redundant 2001-10-31
5165 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE package viewer project sorting 2001-10-31
5195 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE F4 on method does not work 2001-10-31
5328 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE NPE in Open Super Method action 2001-10-31
5358 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Suspicious usage of IJavaElementDelta.getFlags() 2001-10-31
5361 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE No error tick on imports in Packages view 2001-10-31
5377 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE NPE in Open Super Method action 2001-10-31
4247 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE JavaModelException from TypeHierarchyContentProvider (1GKEY80) 2001-10-31
4273 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Compiler option changes not handled correctly (1GKWRI3) 2001-11-01
5396 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Bracket matching seems to alter keyword colour 2001-11-01
4975 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Status area too short 2001-11-01
5123 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Lots of "cheese" after getting exception using code assist 2001-11-01
5240 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Exeption while using new template support 2001-11-01
5258 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Errors when trying to create a new Template 2001-11-01
5326 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Exception when closing editor with open template 2001-11-01
5397 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NullPointerException in BracketHighlighter during close of file 2001-11-01
5375 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Bracket highlighting does not restore original color 2001-11-01
5327 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException from BracketHighlighter 2001-11-01
5276 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException in TextEditor 2001-11-01
5011 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Switch between editors looses selection 2001-11-01
5273 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Bracket highlighting very flashy 2001-11-01
5005 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Deleting methods corrupts file 2001-11-01
3083 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Deadlock starting workspace in debug mode on Sun 1.3 (1GH2UOQ) 2001-11-01
3041 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE magic 'aux' name not handled by refactoring (1GEUO7L) 2001-11-01
4961 Platform SWT Mike_Wilson RESO FIXE Preferences dialog disappears when you click on certain pages 2001-11-01
3048 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE resource name != file name? (1GF2SPG) 2001-11-01
5002 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE API IncrementalProjectBuilder#build should mention how to handle cancel 2001-11-01
3105 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Incorrect extension point docs (1GILWN6) 2001-11-01
5333 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE Mising message entry: resources.resourcePath 2001-11-01
5365 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Severe: ElementTree problems on shutdown 2001-11-01
3026 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Problems importing from password encrypted Zip (1GDXUT5) 2001-11-01
4832 Platform SWT Mike_Wilson RESO FIXE German: Fonts cannot handle German characters (1GKMHHY) 2001-11-01
5334 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Internal errors using patch tool 2001-11-01
5418 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE bracket marker stays in editor 2001-11-01
5416 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Bracket highlighting doesn't disappear 2001-11-01
3065 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE TEST: ConcurrencyPerformanceTest needs constructor (1GF9Y5Z) 2001-11-01
3788 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE review: must implement the full follow-the-ripple algorithm (1GIK9UQ) 2001-11-02
2569 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [JFace Text] Content assist list truncated (1GG1W9B) 2001-11-02
2904 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [JFace Text] PropagatingFontFieldEditor has moved (1GKKL13) 2001-11-02
1824 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [JFace Text] 50 reconciling threads for 4 editors opened (1GFXMV8) 2001-11-02
5389 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE F4 should work from anywhere in a compilation unit if the unit has only one type 2001-11-02
5463 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE org.eclipse.jdt.ui.vcm file missing 2001-11-02
4122 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NLS: 'translate all' -> 'translate selected' (1GIR2WI) 2001-11-02
5456 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Esc doesn't cancel code assist anymore 2001-11-02
5470 Platform SWT Silenio_Quarti RESO FIXE User is lost when trying to move views around 2001-11-02
5490 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Show Version Info no longer works 2001-11-05
4107 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NLS tool: Sometimes puts strings in despite last setting (1GIFCHU) 2001-11-05
3732 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Meta: NLS plugin wish list (1GGAHYD) 2001-11-05
5462 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Can't cancel code assist anymore 2001-11-05
5039 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE IFile.create with force true does not handle case variants 2001-11-05
5169 Platform Ant jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE Missing core203.dll 2001-11-05
5484 Platform SWT Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Tab no longer traverses between widgets!!! 2001-11-05
5528 Platform Search daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search result view is slow to update 2001-11-05
5497 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - ExtendedModify event not sent on setText 2001-11-05
4846 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - bidi - partial styling of ligatures (1GL3AWT) 2001-11-05
4859 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - bidi - provide solution for bidi coloring hack (1GL2UNC) 2001-11-05
5561 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Code Assist: ESC should close the list 2001-11-06
5518 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE template: would like to have API to use templates easily 2001-11-06
5517 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE templates: some code glitches 2001-11-06
5482 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE The template for "main" puts "[]" after variable name 2001-11-06
5009 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Wrong field highlighted in hierarchy perspective 2001-11-06
4986 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE List of methods out of synch when changes unsaved in java class 2001-11-06
5204 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Exception when selecting an initializer entry in the outliner for a syntactically incorrect CU 2001-11-06
5028 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Outliner fails with sequence of declarations 2001-11-06
29 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Internationalization (NSL) (1GCC601) 2001-11-06
5554 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Filter Working Set checked state is easy to fool 2001-11-07
4928 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Java perspective should have placeholder for Navigator 2001-11-07
5615 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - window start does not always work 2001-11-07
5602 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - page down causes IllegalArgumentException in invisible/small widget 2001-11-07
5562 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Synchronize with stream always throws exception 2001-11-07
5603 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE TVT: Jar file export error message constructed incorrectly for NL (JarFileExportOperation.exportedWithCompile) 2001-11-07
5451 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE package view working set: can't turn off 2001-11-07
5429 Platform Releng Brian_Young RESO FIXE The two runtime distributions include license.html. 2001-11-07
5031 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE API - Review comments related to resource change notifications 2001-11-08
5622 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - print causes NPE when invoked on empty widget 2001-11-08
5626 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - print does not check for null Printer argument 2001-11-08
5633 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - replaceTextRange and setText do not check for null argument 2001-11-08
5356 Platform Search daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search Result descriptions don't use singular 2001-11-08
3132 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Errors during build due to absent builder (1GKRNIT) 2001-11-08
5586 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE problem with PageBookView code changes 2001-11-08
5266 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE TVT1: Hardcoded strings in NewTeamStreamWizard extension 2001-11-08
3035 Platform Resource rodrigo RESO FIXE duplicate dir structure created while creating .metadata (1GE8WDW) 2001-11-08
5673 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - SINGLE line mode still allows some multi line cursor navigation 2001-11-08
5404 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Extract method with 'continue' statement not possible 2001-11-09
5199 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE extract method: incorrectly allowed 2001-11-09
5690 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE refactoring: incorrect ExtractMethod on conditional return in loop 2001-11-09
5664 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - Single line should not accept tab 2001-11-09
5721 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Welcome not disabled 2001-11-09
5744 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Apply Patch dialog needs to indicate project 2001-11-09
5703 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE CVS modules definition errors 2001-11-09
5350 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE syntax coloring - wrong on brackets in comments 2001-11-10
3673 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE open type profile (1GELIZG) 2001-11-11
3848 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Core walkback triggers others in search and editor (1GEWO2R) 2001-11-11
3896 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Rename type leads to wrong type hierarchy (1GF5P9R) 2001-11-11
3974 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Want to search <file>.* not <file>. (1GFBR4V) 2001-11-11
4137 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE EC DCR: Javadoc hoverhelp could be prettier (1GIV7MH) 2001-11-11
5774 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Unpredicatable behaviour on double click in packages view 2001-11-11
3955 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Internal errors using Find/Replace Dialog (1GF86V3) 2001-11-11
4093 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Disappearing scrollbar on Java Build Path (1GI7HFZ) 2001-11-11
3912 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE no refactoring should be available on .java files from resource folders (1GF5UQM) 2001-11-12
5723 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Apply Patch dialog has no radio selection 2001-11-12
5699 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Add ResourceTransfer to packages view 2001-11-12
4147 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Launcher progress has "Build Completed" (1GJ4MAY) 2001-11-12
4330 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE NPE in JavaEditorErrorTickUpdate (1GLEEGF) 2001-11-12
5452 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Typehierarchy: can't see full label in method list 2001-11-12
5472 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Trailing space in ClassPath Dialog 2001-11-12
5540 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Exception moving classes to another package 2001-11-12
5394 Platform SWT steve_northover RESO FIXE a rectangle follow mouse cursor after file reload 2001-11-12
5183 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Wrong return type for extract method 2001-11-12
5446 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE TVT Hover helps don't match check box selections 2001-11-12
5725 Platform SWT Silenio_Quarti RESO FIXE Please rename "Eclipse Launcher" 2001-11-12
5492 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Open in Hierarchy method list is enabled even when nothing is selected 2001-11-12
5802 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE EC: ControlExample does not run on Solaris 2001-11-12
3770 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Java Preference page needs better grouping (1GERREW) 2001-11-13
4189 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Suggested improvements to Smoke Test - Java Tooling script (smoke.htm) (1GJUUCA) 2001-11-13
5668 Platform Resource debbie_wilson RESO FIXE Plugin version match on fragments too restrictive (2.0) 2001-11-13
5759 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE ResourceStatus does not implement IResourceStatus 2001-11-13
5805 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE "Internal error" when typing in build output folder of New Project dialog 2001-11-13
5832 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Template Pref page: Edit: Copy/paste context menu 2001-11-13
3014 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE When should the workspace be saved? (1GBX72H) 2001-11-13
5597 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Method signature hover help box is too short 2001-11-13
5469 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Pink squares around brackets are less than optimal 2001-11-13
5412 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE bracket matching: should have a way to disable it 2001-11-13
5486 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Incorrect bracket highlighting 2001-11-13
5236 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Preference to disable auto code assist 2001-11-13
5172 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE DCR need to be able to turn off bold keywords 2001-11-13
4982 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic code assist must be configurable 2001-11-13
5786 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE replace with stream dialog title missing 2001-11-13
1847 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Work with help team for example integration (1G5T6A8) 2001-11-13
1850 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE WALKBACK - EditableTable (1G5T6MC) 2001-11-13
1851 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE WALBAKCK - Long Operation (1G5T6TP) 2001-11-13
2577 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE [Standard Components] Property sheet: up/down arrow causes an internal error (1GGM4ZB) 2001-11-13
4542 Platform SWT steve_northover RESO FIXE Menu accelerators CTRL+ / and CTRL + SHIFT + / don't work (1FYAF8V) 2001-11-13
4754 Platform SWT Mike_Wilson RESO FIXE Arrow keys not accepted as keyboard accelerators (1GGM4U3) 2001-11-13
2907 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Severe: memory leak in sync view (1GKKUA5) 2001-11-14
2903 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Compare: next file button skips some (1GKKJY8) 2001-11-14
2902 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE (136) compares zips as source (1GKKGGS) 2001-11-14
5410 Platform WebDAV t.p.ellison RESO FIXE DAVClient doesn't close down the http client 2001-11-14
5409 Platform WebDAV t.p.ellison RESO FIXE HttpClient fails to look up authorization authority correctly 2001-11-14
3953 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Review: why is the TypeCache not part of the AllTypesSearchEngine (1GF937R) 2001-11-14
4195 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE more refactoring icons needed (1GJW8QN) 2001-11-14
5766 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Update refs in String/Java Doc should be off by default 2001-11-14
5722 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Selecting font crashes eclipse with a javacore 2001-11-14
5772 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Java delete should update build path 2001-11-14
5886 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE refactoring wizard: NPE 2001-11-14
3931 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NLS plugin non meaningful keys for externalized strings (1GHB9BS) 2001-11-14
5922 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Property page ordering broken because of info page 2001-11-14
5815 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - setFont refresh problem 2001-11-14
5688 Platform SWT Silenio_Quarti RESO FIXE java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when selecting a new external editor in the preferences view 2001-11-15
5924 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Problem checking out file added with -ko 2001-11-15
5599 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - redrawRange does not check range 2001-11-15
5524 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NLS Tool: Filter CUs which are ok on "Find Externalize Strings" dialog 2001-11-16
5889 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE on copying source folder 2001-11-16
6008 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE deleting a source folder does not remove it from classpath 2001-11-16
5848 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE refactoring: 'updating...' is not a good name 2001-11-16
4956 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - change StyledTextBidi.toString to conform with standard SWT format 2001-11-16
5874 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Combo modify event not thrown during select() call 2001-11-16
5876 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE After import crash, cannot launch eclipse 2001-11-18
5513 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Eclipse plugin importer: Should not export jar when using source 2001-11-19
4933 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE I don't like pink 2001-11-19
5932 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Hoverhelp over errors in java editor is inconsistent 2001-11-19
5810 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Walkback during text delete/save in Java Editor 2001-11-19
5831 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Opening a type hierarchy on a small project is slooow 2001-11-19
5804 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Bug in ClassFileEditor.getCorrespondingElement 2001-11-19
6051 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException in Initializer constructor 2001-11-19
5990 Platform SWT carolynmacleod4 RESO FIXE Printing single page prints entire document 2001-11-19
4791 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE SWT: StyledText does not switch colour (1GILHIW) 2001-11-19
6050 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Avoid references to preference pages 2001-11-20
6079 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE plugin import should handle multiple versions of a plugin 2001-11-20
5947 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Three entries for 'Parser' in all types list 2001-11-20
5765 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE New Class button in empty workspace should be more supportive 2001-11-20
5351 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE incorrect bracket matching 2001-11-20
5680 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE TVT: Hover help for "Keep else if on the same line" is incorrect (backwards) 2001-11-20
5702 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE "Keep else if on the same line" appears to do the reverse 2001-11-20
5662 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Java formatter preferences for "else if" sample is backwards 2001-11-20
4960 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Code formatter preference check box meaning is reversed 2001-11-20
3129 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE (136) exception on catching up (1GKKG2J) 2001-11-20
5952 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Path hashCode and equals 2001-11-20
5331 Platform Ant rodrigo RESO FIXE Ant does not override optional tasks with org.eclipse.ant.core.antTasks extension point 2001-11-20
6011 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE NullPointerException starting Eclipse with broken fragments 2001-11-20
6082 Platform Resource rodrigo RESO FIXE Renaming Project from project to PROJECT messes everything up (2.0) 2001-11-20
6030 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Need to allow filenames with no extensions when registering editors 2001-11-20
6115 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE in RenameTypeRefactoring 2001-11-20
3140 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE ignored case (1GLBMJS) 2001-11-20
6025 PDE Build rodrigo RESO FIXE Create BuildManifestTask to log plug-in versions included in each build 2001-11-20
6113 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE VCM sub menu items replicated for each pop-up 2001-11-20
6147 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Templates don't work in "Show source of selected element only" mode 2001-11-21
3893 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Add from local history formatting (1GF5GP4) 2001-11-21
4132 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Error tick on project not present after "Add to workspace" (1GIV2HD) 2001-11-21
5986 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE BidiUtil handling of WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE needs to be fixed 2001-11-21
4155 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Source Attachment wizard for variable classpath entries not correct (1GJ6X9P) 2001-11-21
5296 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE TVT1: Hardcoded string "System Editor" 2001-11-21
5865 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Packages view doesn't obey action set customization 2001-11-21
5434 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE TVT1: Hardcoded string 2001-11-21
5760 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Type hierarchy should support extensions to the view pulldown 2001-11-22
5475 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE F4 causes loss of context when called from a method view 2001-11-22
5449 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE TVT Text Expansion/Truncations in new java class dialog 2001-11-22
4151 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Value hovering should show type name not only value (1GIYQVJ) 2001-11-22
4947 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE No indication of Insert/Overwrite mode 2001-11-22
6087 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NPE closing content assist from DisplayView on exit 2001-11-22
4714 Platform SWT Silenio_Quarti RESO FIXE Label draws wrong background when image is set (1GF0IC6) 2001-11-22
6207 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Java project properties dialog grows taller than screen 2001-11-23
6250 Platform Compare kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NullPointerException when Editting in Synchronize View 2001-11-23
5391 Platform Ant rodrigo RESO FIXE Upgrade to Ant 1.4.1 2001-11-23
5614 Platform Ant rodrigo RESO FIXE Update copy task - Project.copy(..) has been deprecated. 2001-11-23
5763 Platform Releng Brian_Young RESO FIXE on linux drop contents Windows source 2001-11-23
6258 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Can't get "Triangle" menu 2001-11-23
5756 Platform Releng Brian_Young RESO FIXE libXm links are invalid on linux 2001-11-23
5503 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE Tabbing broken 2001-11-23
5369 Platform UI eduardo_pereira RESO FIXE NPE when closing an html file opened internally in the workspace 2001-11-23
6157 Platform UI eduardo_pereira RESO FIXE NPE launching Eclipse 2001-11-23
3066 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE TEST: HistoryStorePerformance not part of plugin.xml (1GF9YCU) 2001-11-23
5962 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Build order pref page should have label for list widget 2001-11-23
6298 Platform Compare erich_gamma RESO FIXE Replace with Local History: Workbench -> Workspace 2001-11-26
6078 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Copy/Move features 2001-11-26
5581 Platform Resource debbie_wilson RESO FIXE Plugin version match on fragments too restrictive (1.0) 2001-11-26
2778 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE ViewsPreferencePage slams parents data (1GJ6K5U) 2001-11-26
4369 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE F2 should work even if "Hide Text Hover" is enabled 2001-11-26
6013 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Repeatable Java editor hang in 200111115 2001-11-26
6314 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE CVS Communication Error 2001-11-26
5455 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE generate getter/setter: easily fooled by field names (leads to syntax errors) 2001-11-27
4241 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE AssertionFailedException on shutdown (1GKEVHE) 2001-11-27
5992 Platform SWT Silenio_Quarti RESO FIXE Changing Java Editor font in Preference Page makes Eclipse hang or crash 2001-11-27
5238 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Compare fails if takes more than 20 seconds 2001-11-27
6225 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Add unimplemented methods creates incorrect comments 2001-11-27
3915 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE generate getter/setter too smart on names (1GF5WW1) 2001-11-27
6062 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE JavaDocCompletionProcessor should be have configurable case sensitivity 2001-11-27
5944 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Bug in Path.append 2001-11-27
6323 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE NPE in context menu of Search view 2001-11-27
6142 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE plugin import does not set project references 2001-11-28
6290 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Double build when using the Eclipse Launcher 2001-11-28
6143 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE plugin import all plugins as source 2001-11-28
6375 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Organize imports asks to specify the same class 2001-11-28
6086 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Plugin import caused > 100 error dialogs 2001-11-28
6026 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE More info in Plugin importer error messages 2001-11-28
6412 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE API Request - Package selection dialog including pre-reqs 2001-11-29
6428 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE 4 exportplugin.xml Ant scripts still referencing "plugin.jars" 2001-11-29
6397 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE plugin import & slim launcher failure 2001-11-29
5930 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE Null pointer in MarkerManager! 2001-11-29
6002 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE NPE opening Debugger perspecitve 2001-11-29
6438 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - bidi - isBidi test not working on XP 2001-11-29
4860 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - StyledTextBidi, BidiUtil need doc (1GL32C8) 2001-11-29
6403 Platform Ant dj.houghton RESO FIXE org.eclipse.ant.core/plugin.xml references NetComponents.jar 2001-11-30
5395 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Can't launch Eclipse from Eclipse 2001-12-01
283 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Missing form_banner.gif (1GFDL7F) 2001-12-02
286 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Dependcoies Page loses scollable content when graph is switched (1GFKR73) 2001-12-02
288 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Missing icon for Dependcies page (1GFKRCL) 2001-12-02
294 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Null Pointer Exception moving mouse over required plugins (1GFL144) 2001-12-02
295 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Null Pointer Exception entering Body Text (1GFL5O3) 2001-12-02
308 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE 4 SWTExceptions (1GHHYXS) 2001-12-02
311 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Handling default runtime workbench (1GIZFEZ) 2001-12-02
314 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Fragment Manifest Editor runtime libraries can not be reordered with "up/down" buttons (1GI9E18) 2001-12-02
317 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE EC: Error in ExtensionElementPropertySource::getPropertyValue (1GJ6D3T) 2001-12-02
319 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Exception when hovering (1GJ873U) 2001-12-02
321 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Internal Error when adding an extension point (1GJP22U) 2001-12-02
327 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in PDE plugin.xml editor (1GKKMMG) 2001-12-02
329 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Feature: Launching Target on any selected item in Project (1GKMFZP) 2001-12-02
333 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE form_banner.gif missing in 'basic' icon directory (1GKOK6X) 2001-12-02
338 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Click on a class and running "run-time workbench" fails (1GKZ7X7) 2001-12-02
340 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE source= missing trailing / (1GL2PWG) 2001-12-02
341 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE PDE does not handle $ws$/*.jar requires entry (1GL2Q7C) 2001-12-02
5378 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Walkback browsing a plugin.xml 2001-12-02
5738 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Plug-in id often more useful than plug-in name. PDE should display both 2001-12-02
6081 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Typo in build jar dialog 2001-12-02
6141 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Running runtime workbench doesn't add to run or debug pulldowns 2001-12-02
1749 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Debugger did not show source for type, and generated "Failed to execute runnable" (1GL2VMQ) 2001-12-03
6197 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NPE opening editor on classfile 2001-12-03
6279 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NPE after changing preference 2001-12-03
6309 Platform UI eduardo_pereira RESO FIXE Goto type dialog (in the navigator) should trim entered value 2001-12-03
6479 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE NPE in a detached view with right mouse click 2001-12-03
6204 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE KeyListener on table does not work. 2001-12-03
4833 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Remove focus button from Table (1GK7MK4) 2001-12-03
2015 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Delete project should prompt to delete content on disk (1GDH3ZN) 2001-12-03
2065 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Should "Go to resource..." take filters into account? (1GDZCSS) 2001-12-03
2141 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Go to resource dialog should open with "A" selected (1GE8I4H) 2001-12-03
2184 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Deleting a project should ask if user wants to delete contents (1GEACLE) 2001-12-03
4381 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Replace from local histroy - workspace element included 2001-12-04
5914 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Anonymous inner type code completion gets in the way 2001-12-04
6435 Platform Search daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search again should move search to top of MRU list 2001-12-04
6016 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE during resource delete in package viewer 2001-12-04
4318 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Resources in Package Root not exported (1GLAKKP) 2001-12-04
6407 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE reminder: register the context menu in the JavaOutlinePage 2001-12-04
6472 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE Table widget has empty entries 2001-12-04
6361 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE Items appearing to be floating in SWT Table 2001-12-04
2581 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Perspective layout modifications are too easy to perform by mistake (1GGNLJH) 2001-12-04
6203 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE SEVERE: typing in java editor causes OutOfMemoryError in JDK 1.4 2001-12-04
6551 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Import assist adds unused import 2001-12-05
6554 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE API javadoc: need to add @since 2.0 where appropriate 2001-12-05
5071 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Shift-TAB doesn't generate proper event 2001-12-05
6572 Platform SWT christophe.cornu+eclipse RESO FIXE Default background color of Lists and Combos not consistent with Win2K 2001-12-05
6596 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Java compiler can generate invalid bytecode 2001-12-05
6119 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE cannot delete a working set 2001-12-06
6624 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE Typo in javadoc for IResource.move(IPath, boolean, IProgressMonitor) 2001-12-06
5812 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE Error recovering workspace 2001-12-06
6658 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Error in FileDocumentProvider 2001-12-07
4052 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE document change infrastructure - missing functionality (1GH2DWC) 2001-12-07
5853 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Jar packager: progress reporting not optimal 2001-12-07
4117 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Can't change background color of editor (1GIK24F) 2001-12-07
1767 Platform SWT Mike_Wilson RESO FIXE Display ASCII for values greater than 127 fails (1GLE8I5) 2001-12-07
6110 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Context-completion displays off the screen 2001-12-07
4332 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Code assist list should ensure that it is fully visible (1GD09MO) 2001-12-07
4334 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Code assist shell clipped when opend at the bottom of a file (1GEY82R) 2001-12-07
4346 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NL: word select (double click) in Java comments (1GIYR3X) 2001-12-07
4347 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Dismissing editor with code assist up causes lots of Internal Errors (1GGYYWK) 2001-12-07
4348 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE ResourceMarkerAnnotaionModel: unnecessary fireModelChange (1GJ65EW) 2001-12-07
4319 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE DCR: add missing superclass constructor (1GLBX8S) 2001-12-07
6282 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Extra closing comment slashes 2001-12-07
6559 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE WizardNewProjectCreationPage support for setting initial project name 2001-12-07
6102 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE DCR: Line number and current column in editors 2001-12-07
6706 PDE Build dj.houghton RESO FIXE Need to allow plug-ins to contribute custom build.xml 2001-12-08
328 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Feature: Add VM Arguments to the PDE Preferences (1GKMDY6) 2001-12-09
6404 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Editor status line column number wrong in method editor 2001-12-10
5868 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Define working set does too much work in the UI thread 2001-12-10
6616 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Remove unneeded property page contributions 2001-12-10
6722 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE JavaElementLabelProvider API - small issue 2001-12-10
2781 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE EC: Control keys not handled by in-place rename (1GJBZ7S) 2001-12-10
4819 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - bidi - cursor navigation (1GJLKSN) 2001-12-10
6238 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE jar packager: ide freezes on page flip, no progress shown 2001-12-10
5961 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Build order pref page should show default list 2001-12-10
6716 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Usability: Packages View/Execution Arguments vs. Run Icon 2001-12-10
6742 Platform UI Karice_McIntyre RESO FIXE Copy using D&D should not rename 2001-12-10
6273 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE NPE opening a Java Perspective 2001-12-10
2621 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Preferences: Random option in Workbench has focus by default (1GHBOOG) 2001-12-10
2692 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Preference page takes focus when first activated (1GI5QDP) 2001-12-10
6754 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Hierarchy does not show selection on F4 2001-12-11
6758 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Class name corrupted by creating member class using wizard 2001-12-11
5620 Platform Search daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search: control keys for navigating the list of search results 2001-12-11
2918 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE EC: Default button for delete project confirmation (1GKML3H) 2001-12-11
6353 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE StringIndexOutOfBounds validating path 2001-12-11
3959 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Dupilcate entry in save before copy dialog (1GF9IYY) 2001-12-11
6773 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText.computeSize uses display width to calculate number of visible lines 2001-12-11
6246 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE editor preferences: use of 'keywords' 'build-in types' is incorrect 2001-12-12
6075 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE NPE while editing in compare view 2001-12-12
6766 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Add Unimplemented Methods for Inner class only adds constructor 2001-12-12
6685 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - on setFont caret not being positioned correctly 2001-12-12
5784 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE self encapsulate field: no progress string 2001-12-12
6765 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Type hierarchy missing buttons when in "Hierarchy View Only" mode 2001-12-12
821 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Help: Links button shown even when no more links (1GF66GC) 2001-12-12
5959 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Text editor: SEVERE - Revert should be undoable 2001-12-12
6671 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE org.eclipse.core.resources library directory should not be in the plugin 2001-12-12
6869 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE NPE while opening Search dialog 2001-12-13
6039 Platform SWT steve_northover RESO FIXE Unable to use quote character (") inside find and replace dialog 2001-12-13
6419 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE Class loader failure after restarting a crashed workspace 2001-12-13
5917 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE In package viewer Add from Local History isn't enabled for CUs 2001-12-13
5512 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Import Plugin tool fails for plugins without runtime tags 2001-12-13
6544 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Conflicting mneumonic on CodeFormatter Preference page 2001-12-13
5458 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Add unimplemented deprecated methods 2001-12-13
6800 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE NPE in Import Wizard 2001-12-13
6899 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE Extension point spec for org.eclipse.core.resources.natures 2001-12-13
3060 Platform Ant dj.houghton RESO FIXE Ant: Ant Run Wizard should have a sub title (1GF7X21) 2001-12-13
6874 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Delete project works differently in packages view than Navigator 2001-12-14
6855 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException in synchronize view 2001-12-14
6903 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE 1GOMQ6H:- NullPointerException when exporting to a jar 2001-12-14
6235 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE Issues regarding to DialogUnits 2001-12-14
6802 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Type Hierarchy should have "Expand All" action 2001-12-14
1967 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE Some windows don't fit screen (1GD0EPV) 2001-12-14
5209 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Replace from local history: BadLocationException 2001-12-14
1817 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Some Accessibility requirements (1GBBH6B) 2001-12-14
1842 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Need way of notifying parts of changes to font preferences, etc. (1G5HVIH) 2001-12-14
2335 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE POST-RELEASE: Bugs in StringMatcher (1GET09O) 2001-12-14
1859 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE Esc does not disable PropertySheet Text Cell Editor. (1G607PZ) 2001-12-14
6969 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE NPE in code formatter preference page 2001-12-17
5264 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Class detail filtering options in packages view. 2001-12-17
4126 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE SelectionDialog.setInitialSelection broken for all JDT dialogs (1GIRGYV) 2001-12-17
4367 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Argument hover doesn't work for nested method calls 2001-12-17
4041 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE out of sync error message after copying resources (1GGR6VZ) 2001-12-17
6891 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Enclosing type checkbox doesn't appear in tab order in new class wizard 2001-12-17
4271 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE organize imports should be implemented as IChange (1GKZ5K0) 2001-12-17
5000 Platform UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Context menu IDs not fully qualified 2001-12-17
6718 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Error ticks on non-Java resources 2001-12-17
6931 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE working set removed on cancel 2001-12-17
6632 Platform Resource debbie_wilson RESO FIXE Plugin registry doesn't mark fragments as 'read-only' 2001-12-17
6335 Platform Resource debbie_wilson RESO FIXE cannot put library in fragment 2001-12-17
6790 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Touching code assist scrollbar dumps javacore 2001-12-17
7001 Platform Search daniel_megert RESO FIXE Internal error opening context menu after removing a working set 2001-12-18
6421 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Organize imports tries to add imports for inner classes 2001-12-18
5466 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Hierarchy view should try to preserve method selection 2001-12-18
6939 Platform Releng Brian_Young RESO FIXE Misleading German translations 2001-12-18
6371 Platform Releng Brian_Young RESO FIXE Untranslated String in German 2001-12-18
5849 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Java editor is slow to delete in a file with lots of fields 2001-12-19
4964 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic Code Assist needs to be smarter 2001-12-19
4966 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic Code Assist needs to be smarter #2 2001-12-19
4967 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic Code Assist needs to be smarter #3 2001-12-19
4968 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic Code Assist needs to be smarter #4 2001-12-19
4969 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic Code Assist needs to be smarter #5 2001-12-19
4999 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Automatic Code Assist needs to be smarter #7 2001-12-19
5915 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Renaming a resource brings up Java rename refactoring 2001-12-19
6686 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Should project delete not delete actual files in custom location? 2001-12-19
2083 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Undo after file save does not work, but menu-item still active (1GE4W22) 2001-12-19
2396 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Save in compare editors needs progress bar (1GEYF58) 2001-12-19
7087 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Missing property pages for Java projects in packages view 2001-12-19
6936 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Please make it possible to extract a perspective to a new window of its own 2001-12-19
7053 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Delete method shifts following bracket 2001-12-20
5324 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Compare view does not support copy shortcuts + save shortcut 2001-12-20
5062 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Walkback in Synchronize clicking on 'Two way compare (ignore ancestor)' 2001-12-20
6967 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Exception while right-clicking in text editor 2001-12-20
7132 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Exception thrown in "New Java Project" wizard 2001-12-20
7150 Platform SWT lynne_kues RESO FIXE StyledText - bidi - partial styling of ligatures bug 2001-12-20
7152 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE runWithEvent support for contributed actions 2001-12-21
6794 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE ProgressMonitorPart.setTaskName should update text label as ProgressMonitorDialog does 2001-12-21
7182 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Detecting versions: "nothing known about .vcm_meta" 2002-01-02
3077 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE Unable to shutdown and restart the platform (1GG1LD8) 2002-01-03
6876 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE Path.isPrefixOf incorrect for root path 2002-01-03
2472 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE [UI] Impossible to delete a read only project (1GF7Y2S) 2002-01-03
3072 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Test: need test for interesting projects persistence (1GFJ3L7) 2002-01-04
7258 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE CVS: sync view needs to show revision information in editors 2002-01-04
7261 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE CVS UI: Duplicate branch names when auto-create 2002-01-04
6040 Platform SWT steve_northover RESO FIXE Tab order changed unpredictably in 1116 2002-01-04
7284 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE History View - "Compare" needed 2002-01-04
7180 Platform Resource dj.houghton RESO FIXE can't start ... get SIGSEV11 2002-01-07
7255 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Rename of <Foo> crashes 2002-01-07
4363 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Two Java Doc hovers 2002-01-07
6033 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE BIDI: Keyboard Input Layer in Java Class name field 2002-01-07
6902 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Perps ext. to add new view fails because of folders. 2002-01-07
2741 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE [JFace] TableViewer: MapElement problem (1GITISX) 2002-01-07
7286 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE History View - Drag + Drop 2002-01-07
7283 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE History View - "Add to workspace" required 2002-01-07
4722 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE First editor tab missing close button (1GF7QIQ) 2002-01-07
7246 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Getting remote contents of an empty file fails 2002-01-07
7247 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Getting remote contents fails on file obtained from ILogEntry 2002-01-07
6233 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE keep property value if IPropertySource.getEditableValue returns null 2002-01-08
5192 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Version info "dirty" indicator is not propagated to classes/methods after synchronize 2002-01-08
5487 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE I don't like pink 2002-01-08
5271 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE JARs compared as source in release browser 2002-01-08
6828 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Support with replace with previous 2002-01-08
7338 Platform SWT christophe.cornu+eclipse RESO FIXE SWT.getPlatform() returns invalid platform 2002-01-08
7249 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Sync: get on incoming addition silently fails if parent folder is also incoming addition 2002-01-08
6315 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE Some perspective save confirmation messages cut off 2002-01-08
3028 Platform Resource jeffmcaffer RESO FIXE DCR: need to combine ws and os folder structure (1GIX250) 2002-01-08
7266 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Need a CVS Preferences Page 2002-01-08
7248 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Need more flexible Update API 2002-01-08
6592 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE Box for checkbox table items is too large when using large fonts 2002-01-08
5473 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Shift-Left behavior with intermixed tabs and spaces 2002-01-09
6552 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Shift right ignores indent settings 2002-01-09
2419 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Do not show err msg about lead/trailing spaces in project wizard (1GIVG00) 2002-01-09
6034 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE BIDI: Arabic chars corrupt using println from Scrapbook 2002-01-09
7265 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE CVSRepositoryLocations are poorly managed by CVS Plugin 2002-01-09
7321 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE UpdateAction in team.ui should be GetAction 2002-01-09
7359 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Missing string in cvs core 2002-01-09
7412 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Repo Connnection Wizard: should be able to advance page by double-clicking provider type 2002-01-09
7410 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Should skip repo type selection page if just one 2002-01-09
325 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE NPE referencing plugin that does not exist (1GKDDJP) 2002-01-09
4335 Platform UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Find/Replace should come up with first history entry (1GEL5NS) 2002-01-10
4338 Platform UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Find/change history is never pruned (1GHDUJW) 2002-01-10
5087 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Package viewer shows (stale) version below file level 2002-01-10
4343 Platform UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Text hidden inserted by code assist (1GJ9PGK) 2002-01-10
4342 Platform UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE TextViewer.setTopIndex doesn't take horizontal scrollbar into account (1GIFYC7) 2002-01-10
1893 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Compare Viewer doesn't scroll to last line (1GBB34N) 2002-01-10
5839 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Usability: Initial diff is sometimes not horizontally aligned 2002-01-10
2782 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Accessibility: Background is set to white in many places (1GJA2WL) 2002-01-10
7403 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Need clear lifecycle for repo locations 2002-01-10
6329 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Ctrl-Alt-(minus) not a good choice for accelerator 2002-01-10
7415 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Connection Wizard: "Finish" enabled too early 2002-01-10
7372 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE CVS properties page on Project: need more info on repo location 2002-01-10
7227 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Java Browser Perspective shows package icons in every view title on first activation 2002-01-10
7373 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Need CVS properties page for files 2002-01-10
7326 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE History View - "Refresh" needed 2002-01-10
5325 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Compare always scroll the text pane to the extreme limit 2002-01-11
7471 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE JavaModelException in type hierarchy 2002-01-11
6970 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Hierarchy tick marks out of sync 2002-01-11
7165 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE erroneous warning of unused variables 2002-01-11
7071 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE ArrayStoreException getting hoverhelp in Java editor 2002-01-11
3334 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Types hierarchy view does not show all subclasses. (1GI901Q) 2002-01-11
7184 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Built in compiler does not allow anonymous class initializers to throw exceptions 2002-01-11
7129 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Problems with replacing a project 2002-01-11
7481 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE JME in compare 2002-01-11
2130 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE "New" wizard has no focus (1GE7CYG) 2002-01-11
6948 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE New builder - builder does not reuse opened JARs 2002-01-11
7422 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Missing project references on some imported Java projects 2002-01-11
7354 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Compatibility with javac when no output directory is specified 2002-01-11
6806 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE NullPointerException moving enpty cu out of default package 2002-01-11
3361 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - ICLS - field from outer class and inherited public field in nested class (1GK7LAA) 2002-01-11
7030 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException renaming project 2002-01-11
6779 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTyped - missing exception types 2002-01-11
7033 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Stale packages view after moving compilation units 2002-01-11
6993 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE JavaModel inconsistencies with units outside classpath 2002-01-11
7035 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE New builder - builder does not close all JARs 2002-01-11
6889 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE No typehierarchy for inner types 2002-01-11
3368 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - INTF - The field of protected interface is used in other package (1GK7M25) 2002-01-11
7324 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Ambiguous multiple problem descriptions when collision of build files 2002-01-11
7325 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Build collisions should be non-fatal? 2002-01-11
7363 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Rebuild Project action is not compiling all Java source files 2002-01-11
3330 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - illegal simple name imports (1GHW0G1) 2002-01-11
6927 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Static inner class won't compile (doesn't match JDK behavior) 2002-01-11
6890 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE META-INF hidden 2002-01-11
6785 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE NPE in IType.resolve 2002-01-11
3409 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - STMT - null literal in throw statement (1GK7MEQ) 2002-01-11
6893 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE LocalTypeDeclaration includes preceeding comment even if there are statements in between 2002-01-11
7333 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE typo in type name: ResetSateForCodeGenerationVisitor 2002-01-11
6750 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Batch compiler - Classpath handling is too strict 2002-01-11
6865 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE open on selection in BuildNotifier only finds contents of rt.jar 2002-01-11
6719 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE LocalTypeDeclaration::traverse 2002-01-11
3385 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - INTF - illegal method declaration for interface (1GK2AWS) 2002-01-11
6760 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE package names truncated in compilation dialog 2002-01-11
3424 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE DCR: code assist support for variable name suggestions (1GKM6OQ) 2002-01-11
3282 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - DASG - assigned variable before catch block after return statement (1GK2AHX) 2002-01-11
5065 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE NullPointerException in Code Assist 2002-01-11
3197 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE DCR - OpenOnSelection - Code resolve doesn't work on declarations (1G0UX9V) 2002-01-11
3374 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE SearchPatter.createPattern(...) doesn't work with unicodes (1GJYBRY) 2002-01-11
4917 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Latest build fails updating TypeHierarchy 2002-01-11
3230 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Search - Too many type references for query ending with * (1GAZVGI) 2002-01-11
3309 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE DCR - JM - could ICompilationUnit::getType throw JME? (1GF9AL9) 2002-01-11
3325 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Too much codeassist match on interface (1GH0GV1) 2002-01-11
3436 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE NPW in TypeHierarchy (1GL0L8D) 2002-01-11
3452 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE NPE doing Display from Binary (1GLEG5K) 2002-01-11
3296 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE CodeAssist - should filter out duplicates if any (1GEWDL7) 2002-01-11
4385 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE QualifiedAllocationExpression.sourceEnd incorrect if type is an AnonymousLocalTypeDeclaration 2002-01-11
4921 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Serach does not find types in internal jar 2002-01-11
3310 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Smoke 124: Compile errors introduced with rename refactoring (1GFBK2G) 2002-01-11
4943 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Verification error 2002-01-11
3240 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE need to find method declarations in anonymous inner types (1GCBPRI) 2002-01-11
3440 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Classfile comparator should be able to ignore order (1GL2I7E) 2002-01-11
3442 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE NPE in SourceElementParser (1GL496I) 2002-01-11
5136 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when a field declaration is an anonymous class 2002-01-11
3449 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE CodeAssist - two type with same name must be qualified (1GLDN3Z) 2002-01-11
4973 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Rename package removes first letter of import statements 2002-01-11
3434 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Deleting a project from the ws removes it from the buildpath! (1GKZNBS) 2002-01-11
5218 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE AccSuper is not set properly 2002-01-11
3439 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Classfile comparator should be able to ignore synthetics (1GL2I3N) 2002-01-11
3279 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Severe - JM - Source found, even though sourcepath is false (1GELAVB) 2002-01-11
5021 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Refactoring damages code 2002-01-11
5200 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE SetClasspathOperation must close root only when root is removed 2002-01-11
3194 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE DCR - JM - Buffer contents is duplicated (1G03HCP) 2002-01-11
5217 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE java search scope: missing enclosing project 2002-01-11
5522 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Type hierarchy - missing subtypes of JavaElement 2002-01-11
5430 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Must resurrect 0.9 deprecated APIs 2002-01-11
5425 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Exception on CodeAssist 2002-01-11
5515 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE AbortCompilation during polymorphic search 2002-01-11
5362 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Deeper than necessary JavaElementDelta when package added 2002-01-11
5541 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE No refresh when adding a compilation unit inside a dot named source folder 2002-01-11
5508 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JDT cannot support periods in the folders above the package name 2002-01-11
5525 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE ICodeCompletionRequestor isn't 1.0 compatible 2002-01-11
5275 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Cross Project recompilation Defect 186249 - OTI PR# 1GLEYT1 2002-01-11
5616 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE NPE when compiling invalid code defining a array of strings 2002-01-11
5527 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Unexpected inaccurate matches for #close() declarations 2002-01-11
3245 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE sub folders with dot not visible in packages view (1GCOH17) 2002-01-11
3249 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Error message is confusing: using token instead of identifier (1GCTDYM) 2002-01-11
3175 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK1.3a - ICLS - Comparing current instance against enclosing instance inside of anonymous class. (1GLDSBS) 2002-01-11
6151 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ObjectSet 2002-01-11
3358 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Performance: indexer doing too much work? (1GJLDN7) 2002-01-11
5068 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE search: missing method reference 2002-01-11
6158 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Search - Prefix and postfix expression not found as write reference 2002-01-11
5821 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Refactor > Rename renames local variable instead of member in case of name clash 2002-01-11
5862 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE search : too many matches on search with OrPattern 2002-01-11
3320 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Search - Match through super type not found if in different project (1GGAOFT) 2002-01-11
5790 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE IJavaProject.hasBuildState() fails with new builder 2002-01-11
3251 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Types not included in code assist list for import (1GD06W9) 2002-01-11
3430 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE usability: parameter hints (1GKYXK5) 2002-01-11
3431 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Unreachable code in JCore (1GL2V6K) 2002-01-11
5794 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Polymorphic search doesn't work in dependent projects 2002-01-11
5972 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental builder (new) recompiling dependents of Parser for no apparent reason 2002-01-11
6302 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE AssertionFailure in open on selection 2002-01-11
3435 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE keeping the project references and required project in synch (1GL0L34) 2002-01-11
3293 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE search does not work in inner class (1GEUQHJ) 2002-01-11
6416 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Code resolve doesn't work on message send when parameters are not correct 2002-01-11
5471 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE CodeFormatter mapped positions broken for multi-line comments 2002-01-11
5618 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Uncaught CompletionNodeFound exception doing code assist 2002-01-11
4923 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE IJavaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots returns roots from other projects 2002-01-11
6456 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass 2002-01-11
5940 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Instance initializer in anon inner class generates errors 2002-01-11
5907 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Indexer errors when disk full 2002-01-11
5834 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental build recompiled unrelated project 2002-01-11
5003 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Review JavaBuilder cancelation handling 2002-01-11
5943 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE internal error in setting buildpath (name collsion) 2002-01-11
3339 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE search: java project scope does not work as expected (1GIJU1P) 2002-01-11
3264 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE VerifyError related to a local index computation (1GDS7IP) 2002-01-11
4351 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Test 2002-01-11
6061 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE unreachable code/unused temp ? 2002-01-11
5514 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Select a declaration does not work in unsaved working copies 2002-01-11
5263 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE TVT: Compiler error messages are hard for translators to understand 2002-01-11
5268 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE VerifyError when running app 2002-01-11
6422 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Resource copy should not occur as soon as one source folder overlap the binary output 2002-01-11
5913 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Performance - creating tons of classfile elements at startup 2002-01-11
5916 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Search - too many matches for refs to NameLookup.findPackageFragmentRoot 2002-01-11
3236 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Tests - Need multi-project test for image builder (1GCUNZC) 2002-01-11
4974 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Set classpath / output location should be one operation 2002-01-11
3340 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE UnaryExpression doesn't store expression type in bit mask (1GLBOJZ) 2002-01-11
5955 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NPE in LookupEnvironment 2002-01-11
6104 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Unoptimal debugger highlight for multi-line message expression 2002-01-11
5884 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Code assist should only fully qualify if needed 2002-01-11
5957 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Internal error in RecoveredMethod.add 2002-01-11
5414 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Signature 2002-01-11
6431 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the SourceIndexer requestor 2002-01-11
5705 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Wrong positions for ClassCastLiteral 2002-01-11
5277 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Code assist on assert method do an AbortException 2002-01-11
5384 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE search engine: behavior different than expected 2002-01-11
5563 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Write reference on declaration not reported 2002-01-11
5923 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Search for "length" field refs finds [].length 2002-01-11
5852 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Project references not updated according to buildpath 2002-01-11
5781 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE NPE using new image builder 2002-01-11
5203 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Project indexing does not restrain to source files on the classpath 2002-01-11
3192 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Invalid type hierarchy when missing type(s) in hierarchy (1GF5RN4) 2002-01-11
5067 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE CodeAssist - no variable name suggestion for base type 2002-01-11
3304 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Hierarchy not updated when changing classpath (1GF5QSW) 2002-01-11
6101 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Unexpected error in inner class 2002-01-11
2197 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Tab doesn't work in new project wizard (1GEAG7W) 2002-01-11
2202 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Should have mnemonic for Open Perspective (1GEAHG0) 2002-01-11
2195 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE New project wizard: tab goes to Cancel before Next (1GEAGBQ) 2002-01-11
2237 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Select Perspective dialog should give initial focus to list (1GEARPJ) 2002-01-11
2291 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE DCR: switching between editors (1GELQXK) 2002-01-11
7211 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Freeze when entering certain Java syntax 2002-01-11
6701 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Code assist: java hint not properly aligned 2002-01-11
2358 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE New dialog header text not visible (1GETDSA) 2002-01-11
7313 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Hierarchy always expands all 2002-01-11
7344 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Search - write acces give wrong result 2002-01-11
6342 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Code assist on Intreface-'Constructors' incomplete 2002-01-11
7487 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Classpath variable edit error message wrong 2002-01-11
2600 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Tabbing doesn't stay in PB (1GGYVXA) 2002-01-11
2660 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Accesability - Perspective Switching Accelerator is Wrong (1GHTYKO) 2002-01-11
2663 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Keyboard movement through editors (1GHU45H) 2002-01-11
2747 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Accessibility: Message Area is too small (1GIV5WQ) 2002-01-11
2866 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE conflicting accelerators on Perspective menu (1GK7MXO) 2002-01-11
5489 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE File editors page grabs focus 2002-01-11
5580 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE New editor cycling commands missing pneumonics 2002-01-11
5807 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Menu and accelerators for minimze/maximize view 2002-01-11
7468 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Cancel of release comment shouldn't remove items from Sync view 2002-01-11
6852 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE StyledText - verify event character invalid value 2002-01-11
5651 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE DCR: Please split up the "Use 'src' and 'bin' folders..." preference 2002-01-14
7119 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Content Assist does not complete some code 2002-01-14
7034 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE code assist performance problem in scrapbook 2002-01-14
7499 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE NPE showing contents of jar 2002-01-14
3372 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Markers for build path not updated on (re-) build (1GJY69S) 2002-01-14
7000 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Switch and Try statement doesn't include trailing } 2002-01-14
6932 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Increment statement in for loop contains trailing comments 2002-01-14
6687 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Wrong JavaModel refresh after drag and drop outside folder with dot in name 2002-01-14
6542 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE extract method: incorrect error message 2002-01-14
6528 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE InvocationTargetException trying to search 2002-01-14
6538 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE searchDeclarationsOf* incorrect 2002-01-14
6563 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Package view does not refresh ok when adding both package and unit at once 2002-01-14
6670 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE Code Assist: Cannot resolve in method body 2002-01-14
6494 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE New builder: Invalid error found (The declared package does not match the expected package) 2002-01-14
6564 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE New builder - Incremental recompilation detected package problems incorrectly 2002-01-14
6690 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE CodeAssist finds types outside the classpath 2002-01-14
6586 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE NullPointerException when resource modification done before java model is open 2002-01-14
7098 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE NPE while computing the change tree 2002-01-14
7048 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE First element not selected 2002-01-14
7463 JDT UI daniel_megert RESO FIXE Search for implementors fails 2002-01-14
2548 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Project compare should open viewing selected file (1GFMRP6) 2002-01-14
3370 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental compiler is compiling project when it should not. (1GJUOOA) 2002-01-14
3269 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Updating the Java packages view on project creation (1GDW0U9) 2002-01-14
3429 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental compilation bug on namespace change in private local class (1GKXC3I) 2002-01-14
3287 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Built state does not remember old pkg fragment roots (1GELFJO) 2002-01-14
3301 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental build doesn't detect disappearance of field. (1GF5UG8) 2002-01-14
3232 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental builder unable to handle efficiently missing rt.jar scenario (1GBAKWR) 2002-01-14
3322 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NullPointerException during build in StateImpl.getSourceElementEntries (1GGM1W0) 2002-01-14
3305 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental build doesn't detect abstract method to implements. (1GF5TZT) 2002-01-14
3234 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental builder does not notice addition of java.lang.Object inside same project (1GBM23T) 2002-01-14
3326 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental build doesn't work if bin deleted (1GHH6U9) 2002-01-14
3290 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE JavaBuilder - Old class files remain after change of output location (1GET1PQ) 2002-01-14
3185 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE JavaBuilder - Errors don't disappear (1FV1N16) 2002-01-14
3278 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE JavaBuilder - Problem Count rarely updated (1GE8C52) 2002-01-14
3189 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE JavaBuilder - Missing libraries results in insufficient dependency info (1FWYERT) 2002-01-14
3202 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE DCR - JM - Merge Java Element Deltas with Resource Deltas (1G2B60Z) 2002-01-14
3311 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE performance: task list still does not scale at all (1GFCTW4) 2002-01-14
3312 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Internal errors in image builder due to duplicate package fragment (1GFJ3Y4) 2002-01-14
3422 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NPE in Java builder during catchup (1GKE8O4) 2002-01-14
3227 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE JCL dev - Builder did not refresh problems in exception hierarchy (1GATSMZ) 2002-01-14
3317 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Fullbuild after startup (1GFPVXW) 2002-01-14
3228 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Discarding rt.jar from build path triggers too many recompilation (1GAU1J0) 2002-01-14
3260 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NPE when doing incremental project build (1GDRQSX) 2002-01-14
3199 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Missing classpath variables (1GHUA3R) 2002-01-14
3295 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Errors from missing reference to a jar do not go away (1GEURNC) 2002-01-14
4913 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE null argument in IncrementalImageBuilder.getBuilderType 2002-01-14
2938 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Replace from local history should show busy cursor (1GKU0P3) 2002-01-14
5894 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE error ticks not updated on editor tab 2002-01-14
7539 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE Recursive loop if TitleAreaDialog.setMessage is overridden to call setErrorMessage 2002-01-14
4915 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - need a major compiler switch for 1.3 / 1.4 mode 2002-01-14
6443 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Incremental java builder doesn't handle folder create/delete nicely 2002-01-14
6433 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE declaration source start incorrect on local variable #2 2002-01-14
6429 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE declaration source start incorrect on local variable 2002-01-14
6117 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE CodeFormatter - impossible to set indentation level and position mapping w/o deprecated methods 2002-01-14
5542 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Too many deltas are fired on each JavaModel operation 2002-01-14
5641 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NPE on rebuild when replacing internal jar 2002-01-14
6461 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NewBuilder - doesn't detect incorrectly located compilation units 2002-01-14
5007 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Project classpath references do not follow class folders 2002-01-14
3360 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE Code assist does not work in inner classes (1GJOVT6) 2002-01-14
3343 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Missing java.lang.Object should produce a more prominent compiler error (1GIT277) 2002-01-14
5320 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE NPE during catchup 2002-01-14
3204 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE ImageBuilder should show error count in the progress (1G3SVKY) 2002-01-14
5109 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE Adding project doesn't fix build errors 2002-01-14
5317 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Reparenting class should refresh hierarchy 2002-01-14
7360 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE SyncAction uses default tag 2002-01-14
7520 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE SyncView: Cannot checkin or get in Both mode 2002-01-14
7518 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE port# missing from CVS properties page 2002-01-14
7525 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Should file properties show permissions 2002-01-14
7285 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE History View - should be able to copy text 2002-01-14
7256 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Decorator has performance problems 2002-01-14
5629 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Outliner does not automatically open when selecting a search result 2002-01-14
5386 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText (bidi) - performance improvements 2002-01-14
6770 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE Only the left mouse button should select in a Table. 2002-01-14
4118 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE review: RefactoringSearchEngine (1GIK9XU) 2002-01-15
6379 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE StatusLine 'Writeable' is not readable 2002-01-15
6277 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Shift Left/Right use CTRL+I 2002-01-15
7590 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE CCE: during move refactoring 2002-01-15
7594 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Menu entry "Replace with Previous" shouldn't have a "..." 2002-01-15
7337 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE when pasting a member (that got deleted) 2002-01-15
7206 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE rename method parameters panel needs work 2002-01-15
7554 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Property pages not visibile at high resolution 2002-01-15
7567 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE NPE opening java editor context menu 2002-01-15
7540 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE JDT Type hierarchy "Lock view ..." doen't work always 2002-01-15
7595 JDT Core kent_johnson RESO FIXE New builder performs intempestive full build on method body changes 2002-01-15
7623 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE NPE in PullUpRefactoring action activation 2002-01-15
7229 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE surround try/catch block throws NPE 2002-01-15
7598 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE extract method: icorrect title of error dialog 2002-01-15
7575 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Perpective > Show View sub menu not ordered... 2002-01-15
7117 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE NPE in PageBookView restarting workbench 2002-01-15
7432 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE Error opening workspace with new build 2002-01-15
7357 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE TableViewer.getElementAt does not behave as documented 2002-01-15
4610 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - DCR - Word wrap (1GABS6C) 2002-01-15
7361 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE Add getOffsetAtLine API 2002-01-15
6997 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE StyledText - mark new API 2002-01-15
7264 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE CVSServerError and CVS error lines 2002-01-15
6450 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE "Add Unimplemented Methods" missing in Packages context menu for classes 2002-01-16
3247 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE SelectionEngine moves selection to enclosing token (1GCSD8D) 2002-01-16
7055 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Move CU missed a reference 2002-01-16
7023 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Refactoring too many builds when auto build is on 2002-01-16
7127 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE 'refactor' menu missing from the type hierarchy perspective 2002-01-16
4324 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE EC: Find/replace gets stuck in infinite loop (1GLCBZE) 2002-01-16
6704 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE "MyCorporation" copyright in jdt.ui 2002-01-16
5523 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Add "Finds Strings To Externalize" to Java project and source folder 2002-01-16
7469 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Preferences -> Java -> Templates 2002-01-16
7695 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Copyright symbol not maintained properly in WSW Help TOC 2002-01-16
5873 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Open Type Dialog doesn't behave as expected for former VAJ users 2002-01-16
7262 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Missing nature causes Check Out to fail 2002-01-16
7668 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE Pull up method is extremly slow 2002-01-16
5866 Platform SWT veronika_irvine RESO FIXE Can't multiselect in Tree using keyboard 2002-01-16
7657 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Exception handling should be improved 2002-01-16
7584 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE Comments on IDOMMethod#getReturnType() 2002-01-16
7583 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO FIXE DOMNode#getChild(String) needs to handle children with null names 2002-01-16
6953 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE No code assist proposals for interface constructor 2002-01-17
7813 Platform Search daniel_megert RESO FIXE NPE in SearchPageDescriptor.readExtensionScorePairs/StringTokenizer 2002-01-17
3229 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE OpenOnSelection - strange behaviour of code resolve (1GAVL08) 2002-01-17
7731 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Page::init(IPageSite pageSite) never called on JavaOutlinePage 2002-01-17
7851 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Decorators preferences pages sets control when it shouldn't 2002-01-17
7667 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE ClassCastException in Workspace.getResourceInfo 2002-01-17
6601 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Internal error when trying to extract a method 2002-01-17
2023 Platform UI Randy_Giffen RESO FIXE No banner graphics in Save As dialog (1GDKM9Y) 2002-01-17
7041 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Rename a Java source file does not work 2002-01-17
3418 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - EXPR - a NullPointerException is raised in run time (1GK7WHA) 2002-01-17
2296 Platform UI knut_radloff RESO FIXE AddBookmarkAction should use IAdaptable to retrieve the resource (1GEN8B7) 2002-01-17
7267 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Silent failure in repo view when host not found 2002-01-17
7275 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE CVS errors are not accumulated and shown in an error dialog 2002-01-17
3411 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - Overriding instance and class methods (1GK7U6C) 2002-01-17
6995 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE Full build after restart and sync with server 2002-01-17
7677 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE files in CVS directories contain ^M 2002-01-17
7826 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE NPE is java search page when context is CodeStream.generateSyntheticArgumentValues 2002-01-18
5078 JDT UI erich_gamma RESO FIXE Problems with classes in packages view 2002-01-18
7039 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Ctrl F in Java editor results in AssertionFailedError 2002-01-18
5004 JDT UI kai-uwe_maetzel RESO FIXE Bizarre package viewer contents after copying class 2002-01-18
7616 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Unnecessary indexing when project is opened 2002-01-18
7423 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Leverage new IWorkbench.openPage API 2002-01-18
7368 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Deleting and re-creating project does not flush sync info 2002-01-18
7744 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE NPE getting contents of remote file 2002-01-18
7597 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE PackageFragmentRoot which are archives loose associated resource 2002-01-18
7827 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE null returned from getOriginal(IJavaElement workingCopyElement) for IMPORT_CONTAINER 2002-01-18
7582 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE WinNT server fails to commit with backslash in repo root 2002-01-18
7572 Platform UI lynne_kues RESO FIXE Zip file export dialog does not check destination 2002-01-18
7477 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Status bar isn't protected against multiline messages 2002-01-18
7144 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE Hierarchy incorrect when using binary projects 2002-01-18
3859 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE replace from history does not work for elements with error (1GEYIZ6) 2002-01-18
6177 JDT UI andre_weinand RESO FIXE Double click action dangerous in 'Restore from Local History' 2002-01-18
2587 Platform UI simon_arsenault RESO FIXE DCR: When zooming in on an editor, zoom in on the whole workbook (1GKBCK5) 2002-01-18
7874 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Connection wizard: "Finish" should be enabled if no follow on page 2002-01-18
7893 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Importing CVS to Navigator 2002-01-18
6146 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE Java Editor Preference Page is missing most of the mnemonics 2002-01-21
7671 JDT UI akiezun RESO FIXE move Cu: exception 2002-01-21
6185 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Java icons in Debug View 2002-01-21
3821 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE Refactoring - variable extraction can lead to incorrect code (1GEWDNW) 2002-01-21
7854 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Prompted twice for password 2002-01-21
7821 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Team 2.0 CVS synchronze bug <no-name> dirs.. 2002-01-21
7935 Platform Search erich_gamma RESO FIXE Internal error clicking search button 2002-01-21
3954 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Search dialog does not need parentheses around label (1GF86BN) 2002-01-21
7785 Platform UI Ian_Petersen RESO FIXE SaveAs Forgets the file type 2002-01-21
7017 Platform UI ryan_cooper RESO FIXE New project location dialog misleading 2002-01-21
6757 Platform UI eduardo_pereira RESO FIXE When exiting the Eclipse workbench, UI reported error and to check log file, appears couldn't save settings on exit 2002-01-21
3410 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - Adding a String field that has the same name as a String field of a superclass (1GK7MHO) 2002-01-21
3412 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - Invoke overriding class methods (1GK7UGQ) 2002-01-21
3413 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - detection of an IncompatibleClassChangeError (1GK7VCA) 2002-01-21
3414 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - the new field is less accessible than the old one (1GK7VMD) 2002-01-21
3415 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - the new field is a static (respectively instance) field (1GK7VSN) 2002-01-21
3416 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - the new method is less accessible than the old one (1GK7VXD) 2002-01-21
3417 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE JCK 1.4 - BINC - the new method is a static (respectively instance) method. (1GK7WCP) 2002-01-21
2154 Platform UI ryan_cooper RESO FIXE Drag and Drop files does not check 'read-only' (1GE8MAV) 2002-01-21
7959 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE potential problems when running on big endian machines 2002-01-21
1835 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Tasklist: hover help not enough for long lines (1GD2I9Y) 2002-01-21
7957 Platform Search erich_gamma RESO FIXE Null Pointer Exception invoking search in PDE 2002-01-21
7888 Platform SWT knut_radloff RESO FIXE SWT: *NEED* a way to scroll the StyledText widget hor & ver by a specified # of pixels 2002-01-21
2081 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Consistency (1GEGS12) 2002-01-21
7451 Platform Team Michael.Valenta RESO FIXE Import+Checkout: local file is overwritten by remote 2002-01-21
7413 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Avoid use of word "Connection" 2002-01-21
7408 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Need to pick from existing connections list 2002-01-21
7407 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Need error reporting for connection creation 2002-01-21
2263 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Extension should be assumed when exporting (1GEK3EL) 2002-01-21
2274 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [JFace Text] Java Editor: doesn't detect file modification (1GEHXFZ) 2002-01-21
2361 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [UI] Doc problems (1GETMJI) 2002-01-21
7971 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Brancing should provide option to update local 2002-01-21
7612 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Allow replace with tag on folders 2002-01-21
7260 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Compare with no remote fails 2002-01-21
7374 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Need error reporting on failure of creating a CVS connection 2002-01-21
7986 JDT UI dirk_baeumer RESO FIXE text change infra: can't handle swap + replace 2002-01-22
2133 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Resource View not opened when a project is created (1GE8EI9) 2002-01-22
1898 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE SH: Eclipse looks frozen during long ops (1GAZFBG) 2002-01-22
1908 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Project references Property Page doesn't show up in packages view (1GBYXIX) 2002-01-22
2137 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Deletion has a poor message (1GE8G0V) 2002-01-22
2155 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [JFace] Project Reference preference page wraps info too soon (1GE8MLW) 2002-01-22
2210 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Editors not visible if there is not space (1GEALIZ) 2002-01-22
2368 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Missing icons for Customize Perspective Dialog (1GEUM46) 2002-01-22
2445 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Class Cast Exception adding a bookmark to a class file (1GF67SO) 2002-01-22
7581 Platform UI Ian_Petersen RESO FIXE ComboBoxCellEditor does not size correctly in propery sheet 2002-01-22
2985 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE AboutPluginsDialog missing copyright notice (1GLBYUK) 2002-01-22
2975 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE DCR Update title when going into a project (1GL4NNY) 2002-01-22
2629 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [UI] Comments need to be improved in OLEEditor (1GHFOKR) 2002-01-22
2636 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [UI] OLEEditor has extra focus (1GHFSGC) 2002-01-22
2683 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Deletion message has leading slash (1GI5416) 2002-01-22
2944 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE IDialogPage.getControl JavaDoc should indicate null is a valid return value (1GKX8QB) 2002-01-22
298 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE PDE Dependancies has performance problems (1GFOGI8) 2002-01-22
332 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Cannot set reexport for required plugins (1GKO5WL) 2002-01-22
7464 Platform Resource john.arthorne RESO FIXE build during 2002-01-22
5733 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Computed classpath is incorrect when referencing workspace plug-ins 2002-01-22
5734 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Can't mark required imported plug-ins as exported 2002-01-22
5735 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Compute java build path adds libraries that weren't exported 2002-01-22
7911 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Long pause before progress dialog when syncing 2002-01-22
2894 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Copy cannto be done in one step (1GKEN0I) 2002-01-22
2914 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Unsafe font lookup in the FontRegistry (1GKM997) 2002-01-22
2930 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Info property page loses information (1GKRYJJ) 2002-01-22
6271 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Can't tell which file is which in Compare browser 2002-01-22
3078 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Possible to create a file with a path inconsistent with the file system path (1GGLYSN) 2002-01-22
1902 Platform UI n.a.edgar RESO FIXE SH: Building takes to many steps (1GBACBR) 2002-01-22
4310 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Corrected errors not being removed from TasksList (1GL4VC0) 2002-01-22
7231 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE NPE restoring workbench with editor open on .class file 2002-01-22
6715 Platform Update klicnik RESO FIXE Can't start Update Manager 2002-01-22
2511 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Can't go back to OLE editor after editor explicitly chosen (1GFDBYW) 2002-01-22
7474 Platform Update klicnik RESO FIXE NoClassDefFound on 'My Eclipse' view 2002-01-22
6566 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE Changing an extension's 'class' property using dialog causes error 2002-01-22
7236 PDE UI dejan RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException defining objectClass 2002-01-22
2744 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Add comment to IPropertySource advising IPropertyDescriptor reuse (1GKM7ND) 2002-01-22
2681 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [UI] Moving progress dialog says "Copying" (1GI3UZF) 2002-01-22
8019 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Fix progress on sync action 2002-01-22
2384 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE getFieldEditorParent() should be create... (1GEV3FC) 2002-01-22
2407 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [UI] OpenBookmarkAction has an internal import (1GF06T6) 2002-01-22
2324 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [UI] Error in DialogPageContextComputer comment (1GER27D) 2002-01-22
2169 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE [JFace] Message in progress dialog is capitalized (1GE8SZH) 2002-01-22
1961 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Variable location of toolbar button (1GD0A6A) 2002-01-22
2519 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE next/prev arrows active when only one difference in compare (1GFIQX3) 2002-01-23
8087 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE NPE when hierarchy verbose on and hierarchy on a region 2002-01-23
4700 Platform SWT grant_gayed RESO FIXE NumLock and CapsLock disable accelerators (1GETDT9) 2002-01-23
8099 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Help window too small ... some tool buttons are cut off 2002-01-23
8089 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Replace from local history: parse error 2002-01-23
7568 Platform Ant dj.houghton RESO FIXE Spelling Error in Ant Preference Dialog 2002-01-23
7993 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE NPE when creating type hierarchy 2002-01-23
8125 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE 'Could not uniquely map the type name' message opening type 2002-01-23
8133 Platform SWT steve_northover RESO FIXE When toolbar has focus, can't use mnemonics for File menus 2002-01-23
8130 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Widget is disposed error when tabbing on linux 2002-01-23
8030 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Help preference page should disable labels & fields 2002-01-23
8272 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Help preference page has no mneumonics 2002-01-23
8239 Platform User Ass birsan RESO FIXE Lucene plugin missing provider 2002-01-23
2393 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Wizard-wizard: Initial Selection should be set (1GEY1VD) 2002-01-23
3491 Platform UI Kevin_Haaland RESO FIXE Strange tabbing order in almost all dialogs/wizards (1G2NSLI) 2002-01-23
7931 Platform Search erich_gamma RESO FIXE NPE requesting search dialog 2002-01-24
8042 JDT Core david_audel RESO FIXE ClassCastException hovering in java editor 2002-01-24
8016 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE getter/setter outliner reconciling broken 2002-01-24
8352 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO FIXE No hierarchy when using HierachyType 2002-01-24
6473 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc RESO FIXE JavaConventions should use IWorkspace validate methods 2002-01-24
7505 JDT UI martinae RESO FIXE Class wizard does not add superclass import 2002-01-24
2501 Platform Compare andre_weinand RESO FIXE Empty menu in compare browser (1GFBQKE) 2002-01-24
3658 JDT UI Claude_Knaus RESO FIXE JDT change listener efficiency issue (1GEMN5F) 2002-01-24
5964 Platform UI lynne_kues RESO FIXE SEVERE: Silent crash importing all *.txt from c:\ 2002-01-24
8169 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE Share Project has no mnemonic 2002-01-24
8170 Platform Team James_Moody RESO FIXE CVS: Sharing wizard has no initial selection 2002-01-24
7530 Platform Team Kevin_McGuire RESO FIXE Commands sending files 2002-01-24
This result was limited to 1000 bugs. See all search results for this query.
