Tue Jun 11 2024 23:54:51 EDT

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600 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
438712 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- Runtime assertion from ClipboardUtil.copyElementsToString() 2014-07-02
440204 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- Wrapping label doesn't work well with auto size 2022-08-14
464540 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- SemanticEditPolicy.getReorientedRelationshipTargetCommand makes improper assumption regarding tree structure 2015-04-13
469017 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.internal.parts.ThumbnailEx$ThumbnailUpdater.stop() causes SWT error because thumbnailGC is disposed before thumbnailGraphics 2015-06-01
476054 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- ShapeCompartmentEditPart.ConnectionRefreshMgr does not clip connections between connections 2015-08-31
476254 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- Image clipped on Mac when saving to PNG, SVG 2015-08-31
482320 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- DiagramEventBrokerThreadSafe causes deadlocks 2016-09-16
487648 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- ScaledGraphics does not support setLineDash(float[]) and setLineDashOffset(float) 2016-02-11
506822 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.properties could not be download from any mirror sites 2016-11-01
519664 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- Trivial diagram causes outOfMemory error and blank Print Preview window 2017-07-13
525434 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- NullPointerException below AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.callOperation (thrown in EClassImpl.isSuperTypeOf) 2017-10-02
573431 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox UNCO --- A radio in the print dialog raises an exception when activated 2021-05-08
111899 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [AutoScroll] Auto-scrolling improvements 2010-07-19
111916 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [AutoScroll] A suggestion on how to grow our diagram work area 2010-07-19
133505 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Refactor CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy to update connections without domain element associated 2014-02-12
119248 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RulersGrid] Snap to Grid should allow snapping from any side 2010-07-19
129533 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Fully supporting abitrary resource factory 2011-02-24
144921 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- CrossReferencer does not answer all imports 2010-07-19
206073 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GMF Text/Note - Japanese characters corruption 2011-05-01
264877 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Parametrize LabelDirectEditPolicy to finally replace DescriptionDirectEditPolicy class 2010-07-19
141762 GMF-Runt General lgrahek NEW --- [Layout] Avoid obstructions does not work well for rectilinear routing 2010-07-19
158066 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- [Cleanup] notation model references ecore model using wrong kind of URI 2010-07-19
160878 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- [Connections] Connections between connections not hidden when compartment is minimized 2010-07-19
203093 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- [Commands] TreeInlineTextEditor doesn't rename tree items on Win Vista 2010-07-19
227459 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- [Layout] Support for customized padding between nodes 2010-07-19
238844 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- SortFilterViewerSorter may want to increase the strength of its collator to IDENTICAL 2010-07-19
291484 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- Unable to move border items programmatically 2010-10-11
327922 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- Graphics2DToGraphicsAdaptor incorrectly works with line attributes 2010-10-15
109847 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Runtime plug-ins need cleanup 2010-11-19
109871 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Integrate sort/filter ListCompartmentEditPart capability with CanonicalEditPolicy 2010-07-19
110237 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Support multiple element creation from the palette 2010-07-19
110332 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Provide control over DiagramEditPart creation from Diagram. 2010-07-19
110338 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Diagram links support for diagram based on a resource 2010-07-19
111906 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Improve removal of a bendpoint from a connector (Press ALT and click on the bendpoint) 2010-07-19
111911 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Contribution Item Service needs to support dynamic updates of tool-bar 2010-07-19
111925 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Geoshapes] Support different line styles and arrow heads for geometric shapes / lines 2010-07-19
111934 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Ability to drag page breaks view to affect offset / page size 2010-07-19
112793 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [NoteTextLabel] GEF Integration: WYSIWYG Text Editing 2007-06-27
112823 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] Adopt Eclipse 3.2 Action Contribution Improvements 2010-07-19
115145 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] Global Action Service needs to be revisited. 2010-07-19
115510 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] Make tracing how an operation picks a provider easier 2010-07-19
118855 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] DiagramNameCompartmentEditPart needs to allow content to be deletable 2010-07-19
120106 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] Improve performance of AbstractProviderConfiguration 2010-07-19
120370 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Apperance properties page should disable / hide properties when styles not installed 2010-07-19
123661 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [OutlineView] Geoshape are not visible in the outline tree view when present on a logic diagram 2010-07-19
128426 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Tutorial: GMF diagram runtime tutorial and example for SVG display 2012-03-06
128542 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ImageSupport] animated SVG file cant be displayed in GMF 2018-11-08
129344 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] ModelingAssistantService provides() method can be optimized 2010-07-19
129370 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] DiagramDocumentEditorMatchingStrategy needs changes after editing domain work 2010-07-19
129676 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Allow the association of diagrams to arbitrary domain 2010-07-19
130666 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Toolbar] ADOBE fonts cause workspace to crash 2010-07-19
132311 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] Add scaled feedback layer to the diagram editor by default 2010-07-19
132720 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] WrapperNodeFigure should support the IAnchorableFigure 2010-07-19
133314 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [KeyboardBindings] Zoom tool grabs keyboard focus when mouse enters canvas area 2010-07-19
134116 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [MacOS] GEF specific tool cursors look ugly on MacOS X 2010-07-19
134120 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Invalid connection feedback is shown temporarily while creating connection 2010-07-19
134495 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] Use workbench keybinding to delete element on diagram 2010-07-19
135108 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Connection to children don't work with list layout 2010-07-19
135995 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] PrintHelper dll loading can be fixed 2010-07-19
136080 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RTL] BiDi3.2: [HCG] Incomplete rectangle in RTL layout 2010-07-19
138255 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [CopyPaste] Support heterogeneous selections in copy/paste framework 2010-07-19
138581 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Impossible to Extend of the PolylineConnectionEx 2006-05-30
138664 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Automatical set the property object in view 2010-07-19
139129 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ImageSupport] Rendered image error feedback is not translated to relative coordinates 2010-07-19
139823 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.util.Log should have static methods that do not require the Plugin parameter to prevent unnecessary plugin loading 2010-07-19
140894 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] Services use IConfigurationElement repeatedly to retrieve info 2010-07-19
141365 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Palette] Accessibility: No keyboard accessible way to create connectors 2010-07-19
141789 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Arrange All should be called in generation code to initialize the diagram 2014-02-12
142108 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] TVT3.2:TCT509: pl: Unable to choose the same file name as it was before when saving after deleting .geo file from filesystem 2010-07-19
142651 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] use of assert keyword in core services (Service) 2010-07-19
143408 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] move WorkspaceViewerProperties to public API 2010-07-19
144473 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- ViewDescriptor is redundant with GEFs creationRequest 2010-07-19
145340 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Show/Hide Compartment menu item should be renamed to Show/Hide Compartments 2010-07-19
145345 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Extra buffer around connections with same source and target... 2010-07-19
145858 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Preferences] GMF should use Eclipse's Enable animations preference 2010-07-19
146010 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] DiagramContributionItemProvider should contribute printPreviewAction 2010-07-19
146283 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Connector Labels menu is not available under Diagram->Filters menu 2010-07-19
146591 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Connections should move while dragging a diagram object 2010-07-19
147311 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Fonts in editparts 2010-07-19
147315 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] DiagramColorRegistry caches up to 16 million Colors 2010-07-19
147340 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Palette] Diagram pop-up bar policy loses palette listener 2010-07-19
148192 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- can't add listener to transactional editing domain using extension point 2010-07-19
149313 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Toolbar] Zoom Percentage and Screen Resolution 2010-07-19
149328 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Services] Generated GMF sample plugins are activated too early 2010-07-19
149337 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ZOrderSupport] Editparts that aren't containers must have a ContanerEditPolicy 2010-07-19
149339 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ZOrderSupport] Cannot perform Order actions on multi-selected shapes within different containers 2010-07-19
149431 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Action 'Restore Default Value' does not work 2010-07-19
149507 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Properties not available for outline tree view 2010-07-19
149861 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] ConnectionLayerEx.getConnectionRouter() should not hard code to return ObliqueRouter 2010-07-19
150408 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Unable to update links to/form inner elements correctly using CanonicalConnectionEditPolicy 2010-07-19
151225 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ElementSelection] AbstractElementSelectionProvider stores state data in instance variables 2010-07-19
151227 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ElementSelection] ElementSelectionService stores data for the current service in instance variables 2010-07-19
151859 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] NPE in handling double click 2010-07-19
151977 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException displaying non-containment reference property in tabbed properties view 2010-07-19
152276 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Linux] Black background for icons/blurred icons on GTK 2010-07-19
152445 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [UIReduction] Do not provide disabled 'Remove from Diagram' menu item 2010-07-19
152700 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] No validation on Layout Constraint of notation model 2010-07-19
152765 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] EMFCompositePropertySourceDescriptor duplicates code from its superclass 2010-07-19
153805 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] removeNotify called twice on contents editpart 2010-07-19
153915 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- can not tell if a Notation view is a label or compartment 2010-07-19
154158 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] Animation in wrong window 2010-07-19
154275 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Need public API for of OnConnectionLocator 2010-07-19
154282 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Need API for ImageFigureEx 2010-07-19
154283 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Need API for DelegatingDragEditPartsTracker 2010-07-19
154526 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] Provide visual cue about a diagram type and its editing mode 2007-06-27
154529 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Support click-thru and text input to create new list compartment item 2010-07-19
154533 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ModelingAssistant] Add instructions/tips to action bars 2010-07-19
154998 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] SortFilterAction causes transaction errors 2010-07-19
155170 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Palette] GMF's PaletteViewerProvider is hidden 2010-07-19
155901 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Show more meaningful mouse cursor over connectors 2010-07-19
155933 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [BorderItems] Border item causes incorrect containment behavior 2010-07-19
156097 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DragDrop] Error in transferAdapterProviders example in docs 2010-07-19
156423 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] CommonLabelProvider: property title bar disappear when multiple editparts selected 2010-07-19
156579 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Properties page has no contents for an edit part selected from the Tree Viewer 2010-07-19
156614 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [CopyPaste] Improvements to CopyingResource 2010-07-19
156859 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Need connection line smoothness preference support 2010-07-19
157194 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] ViewService create methods don't have a parameter for the editing domain 2010-07-19
157296 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Removing view from advanced property section 2010-07-19
157394 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] CompositeCommand doesn't use progressMonitors correctly 2010-07-19
157525 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] 'Restore Default Value' button not working 2010-07-19
157658 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Need abstraction for creating an Edge in ConnectionViewFactory 2010-07-19
157755 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Rose required to use GMF? 2010-07-19
157920 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Missing mnemonic keys - Print dialog box 2010-07-19
158352 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] The color of the scroll arrow should not be green when it cannot be used 2010-07-19
158617 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] DiagramDocumentEditorMatchingStrategy doesn't resolve editor 2010-07-19
158740 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] DiagramInputDocumentProvider can't be used as IDiagramDocumentProvider 2013-04-16
158795 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [EditPart] Extend IAdaptable parser context to provide adapters to gef-specific notions. 2010-07-19
158844 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Cannot extend routing mechanism 2010-07-19
159611 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Palette] No palette update for capabilities change during diagram initialization 2010-07-19
159636 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Element Selection Dialog should be prepopulated with list of previously selected elements 2010-07-19
159639 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ElementSelection] Double click on Select Element Dialog needs to be handled 2010-07-19
159720 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [OutlineView] Outline View always listens and resolves elements 2010-07-19
159760 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] CoreException thrown when policyClass specified in popupStructuredContributionCriteria 2010-07-19
159794 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Page Setup: Margins value change when switching between inches and millimeters 2010-07-19
159811 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] DONE notification fired by operation history before transaction is committed in WriteCommand 2010-07-19
159827 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] NPE in DiagramGraphicalViewerKeyHandler when page down 2010-07-19
159850 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [KeyboardBindings] DiagramEditor should not hardcode keyboard shortcuts for common actions 2010-07-19
159852 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] DiagramDocumentEditor provides the same createOperationHistory() method as it's superclass 2010-07-19
159924 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] DiagramIOUtil.unload assumes there's nothing but single diagram in the diagram's resource 2010-07-19
160552 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] FileModificationValidator loses the IStatus 2010-07-19
160733 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [EditPart] RefreshConnectionsRequest .getShapes() should be renamed as it is not restricted to shapes 2010-07-19
160740 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] & inside quoted name is used as the mnemonic in properties title bar 2010-07-19
161079 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] Canonical-like connection delete behavior when installed CanonicalEditPolicy is not enabled 2010-07-19
161093 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Need easy way re-route connections without moving shapes 2010-07-19
161428 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [CopyPaste] Logic Diagram: LED terminals shift with multiple cut-paste operations. 2010-07-19
161928 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Miss "Show/Hide Connector Labels" on "Diagram" main menu 2010-07-19
162721 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Font Height on toolbar and property view can not sync when use un-predefined value. 2010-07-19
162762 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] Deleting a connection whose source/target is canonical automatically deletes the element 2010-07-19
162998 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] AbstractModelActionDelegate can leave hanging open composite operation 2010-07-19
163133 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Connection using TreeRouter should change Router if there are no other connections 2010-07-19
163372 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Connections shown in print output even if out of scrolled area 2010-07-19
163518 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Printing using workspace settings doesn't scale and/or clip properly. 2007-06-19
163521 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Printing using workspace settings doesn't scale - part 2 2010-07-19
163632 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Please undo the hack in EMFCompositeSourcePropertyDescriptor.getID() to return the Feature so that the method behaves properly again (returns the ID as the methodname says). 2010-07-19
163675 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ImageSupport] copy/paste the shapes as image does not respect the figure visibility 2007-06-20
163697 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [KeyboardBindings] DiagramEditor accelerator keys are hard-coded... 2010-07-19
164124 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Decorators] Decorations show through an overlapping shape 2010-07-19
164669 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Resolve Canonical Framework issues in the GMF Runtime 2010-07-19
165370 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.actions.DeleteFromModelAction calculateEnabled() checks not strict enough 2010-07-19
165670 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RTL] RTL printing does not scale correctly 2010-07-19
167084 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [CopyPaste] PasteCommand always returns OK command result 2010-07-19
167316 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [EditPart] Better support for rotation 2011-10-06
167737 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Anchor points on connections to connections bounce around 2008-06-19
168280 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ElementType] Push the SpecializationType.getMatcher() API up to IElementType 2010-07-19
169352 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DragDrop] Invalid feedback figure bounds 2010-07-19
169354 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Allow to specify custom default font in AppearancePreferencePage 2007-06-27
169856 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [BorderItems] Obstacle avoiding when connection end is a BorderItem 2010-07-19
170017 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] The commands should be disposed immediately when exceptions happen in AbstractCommand/AbstractTransactionalCommand's execution 2010-07-19
171468 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ElementType] post element creation configuration uses wrong client context 2010-07-19
173486 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Broken logic in FileDiagramDocumentProvider.handleElementContentChanged 2010-07-19
173999 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DragDrop] Non resizable figures 2010-07-19
174499 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ValidateEdit] Improve efficiency of calculation of affected files in GMF commands 2013-04-16
175035 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Space in project name prevents auto syncronization of GMF & EMF models 2010-07-19
176226 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] CommandProxy.getAffectedFiles should use CommandUtilities.getAffectedFiles() 2010-07-19
178529 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [UIReduction] Geoshapes should not be available on every diagram via 'Add' context menu 2007-06-19
178981 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ValidateEdit] Check out the new 3.3 validateEdit api 2010-07-19
179683 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Duplication and Partitioning 2010-07-19
180695 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Decorators] Invalid layout of empty diagram 2010-07-19
183651 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DragDrop] PaletteToolTransferDropTargetListener should be enabled for PaletteToolEntry templates only 2010-07-19
183654 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] Allow for alternative palette tool drag/drop listeners in DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette 2010-07-19
183659 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RTL]: Cursor moves inside GMF diagrams according to the visually displayed text. 2010-07-19
183767 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ContentAssist] TextDirectEditManager doesn't work with jface.fieldassist.ContentProposalAdapter 2010-07-19
184130 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] allow Delete from Diagram command for some elements inside canonical container 2010-07-19
184746 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Creating handlers every time the workbench part changes 2010-07-19
185358 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Set diagram background color causes all elements to be recolored instead of just the background 2007-07-18
185533 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DiagramEditor] Executing DocumentProvider resourceChanged to arbitrary times 2010-07-19
185798 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] ConnectionEditPolicy.shouldDeleteSemantic() always return false for Links to/from other Links 2010-07-19
186763 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] Exceptions should not be hidden from user when they happen 2010-07-19
187767 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] DiagramEditingDaomainFactory - cant add notifcations 2010-07-19
188757 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Provide preview for customized diagram printing 2010-07-19
189145 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [MacOS] On Mac users hit 'Enter' key not 'F2' to rename something inplace 2007-07-18
189894 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Rename TransientEdges to transientEdges in notation Diagram 2010-07-19
190353 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] Opening a GMF Diagram loads other GMF based plug-ins 2010-09-07
190716 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] The win32 fragment is bundled with the GTK distribution for 2.0RC1 2010-07-19
191083 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DragDrop] ImageFileDropTargetListener should not be installed for DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette by default 2010-07-19
191253 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [BorderItems] moving a border item with the black dots on the corners 2010-07-19
191258 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ImageSupport] Gradient is not right on SVG figures when a diagram is saved as SVG file 2010-07-19
191356 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RTL] TVT33:TCT612: IW: signed numbers displayed RTL 2010-07-19
191400 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Provide better edge layout algorithms especially for handling nested figures 2010-07-19
191401 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] Need better asychronous foreign-model manipulations with respect to undo/redo and EMF transaction protocols. 2010-07-19
191418 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Provide API to support easy tracing in GMF-based editors 2010-07-19
191820 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] DeleteFromDiagramAction logic should be alligned with ComponentEditPolicy.shouldDeleteSemantic 2010-07-19
191976 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Use ScaledGraphics class from Draw2D 2010-11-22
191990 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Arrange All action is dependent on selection 2010-07-19
192175 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RTL] TVT33:TCT608: IW: Font drop down is RTL and garbled 2010-07-19
192654 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] TVT33:TCT674: pt - unresolved mnemonics in several tooltips 2010-07-19
193759 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [BorderItems] Corner handles of external node label does not move it 2010-07-19
194279 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] List compartment view properties out of sync when sorted/filtered items are moved 2010-07-19
194485 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Rectilinear router cause connections to overlap 2010-07-19
194489 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] GMF services and registries should listen to extension registry changes 2010-07-19
194492 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Geoshapes] Support vertical text for at least geometric shapes 2010-07-19
194494 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Geoshapes] Notes and text should support hyperlinks when displayed on the diagram surface 2010-07-19
194506 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Printing] Ability to resize the File-> Print dialog box 2010-07-19
194677 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ServiceProviders] EditPartProvider cuase plugins to load 2007-06-27
195556 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] The ConnectionEditPart class does not handle the visibility changes 2010-07-19
195571 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] The Align actions does not support the compartments 2010-07-19
196694 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] Property values do not appear consistent when focus is lost when using the Advanced Properties Section 2010-07-19
196918 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] Exception occured during Live Validation 2010-07-19
197219 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [ImageSupport] Exporting a shape as an image in PNG reverses the background color of the image. 2007-12-20
197533 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Arrange diagram, connection cross 2010-07-19
202894 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [BorderItems] Border items nodes can not be deleted properly 2010-11-24
203460 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Connections are drawn in the wrong location when changing visibility of nodes at endpoints 2010-07-19
205996 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] Stale root transaction causes GMF application to stop processing commands 2010-07-19
211296 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Commands] DiagramAction getOperationSet() always returns null 2010-07-19
215661 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Junit] Common base for unit testing of diagram 2008-06-02
226147 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- ModelingAssistantServiceTests.testStaticMethodInExtension() JUnit failure 2010-07-19
227843 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Geoshapes] Cannot enter a string properly on Linux 2010-07-19
233076 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] TVT34:TCT368: RU: different error message with concatenated title 2010-07-19
236738 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [RulersGrid] Outline view should not show grid 2010-07-19
236959 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Selection handles should be grayed when diagram does not have focus 2010-07-19
236979 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Examples] Demonstrate list compartments and insert 2010-07-19
238337 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- NPE thrown when shape creation is undone while property view the active part 2010-07-19
238340 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] You can select font sizes that do not exist on a platform 2010-07-19
238892 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Actions] Inconsitency in availability of "Show/Hide Connector Labels" action 2010-07-19
238893 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Properties] AdvancedPropertySection does not initialize 'selection' field 2008-06-28
238897 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Actions] Shouldn't contribute "Delete from Model" action to context menu 2008-06-28
239299 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [CopyPaste] Support user specified location for copy/paste 2008-07-02
239318 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [LogicDiagram] Wire support needs to be improved. 2010-07-19
239669 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Connections] Should be able to create a note attchement form a note using diagram assistant 2010-07-19
239670 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Layout] Connection labels overlap after the graph layout 2010-07-19
239824 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Captalization of menus are not consistant per Eclipse UI Capitalization Guidelines 2010-11-18
239826 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Capitalization recommendations for Show Related Elements dialog 2010-07-19
240988 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- Adopt Batik 1.7 2015-08-07
247585 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [MacOS] Ability to move shapes using cursors keys does not work 2010-07-19
249058 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Services] Improved API documentation for EditPartProviders extension point 2010-07-19
251123 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [NoteTextLabel] Note line color preferences for Note Attachment 2010-07-19
257693 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Carbon] Eclipse shut down when editing a label in a GMF graphical editor 2010-07-19
259188 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- DiagramOutlinePage's overview performance 2010-07-19
272003 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- BIDI3.5: Improper displaying of Hindi Numbers in Geoshapes 2010-07-19
272005 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- BIDI3.5: improper display of Name of created PathMap 2010-07-19
286574 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- TVT35:TCT550: JPN: missing mnemonic key (Page Setup...) 2010-07-19
286836 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- TVT35:TCT555: JPN: missing mnemonic key (Enable anti-aliasing/Show status line) 2010-07-19
286855 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- TVT35:TCT624: PLK: "true" / "false" not exterenalized in advanced properties 2010-07-19
194944 GMF-Runt General antoine NEW --- [NoteTextLabel] WrapLabel is cutting off bottom of text in compartment's name label 2010-07-19
110842 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [OutlineView] Outline View cosmetic issues in tree mode for Logic and Geoshape diagrams 2010-07-19
133838 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [RulersGrid] Snap-to-grid does not work for a child node *immediately* inside a top level node 2010-07-19
135271 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [RulersGrid] problem with creating a figure with snap-on-grid enabled 2010-07-19
147677 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [RulersGrid] DragEditPartsTrackerEx doesn't use MOVE request 2010-07-19
148258 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [RulersGrid] Grid's origin should be available as a setting 2010-07-19
148265 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [RulersGrid] Grid's origin changes when you change spacing and ruler units 2010-07-19
179948 GMF-Runt General carson_li NEW --- [RulersGrid] DBCS 3.3 - Logic Diagram Ruler and Grid setting in Preference doesn't work 2010-07-19
234012 GMF-Runt General cbmcgee NEW --- EMFCoreUtil.getName doesn't return name for unresolved PathMaps 2010-07-19
110798 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [Connections] Ability to configure sides of the shape that the connector handles can appear on 2010-07-19
148683 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [DeleteFromSupport] PromptingDeleteAction casts selected editpart to View 2010-07-19
156771 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [NoteTextLabel] WrapLabel position changes upon multiple invocations with same text. 2010-07-19
158216 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [Connections] Connection Handles should not appear if it connection creation is not supported 2010-07-19
159414 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [NoteTextLabel] Behavior of the setIcon method (from WrapLabel) has changed from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 2010-07-19
163204 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [BorderItems] BorderItemLocator has constructor with an unused parameter 2010-11-18
167243 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [AutoScroll] Add auto-scroll behavior when moving shapes & creating shapes 2010-07-19
168195 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [BorderItems] Add border item locator that allows to place border item not strictly on border 2010-11-18
170112 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- Provide a better mechanism for client to affect the choice of the view chosen when connecting to existing elements 2010-07-19
172855 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [Layout] TreeRouter uses trunk even if there is only one connection 2010-07-19
182954 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [Commands] Duplicate does not work on nested views with semantic elements 2010-07-19
182972 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- Duplicate should still duplicate child elements if the top-level container has no semantic element 2007-04-18
190206 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [Palette] Ability to hide empty drawers and stacks on the palette 2007-06-27
210395 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- [ConnectionHandles] Connection Handle Locator should have option to appear on inside of shape 2010-07-19
298680 GMF-Runt General crevells NEW --- borderitemLocator don't redraw figure after setting new constraint 2015-11-20
164491 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [DiagramEditor] Create ResourceSetDiagramDocumentProvider class 2011-05-01
279084 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Problems View not working in RCP 2010-07-20
288341 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.services.palette.PaletteToolEntry should not be internal and visible from outside 2010-12-09
320898 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- CanonicalEditPolicies: Views immutable asynchronously 2014-06-04
323400 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- DestroyElementCommand only tries to use the GMF cross referencer 2010-08-23
323618 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [Extension Point] problems with org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.service.action.contributionItemProviders (keybinding and new Action) 2010-11-24
323798 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Labels disappear when Save as image file -> pdf is used 2010-08-27
324208 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [Commands][Reconnect Request] link moves even if source location and target location don't change 2010-09-01
325878 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [Geoshape] Rounded rectangle's right and bottom edge is cut-off 2010-09-21
326477 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- SVG Problem: GraphicsToGraphics2DAdaptor drawTextLayout renders as an Image 2013-04-15
328232 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- EditHelper getDestroyDependentCommand ignored when a specific IClientContext is required 2010-10-22
328838 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Default size of GMF element not saved 2011-02-02
329139 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Gradient fill in scalable polygons ignore location when drawn 2010-10-30
329684 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- problem when persisting a tree using PersistViewsCommand/DiagramEventBroker 2010-11-08
330649 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- BorderItemLocator can not correctly position the border item when using seq initializer 2011-02-22
331779 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Snap to grid is not respected for newly added elements 2015-05-13
333021 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- IUndoContext should not be disposed if in use in other editors (shared editing domain) 2010-12-21
333046 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Fix some issues pointed by Findbugs 2010-12-21
333264 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Support for a BundleImageFigure 2010-12-28
333545 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Replace deprecated use of Ray by Vector 2011-01-21
334510 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- GMF group doesn't work correctly when move an element 2011-01-17
338380 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- SaveAsImage(PNG,PDF,SVG format) doesn't work when mulitple 2018-01-12
340227 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Incorrect link to zip file on downloads site 2011-03-16
341225 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- NPE when undoing link creation 2011-03-29
345886 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- RoundedBendpoints mechanism sometimes causes Connection drawing to fail 2011-05-16
347901 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Fit to page on print preview has no effect on actual printout. 2011-06-01
349119 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- CanonicalEditPolicy deletes Notes and Text per default 2012-12-03
350398 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Properties view shows "Undefined" when selecting the canvas 2011-06-27
351824 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Hide selection / ShapeNodeEditPart: Not showing connections/edges/links properly on undo 2011-11-02
352968 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Returned command in getAfterDestroyReferenceCommand in EditHelperAdvice causes original command to fail partially 2011-09-19
353059 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- diagram cannot be created inside a project 2011-07-26
353289 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- no print option in diagram file in GMF 2012-04-05
353968 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- NPE @ GMFResourceModificationManager when renaming opened file 2011-08-05
354109 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- diagram cannot be created inside a project 2011-08-08
355460 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Convenient way to create editparts at runtime 2011-08-23
355956 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Children edit parts disrespect BorderItemLocator's position constant and align around parent edit part top left corner. 2011-08-26
357648 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Edge notation invisible not visible after saving diagram and reopening diagram 2011-11-01
359948 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- No doc for GMF Runtime on Indigo help center 2011-10-05
361036 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Context menu disappears while navigating Format>Order submenu 2012-07-09
362220 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- UnspecifiedTypeCreationTool uses different cursors than CreationTool 2011-10-27
362330 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Relationships created between elements through palette overlap 2011-10-28
362973 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Wrong tether polyline start point on LabelEditParts when using himetric-based diagrams 2011-11-05
363281 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- CopyToImageAction fails if the diagram contains any figure that has a negative line width 2011-11-09
363321 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- drag and drop elements in gmf editor causes NullPointerException 2011-11-09
363362 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [PolylineConnectionEx] Do not handle well external invisible label 2017-09-05
363991 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- WrappingLabel doesn't work for double-byte language 2011-11-16
364786 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- transition/connection are removed after add new node. 2011-11-25
365812 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- HEW_TVT : parentheses are not showing well in English strings 2011-12-06
367748 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Problem with the error-checking/validating input field when setting the print margins on the Printing preference page 2013-12-12
369616 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- "Show Properties View" in the context menu does not work properly. 2012-01-25
370747 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- GMF RAP Integration 2012-02-06
370933 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- SpecializationTypeRegistry::getMatchingAdvice() returned advice list order 2012-02-09
372097 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- A Change in a GMF property throws a dialog an exception occurs 2012-03-14
381062 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- performDefaults() in PrintPreferencePage overrides store defaults 2014-05-13
384106 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Graphics in GMF would support Graphics#rotate() as in GEF. 2015-10-13
384894 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- When deleting a diagram file from common navigator, file is deleted while editor remains open 2012-07-12
384898 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [DBCS4.2] Some normalization characters cannot be used as path variable in path maps. 2012-07-12
385569 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- string class attributes in editpolicyProviders extension point 2012-11-23
389999 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- showMoveOrthogonalBenspointFeedback() method of org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.internal.editpolicies.ConnectionBendpointEditPolicy throws IndexOutOfBoundsException 2012-12-14
391757 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- In a Diagram with compartments, click on Filters --> Show/Hide compartment --> All compartments or Name Compartments only, not working properly 2012-10-12
391904 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Japanese corrupted in web published html 2012-10-15
392280 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [GMF] context parent menu changed to Gray some time when hover sub menu 2012-10-17
392944 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render.internal.graphics.RenderedMapModeGraphics 2012-11-14
394835 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- extension point documentation missing 2012-11-21
395182 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- problem in printing ecore diagram 2012-12-03
398547 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Bad edge routing with arrange all 2013-01-18
401403 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- CopyToImageDialog is not very convenient 2013-02-21
403430 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Text alignment change does not works on Note 2013-03-15
404421 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.commands.CopyCommand is setting affected files list and while executing the same command GMF is requesting FileModification Approval 2013-03-27
405546 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- ShowRelatedElementsDialog arrow to collapse the subtree ends up selecting all the elements in the subtree 2013-12-12
406638 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.render.util.CopyToImageUtil.copyToImage(DiagramEditPart diagramEP, IPath destination, ImageFileFormat format, IProgressMonitor monitor) misses text during PNG generation 2014-07-14
407713 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [DBCS 4.3] Strike Through and Underline does not work on Font config dialog in Geoshape editor 2013-05-10
408085 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- right click does not activate the part which caused the show properties view show blank view 2013-12-12
410552 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- No resource exists check in RemoveBookmarksAdvice 2013-06-12
412078 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Unsetting Element reference of Note or Note Attachement set it to a semantic element 2013-08-27
414858 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- ArrangeRequest doesn't work with DiagramEditPart created with OffscreenEditPartFactory 2013-08-12
416687 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Multiple rendering glitches due to off-by-one or rounding errors 2013-09-06
418077 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Conflicting handlers with combined EMF/GMF Editor 2015-04-15
425626 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- memory leak in DiagramRulerProvider 2014-01-14
431168 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- I'm seeing an Illegal Thread Access error whenever I shutdown my runtime eclipse 2014-06-11
435481 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- ClassCastException in ActionMenuManager 2014-05-22
437243 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.parts.DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette dispose doesn't work properly 2014-06-12
440627 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- ConnectionEditPart:installBendpointEditPolicy - make protected 2014-07-29
453538 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Wrong start location in case of selection from bottom-right to top-left 2014-12-01
464374 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Container of a collapside compartment can't resize 2015-04-13
465611 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- NPE from LabelEditPart#getAdapter() 2015-04-27
466666 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Excessive EMF Transaction dependency. 2015-05-07
467657 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Remove coupling to XMLResource 2015-05-20
471018 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Wrong no snapping modifier for Mac OS X in ConnectionBendpointTrackerEx 2015-06-29
476305 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Asymmetric problem in LabelHelper class 2015-09-01
478968 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in OCLExpressionAdapter.doEvaluate 2015-10-04
479225 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Update information on GMF runtime release page for Mars 2015-10-07
480980 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Print problem on Linux under Eclipse Mars 2015-10-29
484936 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Potential NPE in GraphicsToGraphics2DAdaptor.setLineDash(int[]) 2015-12-28
493496 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- UI freeze during move of a link 2017-08-21
519010 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Downloads need archiving 2017-06-30
526581 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Update site hard to find 2017-10-27
535449 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- [All diagrams, SVG] NPE during SVG export 2020-02-20
547151 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Allow overriding of DiagramGenerator.renderToGraphics 2019-05-10
547226 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Potential NPE when closing editor on 2018-09 and later 2019-05-14
547251 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Compilation issues with EMF 2.14+ 2019-05-14
552420 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- OutOfMemoryError when model data is stored in clipboard 2019-10-25
567128 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Refresh of DiagramAction can be launched outside ot the UI thread 2023-09-01
567876 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox NEW --- Wrong width of jump link if several edges intesect the edge on the same point 2021-09-28
267690 GMF-Runt General gmf.models-inbox NEW --- make AbstractActionHandler.selectionChanged() non final 2010-07-19
121755 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Need to add support for DropRequest in edit helpers framework 2010-07-19
126937 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Provide a workspace modifying command that can batch resource change deltas 2010-07-19
134707 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Make WrapTextCellEditor(and TextCellEditorEx) public 2013-01-18
163380 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Support offscreen rendering in a headless RCP 2011-02-25
181403 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- [ValidateEdit] Interface org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.command.ICommand should not depend on org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile 2010-07-19
219112 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Add the add Task action in the same way that the bookmark action is provided 2010-07-19
220537 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Multiple Edit Parts for same Domain Element are created 2010-07-19
233043 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Command handling doesn't recover from RuntimeExceptions 2010-07-19
242056 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- [Printing] Page Setup settings for PaperSize "User defined" are not used 2010-07-19
278066 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Provide context in IOperations 2010-07-19
296517 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox NEW --- Can't undo Cut 2010-12-21
125876 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Rubberband selection tool should only select parent edit parts 2006-01-31
129158 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Ability to bind layout type to diagram type at post-design time 2007-09-11
131691 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Rename CompartmentEditPart to InnerEditPart 2010-07-19
134601 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NotationPackage does not resolve proxies 2010-07-19
135304 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Some pieces of GMF should be usable without the Notation plugin dependency 2006-04-06
135642 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Enabling direct-editing upon creation should be a configurable setting 2007-07-05
135952 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- enhance handling unspecified connection request when using ModelingAssistant 2006-04-10
137807 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Update clipboard support for SWT ImageTransfer type 2010-07-19
138560 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Make DirectEditKeyHandler public 2010-07-19
142336 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- more advanced mouse scrollwheel controls 2010-11-22
145759 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Let graphical elements be specified as visible/hidden 2008-05-26
146219 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- make file name and file path of 'Save As Image File' action customizable 2006-06-09
146284 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Show/Hide Connector Labels could be just one check button 2010-07-19
147285 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- tracing of violated constraints during diagram runtime 2006-06-15
155385 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Resizable and rotatable border item needed 2006-08-28
155845 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- The partMenu tag should include an optional default action id attribute 2010-07-19
156356 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NotificationPreCommitListener interface not consistent with framework... 2010-07-19
159289 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [UIReduction] Notes-stack is always contributed to the toolbar 2007-06-25
160696 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Printed diagrams should use their own preferences. 2010-07-19
161368 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Mouse cursor for moving diagram element by its header is confusing 2010-07-19
163393 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Extensibility for DiagramEventBroker broken 2010-07-19
167318 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Better support for subclassing of XXXMarkerNavigationProvider 2010-07-19
173885 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Provide Validation Markers in RCP Diagram Editors 2010-11-24
179741 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [Commands] Allow copy/paste from/to compartments 2008-02-17
181530 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- ecore diagram editor - adding operations and attributes from popup does not work 2010-07-19
187801 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [ValidateEdit] GMF Runtime validate edit issues 2007-11-01
194902 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Allow change of an editpart's figure at runtime 2007-07-02
200120 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- ShapeColorsAndFontsPropertySection.refresh and ColorsAndFontsPropertySection.refresh leak image handles 2010-11-14
200343 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Connections to shortcuts from different model types 2010-07-19
201433 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Ext pt needs better documentation: EditPartProvider 2010-07-19
203520 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- SelectionSynchronizer events are mirrored by DiagramGraphicalViewer 2010-07-19
205217 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Report parser error message to user 2010-07-19
206085 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- extended functionality for GMF / org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.util.TreeInlineTextEditor 2010-07-19
206383 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- "%DuplicateActionDelegate.Name" in key assit table. 2010-07-19
206753 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Connection creation mode 2010-07-19
206760 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Team management support 2010-07-19
209805 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Add filter capabilities in diagram 2010-07-19
209974 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d and org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef packages could be handed over to GEF-project or factored into own sub-feature. 2010-07-19
213064 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Expose a method in IPathmapManager interface 2010-07-19
213990 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- OneLineBorder doesn't use specified Color 2010-07-19
214332 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Wrong Label for the Undo operation 2010-07-19
215077 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Composite Layout does not top-align in specific scenarios 2008-01-11
215344 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- EditHelper for Root/Canvas Element should be called 2010-07-19
216445 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- AbstractBorderedShapeEditPart incorrectly processes child reordering 2008-01-24
218521 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Moving an external label creates a duplicate 2008-02-11
219067 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GraphicsToGraphics2DAdaptor: not implemented methods 2010-07-19
219473 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Extract DiagramEditor.DiagramOutlinePage to a separate class for future extensions by generated code 2010-03-09
222596 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- SVG images are rendered incorrectly (SVGImage.renderImage() called from different threads) 2011-10-25
223107 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- layoutprovider doesn't work anymore 2010-07-19
225354 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- ConnectionHandleTool should be public 2010-07-19
226423 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Tur3.4: Right click content menu "Edit" function is not correct on Mac 2010-07-19
226442 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Tur3.4: Change font seting does not work on Mac 2010-07-19
226446 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Tur3.4: GIF file extension name use wrong Turkish character: "I" not English "i" on Mac 2010-07-19
229632 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Missing mnemonic for Page Setup... menu item 2010-07-19
229642 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Page Setup Window has 'W' mnemonic Identified for two different widgets 2010-07-19
229756 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Copy and Paste Broken 2010-07-19
231569 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Impossible navigate between diagram elements via keyboard 2010-07-19
232758 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Expose new grid settings in IPreferenceConstants interface 2009-02-09
233943 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Remove 'umlAddGroup' group from the context menu of all diagrams 2008-05-26
234639 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- ResizableCompartmentEditPolicy#setSelectedState() is flawed 2010-07-19
236514 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- practice of making *Ex classes 2010-07-19
237059 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- MoveRequest to provide information about actual semantic parent of moved element 2010-07-19
237523 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Drag and drop does not work 2010-07-19
237933 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BorderItemRectilinearRouter does not work for nested border items 2010-07-19
238479 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [NoteTextLabel] Can create a note attachment without one end being a note 2023-03-30
238812 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Share CreationTool cursors with subclasses 2011-10-27
239448 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [RulersGrid] Ruler and Recalculate Page Break use the same mnemonic 2010-07-19
240559 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Either remove or correct NotationViewDependentsAdvice/RemoveBookmarksAdvice registration 2010-07-19
240741 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- popup element creation tool is annoying 2010-11-22
240788 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Del-Requests cause access on null-EditPart. 2010-07-19
240809 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Documenation from Callisto++ until now 2010-07-19
240904 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- DVT34: broken link in documentation 2010-07-19
242294 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [Cleanup] Two doc pages need cleaning up 2010-07-19
242470 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- If there is no layout set to a figure edit part cannot be shrinked. 2010-07-19
242863 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GraphicalEditPolicyEx should be external 2010-07-19
244028 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- true/false property in property sheets 2010-07-19
244512 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- FlowLayout does not fill major axis after resize 2010-07-19
246179 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Popupmenu disabled Unexpectedly 2010-07-19
246329 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in DragEditPartsTrackerEx 2014-05-09
248304 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- New tool to define bendpoints during connection creation 2010-07-19
251535 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- pagebreakfigure color can't be changed 2010-07-19
252614 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- PaletteToolTransferDropTargetListener (can't drag TemplateTransfer to DiagramViewer) 2010-07-19
252933 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [WrappingLabel] Alignment offsets aren't calculated equally 2010-07-19
253234 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- DiagramRulerProvider not working with custom LayoutConstraints 2008-11-03
253660 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [ResizableCompartmentFigure] Allow to disable the scrollbars 2010-07-19
253721 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- CreateViewAndOptionallyElementCommand does not find the target EditPart in hierarchies 2010-07-19
255202 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Integrate snap to geometry action into diagram/context menu 2010-07-19
255767 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Validation + Diagram Partitioning cannot handle deleting parent elements 2010-07-19
259167 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Cannot navigate from the palette to the canvas area in a GMF based editor 2010-07-19
259191 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Dragging an editpart performance 2010-07-19
259297 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Add shift+enter shortcut for multiline geoshapes 2010-07-19
259299 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Editing existing text in a geoshape label is difficult 2010-07-19
259303 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Need way to reuse object styles 2010-07-19
259305 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- often create bendpoint when move group intended 2010-07-19
259310 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- diagram Save As Image File... function uses non-standard save dialog 2010-07-19
259311 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- cannot paste object while another object is selected 2010-07-19
259312 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- pasting from context menu ignores location 2010-07-19
260401 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Lines on shapes missing in outline or scaled to less that 100% 2010-07-19
260828 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Generic grid layout provider contribution 2010-07-19
261028 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- "Zoom to fit" does not work correctly with nodes attached at the side of other nodes 2010-07-19
263028 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [Printing] Not centered labels inside nodes 2010-07-19
263226 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [CopyPaste] Copy action does not work anymore 2010-07-19
264676 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Provide SnapToGeometry support for all EditPart containers 2010-07-19
265328 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Text fields should delete themselves when blank 2010-11-22
266532 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [GMF] ColorsAndFontsPropertySection creates image garbage 2010-11-14
266719 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- clicking on item with compartment causes property view to jump 2010-07-19
269464 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Properties color palettes do not obey OS X toolbar 2010-07-19
269528 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Diagram tree-outline NOT visible - 2010-07-19
272127 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- The line of linking geometric shape and "Cylinder" element is missing. 2010-07-19
272273 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.5: Numeric Contextual behaviour is not respected in measurments fields 2010-07-19
272278 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.5: Wrong display of complex expressions in Save as Image file dialog 2010-07-19
272285 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.5: Incorrect Numeric Contextual Behavior in measurments fields 2010-07-19
272294 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.5: Zooming option is missing 2010-07-19
272613 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Creating connections from shortcut elements 2010-07-19
272700 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Service Providers Tutorial of GMF Runtime has a bad link 2010-11-19
273972 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- DBCS3.5: Single characer input made Inline editor area too narrow on Note 2010-07-19
274237 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Focus in the diagram is lost after maximizing the properties view 2009-04-29
274329 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Method layout(View, String) in LayoutService might fail 2009-04-29
275006 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Make RubberbandSelectionTool and RubberbandDragTracker more extensible and external 2010-07-19
278363 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- ConcurrentModificationException in GMFResourceModificationManager 2010-07-19
279012 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GMF should not contribute zoom to context menu 2010-07-19
281688 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- missing class/interfacce in javadoc of LayoutService 2010-07-19
281690 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Nullpointer while Diagram layout 2010-07-19
282275 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GMF 2.2.0's SMIL plugin requires version [3,4) of org.w3c.dom.events package, but GMF 2.2.0's javax_xml plugin only supplies 2.0 version of that package 2011-09-22
283238 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- an empty "text" note is hard to find 2009-07-12
284124 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Show Preferences window in RCP 2010-07-19
285117 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GMF Developer Guide partly obsolete 2010-07-19
286677 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- "Invalid view - remove from diagram" on diagrams created with older GMF opened in latest GMF. 2010-07-19
287048 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- PointListUtilities sameOrientation gives non linear results depending on points given 2010-07-19
287105 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- TVT35:TCT666: Heb: Minus sign in wrong position 2009-08-19
287118 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Enhance copy to image utilities to allow the creation of PDF or HTML for a list of diagrams 2009-09-17
288815 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Dashed lines are printed as solid lines in RCP application 2010-07-19
289550 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NodeFigure does not take line style into account 2010-11-22
290779 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Selection lost when moving nodes to another parent 2010-07-19
290898 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Distribute actions à la Inkscape for selected nodes 2014-02-26
292565 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Color/Font/Text Alignment Action does NOT take effect when selecting Text node in Logical Diagram Editor 2009-11-01
292666 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Cannot choose custom color on Mac 2010-12-21
293004 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- External labels shouldn't be deletable 2010-07-19
293160 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- ShapeNodeEditPart should support anchors for GEF connections 2009-10-23
295295 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Out of memory Error copying large diagrams 2010-07-19
297949 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Duplicate function does not behave as expected 2009-12-16
301521 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- New Tab in Property View at runtime 2010-07-19
301734 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- [GravityConstrainedFlowLayout] Freeze when an edit part tries to grab space on the left 2010-07-19
302041 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NPE in GraphicalEditPath 2010-10-14
302186 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Adding shortcut does not work until after model change 2010-07-19
302590 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- One CreationTool for different Entities; OCL-Source-Constraints to Decide; Custom Node Figure 2010-07-19
303293 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- New layout for the diagram 2010-07-19
306165 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Text label no longer editable after cancel edit via escape key 2010-03-22
307765 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Only edges visible in edit view are present in print and print-preview. 2010-07-19
308750 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.6: Complex expression: Geoshape diagram name contains mixed text is ordered wrongly 2010-07-19
308751 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.6: First character is not visible on note box in RTL GUI orientation 2010-07-19
308752 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.6: Text is being overlapped when changing zoom 2010-07-19
308755 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.6: Complex expression: Wrong file path ordering contains Bidi folder/file names 2010-07-19
308756 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.6: Path maps variables can't be re-checked 2010-07-19
308809 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- BIDI3.6: Complex expression: Wrong path variables ordering 2010-07-19
313353 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- GMF API documentation missing 2010-07-19
317745 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.resources.editor.parts.DiagramDocumentEditor$PropertyChangeListener 2010-06-23
317933 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- NodeAttachmentEditPart dosen't restore line type style 2010-06-25
318694 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- Context menu disappears when moving mouse from sub-menu "Order" to other sub-menus 2019-12-11
318840 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox NEW --- missing extension point reference in docs. 2010-07-19
125899 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox NEW --- Provide API to obtain all sub-ElementTypes of a given EClass 2010-07-19
126923 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox NEW --- MoveRequest. should request context for moving element(s) 2010-07-19
134178 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox NEW --- add ability to retrieve metamodel nsURI from ELementType 2010-07-19
149915 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox NEW --- XMI IDs are set on all objects in a file 2010-07-19
233031 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox NEW --- IPathmapManager2 should support removal of pathmaps in bulk 2010-07-19
238777 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox NEW --- URI deresolving in GMFHelper 2010-07-19
206744 GMF-Runt General gmf.ui-inbox NEW --- Provide Marquee tools by default 2010-07-19
243222 GMF-Runt General gmf.ui-inbox NEW --- [Connections] invalidating notation model by default property-tab-usage 2010-07-19
266135 GMF-Runt General gmf.ui-inbox NEW --- Duplicate action cannot be undone 2010-07-19
316202 GMF-Runt General mdt-papyrus-inbox NEW --- [Appearance] "Apply Appearance Properties" and "Mark Same Size" have opposite behavior 2010-07-19
159226 GMF-Runt General Sergey.Armensky NEW --- Sample DB Persistence program 2010-07-19
112871 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [Cleanup] Remove irrelevant comments in GMF plugins 2010-07-19
114229 GMF-Runt General aboyko NEW --- Support diagram interchange 2016-06-14
114216 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse NEW --- [KeyboardBindings] Support keyboard bindings 2010-07-19
139574 GMF-Runt General crevells ASSI --- [ImageSupport] DPI of Jpeg files obtained with Save as Image File is too low (actual: 96 - acceptable: 200) 2010-07-19
239308 GMF-Runt General aboyko ASSI --- [Commands] Consider using CompositeTransactionalCommand instead of CompoundCommand in GraphicalNodeEditPolicy 2009-07-28
283160 GMF-Runt General aboyko ASSI --- [Printing] SVG shapes don't have transparent background 2010-02-02
307384 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse ASSI --- [Bidi3.6]:LTR text orientation is not supported in mirrored eclipse 2010-07-19
307717 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse ASSI --- DBCS3.6: Unable to Paste a Note shape with Unicode surrogate character 2010-07-19
110716 GMF-Runt General crevells ASSI --- [Commands] Issues with refreshing of toolbar and main menu contribution items 2010-07-19
123112 GMF-Runt General crevells ASSI --- Tutorial: Creating diagram assistants for an action-bar 2010-07-19
151045 GMF-Runt General crevells ASSI --- [NoteTextLabel] Node label not correctly aligned on first drop 2010-07-19
209924 GMF-Runt General crevells ASSI --- [NoteTextLabel] WrapLabel # getPreferredSize(int, int) contract has changed after recent refactoring 2010-07-19
321836 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox ASSI --- Provide Location and Size-Editing in ShapeColorsAndFontsPropertySection 2020-12-30
371849 GMF-Runt General gmf-runtime-inbox ASSI --- Remove cast to XMLResource in 'RemoveBookmarksAdvice' 2020-12-30
313344 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox ASSI --- TVT36:TCT264: Heb: Bidi problems in GMF print dialog 2010-07-19
312669 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox ASSI --- TVT36:TCT238: JPN: "Export to HTML" does not have a mnemoinc key on Save As image File dialog 2010-07-19
312672 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox ASSI --- TVT36:TCT240: JPN: "Enable anti-aliasing" and "Show status line" do not have mnemoinc keys 2010-07-19
312985 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox ASSI --- TVT36:TCT262: Heb: Folder name field RTL in GMF 2010-07-19
337608 GMF-Runt General lgrahek ASSI --- Extended bounds of BorderedNodeFigure not always refreshed when needed 2011-07-25
278253 GMF-Runt General mariot.chauvin ASSI --- Edge reconnection in structure where tree router is used does not set correctly the routing style of the edge 2010-07-19
111956 GMF-Runt General crevells ASSI --- [ZOrderSupport] Ability to have connections respect z-order and having shape overlap 2010-07-19
140178 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse REOP --- [Commands] there should be no calls to resolve semantic element 2010-07-19
146280 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse REOP --- [Cleanup] fListener in DiagramFileInfo is hidden 2010-07-19
441058 GMF-Runt General ahunter.eclipse REOP --- Undoes formatting on flow connectors in a diagram 2015-04-08
144993 GMF-Runt General crevells REOP --- Layout Service and its schema causes plugins to load 2006-06-07
155610 GMF-Runt General crevells REOP --- [EditPart] An edit part should not be edited if is is not selectable 2010-07-19
142270 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox REOP --- Display links from nodes within a collapsed compartment 2010-07-19
148408 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox REOP --- ShapeEditPart assumes it is in XYLayout 2006-06-23
240890 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.diagram-inbox REOP --- DVT34: broken link in documentation 2010-11-14
274859 GMF-Runt General mariot.chauvin REOP --- WrappingLabel layout regression 2011-06-24
111905 GMF-Runt General aboyko REOP --- GEF 3.1 migration: migrate rubber band selection tool to the new selection tool (avoid duplicate code) 2009-08-30
143783 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox REOP --- Need a public API to apply a PathmapManager to a ResourceSet 2010-07-19
145094 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.common-inbox REOP --- NPE with Rectlinear router 2010-11-19
114233 GMF-Runt General gmf.runtime.emf-inbox REOP --- Provide alternative persistence mechanism 2010-07-19
119694 GMF-Runt General tmacdoug REOP --- Renaming on drawing surface doesn't accomodate Japanese IME 2013-05-10
132076 GMF-Runt General tmacdoug REOP --- DBCS3.2:Message box "Could not accept changes" appears in Logic Diagrams, Perferences. 2010-07-19
600 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "General" component of the "GMF-Runtime" product