Wed Jun 12 2024 23:41:58 EDT
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252 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
255343 z_Archiv Geclipse mknauer NEW --- Code contribution for SLA core functionality 2014-01-09
212381 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Changing Windows color scheme is not correctly handled 2014-01-09
238994 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Documentation entry for Workflows in wrong location 2014-01-09
247271 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Enhancements for workflows 2014-01-09
248111 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Cycle from job's output port to the same job's input port 2014-01-09
254876 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Adding a JSDL to a workflow and then moving it into another folder brakes workflow 2014-01-09
254877 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Open Job in JSDL editor in a workflow Job, is enabled when JSDL is not yet added 2014-01-09
273808 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- Deleting a workflow description creates NullPointerExceptions 2014-01-09
279136 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan NEW --- The workflow editor does not compile with EMF 2.5 2014-01-09
213576 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- copy/paste/... actions not possible from keyboard 2014-01-09
218611 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Browsing GridFTP mounts sometimes causes failed assertion exceptions 2014-01-09
218753 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Importing CA certificate claims to support files but the dialog only supports folders 2014-01-09
218786 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Open problem dialog when job submission fails 2014-01-09
219562 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Grid Proxy confused when using two sets of certificates 2014-01-09
221476 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Connection to non-existing folder show "Folder is empty", instead of error message 2014-01-09
222545 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Add validators for the "services" fields in the VOMS VO wizard 2014-01-09
224607 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- no keyboard support for grid actions 2014-01-09
224625 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Sorting in model views does not distinguish between true folders and grid containers 2014-01-09
225951 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Middleware selection in job submission wizard 2014-01-09
227778 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Open mounted SRM connection fail when proxy is created with two VOs 2014-01-09
230882 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Move a Grid Project Folder within the Grid Projects view 2014-01-09
231302 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Enable the Grid Project workbench part to act as an ITabbedPropertySheetPageContributor 2014-01-09
233190 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- AbstractGridContainer should provide method to get particular type of children 2014-01-09
234092 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Misleading copying message for move action in filesystems 2014-01-09
234146 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- The project icon does not update when after opening/closing a project in the Grid Projects view 2014-01-09
234818 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Better error handling during authentication token creation. 2014-01-09
235392 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Dragging and dropping a file/directory from/to a project causes a NullPointerException 2014-01-09
235574 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Filesize does not change in the connection view after a file was edited 2014-01-09
236413 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- The delete action in the Grid Project view does not have any shortcut / the "Edit" global menu entries are not used. 2014-01-09
237291 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Drag and Drop between Grid Projects view and Windows Explorer / KDE does not work 2014-01-09
238132 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- The "Grid Connections" and the "Grid Project Folders" properties pages show up in dialogs they should not 2014-01-09
238558 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Token manager returns expired token 2014-01-09
238982 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- There is not "cut" action in the context menu of the grid projects view 2014-01-09
238984 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- It is not possible to move files from mounted filesystems 2014-01-09
238991 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Finish button enabled for "Grid Connection" and "Grid Project" 2014-01-09
239026 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Importing CA blocks gEclipse 2014-01-09
239765 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Check system time solution is not active 2014-01-09
241354 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Feature Request - Hide hidden files in grid project view 2014-01-09
241784 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Importing Membership Service in a GRIA VO doesn't work 2014-01-09
241943 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Category should be able to have custom icon 2014-01-09
242185 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Different default VOs in 2 g-Eclipse dialogs 2014-01-09
242333 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- GridProject is draggable 2014-01-09
242364 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Mount action when autentication token cannot be created 2014-01-09
242533 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Better handling of error "access restriction" for gria VO (when user use wrong keystore) 2014-01-09
242540 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- VO definition overwritten without any notice 2014-01-09
242555 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Strange behaviour when renaming GRIA stager 2014-01-09
242674 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Draging connections between folders 2014-01-09
242679 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Problems with renaming Connections folder 2014-01-09
242837 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Out of sync problem when renaming folders 2014-01-09
244561 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- DnD of a wsdl onto a GRIA service table doesn't work under Linux. 2014-01-09
245686 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Disappearing "Open with..." context menu entry 2014-01-09
245829 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Renaming of project results in other project disappearing 2014-01-09
246484 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Associate credential/FQAN info to a gLite VO - 2014-01-09
246554 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- 'Element not found' after editing path for Connection 2014-01-09
246555 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Error message is not updated in the Import CA Ceriticates Wizard 2014-01-09
246563 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- The VO selection dialog offers checkboxes and selection for VOs 2014-01-09
246573 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Can not make a CVS connection and browsing it throws an exception. 2014-01-09
247276 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Refresh context menu action does not work on remote connections 2014-01-09
249462 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- CREAM CEs appear not only as job services 2014-01-09
249746 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Column "Size" in view Connections is sorted alphabetically instead of numerically 2014-01-09
250749 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- VO import with wrong URL continues to the next page after error dialog. 2014-01-09
252934 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- NullPointerException when clicking Edit in dialog "Access Control Management" 2014-01-09
254880 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Delete/Rename Shortcuts not working in Grid Project View 2014-01-09
254884 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Feature Request: Remember the last folder accessed in the "Browse dialog" 2014-01-09
254885 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Creation of a proxy of 10 days cannot be done 2014-01-09
255199 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Misleading error message if gridftp connection fails because of firewall 2014-01-09
255499 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- File overwrite is not being detected. File contents are lost. 2014-01-09
256896 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Two different gria services of the same type in the same host are displayed only once 2014-01-09
258946 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- ConcurentModificationException when fast expanding/collapsing of input and output folder of jobs 2014-01-09
260829 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Unhandled event loop exceptions when trying to create Auth Tokens 2014-01-09
264652 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Browsing GridFTP mounts in Grid File Dialog is very slow 2014-01-09
275115 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Patch for removal of gLite dependencies in VOMS plugin 2014-01-09
289951 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Browsing a SRM SE does support directory names with the + character 2014-01-09
289952 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl NEW --- Ugly scroll bars appear in the Job Details view (Mac) 2014-01-09
208535 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- Project VOMS URL in webview - certificate error 2014-01-09
243159 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- file transfers of large files for GRIA: block other GRIA operations, cannot be canceled, progress monitor is stopped at 0% 2014-01-09
245687 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- Better error handling for GRIA job submission when no auth token exists 2014-01-09
251700 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- SLA UI elements in wrong places 2014-01-09
252183 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- workflow: double items in the last wizard page of New Grid Project 2014-01-09
258265 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- NPE when trying to delete a non-existent file on srm storage 2014-01-09
258410 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- Managing gria permissions throws NPEs 2014-01-09
267715 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- Exception logged while opening Java project Properties from Package Explorer 2014-01-09
269861 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- JSDL Editor does not save automatically before submission 2014-01-09
269864 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- A key shortcut for job submission would be very user-friendly 2014-01-09
269866 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- Adding the appropriate extension to a grid element (if it is missing) in the creation wizards automatically would be better 2014-01-09
337692 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- [traceview] Physical times from trace are divided by 1000 2014-01-09
337694 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- [traceview] possibility of endless loop during trace load 2014-01-09
337696 z_Archiv Geclipse harald NEW --- [traceview] possibility of endless loop during view of a physical trace 2014-01-09
255512 z_Archiv Geclipse jie.tao NEW --- "Connection refused" during starting JUnit test 2014-01-09
229585 z_Archiv Geclipse katis NEW --- Some issues with the Tests view 2014-01-09
242683 z_Archiv Geclipse katis NEW --- Error logged when refusin to create GRIA token for fetching GRIA apps 2014-01-09
245530 z_Archiv Geclipse katis NEW --- AbstractSubmittableServiceJob is not initialized proberly after a geclipse restart 2014-01-09
261183 z_Archiv Geclipse katis NEW --- Improve efficiency when querying GRIA applications list 2014-01-09
246531 z_Archiv Geclipse kykatsar NEW --- Batch Queue Editor doesn't show Worker Nodes for 2014-01-09
251358 z_Archiv Geclipse kykatsar NEW --- It's not possible to change username/serer name for created Batch Service 2014-01-09
251366 z_Archiv Geclipse kykatsar NEW --- Endless "Opening batch service graphics" during opening just created batch service 2014-01-09
241501 z_Archiv Geclipse mael NEW --- Cannot copy file, which has space character in name 2014-01-09
247957 z_Archiv Geclipse mael NEW --- NPE in ServiceJobComputingAction when right-clicking an AWS instance 2014-01-09
259364 z_Archiv Geclipse mael NEW --- SRM space-tokens support 2014-01-09
221878 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak NEW --- Exception when renaming folder in gridftp 2014-01-09
231318 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak NEW --- AbstractPropertySource should be backed by an IPropertySource 2014-01-09
234123 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak NEW --- Submitting multiple JSDLs(one with a mistake in it) none of the jobs are submitted 2014-01-09
237927 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak NEW --- Plan: implement action "Rerun job" 2014-01-09
242502 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak NEW --- Opened jsdl editor is not refreshed after run GRIA solution "Delete target from all output data stagers" 2014-01-09
242542 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak NEW --- "Folder is empty" after copying any file to its parent 2014-01-09
233937 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- New grid file dialog icons are unclear 2014-01-09
239029 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Creation VOMS proxy longer than maximum lifetime 2014-01-09
239124 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Adding services to VOMS VO 2014-01-09
242532 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Null pointer Exception in AbstractGridContainer 2014-01-09
242541 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Grid project and connections view do sync wrongly 2014-01-09
243080 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Grid file dialog missbehaviour 2014-01-09
245099 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Additional services for gLite VO are not stored 2014-01-09
246972 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- g-Eclipse with Ganymene download EFS file content after listing folder 2014-01-09
253163 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert NEW --- Missing "Import certificates" solutions 2014-01-09
243870 z_Archiv Geclipse mknauer NEW --- Missing API-reference for non-core components 2014-01-09
266987 z_Archiv Geclipse mknauer NEW --- The SFTP EFS plugins should be put into the g-Eclipse SVN repository 2014-01-09
329274 z_Archiv Geclipse mknauer NEW --- SMILA extensions for gEclipse (Eclipse Summit Europe 2010) 2014-01-09
242553 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- AWS token/credential stays in status 'inactive' 2014-01-09
242795 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- Strange errors mounting/using S3 2014-01-09
242839 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- The AWS project's VO subtree does not show the usual icons 2014-01-09
245116 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- Security Group related actions unnecessary? 2014-01-09
245121 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- AWS documentation issues 2014-01-09
245126 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- Enhanced (usable) filtering through the AMIs? 2014-01-09
245139 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- VO resources tree folder don't get refreshed after performing actions 2014-01-09
246562 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- AWS token request when opening new SSH connection 2014-01-09
249460 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- Opening a changed file with S3 fails 2014-01-09
249513 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- Add link or tip for key creation to the Launch dialog 2014-01-09
253160 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- Exceptions but not error reports when trying to edit AMI attributes of an accessible image 2014-01-09
260007 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost NEW --- AWS doesn't warn about unreachable proxy 2014-01-09
200938 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- Some enhancements/suggestions to GridModel class 2014-01-09
229432 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- JDL Validation prior to submitting 2014-01-09
229559 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- Model view context actions enabled unnecessarily 2014-01-09
232245 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- LBClient throws SecurityException instead of ProblemException 2014-01-09
237595 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- Uncouple IGridJob and from eclipse workspace 2014-01-09
257504 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- CREAM submission doesn't accept SRM stagers 2014-01-09
271064 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- gLite job submit fails 2014-01-09
292883 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw NEW --- lfn connection No such error code: 1015 2014-01-09
247258 z_Archiv Geclipse phytosth NEW --- Error when opening gbdl files 2014-01-09
247262 z_Archiv Geclipse phytosth NEW --- Create and Run Operator's Job for gbdl files doesn't work 2014-01-09
248907 z_Archiv Geclipse phytosth NEW --- After running benchmark its Type changes 2014-01-09
270155 z_Archiv Geclipse sgirtel NEW --- Non-ASCII chars in SRS3D code break in some environments 2014-01-09
234827 z_Archiv Geclipse tao NEW --- Unistalled/Validated applications doesn't get updated in Grid Project View 2014-01-09
242826 z_Archiv Geclipse tao NEW --- Gria Data Stager: mount as has no default port for BAE 2014-01-09
249299 z_Archiv Geclipse tao NEW --- Scalability problem by deleting folder with 100 files 2014-01-09
179016 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- [plan] Have self stage-in support in glogin 2014-01-09
179017 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- [plan] glogin: allow dynamic port forwardings 2014-01-09
216766 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- glogin dialog should suggest contact strings 2014-01-09
217807 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- The ssh connection tries to use the HTTP proxy! 2014-01-09
224862 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Worldwind creates tmp folder in user's home 2014-01-09
238980 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Underscore (_) character at the line breaks in terminal 2014-01-09
239103 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Use the PasswordManager to remember pw for the terminal view 2014-01-09
239628 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- g-Eclipse throws exception when using BAE GridProject checked out from CVS 2014-01-09
243049 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- [Plan] Have a generic monitoring plug-in 2014-01-09
243859 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Misleading message in problem dialog for wrong connection data for SSH terminal 2014-01-09
243862 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- User is being asked for SSH password in infinite loop (?) 2014-01-09
243865 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Unable to type in language specific characters in Terminal View 2014-01-09
245090 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Underscores in SSH console after maximizing/minimizing Eclipse's window 2014-01-09
254878 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Grid Project connected to SVN with Connections added. Deleting of connection/files/folders fails 2014-01-09
257501 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker NEW --- Gvid preferences should gray out ratio button if only a single codec is present 2014-01-09
242854 z_Archiv Geclipse tnikos NEW --- Application are no longer fetched when you deny token creation during first fetching 2014-01-09
245717 z_Archiv Geclipse tnikos NEW --- GRIA computing missing the applications 2014-01-09
252955 z_Archiv Geclipse tnikos NEW --- Deleting element in the remote connection triggers error 2014-01-09
255521 z_Archiv Geclipse tnikos NEW --- Logging and bookeeping Events in job details throws exception 2014-01-09
215482 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- GridFile() constructor being called 8 times per new connection 2014-01-09
220716 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Sometimes opening files with GridFTP does not work 2014-01-09
222040 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- gridftp: file transfers do not work across mounted storages, zero size files can not be edite 2014-01-09
222259 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- SRMConnection should check for null proxies when authenticating 2014-01-09
229253 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- ContextMenu for gridFTP and SRM files is shown with 5 seconds delay 2014-01-09
238217 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- g-Eclipse hangs when replica I want to open is not accessible (LFC) 2014-01-09
238979 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Failed copy actions from gsiftp or srm give non descriptive error message 2014-01-09
242369 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Gria Data Stager copying problems 2014-01-09
242510 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Opening context menu on a corrupted remtote file hangs g-Eclipse 2014-01-09
242845 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Creating a directory with LFC behaves strange 2014-01-09
242860 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Connection wizard cannot create connection after correcting wrong connection parameters 2014-01-09
243041 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Disappearing folders in GridFTP when copying a file 2014-01-09
245361 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- "Element not found" during copying file to just created folder 2014-01-09
245853 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- "No rights to release connection" error when using GridFTP programmatically 2014-01-09
246699 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- LFC copy and register fails with "Element-transfer has encountered a problem" 2014-01-09
246896 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- LFC shows only some files in a connection (first 25?) 2014-01-09
255045 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- Error when trying to mount SE 2014-01-09
255509 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- "Bad password" when listing gridFTP folder using VOMS proxy containing two VO 2014-01-09
264249 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- openInputStream(EFS.NONE, null) may return null with srm urls 2014-01-09
266149 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium NEW --- NPE when deleting a file on gridftp storage 2014-01-09
229576 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Workflow element gets deselected after creating an element 2014-01-09
243846 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Renaming workflows results in an error 2014-01-09
244506 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Links between workflow ports can be created only in one direction 2014-01-09
244537 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Workflow Input/Output port decoration is not intuitive 2014-01-09
245247 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Closer coupling of a workflow job to a workflow JSDL 2014-01-09
248115 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Issues with workflows' properties 2014-01-09
261921 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Workflow Job missing Filename property from Properties view 2014-01-09
261922 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan ASSI --- Enhancement request: Workflow ports require extra properties to match datastagers 2014-01-09
213587 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- missing refresh / files are vanished 2014-01-09
215973 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Several issues with the VOMS VO dialog 2014-01-09
221684 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Column sorting should be able to sort as size/date/... 2014-01-09
221912 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- EUGridPMA cert loader broken for local imports 2014-01-09
222022 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Implement better page switch in CA cert-import wizard 2014-01-09
222542 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Improve the "Submiting a Grid Job" cheatsheet 2014-01-09
226481 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- The GEclipseFileStore should implement the toLocalFile(...) method 2014-01-09
234540 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Was: VOMs VO: "Enable Groups and Roles" does not go forward -> interactivity enhancement 2014-01-09
235109 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Temporary connection to directory with no subfolders results in empty list 2014-01-09
237641 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- [PLAN] Access Control for Grid elements 2014-01-09
241626 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Double click on a VO in the "VO Selection Page" wizard should select the VO 2014-01-09
247606 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl ASSI --- Changed BDII in VOMS VO is not stored 2014-01-09
238025 z_Archiv Geclipse d.johnson ASSI --- Submission of 'bad' JDLs does not handle errors gracefully 2014-01-09
245512 z_Archiv Geclipse d.johnson ASSI --- Workflow: user unfriendly - staging of job1:output -> job2:input has to be done by intermediate file on SE (job1:output -> SE -> job2:input) 2014-01-09
248928 z_Archiv Geclipse d.johnson ASSI --- Links between jobs disappear in Workflow editor when adding data staging in JSDL editor 2014-01-09
260773 z_Archiv Geclipse d.johnson ASSI --- Workflow projects are not easily portable from one computer to another 2014-01-09
224411 z_Archiv Geclipse harald ASSI --- Some remarks on the ping test 2014-01-09
229582 z_Archiv Geclipse katis ASSI --- New Test Wizard issues 2014-01-09
232937 z_Archiv Geclipse katis ASSI --- Make JSDLJobDescriptionAPI more user friendly 2014-01-09
242856 z_Archiv Geclipse katis ASSI --- Improve error handling when GRIA job is submitted with missing Source values in JSDL 2014-01-09
223067 z_Archiv Geclipse kem ASSI --- Handle "Expired key" during authenification GRIA token 2014-01-09
241520 z_Archiv Geclipse kem ASSI --- Unable to initialize service during adding local wsdl to gria VO 2014-01-09
243084 z_Archiv Geclipse kem ASSI --- Improve docs for GRIA connection in User Guide 2014-01-09
245696 z_Archiv Geclipse kem ASSI --- Support for access control of GRIA services in the client libs 2014-01-09
255795 z_Archiv Geclipse mael ASSI --- Files dissapead from grid project view 2014-01-09
218601 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak ASSI --- How long did a job run? 2014-01-09
255350 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak ASSI --- Change of the running job's name is not reflected in Jobs view 2014-01-09
256758 z_Archiv Geclipse mariusz.wojtysiak ASSI --- Global status of the parametric job is not refreshed 2014-01-09
242738 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert ASSI --- Gria vo.getServices() issues NullPointer exception 2014-01-09
242864 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert ASSI --- Wrong token request / Token request denial not honoured 2014-01-09
248403 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert ASSI --- When 2 IGridElementCreators may create the same object, then one of them is choosen in nondeterministic way 2014-01-09
249340 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert ASSI --- [plan] Clearly distinguish between static and dynamic services in VOs 2014-01-09
249960 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert ASSI --- Consolidate g-Eclipse and GRIA trusted certificate lists 2014-01-09
242866 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost ASSI --- S3 connections not refreshed after upload 2014-01-09
245117 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost ASSI --- Unresponsive UI when creating keypair and server unavailable 2014-01-09
245122 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost ASSI --- AMI attributes related issues 2014-01-09
245123 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost ASSI --- Properties view related issues for AWS resources 2014-01-09
245124 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost ASSI --- AMI Lauch dialog issues 2014-01-09
256408 z_Archiv Geclipse mpost ASSI --- Activation of fake AWS token 2014-01-09
200772 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw ASSI --- View "Job Details" doesn't show gLite specific sections untill first job-status update 2014-01-09
234072 z_Archiv Geclipse pawelw ASSI --- Empty list of sevices in Job Sumbission Wizard 2014-01-09
244518 z_Archiv Geclipse phytosth ASSI --- Error when benchmark job finishes 2014-01-09
179025 z_Archiv Geclipse sgirtel ASSI --- [plan] Have a safe way of doing auth with a remote X-Server 2014-01-09
221837 z_Archiv Geclipse sgirtel ASSI --- Choosing the input file for a VTK pipeline is confusing 2014-01-09
252345 z_Archiv Geclipse sgirtel ASSI --- Shouln't GVid preferences be a part of "Scientific Visualizations" preferences? 2014-01-09
193942 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium ASSI --- Remove GridConnection still trigger keep alive activity 2014-01-09
208539 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium ASSI --- gsiftp error messages 2014-01-09
210601 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium ASSI --- Creating new SRM connection should "ping" the service to check for the right version 2014-01-09
233186 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium ASSI --- Unfriendly LFC functionality: "Replicate file", no validation 2014-01-09
252736 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium ASSI --- Failed assertion when trying to access a GridFTP server 2014-01-09
220906 z_Archiv Geclipse a.thandavan REOP --- Default location of workflow files 2014-01-09
217424 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl REOP --- Cheat sheets fails at complete the "Open Authentication Token Wizard" step 2014-01-09
222016 z_Archiv Geclipse aog-ecl REOP --- "Remote Directory Browser" in "New Connection" wizard doesn't show files 2014-01-09
170490 z_Archiv Geclipse harald REOP --- Web View does not use Proxy Config 2014-01-09
246543 z_Archiv Geclipse phytosth REOP --- Folder "Benchmark Descriptions" has wrong icon 2014-01-09
205031 z_Archiv Geclipse tkoecker REOP --- Errors in GlobusJob 2014-01-09
245235 z_Archiv Geclipse tnikos REOP --- Missing properties 2014-01-09
201272 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium REOP --- Problems when trying to share project with gsiftp and/or srm connections 2014-01-09
235116 z_Archiv Geclipse uranium REOP --- No error messages for empty fields in New Connection Wizard 2014-01-09
170165 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert REOP --- warning to user to import CA certificates 2014-01-09
185293 z_Archiv Geclipse mathias.stuempert REOP --- code style 2014-01-09
252 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Geclipse" component of the "z_Archived" product