Wed Jun 12 2024 08:28:40 EDT
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442 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
374342 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide a way to split Hudson configuration from Working Data 2013-10-25
381186 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Need a silent install config file to allow non-interactive install/upgrade 2012-05-31
397663 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Plugin Bundle WAR needs to adapt behaviour between new and existing HUDSON_HOME 2013-01-08
416596 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Enhancement: Provide better Group-of-job support and visualization of Build Pipeline 2014-05-10
424953 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- Dynamic slave creation causes OOME 2014-01-21
424955 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- Dynamic slave creation fills Hudson home with log files 2014-01-21
458337 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- HUDSON_BUILDS stores matrix job builds with non-unique identifiers 2015-04-21
458366 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- HUDSON_BUILDS doesn't use symlinks 2015-04-21
458367 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- HUDSON_BUILDS doesn't move existing builds 2015-04-21
459317 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- HTML tags in job description are not interpreted 2015-03-31
472408 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- Resource input streams not closed properly 2015-07-10
476595 Hudson Core bobfoster NEW --- Deleting a job that has never been run does not delete the job from disk 2015-09-28
363652 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Handle unable to delete workspace more gracefully 2012-01-18
369713 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Align the names of plugins 2012-01-25
369715 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Consider Google Charts API as charting replacement 2012-01-25
369737 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- "I forgot my password" feature 2012-01-25
371303 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot migrate plugin to slf4j as hudson.util.LogTaskListener only supports Java Util Logging 2012-02-13
371312 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Update centre should support hints in pom files 2012-03-05
371313 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Update centre should expose issue link. 2012-03-05
371581 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson becomes unresponsive after aborted workspace download 2013-03-08
371921 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Possible memory leaks in Hudson master-slave configuration 2013-06-04
373285 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Service pidfile not updated with new pid value when restarting through UI 2012-03-05
374075 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- support aggregating test results of matrix builds through fingerprints 2014-05-07
375465 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- The url for the update centre should contain a "random" value 2012-03-27
375466 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- build page should show which node the build was run on. 2012-03-27
375474 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Logrotation should be an extension point 2012-03-27
376314 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Separate permission for accessing slave jnlp file 2013-02-04
376320 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- IAE "Negative time" from FilePath.copyRecursiveTo 2012-04-09
376873 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- New popup for the description of a job fails in Google Chrome 2013-10-17
377073 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- debian package installs empty /etc/logrotate.d/hudson 2012-04-18
377165 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Running the groovysh command line command throws an exception 2012-04-19
377349 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- new mode of operation 2012-04-22
377679 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- provide mechanism to configure custom update center 2012-04-25
380740 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Static Code Analysis Plugin appears eight times in Installing page 2012-05-25
381988 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- IE ONLY - Container warning appears only under IE 2012-06-07
382446 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Reloading configuration leads to lost build status 2014-04-24
382500 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Testing Unix user/group database Security Realm throws 500 error 2012-06-13
382522 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot login to start Initial Setup after upgrade if Unix user/group database Security used 2013-05-13
384403 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Need an easier way to delete multiple builds 2012-07-05
384461 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exceeding memory usage logged by MemoryUsageMonitor 2012-07-06
384553 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job configuration screen never stops loading 2012-07-08
384656 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- config sometimes lost after upgrade to 2.2+ 2012-07-09
384782 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Extra folder level when using HUDSON_WORKSPACES env variable 2013-01-16
385399 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Initial Setup always installs the Hudson :: REST :: Plugin even is unselected at startup 2012-07-19
385443 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Allow to trigger the downstream project even if the build is failing 2013-03-08
385767 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Executor Pool per group of jobs 2012-07-23
386468 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add ability to clean fingerprints 2012-08-02
386471 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Be able to load Hudson job even if nextBuildNumber file is invalid 2012-08-02
386612 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- 3.0 migration, wrong login results in full stacktrace in logs 2012-08-04
386631 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- 3.0 migration, hadoop plugin has problems 2012-08-04
386707 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- LDAP authentication keeps breaking in version 2.2.1 2012-08-06
387174 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Enable workspace management of a group of slaves 2012-08-14
387429 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Users lost on job copy 2012-08-16
387432 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Update number of SCM threads tooltip 2012-08-16
387433 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- job name santizing 2012-08-16
388924 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- add the ability to disable/enable tooltip for ListView 2012-09-06
389959 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Description of a job cover up other jobs in the list of jobs 2012-09-19
390539 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Zombie jobs 2012-10-04
390541 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Locks do not prevent concurrent execution of jobs 2015-05-27
390651 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Image path does not honor the servlet's context path (3.0-RC2) 2012-10-05
392255 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add support for multiple Source Code Management types in single job 2013-02-04
392256 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- use gravatars for users with a configured email address 2012-10-17
392257 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Allow to suspend/resume active builds depending on priorities 2012-10-17
392259 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide a list of available loggers with a short description. 2012-10-17
392260 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Make clear visual difference between disabled slave and not connected slave 2012-10-17
392261 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add VIEW permission to Matrix-based Security 2015-11-04
392262 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- how build step which failed the build 2012-10-17
392263 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Allow build queue list to be collapsed 2012-10-17
392264 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide generic tool installation support 2012-10-17
392265 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Loop detection when creating a build after trigger 2012-10-17
392266 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- The configuration of Hudson and all the projects should be under version control and the WebUI should display which settings were changed when and by whom 2012-10-17
392267 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- File size should be shown on project dashboard for archived artifacts 2012-10-17
392268 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Timing information for each stage of a job 2012-10-17
392269 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson configuration should be done based on tabs not one long screen 2012-10-17
392270 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Quick Search should check content of jobs/*/config.xml 2012-10-17
392271 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Conditional Post-Build Actions 2012-10-17
392272 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Relocate Global Environment variables to a new section 2012-10-17
392273 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Enhance user detail page to show groups user belongs to 2013-07-02
392274 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Report max heap and other JVM metrics on slave 2012-10-17
392275 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Slave shall be able to act like a HTTP server. 2012-10-17
392276 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Needs function to register nodes via API-Call 2012-10-17
392277 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Pre-tested commit feature 2012-10-17
392755 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson does not order the builds when building downstream projects 2012-10-26
393044 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Allow default view at user/role level 2013-03-18
395475 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Delete old workspace after job get renamed 2012-11-30
395624 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Plugin updater conflicts with security 2012-12-03
395850 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Deadlock in cascading configuration 2012-12-05
396849 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Can't delete a job if Hudson URL set to localhost 2014-04-10
397530 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- missing libraries jfreechart and jcommon 2013-01-07
398895 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Build successful when unit test fails with ClassNotFoundException 2013-03-08
399047 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Configure Project link from finished build page 2013-04-19
399063 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Option to export/import single job 2014-09-23
399064 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Configure column on view page 2013-02-04
399230 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- With LDAP Access Control E-mail address is left blank 2013-01-28
399746 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Builds are sometimes not deleted on disk 2013-02-01
400008 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide Reason with a tooltip why there is a warning on plugins 2013-02-05
400054 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Please add memory usage information 2013-02-06
400285 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Potential race condition re-loading security after loading plugins 2016-05-26
400407 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson fails to keep connection alive on Windows 8 2013-02-10
400780 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- need API token support in hudson 2013-02-14
401376 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- buildTimeGraph should allow exclusion of outliers 2013-02-20
401530 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Installing slave as windows service does not work 2013-10-29
401656 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Display content of config.xml from administration panel 2013-02-27
401687 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Create "Last successful aritacts column" in view 2013-02-26
401691 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add time to the build logs 2013-02-26
402867 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson job configuration update not atomic and kills executors 2013-03-11
403168 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 2013-03-15
403169 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Jelly PermGen Space Error 2013-03-15
403242 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Saving user configuration settings causes "Default View" to disappear 2014-07-24
403314 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Latest Ant builds not shown in the auto download drop down 2013-03-14
403379 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Manage plugins page doesn't allow you to restart on linux 2013-03-14
403634 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson Slave Remains in Terminated state instead of reconnecting 2013-03-27
403756 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- The Link to the Changlog still points to the Hudson 2 Changlog 2013-03-19
403852 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Allow job configuration to be persisted to a centralised store 2013-03-20
404073 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson does not support HTTP resume for build artifacts 2013-03-22
404377 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Page Not Found Error When Access Permissions Expire 2013-03-26
404904 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- service hudson stop, does not kill java proc 2013-04-04
405789 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Timeline widget display only works with browser locale set to english 2014-03-06
406362 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- hudson master should investigate and report via log when a slave abruptly stops streaming to the master. 2013-10-16
406477 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson 3.0.0 -- security (manager) via active directory does not show user names 2013-06-27
406604 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Configure Hudson to serve proxy requests for multiple teams 2013-04-25
406940 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Deadlock on Hudson Rest API startup 2013-04-30
407678 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Authentication doesn't work with hudsonmonitor and hudsontracker gadgets 2013-05-09
407685 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- childs jobs in multi-configuration project not starting 2013-05-09
407981 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson is not able to start properly when NPE in GlobalBuildStatPlugins 2013-05-14
408821 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Header bar issue on small or portrait screens when job names are long 2013-05-23
409585 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- init.groovy throws exception if GroovyScriptSupport is missing 2013-05-31
409867 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Stack overflow exception during or before cyclic dependency check 2013-06-04
409904 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- DependencyGraph.addDependency(DependencyGraph.Dependency) collapses duplicate jobs 2013-06-05
410230 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- NPE matrix job when you add an axis, but don't put any values in it 2013-06-07
410434 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- SVN "workspace_2" folder is created next to "workspace" 2013-06-11
410521 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: Cannot edit team name/description after creating the team 2013-06-11
410696 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Slave on windows 2012 disconnects due to serialization problems 2013-06-13
410861 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- LDAP: Server field validation error appears in multiple LDAP fields 2016-06-14
411152 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add environment variables to configuration page 2013-06-19
411385 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot pass job parameters into Matrix Combination filter 2013-08-08
411388 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Email notification not working giving garbage email 2013-06-21
411471 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Concurrent Builds: Unable to execute simple shell script possibly due to workspace cleanup 2013-06-24
411940 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Need Security\Impersonation Feature for Hudson Jobs 2013-07-07
412248 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: Parent job moved into a team is not found when trying to find the job relationship between 2 jobs 2013-07-03
412509 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- On job creation entering a job to copy from does not select the radio button 2013-07-08
412516 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Checking Restrict where this job can be run does not enable the Node and label menu radio button 2017-06-07
412911 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Anonymous user can open build configuration page 2013-07-13
413115 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- NullPointer in clean installation in build #427 2013-07-16
413132 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- ${WORKSPACE} resolves incorrectly 2013-07-16
413276 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: Create job: Make the team name field a drop down list of teams 2013-07-18
413279 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job page doesn't refresh when job is built 2013-07-18
413370 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: Hitting keyboard Enter should act like clicking OK on dialog boxes 2013-07-23
413504 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job parameters for jobs you are not authorized to see are shown from the Build Queue 2013-07-23
413573 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Error when archiving test reports: "Content is not allowed in trailing section" 2015-11-02
413847 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- HTTP 404 error in /j_spring_security_check when Team Authentication is enabled. 2013-07-26
413898 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson doesn't start from folder with spaces 2013-07-29
414892 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Remove teamId from config.xml 2013-08-12
414988 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- More... button fails to display more builds 2014-09-11
415089 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception in server console when loading Configure Security page with ActiveDirectory plugin installed and enabled (3.1.0) 2013-08-14
415245 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide Grape Support 2013-08-16
415354 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception when terminating a connection 2013-11-21
415370 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Mercurial plugin version 1.45-h-1a in Hudson version 3.0.1 does not support Mercurial forest extension 2013-08-19
415372 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- NullPointerException with Global-build-stats.hpi plugin in Hudson 3.0.0 2013-08-19
415374 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: hudson.model.AbstractProject after installing plugins: Nested-view, parameterized-trigger, swarm, and dashboard-view in Hudson 3.0.0 2014-06-03
415376 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson version 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 does not work GlassFish version 4 2015-04-18
415514 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide parent build name and number as an environment variable 2013-08-20
415560 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- debian package tries to overwrite source list 2014-01-17
415590 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception in Hudson Log - Junit Results? 2013-11-21
415614 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception getting information from Mac slave 2013-08-21
417028 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Service does not stop on OpenSuSE 2013-09-11
417417 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- NPE on changing default view 2016-10-13
417763 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Helpful to be notified when Hudson is (re) started 2013-09-21
418304 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- independent push and poll configuration 2013-09-30
419483 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Windows service: Installing as Windows service does always uses port 8080 2013-10-15
419701 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Spelling error 2013-10-17
420226 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- When a build is killed in the UI sometimes lock is not released making slave unusable 2013-10-23
420261 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- ClassCastException during job execution 2013-10-24
420264 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Illegal monitor state exception locking CPUs 2013-10-24
420289 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- hudson-remoting-3.0.1.jar not being found by maven's classpath when using Jboss 7 application server 2013-10-24
420531 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: Manage team jobs UI tab does not accommodate long job names 2013-10-28
420683 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- There is not context menu for installing jnlp slave as service 2015-02-13
420803 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team assigning screen does not refresh job name 2013-10-31
421091 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- killing a launched process forces main Hudson process to be killed entirely 2013-11-19
421664 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson does not shutdown on CentOS 2014-06-11
421858 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Timeline/Trend]: Timeline appears to be disabled and you can't easily tell that it is scrollable 2013-11-15
421859 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Timeline/Trend]: Cannot scroll forward in timeline. Can only go back. 2013-11-15
422696 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Cascading]Renaming parent job removes the non-overriden build step in child jobs 2013-11-27
422968 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Timeout causes 404 errors instead of showing log in screen 2013-12-03
422977 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Delete build dialog has no title 2013-12-02
422990 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Subversion details in cascaded job are shown as overridden even though they are not 2014-01-16
423086 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Clean up shared Hudson instance jobs 2013-12-03
423204 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Matrix jobs are run in the wrong order when concurrency is enabled 2013-12-04
423209 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Can't delete job that has outstanding builds 2013-12-09
423374 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Moving job from one team to another team leave directory with job with builds directory and _runmap.xml file 2013-12-05
424033 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Gerrit Trigger runs only for child (cascading) job but not parent job 2013-12-15
424555 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- show diagnostic when plugin won't load due to dependency 2013-12-20
424825 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Sysadmin does not have manage permissions when using Crowd 2 plugin 2014-01-02
424894 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- configure job error after upgraded from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 2014-01-04
424976 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Polling trigger fails to recover and trigger other pollers if it encounters a malfunctioning poller 2014-01-06
425125 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- 3.1.1 not shown in Version list 2014-01-08
426036 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Matrix axis values do not override parameters in variable subsitution 2014-01-17
426605 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job configuration page takes more than a few seconds to load with multiple SCM and builder plugins 2014-01-27
426629 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- ItemListener#onUpdated 2014-01-24
427526 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Slaves cant be installed as service with latest JDK 7u51 2014-02-05
428058 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson.getRootUrl 2014-02-13
428420 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Security Settings: Display error in tables 2014-02-18
428604 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Env variable HUDSON_USER does not contain proper user 2015-10-08
428763 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Unable to upgrade from Hudson 3.1.1 to 3.1.2: NoSuchMethodError hudson.triggers.Trigger.getProjectActions 2014-02-21
428914 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- HTTP 500 error (Too many open files) 2014-02-24
429186 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Trigger polling log no longer displayed when upgrade to 3.1.2 2014-02-26
429200 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- NativeAccessException: Native Unix Support plugin not installed when restart Hudson 2014-02-26
429202 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Grant build permission has no effect on authenticated group of Matrix-based security 2014-02-26
429554 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Last Success Version/Last Failure Version sorting 2014-03-04
430853 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- env variables like BUILD_URL,HUDSON_URL not exported in shell 2014-06-30
431005 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Unable to manage "people" when using team internal database for security 2016-06-01
431661 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Spring 3.x] Build trigger 'Build after other jobs' is not saved in job configuration with security enabled 2014-03-31
433255 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson fails to start with compatibiltiy + featured plugin and scm-sync-configuration plugin 2014-04-23
433332 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Adding a team member does not clear user name field 2016-06-01
433456 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- role-strategy: Blank page with icons on the left displayed when logging in as admin user 2016-04-01
433457 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- login dialog: Valid credentials not accepted in popup login dialog 2014-04-30
433513 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- If all JUnit tests are skipped, the build fails 2014-04-25
434130 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Build timeout plugin link is broken 2014-05-05
434167 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Build History doesn't show job name for each configuration anymore 2014-05-06
434992 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot cancel a matrix job 2015-01-06
435006 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Sign Hudson jars using CBI signing service 2014-05-16
437048 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Too many files open 2014-06-10
437296 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Team Concept] New View link not present in the sidebar for users with create view permission 2014-06-12
437587 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Unable to delete user 2016-06-01
438195 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Team concept] Default view in Manage Hudson, Configure System page lists team views 2014-06-25
438797 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Would be nice to have "content sensitive editors" on job configuration fields 2014-07-03
439086 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Means to manually and efficiently delete multiple builds 2014-07-08
439397 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Configuring a slave node with an empty Tools Locations gives 500 error 2014-07-11
439575 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job Waiting for Executor should display queuing time 2014-07-14
439824 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team view assignments not always being refreshed 2016-06-01
439825 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- "People" link appears on "All" tab but not on non-All tab. 2014-07-17
440248 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Searching for partial string in job name does not return all results 2014-07-23
441181 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Modify scm polling logic to handle node online status 2014-08-05
441241 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Disabled jobs should keep blinking if running when being disabled 2014-08-06
441243 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Provide method of only disabling new jobs from being executed by trigger or through gui 2014-08-06
443178 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Deletion of build gives improper message. 2014-09-04
443500 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Failed credentials message when logging in 2014-09-09
443877 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- java.lang.NullPointerException thrown during startup in org.jvnet.solaris.libzfs.ZFSObject 2014-09-11
443997 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Improved presentation for matrix job results 2015-04-24
443999 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Sparse matrix results don't show cells to be executed 2015-01-28
444004 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Don't center row labels in matrix job results 2014-09-12
444315 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot add team members to Team using team based authorization 2014-09-17
444481 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team visibility lists not alphabetized 2016-06-01
444483 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team mode - add filtering / sorting to "Manage Jobs" / "Manage Views" / "Manage Nodes" 2014-09-18
444875 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Failed to copy 2014-09-24
447072 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Node goes "off line"...? 2014-10-14
450832 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson restart/status does not work on RPM release for version 3.x 2014-11-10
451466 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- The "Reload Configuration from Disk" option should have a warning 2014-11-14
452268 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Can't delete job from job config history tab. 2014-11-19
453947 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson creates directory with strange permissions 2015-09-23
453949 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- "Clean Tree" option automatically deselected. 2014-12-12
454617 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Cascading] Priority Sorter Plugin broken 2014-12-09
455109 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Tool locations only for the master node 2014-12-12
455824 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- JNLP slave agent should have a 'Reconnect' option 2014-12-20
455960 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson deployment fails if implicit CDI is enabled 2015-02-18
456242 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity should be serializable to make sign-up from federated login services possible 2015-01-06
456463 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Control max number of matrix cells running concurrently 2014-12-31
456465 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Dynamic matrix axis 2014-12-31
456466 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Re-running matrix cell does not update job results 2014-12-31
456748 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot cancel all running jobs 2015-01-06
456823 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job prioritization 2015-01-06
456825 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Executor pools 2015-01-06
456832 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Rerunning the child job in a multi-configuration job does not update the parent "status". 2016-06-01
457300 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson consumes large amounts of memory and UI becomes unresponsive 2015-01-13
457720 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Disabled plugin shows up as enabled in Recommended list 2015-01-16
457974 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Extended read permissions error 2015-01-20
458002 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [CDI 1.1] SmoothiePluginStrategy has a bean name conflict 2015-03-17
458369 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- When you add an axis to a matrix job, the previous child jobs become orphans on disk 2015-04-21
458479 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot delete job - message: 'Not found' 2015-01-28
458661 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Clicking on a link with an non-logged in user causes a 404 error 2015-01-28
458684 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Plugin "uninstall" feature needed 2015-04-24
458696 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot delete job - message: 'OK' 2015-01-28
459735 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot view slave configuration: missing descriptor (Xvnc) 2015-02-12
460461 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Jobs with a quiet period block subsequent jobs from running until quiet period expires 2015-06-30
460839 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Login redirect does not work consistently 2015-02-25
461193 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Restarting an instance can take up to one hour because of jobs reload 2015-04-29
462599 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- NPE in Hudson TeamBasedACL 2015-03-19
464034 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add the possibility to reorganize the queue 2015-04-07
464340 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job reported as failed due to ClassCastException: org.hudsonci.plugins.jna.JnaNativeMacSupport 2015-04-09
464545 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson does not upgrade on Ubuntu 2015-04-13
464864 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- The login link displayed when there are no visible jobs ignores the context path 2015-04-17
464923 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Make a standalone executable JAR archive 2015-04-18
465469 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- New Plugin Manager needs more localization support 2015-04-27
465761 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Error while serving https:// 2015-04-29
465823 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Side panel should not scroll with console output 2015-04-29
466432 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Auto Refresh interferes with login 2018-03-07
466767 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson REST api to trigger builds needs ability to provide custom Causes 2015-05-07
466914 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Some jobs are hard to cancel/kill 2015-05-09
467514 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job renaming leaves artifacts 2015-05-20
467534 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Parameters passed by upstream job not resolved in downstream job parameter 2015-05-18
467770 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Add ability to store service credentials. 2016-06-01
468689 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Multi-configuration master job still does SCM checkouts 2016-06-01
469314 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Migration from 3.2.2(JDK7) to 3.3.0 RC1(JDK8) fails to launch the server 2015-06-04
469671 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- post-build tasks enforce serial behavior even when Hudson builds are concurrent 2015-06-08
469697 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Allow configuration of default settings for teams 2015-06-09
469984 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- 3.3.0/JDK 8: release plugin: exception when launching a release build 2015-06-11
470210 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Job post cleanup throws exception and doesn't clean workspace 2015-06-15
470211 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception getting Mac slave info 2015-06-15
470504 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- No option to install as Windows Service 2015-06-18
470644 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- display "next build" link in sidebar quicker/without reload after a new build has been started 2015-06-20
471196 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Build steps are deleted if an invalid job configuration is applied 2015-06-27
471476 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Lists of Build Executor Status and Build Queue disappear after a few seconds 2015-07-01
471478 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Site icon is illegible 2015-07-08
471609 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Configuring slave can cause exception when using XVnc plugin 2015-07-07
471614 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson stores a persistent cookie on clients according to HP Fortify Webinspect Report. 2015-07-14
471720 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- HTML Tag Injection detected by HP Fortify in v. 2.2.0 2015-07-31
471753 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- HTTP 500 Error for Job Name validation 2015-07-03
471912 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- LDAP: wrong handling of whitespace in Organizational Unit (OU) 2015-07-10
471914 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- aborting the download of workspace related files cause slave logs to grow indefinitely 2015-07-06
472192 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Spelling error when loading .hpi file 2016-02-16
472634 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- hudson init.d script from 3.3.0 rpm will ignore default java in favor of ancient versions 2015-07-14
472643 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception on startup without useful information 2015-07-14
472651 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception on startup without useful information - _runmap 2015-07-15
473320 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception on startup 2015-08-19
473649 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Creating a new job results in error page 2015-07-27
474390 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- security breach/privileges raised when accessing WorkspaceCleanup url 2015-08-12
475386 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Subset job can be rerun inconsistently. 2015-08-19
476903 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- artificial? ant target name is way too long 2015-09-08
477100 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Matrix jobs separate status ball from configuration name when wrapping 2015-09-10
477198 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- After Hudson restart, all jobs begin to fail on MsBuild step 2015-09-11
477648 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Tool properties not persistent 2015-09-17
477867 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- hudson-utils should be compiled for an older Java version 2015-09-23
478084 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception when trying to create a view 2015-09-23
478182 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Some Hudson pages generating error: This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated source 2015-09-23
478381 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Checksum error on hudson-3.3.0-1.1.noarch.rpm 2015-09-25
478409 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Subset job not deleted along with parent job 2016-06-01
478643 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- "clean workspace" flag disappears from configuration 2016-10-03
478741 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Easier way to configure single JDK for matrix jobs 2015-10-02
479279 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- svnexternals.txt has incorrect contents 2015-10-07
479290 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Renaming a view removes it from the list of views on the "teams" view tab 2016-06-01
479680 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Required to delete and redefine Ant definition in system config (3.3.1) 2015-10-19
479765 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Unable to start system after deleting "corrupt" _runmap.xml. 2016-06-01
479869 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Renaming a job leaves the old job folder and doesn't update the _runmap.xml file in the new job folder 2015-10-15
479990 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exceptions on startup from 3.3.1 war file (3.3.1) 2015-10-16
480305 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- RFE: Define default email addresses at "team" level 2016-06-01
480411 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson should disable "Finish" button if plugin update are required after Hudson update 2015-10-22
480525 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Jobs not renaming properly 2015-10-26
480988 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Slaves throw exception when starting maven build after upgrade from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1 2015-10-29
481594 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception getting system info on Mac slaves (3.3.2) 2015-11-06
482145 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- RFE: Enhance copy job to act like copy-team plugin 2015-11-13
482301 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Copying a job from one team to another puts the job in the wrong view. 2016-06-01
482952 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- RFE: Add team name as environmental variable. 2016-06-01
483408 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception in log pertaining to view on system startup 2015-12-02
483790 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- intermitent Json processing error when logging in 2015-12-07
483946 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Restrict matrix job to a max number of executors 2015-12-08
484914 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- gerrit-trigger plugin doesn't work with Hudson 3.3.2 2016-02-01
486217 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson fails to send the SIGTERM signal when a build is killed 2016-01-20
489188 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- check_tcp_port() in /etc/init.d/hudson gives wrong results 2016-03-08
490031 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Dead link on "Installation from Oracle" 2016-05-05
490041 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson's included/excluded regions does not work as expected. 2016-03-20
490331 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Moving a job from one team to another caused a copy rather than a move (3.3.3) 2016-06-01
491012 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson over HTTPS shows "Parts of this page are not secure" in Firefox 2016-04-04
491149 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception on startup (3.3.3) 2016-04-06
491187 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Cascading] job-based security settings not inherited from parent 2016-04-06
491188 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Cascading] copying a job with a cascading parent does not add new child reference to parent 2016-04-06
491442 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Node with insufficient space keeps node offline. Fixing space on node does not allow Hudson nodes bring node back online. 2016-05-16
492208 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson tests fail when running with Java 8 2016-04-26
493055 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- [Port from] Automatic Java/JDK installation infringes Oracles Terms of Use 2016-05-05
493273 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson creates zombie processes when build directory cannot be created 2016-05-09
494014 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- RFE: Add an additional option to email notification to notify email list that a job is complete 2016-06-01
494544 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Bad link on node definition page. 2016-05-25
496403 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Periodic jobs appear to be executed "a minute late" 2016-06-20
497418 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- System log is sorting is confusing (based on AM/PM times with "most recent" at top) 2016-07-15
498025 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- configuration environment variables do not accept upper and lower case variables 2016-10-13
499916 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- stable sort order of config.xml entries (e.g. AuthorizationMatrixProperty) 2016-08-18
500132 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Failure to cleanup workspace 2016-08-23
501438 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Reload Configuration from Disk (or POSTing config.xml) fails the running builds 2016-09-14
505324 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- In Hudson 3.3.3, the remote api to list jobs in xml format returns duplicate entries 2016-10-07
511115 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson should record who aborted a build 2017-01-26
518873 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: cannot configure default job visibility 2017-06-28
518874 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Team Concept: allow bulk editing of jobs 2017-06-28
522263 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- Exception on configure job form submission 2017-09-13
534058 Hudson Core winston.prakash NEW --- blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding does not prevent the next build from being started 2018-04-25
412488 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE set on non secure connections 2014-06-17
368259 Hudson Core bobfoster ASSI --- Windows slaves do not disconnect and reconnect properly 2013-11-06
392258 Hudson Core bobfoster ASSI --- Allow hot deployment of new plugins 2014-05-10
415184 Hudson Core bobfoster ASSI --- Team Concept: Security realm should default to Hudson's own database if no selection is made 2013-10-14
422287 Hudson Core bobfoster ASSI --- copy-team: Exception in server output after copying team and restarting server 2013-11-21
445775 Hudson Core bobfoster ASSI --- Since migrate to 3.2, I can't execute system groovy build step and console script neither 2015-09-16
463114 Hudson Core bobfoster ASSI --- Move disk usage instrumentation to core 2015-05-14
401934 Hudson Core duncan.r.mills ASSI --- Accessibility issues with Hudson Web UI 2014-05-10
402436 Hudson Core duncan.r.mills ASSI --- Externalize API page Further Help URL into properties files 2014-05-10
404075 Hudson Core duncan.r.mills ASSI --- Hudson wraps content in Build Queue and Build Executor Status 2013-11-05
440034 Hudson Core duncan.r.mills ASSI --- Eclipse has a new logo the Hudson UI should be refreshed to match it 2014-07-23
431331 Hudson Core rovarghe ASSI --- Hudson fails to keep _runmap.xml in sync after job name is changed 2014-03-27
443138 Hudson Core rovarghe ASSI --- Exception on startup 2014-09-04
372679 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- /ajaxEcexutors causes lock congestion in java.util.Currency 2012-03-01
374971 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Add a link to "top of page" at the bottom of "console output" 2013-03-05
375469 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson security to provide read only mode 2013-08-23
388464 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- No means to kill hanged SCM polling threads 2014-01-14
388896 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- parallel builds hang when "Recording test results" 2017-02-07
389957 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Plugin ClassLoader issue if the Classes in the core ClassLoader has to load classes from jars only in plugin 2012-09-19
390658 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Several problems in "Edit View Configuration" 2013-07-23
390898 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- [Cascading] Provide visual feedback of cascaded configuration 2013-10-14
390899 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- [Cascading] Make individual configuration properties overrideable 2014-04-30
390902 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- [Cascading] Support overriding a property to the same value as the parent's property 2013-10-14
393720 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- have out of memory issue for stand alone hudson server hudson version 2.2.1 2013-02-18
394200 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Allow users to manage jobs under a view 2013-07-02
395966 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Upgrade from 2.0.x to 2.2.1 not able to load all the jobs 2012-12-06
397440 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Transfer in Archiving Step takes very long 2015-05-27
398318 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson is terminated upon ALRM signal 2013-01-17
398969 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Password parameters are passed to Maven 3 build step in plain text 2014-01-14
399043 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Timeline on BuildTimeTrend page does not work 2014-05-22
399057 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Manage number of information displayed by the Log Recorders 2013-01-28
399080 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- View jobs that inherits aettings from particular template 2013-01-28
399082 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Display peniding changes not included into the build 2013-12-10
399084 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Possibility to define job snapshot dependencies 2013-01-28
399949 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Improve logging in FilePath "Native function mod failed." 2013-02-05
403265 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Upgrade Hudson var. 1.329 to current stable version. 2013-03-13
404831 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Archived artifacts do not preserve permissions 2016-03-22
408809 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- init.d script does not stop Hudson on CentOS 6.2 2014-10-03
409398 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Changelog link broken 2016-05-04
414462 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Add ability to tie the initial tasks to a particular node when creating a multi-configuration job 2013-10-28
414873 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Multi-configuration test results do not show up in grid 2013-10-14
415618 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Authentication Exception 2013-12-06
417268 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Monitored tasks should not fail because there is no Hudson valid job name 2014-01-17
418368 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Unable to deploy to WebSphere 8.0 2014-01-14
418745 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Configure View form too big 2013-10-11
420514 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Refresh clears login panel 2015-01-15
421053 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson goes into endless loop when determining culprits 2013-12-05
424334 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Views missing on fresh browser / InvocationTargetException by first visit 2013-12-23
434726 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Null Pointer 2014-05-14
436613 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- People/Build History pages take a long time to load 2014-06-11
443878 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- thrown when attempting to monitor slave Free Swap Space 2014-09-12
443998 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Matrix job summary shows excluded cells 2015-01-28
446919 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Feature: better job structuring features 2015-02-25
446936 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Feature: GUI cleanup / standardization / theming 2015-02-25
449504 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Deadlock during startup 2014-11-18
462629 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Getting NoClassDefFoundError after Completing initialization 2015-03-20
463107 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- My Views behavior does not seem correct 2015-06-16
478322 Hudson Core winston.prakash ASSI --- Extended permissions error 2015-10-26
321504 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- People list contains duplicates and is incomplete 2013-02-04
363891 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- builds frequently triggered due to "content change" when content has not changed 2013-05-08
382033 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- On windows sometimes a plugin will error downloading during Initial Setup 2012-08-02
395263 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/kohsuke/stapler/export/CustomExportedBean : unsupported classversion 50.0 2013-05-15
411706 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- Team Concept: Disable multi-select in teams table 2013-07-15
413013 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- Team Concept: Team user with configure/build job permission cannot configure a job. 2013-08-01
424012 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- 3.1.1 LOADING overlay stays active on config page 2015-01-14
426681 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- Hudson buildWithParameters rest api returns success for disabled job 2015-12-16
431819 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- Upgrade Hudson from 3.0.1 to 3.1.2 throws NullPointerException on bootup 2018-03-07
437295 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- [Team Concept] Manage Teams: Setting user as admin for a team should automatically check all permissions 2014-06-25
460751 Hudson Core winston.prakash REOP --- Mysterious build errors in egit.gerrit job 2015-03-04
442 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Core" component of the "Hudson" product