Sun Jun 2 2024 18:12:22 EDT
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208 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
405553 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- Update to newer version of multijob plugin 2013-04-12
407655 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- Class loading issue SCTM Executor plugin and JBoss AS 5 2013-05-10
415643 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- Merge changes to subversion plugin from hudson2 to hudson3 2013-08-21
415723 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- Add EnvInject plugin to Hudson plugin central 2016-11-15
416007 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- mstest plugin doesn't support wildcards 2013-08-28
420416 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- Add Sonar Plugin 2.1 to Hudson plugin central 2015-01-30
472425 Hudson Plugins bobfoster NEW --- Update the jacoco plugin 2015-10-19
372149 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Deploy plugin fails with NoClassDefFoundError 2012-10-17
375464 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Expose type of dependency in DependencyGraph 2012-10-17
389451 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Screenshot Upon Completion? could be user friendlier 2012-10-17
393047 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Manage nodes visibility in roles 2014-07-08
393517 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- QC Plugin for Hudson is not working 2012-11-05
394827 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Test trend chart not displaying on dashboard 2013-11-04
395432 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Need a plugin to dynamically trigger downstream jobs based on parameters 2013-08-20
399059 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Active Directory plugin should have option to skip global catalog requests 2013-01-25
399586 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- It seems that "copy artifacts" (1.23-h-1) copies too much jars. 2013-01-31
401503 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- [Hudson] "Amazon EC2 plugin" provision error 2013-02-22
401524 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Project Roles managenemt (Role-based Authorization Strategy plugin) is very cumbersome 2013-12-05
403163 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Rest plugin issuing ClassNotFoundException 2013-03-13
403330 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson Parameterized Trigger plugin not able to trigger build of matrix job subset 2013-04-05
405532 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- use hudson to build .NET project failed 2013-04-14
405536 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- rest plugin mount point url incorrect 2013-04-12
405554 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Custom workspace isn't stored for multijob plugin 2013-04-12
405767 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Warnings plugin hanging 2013-08-27
406341 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson slave fail to load and hangs on "Checking if Java exists" when letting hudson control this Windows slave as a Windows Service 2013-10-17
409866 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Make downstream triggering flexible 2013-08-20
411007 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- SLOCCount trend chart needs JFreeChart dependency 2013-06-18
411615 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- svn update with revert not working 2013-06-25
412326 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson build timeout plugin doesn't work with cascading job 2013-07-04
412663 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Backup plugin - using regexp in exclusions 2013-07-10
415051 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Configuration of Mask Passwords Plugin does not work 2013-08-19
415457 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- SVN Publisher Plugin 2013-08-20
415503 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Multi-configuration plugin throws exception in console log when sub-job is cancelled before it starts 2013-08-22
416834 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- HUDSON FTP Plugin can't connect with a password with special chars 2013-09-09
418639 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson's Buckminster Plugin 1.1.2-h-2 mentions "Jenkins" 2013-10-04
420023 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Old xUnit config settings in config.xml can't be parsed 2013-10-21
421428 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- I am unable to get bugzilla hyper link in hudson when build fails. 2013-11-11
422629 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- copy-team-cli plugin should fix MultiJob references 2013-11-26
423101 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Clicking on Configure Security link causes exception if Artifactory plugin is installed 2013-12-03
423599 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Maven3 Plugin displays variable content 2013-12-09
423886 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- "Labeled Test Groups Publisher" with concurrent builds 2013-12-12
424364 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Cannot save job with build step with Mantis plugin installed 2014-01-16
424482 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Promotion - Simple plugin does not reset deletion status 2013-12-19
424619 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Promoted builds plugin system wide setting to prevent anonymous users from promoting builds 2013-12-23
424818 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Request to migrate job-dsl-plugin Jenkins plugin to Hudson 2014-01-02
425076 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- [Cascading] Node Name Column Plugin does not support node defined in cascading parent 2014-01-08
425077 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Node Name Column Plugin does not work in Hudson 3.1.x 2014-01-08
425099 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Unable to login / Strange behavior 2014-01-08
425247 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- copyArtifact Plugin - problems with filename 2014-01-10
426839 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- JellyTagException when clicking on Promotion Status link - Tomcat only 2014-01-28
426872 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Java warnings generated by tycho-compiler-jdt 0.19.0 not detected 2014-06-12
427402 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Multi Job's Last Success/Failure display status instead of hours/days 2014-02-04
429319 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- IRC Plugin throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException upon submit 2014-02-28
429328 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Security vulnerability in Hudson IRC Plugin 2014-02-28
429550 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Copy Artifact Plugin - invalid path to status image 2014-03-04
430288 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Unable to install Hudson as a windows service on WindowsServer2012 2014-04-25
430493 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Port webphere deployer plugin from Jenkins 2014-03-16
430856 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- No update for the timestamp plugin for Sep 07, 2010 2014-03-24
431148 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Locks-n-latches plugin can render a job inoperable requiring Hudson restart 2014-03-25
431166 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- 'merge before build' feature of Git plugin broken due to existing branch ref 2014-03-25
431487 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Parameterized Trigger plugin does not resolve variables 2014-03-28
432337 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Email notification content is broken, no modified files listed. 2014-04-08
433045 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- git plugin GitPublisherTest fails randomly 2014-04-17
433318 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson doesn't expand parameters if they are used in the Repository URL field 2014-04-29
433360 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git-Tag this build 2014-04-24
433460 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- role-strategy: No help available 2014-04-24
433461 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- sfee: No help available 2014-04-24
434259 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Promoted Jobs Plugin does not display timestamps in console log 2014-05-06
434910 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Custom tools plugin is missing in Hudson 2014-06-19
437313 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Update Hudson gerrit trigger plugin to provide new features available with the Jenkins plugin 2015-01-12
437583 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Matrix jobs do not allow user to see workspace 2016-06-01
437670 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Team Aware Plugin 2014-06-18
440180 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Adding a plugin to a build job which contains file upload button restricts user to rename the build job 2014-08-06
442061 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- @Parameterized tests mistakenly considered packages by Test Results page 2014-08-19
442143 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Gerrit Trigger Fails Authentication on Manual Trigger 2014-10-29
442182 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Copy Team updated to 1.2. Webpage not updated. 2014-08-20
442188 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Copy artifact web page out of date 2014-08-26
442494 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git plugin 2.2.8 cannot handle symlinks inside the repo (regression from 2.2.7) 2014-08-25
443348 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Performance plugin link broken 2014-09-05
444874 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Post build task running even though build failed 2014-09-24
444951 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Error using squared brackets Plot y-axis Label 2014-09-25
447353 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- List Subversion tags and git branches in parametrized build 2014-10-15
447574 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Oracle TPC plugin no longer works in Hudson 3.2 2015-02-25
448079 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson timeout plugin can't mark build as failure 2014-10-21
450830 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Setting build description should not require 'configure' permission on the job 2014-11-10
451303 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Support easy job configuration life cycle management 2014-11-13
453106 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson restart button is disabled after SONAR plugin install 2014-11-25
454781 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- "Add" button for Gerrit Triggers doesn't work 2014-12-10
454823 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Relax home directory permissions for SSH slaves. (Proposal) 2014-12-19
454961 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- build pipeline plugin - Press run button for parameterized builds got 404 error page 2014-12-11
455030 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Mask Password doesn't mask password parameters 2014-12-12
455103 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Email-ext plugin should have ${TEST_COUNTS} variable 2014-12-12
455110 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- [mercurial-plugin] HgExeTest.pathEquals fails on Windows 2014-12-13
455285 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- [RFE] Mercurial plugin should be able to track multiple branches as Git plugin does 2015-04-12
456010 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- build-timer plugin doesn't actually fail builds when it says it does 2014-12-22
457098 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson unable to determine if it a ZFS file system 2015-01-09
457513 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Server error upon deleting old jobs 2015-01-14
457563 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Investigate tighter support with Chef and Puppet to support complete CD pipelines 2015-01-15
457663 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Request for FTPS support in FTP-Publisher 2015-04-12
457760 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Need a disk-usage plugin that can check usage without dragging all build data into memory 2015-02-02
457962 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Update the CCM Plugin 2015-01-20
457963 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Update the Ownership plugin 2015-01-20
457997 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Provide support for the Docker plugin 2015-04-01
459502 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- change log not updated. 2015-02-09
459850 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Mercurial plugin does not specify the version of cobertura-maven-plugin in pom.xml 2015-02-13
463113 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Using Hudson Parameterized Trigger plugin in a matrix job causes the downstream jobs to be launched twice 2015-04-30
463775 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Error IntegritySCM Log 2015-04-02
464467 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Want to upload a single file with renaming by FTP-Publisher 2015-04-12
464477 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- FTP-Publisher ignores the result of FTPClient.storeFile and fails to detect upload errors. 2015-04-18
464478 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- FTP-Publisher should support passive mode. 2015-04-13
464557 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- FTP-Publisher lacks its license information. 2015-04-21
464597 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git plugin's "clean after checkout" and Maven's "private repository" don't interact well 2015-04-15
466383 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson main page doen't load 2015-05-30
467594 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Redmine plugin gives incorrect link 2015-05-20
467609 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Catastrophic job failure due to IndexOutOfBoundsException from MavenExtractorEnvironment.buildEnvVars 2015-05-28
467740 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Upgrade Hudson Maven3 Support Plugin to work with Maven 3.3.3 2015-05-20
468705 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Add ability to change SCM definitions as part of team copy 2016-06-01
469720 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Security - SVN Plugin: Add admin views to configure override behaviour 2015-06-09
469839 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Console Column Plugin link is broken 2015-06-16
469977 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- 3.3.0/JDK 8: backup plugin not working 2015-06-11
469980 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- 3.3.0/JDK 8: batch task plugin fails to execute on a team slave 2015-06-11
470003 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git Parameter Plug-In link is incorrect / broken. 2015-06-16
471199 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- add support for HTTP 301 redirects 2015-06-27
471261 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- unable to use build pipleline plugin on hudson 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 2015-07-02
471360 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Junit plugin shows incorrect status 2015-09-24
472322 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- gerrit-trigger plugin 2.16.0 for Hudson 2015-10-26
474236 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson loses connection to Crowd on restart 2015-08-04
474406 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Sonar Plugin: Error Could not find or load main class MAVEN_OPTS 2019-02-07
474491 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Maven 2 (legacy) Plugin does not resolve MAVEN_OPTS when JVM-parameters are set 2015-08-07
475955 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Active Directory Errors 2015-09-25
477687 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Mercurial plugin cannot update the workspace using tags 2015-09-17
477839 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Maven build failure using Java SE 6 on Hudson 3.3.0 2015-09-19
479589 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Maven 3 Configuration table not loading 2015-10-12
479673 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- JaCoCo plugin fails, see JENKINS-23708 2015-10-13
479868 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- RFE: Add option to promotion of multi-project job to promote all sub-jobs to same promotion status. 2015-10-15
480121 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Link for plugin "Hudson build timeout plugin" is incorrect 2015-10-19
480657 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Install JENKINS Sonar+gerrit plugin on Hudson 2015-11-05
480925 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- The Hudson Tray Application plugin doesn't seem to work properly 2015-10-28
482688 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Hudson 2.2.0 - Git plugin - Clone with http authentification fails the first time 2015-11-20
483005 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- String index out of range exception in scm-sync-configuration during startup 2015-11-25
483817 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git Checkout Fails First Time Job Runs on a Slave 2015-12-07
483818 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git Plugin: Vars in Branch Specifier Break Polling 2015-12-07
483820 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Git Plugin: Repository Not Configured Properly 2015-12-07
484073 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Maven3 plugin use on the Windows-Slave the Maven-Path of Linux-Master 2015-12-10
488884 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- The priority plugin does not work on matrix child jobs 2016-06-01
489014 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- xUnit cannot parse boost test xml 2016-03-04
490379 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Xvnc plugin: NoClassDefFoundError causes job failures and exhaustion of available displays 2016-03-24
491358 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Timeout plugin wiki page is a broken link 2016-04-08
491450 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Build timeout plugin does not properly fail matrix jobs 2016-05-16
493578 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- SVN plugin is very slow fetching source 2016-06-01
493940 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Update sonar plugin 2016-06-01
494867 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Job started on Hudson runs indefinitely and cannot be aborted 2016-05-30
497778 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- v0.2 Dependency Graph View Plugin and v1.1 Hudson Dependency Viewer Plugin dont work on Hudson 3.3.3 2016-07-12
501753 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Jacoco plugin unable to read output from 0.7.7 (latest) version of Jacoco. 2016-09-19
512363 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- regression of Endless authentication to SVN when invalid user/password 2017-02-17
516418 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- WebLogic Deploy Plugin 1.0 issue 2017-05-19
517267 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Downstream-buildview fails to display downstrem build information when "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds" is set by "Parameterized Trigger plugin" 2017-05-25
525351 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- Request to migrate jira Jenkins plugin to Hudson 2017-09-29
563081 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash NEW --- hudson-remoting version number 2020-05-12
389546 Hudson Plugins schristou88 ASSI --- Enhance Parametrized Trigger plugin to trigger build as a build step and lock build nodes until all builds complete 2013-03-14
389549 Hudson Plugins schristou88 ASSI --- Ability to trigger more than one instance of the same job 2013-12-09
392123 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- job-import-plugin throws NPE when can't connect 2012-10-16
392125 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- job-import-plugin can't import from security enabled Hudson 2012-10-16
403164 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Unable to find class 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.tokenmacro.DataBoundTokenMacro' in repository 2013-03-15
405689 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Cobertura Plugins does not show yellow ball 2013-04-15
405982 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Simplify Required Fields for File Release to TeamForge 2013-04-18
405985 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Support Hudson Environment Variables in Collabnet File Release Upload 2013-04-18
407829 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Hudson HTML Publisher Plugin 1.1 Failure -> [htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports... ERROR: directory does not exist 2014-08-21
412606 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- build pipeline plugin - show project description beside project name in pipeline view 2013-07-09
413123 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Parameterized Trigger Plugin not working in current 3.1 Snapshot #427 2014-10-29
439145 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- A plugin to validate GitHub Pull Request 2015-03-03
440124 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Copy artifacts from another project fails using variables 2014-10-29
441533 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Copy team plugin does not copy promotion plugin information 2014-08-11
444473 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- log recorder xunit 2014-10-29
444955 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Charts missing from warnings plugin 2014-10-29
474839 Hudson Plugins bobfoster ASSI --- Gradle Plugin failing to save configuration 2015-08-13
390289 Hudson Plugins schristou88 ASSI --- Android Emulator Plugin 1.6 on Hudson 2.2.1 - AVD does not exist 2012-10-11
397352 Hudson Plugins schristou88 ASSI --- doxygen plugin hangs on Hudson 3.0.0 2013-08-13
397364 Hudson Plugins schristou88 ASSI --- Warning plugin 4.6-h-1 always detecting build as new (Hudson 3.0.0) 2013-01-03
393040 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Svn push does not trigger any job 2013-01-25
393046 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Manage tabs visibility in roles 2013-01-28
397898 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Features similar to m2release plugin 2013-02-05
398314 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- The Hudson Locale Plugin correctly switches the interface, but not the inline help text 2013-01-16
399040 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson disk-usage plugin breaks project build history layout 2013-01-25
399048 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Test Result Trend are sometimes disappearing 2013-10-03
399720 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- hudson.tasks.Mailer causes Exception in MavenModuleSetBuild which prevents all other steps to be done 2013-02-01
400205 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson Build Failed Without Exception - Same Build Succeed in Next/Future build 2013-10-16
408377 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- java.lang.ClassCastException: hudson.scm.NullSCM cannot be cast to hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM 2015-05-29
417954 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson causes file contents SVN checkouts to become duplicated 2013-10-31
418657 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Subversion plugin notify commit fails when svn url is parameterized 2013-10-10
428787 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Multiple SCM plug-in doesn't work while trying to pull multiple mercurial repositories 2014-04-17
429551 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- HTTP Status 500 after user config modification 2014-10-07
432111 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- trackable IDs after successfully POSTing a new "build" or "buildWithParameters" 2015-05-14
434758 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- vSphere Cloud Plugin is missing in Hudson 2014-05-14
442498 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Claim plugin does not work with Hudson 3.2 2015-02-04
446938 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Improve Plugin quality 2014-10-13
452126 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Testlink plugin error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hudson/util/Graph 2015-09-16
461307 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson does not have a Xvnc recorder plugin 2015-06-24
461309 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson does not have a github pull request plugin 2015-03-24
461310 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Hudson does not have a Job builder equivalent plugin 2015-03-24
463625 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Upgrade EC2 plugin 1.10 to be compatible with latest version of EC2. 2015-06-08
469724 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- In a multi master configuration, it is not possible to scale horizontally 2016-02-01
475732 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash ASSI --- Unhandled event: DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest 2017-12-14
394709 Hudson Plugins bobfoster REOP --- copy artifacts from another project fails if the project from which to copy is running 2013-11-05
473974 Hudson Plugins bobfoster REOP --- hudson/computer/slave/configure 500 error when xvnc plugin configured 2016-03-20
415722 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash REOP --- Add Conditional Build Step Plugin to Hudson plugin central 2015-11-09
423216 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash REOP --- Can't install BuildPipeline plugin 2013-12-11
443171 Hudson Plugins winston.prakash REOP --- Hudson 3.2.0 breaks Maven Release Plugin 2014-09-08
208 bugs found.


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