Sun Jun 2 2024 12:32:37 EDT

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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
304850 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- A read lock prevents a Thread from acquiring a write lock during UOW commit causing it to hang waiting forever 2022-06-09
414728 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- @PrimaryKey Annotation causes NullPointerException during Deployment 2022-06-09
260349 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Reconnect fails on MSSQLServer (2000). 2022-06-09
263236 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- ORM ConversionManager support for javax.xml.datatype types 2022-06-09
263275 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- JMX: An attribute indicating JTA/ Non JTA 2022-06-09
268219 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Native ORM API testing failed on WebSphere 6.1 with CNFE missing Server during deployment 2022-06-09
281518 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Optimization use to locate assigned UOW to current transaction is broken 2022-06-09
287609 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- "sunas-9-platform" and "oc4j-platform" are not defined in eclipselink sessions xsd 2022-06-09
289363 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- InheritancePolicy setClassIndicatorAssociations converts class names to classes 2022-06-09
290130 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- merge locks not acquired on cache coordination 2022-06-09
295431 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- NullPointerException in QueryKeyExpression.valuesFromCollection if Inheritance is used 2022-06-09
305020 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- FetchGroup fetching of relationships must return entity with relationship populated 2022-06-09
313418 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- delete all queries do not delete 1-1 join tables or aggregate collections 2022-06-09
315138 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Incorrect Commit Order Calculation 2022-06-09
315783 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Setting connection auto commit incorrectly 2022-06-09
317991 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- JMX: initializeIdentityMap(className) requires unset EMPTY_STRING input validation handler to avoid ClassNotFoundException 2022-06-09
318532 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- @ReturnUpdate does not return timestamps on dates 2022-06-09
319030 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- BigDecimal cast to double kills causes false equal comparisons 2022-06-09
322602 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Sybase/SqlServer date expressions' parameters are backwards 2022-06-09
323023 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Enabling history support (HistoryPolicy) results in wrong assignment of database generated primary keys since version 2.0.1 inclusive 2022-06-09
325901 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- JMX:java.rmi.UnmarshalException when invoking "getObjectsInIdentityMap" and "getObjectsInIdentityMapSubCacheAsMap" 2022-06-09
326658 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- CursoredStream.getSize doesn't supports group-by-clause 2022-06-09
334357 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- PERF: TransformationMapping - DatabaseField.getIndex is always -1 in default use 2022-06-09
339277 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- INSERT call in ExpressionQueryMechanism instead of UPDATE call 2022-06-09
340359 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Poor Performance with Batch Writing 2022-06-09
355738 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- BatchFetchType.IN does not consider a mappings selection criteria 2022-06-09
359395 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- NotSerializableException With RMITransportManager on Glassfish 2022-06-09
362346 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Timezones not handled properly when converting from TIMESTAMPTZ to Calendar 2022-06-09
366102 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Connection leak during reconnect 2022-06-09
372172 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Subquery in select list for query specification is not supported in Symfoware 2022-06-09
372178 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- EclipseLink2.4.0M12, Select Case JPQL statement convert integer to string cause addition operation failure, because addition between different type is illegal on Symfoware 2022-06-09
390563 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- the core component should not depend on jpa 2022-06-09
391104 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Connection leak with external Apache Commons DBCP pool 2022-06-09
392633 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Performance regression from 2.1.1 to 2.4: additional select for relationship after find,refresh,lock 2022-06-09
394070 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- merge problem: changes from new object in nested UOW not merget to parent UOW if ID is not set 2022-06-09
396892 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- size in Expression is not not correct for directCollection 2022-06-09
399237 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Eclipselink with JTOpen: User must be null for using Jt400 driver's auto logon feature on ISeries 2022-06-09
401569 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- IN Queries on composite keys generate invalid sql when the query has table aliases. (Breaks BatchFetchType.IN) 2022-06-09
403662 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- sybase password expiry - query retry until sybase runs out of user connections 2022-06-09
414527 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- AbstractCompositeCollectionMapping wrongly returns isCollectionMapping()==true 2022-06-09
406822 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.incubator-inbox NEW --- eclipselink weaving static and java.util.Map 2022-06-09
211306 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Add query-key(s) support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema 2022-06-09
237358 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Allow access lazy basics after end of transaction/entity manager 2022-06-09
246272 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA: Setting jtaDataSource properties allows possible invalid predeploy() to proceed 2022-06-09
247662 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EntityManager.merge() cascading by default 2022-06-09
249203 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Couldn't get fetched object out of transaction on WebLogic server 2022-06-09
252157 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- DDL generates invalid DROP for MySQL unique index 2022-06-09
258221 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Unable to bind Integer null to a parameter in Query 2022-06-09
262441 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Dependencies are missing from POM 2022-06-09
263606 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- using a pre-transaction connection when lazy loading with JOIN_EXISTING_TRANSACTION active 2022-06-09
263895 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- ClassFormatError: Invalid length 65528 in LocalVariableTable in class file 2022-06-09
264406 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- SQL Emitted by EclipseLink is searching for an object with a null primary key 2022-06-09
270125 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- _persistence_checkFetched method not generated during JPA weaving 2022-06-09
286425 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Default java.util.Date conversion doesn't support derived class of Date 2022-06-09
287718 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- MalformedURLException when running under Java Web Start offline mode 2022-06-09
289386 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Register unreferenced Sequences with DatabaseLogin 2022-06-09
291453 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException | While performing UnitOfWork.setShouldPerformDeletesFirst(true) 2022-06-09
293255 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Mixed InheritanceType mess up with embedded class 2022-06-09
296351 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Not-initialized IndirectSet: Sequence of add/delete do not yield expected result 2022-06-09
296553 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Faulty query generation when using outer joins between related entities and inheritence strategy SINGLE_TABLE in jpql 2022-06-09
300503 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- not-yet-loaded collection not copied properly from entity to another 2022-06-09
300564 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- "NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/stream/events/XMLEvent" when deploy jpa xml-merge-inherited on GlassFish V3 2022-06-09
307105 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- FileNotFoundException when using .JARs from remote Windows location 2022-06-09
309000 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CriteriaBuilder.coalesce() throws ArrayOutOfBoundsException 2022-06-09
311760 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Relationship to removed entities upon flush are not detected 2022-06-09
315854 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CGLIB proxying using Wrapper Policy 2022-06-09
316324 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Throw informative exception on attempt to use FetchGroups when no Weaving 2022-06-09
317597 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- (absence of) @Lob annotation is not recognized by forwardmapper 2022-06-09
322184 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA2: Metamodel Entity1->MappedSuperClass->EntityRoot fails superType init because entities not processed before mappedSuperclasses - defer processing 2022-06-09
323885 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EclipseLink fails to store NaN into OracleDB 2022-06-09
324941 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Cascade Fails: OneToMany Bidirectional, CascadeType.ALL: Detached children not persisted in attached or not yet persisted parent 2022-06-09
326424 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- SELECT FOR UPDATE *NOWAIT* causes syntax error on MySQL 2022-06-09
326552 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- redeployment does not work on weblogic for non-managed persistence units, "not a known entity type" 2022-06-09
331938 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Null elements in ArrayList 2022-06-09
333039 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @ElementCollection with @MapKeyJoinColumn and @Embeddable as value not persisting in correct order 2022-06-09
333100 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- References to subclass incorrectly implemented as FK to superclass 2022-06-09
335277 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- An aggregate Set is changed without making any changes -> forced an UpdateObjectQuery 2022-06-09
336218 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Generating metamodel for derived entity results in NullPointerException 2022-06-09
336754 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- constraint issues with mapped key mappings 2022-06-09
337297 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect result (out of foreign key) when combination of complex Primary Key and JOINED Inheritance type 2022-06-09
339884 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Link stops to make the nextval select for sequence filled id on objects persist 2022-06-09
341077 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CriteriaBuilder FunctionExpression (sum, diff...) Invalid query key in expression Exception 2022-06-09
344448 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- wrong mapping of java.util.Map<Entity, Entity> 2022-06-09
344893 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- OneToMany HashMap MapKeyColumn Created but not Updated in Database 2022-06-09
346117 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- query on isNull(many-to-one mapped attribute) does not work 2022-06-09
346323 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- When merging an Entity which has a MapKeyJoinColumn the keys are not merged 2022-06-09
346917 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Link dropping GROUP BY clause when translating Query 2022-06-09
347158 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Cascade persist on child with joined table fails 2022-06-09
348876 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- SQL generation for subquery built using Criteria API causes "the expression builder is missing" exception 2022-06-09
349483 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @OneToMany fields are not being persisted in an @Embeddable object 2022-06-09
349646 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CriteriaQueryImpl should hold parameters in LinkedHashSet 2022-06-09
352423 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- UnitOfWorkImpl.commitTransactionAfterWritesChanges logs all exceptions as warnings, but some should be finest 2022-06-09
354572 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- TYPE() fails in projection query result: EclipseLink ConversionException 2022-06-09
355186 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Unnecessary Table Join in Native Many-to-Many Query generated from JPQL 2022-06-09
356885 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Even if Bug 356296 is fixed, there are problems with the QueryHints.BATCH hint - the root expression on a path to a batch query is also changed to a batch query 2022-06-09
358608 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Cursors don't work with partitioned databases but use the default connection 2022-06-09
358949 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Attribute.isAssociation is broken and returns false on associations 2022-06-09
358976 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Sybase Connection logs in as guest in case of Connection communication failure 2022-06-09
362060 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @AttributeOverride with nested embeddables having attributes of the same name- table gen does not work 2022-06-09
362519 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- DescriptorException occurs when attempting to use query results cache 2022-06-09
363136 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Strange cache behaviour after clear/flush 2022-06-09
363674 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- FetchType.LAZY fails on @OneToOne within @Embeddable, gives null when accessed 2022-06-09
364490 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support access to EntityManager and Factory from Session/events 2022-06-09
364922 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- mapkey column created but not populated and queries fail with a QueryException 2022-06-09
365874 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- StructureAccessor does not match metadata definition 2022-06-09
366059 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Exceptions (NPE and other) during commit() or flush() when using MAP for 1:n relations 2022-06-09
366704 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect exception on Structure mapping that is an array of Embeddables 2022-06-09
366852 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Table is incorrectly generated 2022-06-09
367241 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect warning about IdClass when TenantDiscriminatorColumn primaryKey is used 2022-06-09
367249 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NPE with JOINED inheritance and primary key TenantDiscriminatorColumn 2022-06-09
367544 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- using getID on an entity with EmbeddedId of derived primay keys will fail with IAE 2022-06-09
367576 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Predeployment complains about invalid mapping for enum type 2022-06-09
371850 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- PostgreSQL with GenerationType.IDENTITY used SERIAL column type for Long id 2022-06-09
372300 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- MOXy's @Xmlpath conflicts with JPA's @Transient 2022-06-09
378313 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- In Symfoware, a subquery cannot be specified on both sides of a comparison predicate or a quantified predicate. 2022-06-09
378908 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- When a flush method is issued right after a remove method in a one-to-many relationship causes a SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException. 2022-06-09
379763 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- StackOverflowError in uow.registerExistingObject 2022-06-09
383306 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Invalid table name for @TableGenerator when using mapping-file with default schema set 2022-06-09
383414 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Bulk update does not work on entities from hierarchy 2022-06-09
387545 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NamedQuery with null Parameter fails at Runtime with Postgresql 2022-06-09
389295 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA-RS: Disable EJB invocation by default 2022-06-09
389923 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Foreign key violation because jointable row is not removed in unidirectional / privately owned relation 2022-06-09
390021 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- newly added testProxyIsInJTATransaction() in jpa/proxyauthentication failed on GlassFish only 2022-06-09
390026 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- DDL generation for Basic/Embedded map set PK incorrectly 2022-06-09
390471 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NoSQL/MongoDB, using @ManyToOne leads to ClassCastException while getting CriteriaBuilder 2022-06-09
391060 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- AggregateCollectionMapping on Embedded does not work 2022-06-09
391153 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- AssociationOverride fails with two same named associations 2022-06-09
392536 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NPE in CascadeLockingPolicy.initUnmappedFieldsQuery 2022-06-09
392624 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Using @ClassExtractor with table inheritance strategy -> InheritanceType.JOINED creates wrong sql when refreshing a class 2022-06-09
393223 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Bulk update does not work on entities - selecting version subquery added by EclipseLink returns more than one row 2022-06-09
394899 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Collection of embeddable inside embeddable object: "Missing mapping for field [<entity id field>]" 2022-06-09
395586 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Update does not work on Inferited entity 2022-06-09
395739 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- ManyToOne and JoinTable. Problem: isForeignKeyRelationship() check is wrong 2022-06-09
396767 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Problem with @VariableOneToOne and @EmbeddedId 2022-06-09
400464 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NPE on Polimorphic query with left join in JOINED inheritance scenario 2022-06-09
400680 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement - Add new Enumerated constant 'VALUE' to support enum-value to get persisted like the same way STRING and ORDINAL are being supported 2022-06-09
404289 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NamingStrategy fails on entity inheritance 2022-06-09
404626 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Refreshing an entity with a reference to a cache-isolated entity has side-effects 2022-06-09
409884 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @BatchFetch default value ignored 2022-06-09
410088 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @Embeddable and DISTINCT, ORDER BY keyword causes duplicate column names in SQL SELECT clause 2022-06-09
410612 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- em.find properties completely override em properties. 2022-06-09
410868 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Schema per Tenant - ID from Mapped Superclass is not picked up in inheritance trees 2022-06-09
410869 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Schema per Tenant - Relations from Inheritance Trees with a Mapped Superclass don't work 2022-06-09
410924 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CacheInterceptor Annotation 2022-06-09
411284 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA fails with ValidationException recognizing @Id inherited from @MappedSuperclass 2022-06-09
411434 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- DDL generation for multi-schema setup is invalid 2022-06-09
412828 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Informix: wrong create table statement for String with length greater than 255 2022-06-09
413541 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @CascadeOnDelete does not generate proper DDL 2022-06-09
349680 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- Need build verification tests to verify artifacts 2022-06-09
211305 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add XMLType or data-type support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema 2022-06-09
218663 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- CollectionMappings using @OrderBy do not have their order preserved in shared cache when collection only re-ordered 2022-06-09
220389 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Allow use of multiple usernames with same EntityManagerFactory 2022-06-09
226361 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Potential Contribution: Editor Based CRUD Example 2022-06-09
234413 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- static weaving a jar, whose name contains spaces, failed 2022-06-09
236456 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException in EnumTypeConverter 2022-06-09
239480 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- packageRenamer.cmd generates wrong classpath, fails to run 2022-06-09
239882 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- The Package Renamer utility does not always properly rename xml files 2022-06-09
241874 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- a mapping's order by clause ignored if relation is fetch-joined 2022-06-09
244077 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Some change tracking, uow issues 2022-06-09
246271 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: no jtaDataSource error message needs to be split between element missing or invalid 2022-06-09
248361 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: Adding an entity to the collection of a OneToMany unidirectional relationship results in a Foreign Key Constraint under certain circumstances 2022-06-09
251231 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- remove sequences from eclipselink-orm.xml schema 2022-06-09
251580 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Persistence XML is being read without validation. 2022-06-09
252312 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- exists produces invalid SQL 2022-06-09
255620 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- invocation of QueryRedirector 2022-06-09
256943 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Remove the development MBean from EclipseLink (keep RuntimeServices) 2022-06-09
258185 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Objects registered with uow.registerNewObjects not found by conforming query 2022-06-09
260266 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- set @Access(FIELD) allowed on a property 2022-06-09
260383 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- datasource lookup should default to string JNDIConnector.STRING_LOOKUP 2022-06-09
260490 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Discriminator clause missing in generated SQL on join to subclass 2022-06-09
262374 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- FetchGroup usage with Fetch Join fails with IllegalArgumentException building objects from row 2022-06-09
263271 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: A new attribute for persistenceUnit name 2022-06-09
263274 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: An attribute returning dataSource name. 2022-06-09
263792 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ORACLE OCI: Oracle specific test - JMSDirectConnectTest failed 2022-06-09
264418 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [Workbench] support XMLDirectMapping string trim 2022-06-09
264585 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- jpa.fieldaccess.advanced.EntityManagerJUnitTestSuite.testMergeDetachedObject failed on all application server 2022-06-09
265540 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Add runtime services MBean monitoring to Java SE clients 2022-06-09
265597 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ObjectTypeConverter defaultObjectValue should handle null values 2022-06-09
266100 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Aliased column names result in ORA-00923 2022-06-09
267865 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Eclipselink throw java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2723 2022-06-09
269531 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- testBatchUpdates() in JPA/CustomFeatures failed when doing em.flush() on JBOSS 2022-06-09
270697 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Cascade locking not working on children of derived object when derived object parent implements version 2022-06-09
270801 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException from AbstractSession.basicBeginTransaction 2022-06-09
270841 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Sequence connection pool deadlock 2022-06-09
271171 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DDL generation for keyColumn's from BasicMap is incorrect. 2022-06-09
271301 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- When using static weaving, JSR-295 BeansBinding is no longer working 2022-06-09
272589 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Find after persist is not finding persisted value 2022-06-09
272690 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Spring platform 2022-06-09
273497 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Special resolution of jar-files needed for Dali (design-time) usage 2022-06-09
279895 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Unable to reset calendarCache and defaultTimeZone in org.eclipselink.persistence.internal.helper.Helper 2022-06-09
281532 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA integration broke migrated code using session.getActiveUnitOfWork() 2022-06-09
281555 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Initialization of JPA using old native mapping call SessionCustomizer 2x 2022-06-09
286477 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- OptimisticLocking dosent work in combination with ReturnInsert and/or ReturnUpdate 2022-06-09
286972 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException in Expression.copiedVersionFrom in a subselect using ORDER BY 2022-06-09
287054 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- setMaxRows on a subselect is not performed 2022-06-09
287879 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- "testExecuteUpdateOnSelect" failed only on GlassFish against Derby 2022-06-09
287985 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- testAssignObjectToAddress() in JPA/fieldaccess advanced failed on GlassFish against Derby 2022-06-09
288034 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- javax.persistence.cache.storeMode support at persistence unit level 2022-06-09
288977 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- unwrap exception message is missing 2022-06-09
289191 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Null Pointer Exception while releasing DB connection. 2022-06-09
290815 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- failures should be logged as warning, not finest 2022-06-09
291050 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- IllegalArgumentException with EntityManager on redeploy 2022-06-09
291350 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- OSGi testing and issues 2022-06-09
293116 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- A combination of read only and private owned mappings may fail to save. 2022-06-09
293186 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA srg test case testCreateEntityManagerFactory2 failed in OSGi run 2022-06-09
293193 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA test suties failed in OSGi with enabled weaving 2022-06-09
293581 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Dynamic Weaving on JBoss 5.1 Server not Working 2022-06-09
293755 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- After the transaction has begun, UnitOfWork.getOriginalVersionOfObject() returns an empty clone if the object isn't in the parent session cache. 2022-06-09
294098 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- OneToMany, FetchType.LAZY, CascadeType.ALL: Fails to persist child 2022-06-09
294373 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink XDB tests failed on Oracle 11gR2 database 2022-06-09
297155 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ObjectLevelReadQuery.CheckCacheOnly do not return new registered object present in the UOW 2022-06-09
297312 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Failed deployment of JEE application leaves broken Persistence Unit definition on Glassfish v3 b74 2022-06-09
297558 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- write connection released prematurely upon set rollback-only 2022-06-09
298095 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Table aliases not used in generated SELECT statement 2022-06-09
298277 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Allow overriding properties to be passed to static enhancer 2022-06-09
298286 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Derby or HSQDB deriver cannot be loaded by EclipseLink JPA on OSGI platform (configured through Spring) 2022-06-09
298311 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DDL generation for ElementCollection mapping with CollectionTable on embeddable class not correct 2022-06-09
299418 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SQLServer: Fully support the 2008 version as a database platform 2022-06-09
299684 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Separation of SNAPSHOT and RELEASE repositories 2022-06-09
300376 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- "testUnWrapClass" in "test-spring-srg" failed on Spring 3.0 GA with Oracle DB 2022-06-09
300442 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Predicate.getExpressions() doesn't return the right result 2022-06-09
300485 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- unidirectional one-to-many relationship with compound key and join table fails 2022-06-09
300562 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- "testCascadeDetach" in JPA advanced model failed on GlassFish V3 GA only aginst Oracle DB 2022-06-09
300788 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- When using eclipse events and doing a delete the commit is skipped 2022-06-09
300893 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- only testSetup() of JPA StructConverterTestSuite failed on GlassFish V3 2022-06-09
301876 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- testAssignObjectToAddress in jpa.fieldaccess.advanced.UpdateAllQueryAdvancedJunitTest Failed on DB2 Against Application Servers 2022-06-09
303360 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Query Timeout property is not working when set at the EM & EMF level 2022-06-09
303809 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPQL select with embeddable containing null value as parameter generates the wrong sql 2022-06-09
304400 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- StoredProcedure ResultSet returns are currently not enabled in JPA SP tests 2022-06-09
305011 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- FetchGroup use with EntityManager.find causes complete entity to load 2022-06-09
306527 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CollectionChangeRecord.recreateOriginalCollection 2022-06-09
309828 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- jpa 2.0 cache query hints issues 2022-06-09
309881 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- problems with CallQueryMechanism.prepareCall method 2022-06-09
312150 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Flush impact optimistic locking, strategy to get current data should have no functional impact 2022-06-09
313022 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Same connection is getting released twice and added to the ConnectionPool 2022-06-09
315216 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Batch IN combined with Joining not working in trunk (2.1) 2022-06-09
315657 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Meta data complete auto discovers weaved transient fields from static weaving 2022-06-09
315761 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Delimited Identifier support needs improvements 2022-06-09
317777 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Bad SQL result for method countDistinct with join from criteria API 2022-06-09
320431 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Merge Core and SDO support for the JMX MBean API 2022-06-09
320684 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Add reflective API as backup for module/application name derivation via classloader toString parsing 2022-06-09
323077 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Lots of jpa tests fail with eclipselink.weaving.eager=true 2022-06-09
324984 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @OrderedBy annotation on a Collection drops added collection objects during a cache sync in a cluster configuration 2022-06-09
325055 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Lists with @OrderColumn and duplicate members are broken 2022-06-09
325804 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- key in a @OneToMany Mapping of a java.util.Map maybe null if the map is fetch eager 2022-06-09
326511 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- registerNewObject in nested UnitOfWork not working 2022-06-09
326728 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Computed root URL for META-INF/persistence.xml inside a war-file is wrong 2022-06-09
328062 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- QueryHints.BATCH does not work with navigations 2022-06-09
328371 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Function KEY() breaks the query if the value of a Map-mapping has a converter 2022-06-09
329055 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Deleted entity's private owned child entities does not get preRemove event 2022-06-09
329440 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- duplicate items in direction collection, element collection do not work 2022-06-09
329508 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Get exception when calling getIdClassAttributes in child class 2022-06-09
329596 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ReportQuery resultset caching generates internal illegal argument exception 2022-06-09
329942 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Lazy Instantiation of InheritancePolicy is Dangerous 2022-06-09
330449 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- MaxDB: Server tests testBatchFetchingIN5/IN2 fail occasionally on glassfish 2022-06-09
330895 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- is not thred-safe 2022-06-09
331011 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @ElementCollection on Map<Primitive, @Embeddable> wrong row inserted into collection table 2022-06-09
331094 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- PersistenceProviderResolverHolder is thread unsafe 2022-06-09
331573 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Changes in @PostPersist don't cause update when calling merge after persist 2022-06-09
332126 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Flush and clear should trigger Cache synchronization 2022-06-09
332309 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Deleting in a ManyToManyRelation with a JoinTable with referencedColumn != name in JoinColumn is not working 2022-06-09
332312 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ER: Application Management, Analytics, Diagnostics and Performance 2022-06-09
332567 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Numeric Promotion is not following the spec 2022-06-09
332654 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Null reference inserted for self-referencing entity instance 2022-06-09
332972 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- IllegalStateException thrown by DescriptionException at line 391 2022-06-09
332994 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SQL query generated depends on the order of invocation of setSelectionCriteria() and addJoinAttribute() when using dynamic persistence 2022-06-09
333368 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Server Test: container managed apps require Security Manager enabled testing for GlassFish,WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss 2022-06-09
333656 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Map<String, AbstractEntity> mapping throws InstantiationException 2022-06-09
333739 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- identifiers are not delimited in all cases despite <delimited-identifiers /> 2022-06-09
333749 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- createEntityManager() fails with nested "java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver" if username or password is wrong 2022-06-09
334729 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @ElementCollection with @Embeddable using @OrderColumn fails to correctly populate the order field 2022-06-09
335622 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Correlated ReportQuery using wrong alias in start with clause 2022-06-09
335797 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- querying for a Boolean will create a ReportQuery that generates valid SQL but returns no results 2022-06-09
335885 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Eclipselink can't save an null object when table has only id 2022-06-09
336066 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @PostLoad method not called when loading from database 2022-06-09
336755 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- deletion table ordering is not grouped 2022-06-09
337115 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Column alias missing when using fetch groups with join fetching 2022-06-09
337293 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException for combination of complex Primary Key and JOINED Inheritance type 2022-06-09
337467 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Incorrect handling of PostgreSQL's BLOB 2022-06-09
337922 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Align exported javax.persistence version with OSGi Enterprise Specification 2022-06-09
339521 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Incorrect table generation for Entity association override of m-m 2022-06-09
340089 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ReportQuery, which selects single Boolean entity attribute does not return rows for "true" result 2022-06-09
340130 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Embeddable with ManyToMany relationship in query 2022-06-09
340610 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SQL script sequence generation from persistence.xml file - wrong starting value 2022-06-09
340810 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- merge problem: existing object referenced by new not cascade merged if not in cache 2022-06-09
341478 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- setLockMode(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ) on an EntityManager does not result in a select for update 2022-06-09
341929 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ClassCastException when calling EntitiyManager.getCriteriaBuilder() 2022-06-09
342055 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Abstract Entity With No Subclasses Treated As Concrete Resulting in IntegrityException 2022-06-09
342340 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Maps abstract class field (generic) to interface instead of concrete class 2022-06-09
342963 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Exceptions in specific @ElementCollection combinations 2022-06-09
343162 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @AttributeOverrides gives me exception 2022-06-09
343660 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- missing INFORMIX connection remedy 2022-06-09
344721 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Class hierarchy queries using "select dtype" do not always bind the alias 2022-06-09
346545 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Objects Created by CopyGroup have FetchGroup attached which prevents JAXB marshalling 2022-06-09
346562 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NPE in CriteriaBuilderImpl.or 2022-06-09
347496 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @OptimisticLocking(cascade = true) does not cascade @PrivateOwned Collection Deletes 2022-06-09
347539 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- HistoryPolicy Problem with PK GenerationType.IDENTITY on PostgreSQL 2022-06-09
348181 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ddl generation @Column - length attribute ignored if updatable=false,insertable=false 2022-06-09
349401 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- derived identifier of derived identifier 2022-06-09
350220 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Can't commit if a field has annotation @NotNull but is auto incremented 2022-06-09
350510 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Duplicate entity in persistence context when using an entity as the MapKey 2022-06-09
350668 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Discriminator Column is nullable 2022-06-09
351481 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- QueryHints.CACHE_USAGE=CheckCacheThenDatabase changes return value/class of a SELECT/JOIN 2022-06-09
353571 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Bug 297198 fix does not work with HSQLDB 2.x 2022-06-09
354822 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- IdentityMapManager does not find cached, inherited objects if querying for the object's interface alias 2022-06-09
355171 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Executing JDBC statements using DatabaseAccessor in SessionEventListener.preReleaseConnection with external pool causes infinte loop 2022-06-09
355697 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Map in Combination with @MapKeyColumn and enum doesn't work 2022-06-09
356661 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java/lang/String in MetadataHelper 2022-06-09
356896 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException when executing a query with nested embeddables 2022-06-09
357344 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Cursor result with JPA query and dynamic fetch group 2022-06-09
357402 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- multi-tenant support does not work with caching or ids 2022-06-09
357839 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- QueryHints.BATCH queries, even if they are made to work, do not pass on the loaded rows (datasetResults) to sub-queries 2022-06-09
358612 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ClientSession:releaseReadConnection accidentally releases write connections 2022-06-09
359555 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NoSuchFieldException on deploy when derived entity has a compound PK class and Inheritence strategy = joined 2022-06-09
359895 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- MapKey table is incorrectly defaulted for Maps with JoinTables 2022-06-09
360372 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Working with @Embeddable objects that holds an entity relation can cause duplicate-key exception 2022-06-09
360833 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- persistence.xml shared-cache-mode leads to incorrect warnings for multitenant entities 2022-06-09
361272 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- cache coordination fails on logout/login 2022-06-09
361314 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Issues using EclipseLink Cache Coordination (RMI-JNDI) on WebSphere 2022-06-09
361381 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Constraints are created in unspecified order (DDL creation) 2022-06-09
361529 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- OrderedLists have null inserted when classes are static woven and caching is on 2022-06-09
362183 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Embedded of inherited Embeddable will not be mapped 2022-06-09
362707 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- System Properties should override persistence.xml properties 2022-06-09
362946 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- History should use the SAME timestamp for all objects in a single transaction 2022-06-09
363643 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Sequence connection-pool configuration in persistence.xml will not be used 2022-06-09
363693 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- updatable=false ignored on ManyToMany join column 2022-06-09
364627 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Inefficient JP QL -> SQL code generation for correlated exist joins 2022-06-09
365829 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ConversionException: UnitOfWorkImpl unable to determine ServerSession 2022-06-09
366074 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Provide Query Hint to Ignore/Override Default Redirectors 2022-06-09
366156 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Selection criteria seems to have no effect at least when using DescriptorCustomizer 2022-06-09
366744 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- canonical metamodel generation for Structure mapping is incorrect 2022-06-09
366952 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Cannot use Criteria API when creating EntityManagerFactory with an existing ServerSession 2022-06-09
367107 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Deploying PU: NPE in EntityAccessor.discoverMappedSuperclassesAndInheritanceParents 2022-06-09
367342 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- default mapping does not work with new JPA 2.0 mappings 2022-06-09
368544 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- wrong sql is generated when using coalesce on tables left outer joined to a selection 2022-06-09
368833 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- set schema name for stored procedures using JPA 2022-06-09
368979 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- UnitOfWork (and all its object dependencies) should be serializeable 2022-06-09
369617 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ClassCastException TIMESTAMPTZWrapper cannot be cast for Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE columns 2022-06-09
370435 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SQLException: Timezone not supported for Oracle 11g with time zone 'America/Toronto' 2022-06-09
370737 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @StoredProcedureParameter call not constructed properly 2022-06-09
370848 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Composite Keys (Embedded IDs) not working with Dynamic Eclipse Link API (2.3.2) 2022-06-09
371609 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Index annotation ignored on one-to-one and many-to-one relationship fields 2022-06-09
371743 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Fetching Lazy-Fields (Basic-Mapping) causes inconsistent database reload on the whole entity 2022-06-09
372305 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NPE in remote session when refresh object occur 2022-06-09
372689 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DB2 Order By with setFirstResult/setMaxResult doesn't work 2022-06-09
373259 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Cannot have a cyclic dependency with a non-null foreign key constraint 2022-06-09
373775 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Handling of Auto generated primary key in dynamic jpa 2022-06-09
374156 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Observed 'org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "."' when specifying the schema in persistence-unit-defaults and creating indexes 2022-06-09
374552 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DescriptorException when using @ManyToOne from @Embeddable with matching column names 2022-06-09
374657 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- CriteriaBuilder - and(and(), or()) behaves as true 2022-06-09
374762 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Cannot use empty string as a data-value in an object type converter for String to Boolean 2022-06-09
374774 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- default converter for all Boolean fields 2022-06-09
375014 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink cannot properly handle @OrderColumn mapped columns that also have a non-deferrable unique constraint on them while updating (DBMS constraint exception) 2022-06-09
375404 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at MetadataAsmFactory.resolveGenericTypes( 2022-06-09
376773 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- WDF Test: wdf.jpa1 testing failed on JBoss-5.1.0 during deployment 2022-06-09
378140 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- quoted name and constraint 2022-06-09
378573 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- UNION not working in Mysql 5.6 2022-06-09
379990 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Issue with NativeQuery and setParameter: no space after ? and before EOL results into null value 2022-06-09
381040 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ValidationException extending from (nested) ElementCollection aggregate 2022-06-09
381090 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- metadata processing ClassNotFoundException for dynamic mapped superclass 2022-06-09
381102 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Optimistic Lock Exception under certain conditions returns enclosing object as NULL 2022-06-09
381274 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- incorrect validation on version mapping that is a generic type 2022-06-09
382308 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPQL EntityManager TypedQuery createQuery getResultList thread-safe SQLException 2022-06-09
383508 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- joinfetch inheritance problem 2022-06-09
383818 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NPEs when creating a XMLEntityMappings for MetadataSource implementations 2022-06-09
384107 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Improve exception: Serialized mapping with non-loadable class 2022-06-09
384949 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- File exclusively locked after getting Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException 2022-06-09
385350 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPQL TREAT followed by JOIN problem. 2022-06-09
385889 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ObjectChangeSet holding map key is wrong - object may be member of more than one map at once 2022-06-09
386239 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Nested Embeddables do not work in ElementCollections 2022-06-09
386389 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Can not set ManyToOne field to inherited entity 2022-06-09
386563 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @JoinTable with @ManyToOne used by criteria API don't work correctly 2022-06-09
387104 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Custom ReadObjectQuery on entity with TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance strategy does not work 2022-06-09
387574 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NPE in DirectCollectionMapping.prepareNestedBatchQuery 2022-06-09
388394 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Validation doesn't work when composite persistence units are used 2022-06-09
388501 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Setting the log level to FINE in any persistence unit causes some CONFIG messages to be logged in any case 2022-06-09
388787 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Queries setting do not use Distinct, with a primary key expression end up using distinct anyway 2022-06-09
388789 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @NoSql, @ElementCollection on map leads to confusing ClassCastException 2022-06-09
388992 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS and setMaxResults yields incorrect results 2022-06-09
389227 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Deadlock in ConcurrencyManager releaseDeferredLock 2022-06-09
389436 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Using @Array Tag in postgreSql 2022-06-09
390079 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- sequence caching: eclipselink fails if value returned by sequence < allocationSize 2022-06-09
390287 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- use toString instead of cast in EnumTypeConverter 2022-06-09
390473 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Issues with Structure mapping/accessor 2022-06-09
390486 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- tests of jpa/extensibility model failed when runtime with project cache 2022-06-09
390612 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- AggregateCollection does not work for Dynamic Persistence 2022-06-09
390613 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Relation in superType is not supported by Dynamic Persistence 2022-06-09
390688 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Read orm/eclipselink-orm.xml with SAX parser and allow JSON media type 2022-06-09
391042 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- MongoDB find() native queries not working 2022-06-09
391165 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Attributes with the same name in different Embeddables ignored 2022-06-09
391674 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ConnectionPool:JDBC_CONNECTIONS_WAIT/CONNECTION_POOL_WAIT is not working as expected 2022-06-09
391755 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EntityManager.lock() executes more selects than in 2.1.1 (and ignores QueryHints.REFRESH_CASCADE) 2022-06-09
392189 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Use of boolean expression NOT IN creates invalid Derby SQL 2022-06-09
393065 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- BatchFetch optimized relation fails to load with Postgresql 2022-06-09
393190 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DynamicEntity is not Serializable 2022-06-09
393500 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DirectionToField and DirectionCollection Mapping can not be null in Dynamic Mapping 2022-06-09
393501 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DynamicMapping set Default value for primitive Type 2022-06-09
393526 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Wrong join table pkey for the example listed in the javadoc of @MapKeyJoinColumn 2022-06-09
393664 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @Cacheable(false) prevents loading of @ManyToOne reference 2022-06-09
394195 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- em.merge on @ElementCollection list throws The parameter name [NAME] in the query's selection criteria does not match any parameter name defined in the query. 2022-06-09
394585 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Deadlock between ConcurrenctManager.acquire and IndirectList.getDelegate due to dropped read lock 2022-06-09
394825 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- dynamic JPA gives VerifyError if you don't set weaving to static 2022-06-09
395527 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException may occur when deploying a set of inherited entities with generic parameters 2022-06-09
395792 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Unneccessary join in subquery 2022-06-09
396266 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JTA transaction marked for rollback when failing to acquire lock with 'SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT' 2022-06-09
396590 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Builder.conjunction() ignores added expressions 2022-06-09
396885 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPAInitializer does not handle javax.persistence.provider property override 2022-06-09
396953 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Inconsistency in metadata processing when class listed as both a JPA 2.1 converter and an entity/mappedsuperclass/embeddable 2022-06-09
397283 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- InvalidCastException when calling Attribute.getJavaMember on a Dynamic Entity 2022-06-09
397453 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ClassNotFound WARNING when retrieving datarow with TIMESTAMPTZ on GlassFish 3.1.2 2022-06-09
397543 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Mapping array of structs returns null collection when null member encountered in raw data 2022-06-09
398067 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPQL query using constructor expression and JOIN FETCH returns stale data for associated entity 2022-06-09
398197 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- left join error for map on MySQL: unknown column 2022-06-09
398473 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- select distinct on abstract class with inheritance(JOINED) throws NullPointerException 2022-06-09
398630 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- duplicate key exception in call sequence persist(), remove(), persist() 2022-06-09
398764 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- API for obtaining next sequence value available only for numbers 2022-06-09
399473 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Weaver throws NPE 2022-06-09
399854 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Weaver throws NPE for some entities 2022-06-09
400685 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Native MongoDB query like drop don't work 2022-06-09
400757 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EmbeddableTypeImpl cannot be cast to javax.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType 2022-06-09
401388 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- No SessionCustomizer can install a DatabasePlatform that doesn't get overwritten 2022-06-09
401581 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink nosql does not recognize unique constrains with mongodb 2022-06-09
402026 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Criteria api ignores group by statement 2022-06-09
402109 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EntityManager.merge() returns non-persistene object 2022-06-09
402394 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA-RS: Don't generate _relationships property in JSON when empty 2022-06-09
402839 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- primary key is set to 0 if HistoryPolicy is enabled 2022-06-09
403615 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Last generic argument overwrites types of earlier arguments 2022-06-09
403942 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- deploy failure with schema-generation to create ddl without file name 2022-06-09
404376 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Delete Operation fails with ClassCastException when HistoryPolicy is enabled 2022-06-09
404547 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- One-to-many association wrongly populated when using join-fetch query hint and where clause filtering the many side 2022-06-09
404852 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- When Batch writing is enabled the query and parameters are not getting printed in console on Exception 2022-06-09
405236 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- CanonicalModelProcessor generate a wrong java code for @OneToMany wildcard based collection field. 2022-06-09
405300 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Bug when use IDENTITY Column on Sybase tables with JPA. 2022-06-09
405361 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- PERF: Performance regressions from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 2022-06-09
405635 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Deploy fails on self referencing ManyToOne tree that causes an infinite loop in getFieldClassification when target and source are the same 2022-06-09
405959 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockException thrown instead of javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException 2022-06-09
406067 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- setMaxResults() does not work after QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH in some cases 2022-06-09
406493 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- BatchFetchType.IN object building fails when the relationship being populated has JOIN read relationships with filtered duplicates. 2022-06-09
406951 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Bulk delete on cached entity with relationship to non-cached entity does not invalidate cached entity 2022-06-09
407081 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Collections in records as arguments for PL/SQL stored procedures do not work 2022-06-09
408222 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Outer join JPQL results in invalid native SQL 2022-06-09
408378 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException in EnumTypeConverter 2022-06-09
408392 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ScrollableCursor + extended persistence-context + Stateful EJB does not release JDBC connection 2022-06-09
408766 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- When using JOIN - ON Eclipselink says Bad Query if first condition comes from joined class rather than selected class. 2022-06-09
408975 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- AggregateCollectionMapping that maps to an Aggregate that contains a Calendar attribute does not generate DDL properly 2022-06-09
409661 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DatabaseException.getDatabaseErrorCode() returns incorrect code on Postgres 9.2 2022-06-09
410686 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ClassDescriptor#checkDatabase(AbstractSession) uses wrong name comparison 2022-06-09
411013 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Entities in persistene context get validated on commit even when unchanged 2022-06-09
411153 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA-RS: Different element name is used in namedQueryUpdate response for JSON and XML 2022-06-09
411838 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ConcurrentModificationException with BatchFetchType.IN and Cursored Stream 2022-06-09
411869 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ReportQueryResult put throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException 2022-06-09
411992 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Erroneous redefinition of descriptor of builder in SQLSelectStatement.normalize() 2022-06-09
412191 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- MongoDB ORDER BY not working with more than 1 field 2022-06-09
412262 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [MetaModel API] @Temporal(TemporalType.Date) in Embeddable Type returns java.sql.Date 2022-06-09
412452 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- group_concat on mysql 5.6 using eclipse link FUNCTION does not support ORDER BY AND DISTINCT 2022-06-09
412615 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Criteria API should not use partial object reading 2022-06-09
413206 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- NullPointerException downstream of DirectMapMapping for New Objects 2022-06-09
413379 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ObjectBuilder->copyObject randomly ignores nested associations (JPAEntityManager.copy) 2022-06-09
413985 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Cannot use @AttributeOverride to override column name for an embeddable class in @ElementCollection 2022-06-09
414056 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Wrong UNION sql generation on FirebirdPlatform 2022-06-09
414679 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- IndexOutOfBoundsException when using @Converter on a class extending an abstract class implementing AttributeConverter 2022-06-09
414966 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- @IdClass annotation wrongly required (@Id annotation present) using Table per tenant Multitenancy 2022-06-09
415027 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Metamodel lookup for primitive id fails 2022-06-09
455043 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Improve EclipseLink concurrency (umbrella issue) 2022-06-09
298220 z_Archiv Eclipsel blaise.doughan NEW --- Enhancement: overriding mapped xpaths for composite objects 2022-06-09
414916 z_Archiv Eclipsel blaise.doughan NEW --- Manifest error in javax.xml.bind.source bundle 2022-06-09
453126 z_Archiv Eclipsel bo.l.liu NEW --- Watch Monday Night Football Live Stream Online Free 2022-06-09
563204 z_Archiv Eclipsel bo.l.liu NEW --- Unable to connect to the database server at this time 2022-06-09
567332 z_Archiv Eclipsel bo.l.liu NEW --- Ant build fails with "Cannot resolve project dependencies" 2022-06-09
460509 z_Archiv Eclipsel curtisr7 NEW --- Update documentation for national character support 2022-06-09
288673 z_Archiv Eclipsel denise.mahar NEW --- JAXB - reusing namespaces on namespace resolvers can be problematic with StAX 2022-06-09
454750 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.dbws-inbox NEW --- JPA-RS: Umbrella issue for JPA-RS enhancements 2022-06-09
482113 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.dbws-inbox NEW --- IndexOutOfBounds in FeatureResponseBuilderImpl when requesting a NamedQuery 2022-06-09
260782 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Documentation should explain ExclusiveConnectionMode 2022-06-09
273608 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- should remove references to TopLink in EclipseLink API Java docs 2022-06-09
286984 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Document MOXy parser requirements for TCK compliance 2022-06-09
297536 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Documentation of Logging needs to be expanded to cover enhancements 2022-06-09
309730 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- DOC: JPA EE Deployment info in ELUG is out of date for WebSphere 2022-06-09
313976 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- No documentation on using GeneratedValues on non-ID mappings 2022-06-09
317723 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Clarify semantics of exclude-default-mappings 2022-06-09
326164 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Need to document new LockOnChangeMode for OptimisticLocking added for 267862 in 2.0 2022-06-09
326191 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- doc: Add documentation for how/why lazy relationships are fetched after detach 2022-06-09
327110 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- document EclipseLink less restrictive attribute name usage 2022-06-09
328730 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Query.setMaxResults(0) returns unexpected results 2022-06-09
330607 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Provide documentation of JPA dynamic persistence 2022-06-09
333597 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- WebLogic: Default JPA Persistence Provider help HTTP pages are 404 2022-06-09
395856 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- load-group and load-group.attribute options not documented properly 2022-06-09
398494 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Source repo link is not correct 2022-06-09
399676 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- JPA-RS Documentation : Deprecating REST request urls without version and matrix param "partner" in eclipselink 2.5.x 2022-06-09
439897 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Update EclipseLink Web to use Solstice 2022-06-09
479984 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- Missing updated documentation for Canonical Metatmodel generation 2022-06-09
483293 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters.Converter.isMutable() Javadoc ambiguous 2022-06-09
493726 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.documentation-i... NEW --- No Javadoc for javax.persistence-2.1.1.jar 2022-06-09
244231 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.eis-inbox NEW --- Issues with EISOneToManyMapping 2022-06-09
439670 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.eis-inbox NEW --- db.collection.find() does not work for native query 2022-06-09
491953 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.eis-inbox NEW --- bug id 12345, when i am adding gender for new employee not accepted 2022-06-09
530980 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.eis-inbox NEW --- mongo connector not exposing all driver configuration 2022-06-09
244209 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Need to externalize concrete classes resolution to allow clean extension 2022-06-09
246439 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- SunAS9 server platform is missing from Sessions XSD 2022-06-09
266016 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- JMX: MBeans: Add session and metadata runtime modification capability to runtime services mbeans 2022-06-09
267696 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- EclipseLink Native ORM API Test failed on OC4J and Glassfish during verify server-platform in sessions.xml 2022-06-09
267781 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- ADD PRE AND POST INVALIDATION LIFECYCLE EVENT 2022-06-09
269368 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Change tracking using backup clone should postpone backup clone creation 2022-06-09
292129 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Information about BatchUpdateException.getNextException() 2022-06-09
293766 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Add configuration Profile Support 2022-06-09
294732 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- [build]: Need to move test framework to a separate project. 2022-06-09
295922 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Failover tests failed on Timesten 11 with invalid argument error 2022-06-09
295937 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Feature, TypeTestWithAccessors and CacheIdentityMap TestModels failed to setup on PostgreSQL 2022-06-09
301877 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- ReadAllExpressionTests and JPQL tests failed on TimesTen 2022-06-09
305015 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Extend FetchGroup to support a hierarchy of attributes and nested FetchGroups 2022-06-09
307881 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Join attribute defined on mapping is not fetched in nested query 2022-06-09
308450 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- EclipseLink doesn't provide support for EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE with namespaces 2022-06-09
310327 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Allow downcasting to interface descriptors/table per class 2022-06-09
315139 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork should not depend on javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException 2022-06-09
317034 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Block Read And Write Operations Until Discovery Had Finished If Cache Coordination Is Configured 2022-06-09
325796 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Concurrency: Add @ThreadSafe, @NotThreadSafe, @GuardedBy and @Immutable annotations for thread safety specification 2022-06-09
328717 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Refactor virtually identical code blocks in 3 DatasourceCall.translate methods into one 2022-06-09
330095 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- JMX: Add MBean support for new [eclipselink.logging.parameters] parameter binding log/exception hiding security feature 2022-06-09
332336 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Add Virgo platform support 2022-06-09
333197 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Container testing requires multiple DI/Bootstrap application/container-managed EAR(EJB/WAR with SSB)/EAR(WAR only) test applications 2022-06-09
333602 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- EclipseLink on AWS EC2 AMI cloud instance via GlassFish or WebLogic 2022-06-09
337032 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- ER: Add JMX API for 337323 Multi-Tenancy API 2022-06-09
338822 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Add write-value support 2022-06-09
340329 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Enhance CREATE TABLE statement with prefix 2022-06-09
342068 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- API method to bulk insert based on expression 2022-06-09
361510 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- OuterJoinOnClauseTest failed on TimesTen with SQL Syntax error 2022-06-09
362592 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- DCNTestSuite failed with OCI driver and thin drivers prior to version 11.2 2022-06-09
363957 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- on TimesTen, ReadAllExpressionTest.SubSelectSelectClauseTest failed with illegal use of SELECT 2022-06-09
367887 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- handle catalogue and schema more consistently 2022-06-09
374999 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- CursoredStream.getSize returns incorrect results when used with setFirstResult and setMaxRows 2022-06-09
378516 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- ClassCastException when user initializes relationships with ArrayList and Descriptor is configured to fully merge 2022-06-09
383257 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Detect servers supported by integrations and automatically enable the appropriate integration 2022-06-09
428174 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- EclipseLink-7251 thrown merging a detached object 2022-06-09
432493 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- @Enterprise membership link is empty 2022-06-09
444561 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- NPE when executing NamedQuery joining on @ElementCollection with query result caching 2022-06-09
455288 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Performance bottleneck when deserializing XML documents containing XmlAnyElement mapping with DomHandler 2022-06-09
463029 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- SessionsXMLSchemaJBossPlatformTest fails locally 2022-06-09
476681 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- StackOverflowError with Recursive @XmlSeeAlso 2022-06-09
482863 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- AggregateObjectMapping.initialize uses the same ClassDescriptor.referencingClasses instance instead of making a new instance for every clone 2022-06-09
490422 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- HistoryPolicy: method setEndFieldType wrong signature 2022-06-09
494602 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Add escape character for SQL expression in JPQL 2022-06-09
498890 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- EclipseLink does insert command in wrong tenant 2022-06-09
529000 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- [Performance] Issue related to JMXServerPlatformBase 2022-06-09
533182 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Define module names for JDK9 2022-06-09
534085 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Sequencing ConnectionPool unable to make new connections -> thread locked 2022-06-09
540360 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Stuck threads with eclipse link 2.6.4 2022-06-09
542538 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- Multi-tier deadlock on Java object when connection pool is maxed out due to blocking in DB 2022-06-09
543755 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- MEMORY LEAK IN THE CLASS DESCRIPTORS 2022-06-09
548627 z_Archiv Eclipsel NEW --- New Object created and deleted in nested UnitOfWork is commited to DB 2022-06-09
330562 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.incubator-inbox NEW --- Criteria isNull/isNotNull have empty list of expressions 2022-06-09
221438 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Add support for native and stored-proc queries returning arbitrary non-entity classes 2022-06-09
248065 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Proposed Improvement: ExpressionOperator should have an interface 2022-06-09
248066 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Feature Proposal: Emulation of unsupported operators 2022-06-09
252193 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- RFE: cancel API on queries like the JDBC API 2022-06-09
255675 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- LAZY Basic mappings (default FetchGroup) incompatible with JOIN FETCH 2022-06-09
258567 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- invalid converter class defined in orm.xml leads to exception logging in 2022-06-09
259432 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Eclipselink in a 2-tier application is used slightly differently 2022-06-09
277701 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Feature Request - Annotation for Instantiation Policy 2022-06-09
278978 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Over 400 (40%) JPA testcases failed on TimesTen DB 2022-06-09
282290 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA: Refactor MappingAccessor.getMapKeyReferenceClass() try/catch with new isGeneric() function 2022-06-09
282312 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- large result list 2022-06-09
282595 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- A read-only EntityManager that always returns read-only objects instead of cloned objects would be very nice -> no cloning and no GC overhead for read-only queries -> huge performance improvement 2022-06-09
286009 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Weaving properties should be persistence properties as well 2022-06-09
287836 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Allow a persistence unit in a WebLogic shared library to work with a default configuration 2022-06-09
288288 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EntityManager.contains incorrect behavior after EntityManager.remove of unsevered entity 2022-06-09
288493 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support for inclusion of collections in QueryByExample 2022-06-09
288523 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EclipseLink does not recognize namedParams on NamedNativeQuery 2022-06-09
290848 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- eclipselink is creating the wrong query to create the table. (informix 11.50) 2022-06-09
291794 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Mapping entities multiple attributes to same field either as Basic mapping or Relations does not work 2022-06-09
293397 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Do not throw ValidationException.NON_UNIQUE_MAPPING_FILE_NAME (7252) when multiple mapping files found 2022-06-09
294092 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Using @JoinColumns on an entity relation fails with null values 2022-06-09
295647 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- weaving occurs before running customizers causing incorrect weaving to occur 2022-06-09
296294 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- criteria.JUnitCriteriaSimpleTestSuite.selectSimpleNotMemberOfWithParameterTest failed with Derby 2022-06-09
296385 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Oracle XE: Several tests failed with "DriverWrapper: failed to instantiate null Internal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException" 2022-06-09
296871 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- 1-m should work with mappedby var-1-1 back 2022-06-09
297038 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA2: CriteriaBuilder.In.value(Subquery) inside multiple and's causes "and in" SQL syntax error 2022-06-09
297084 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- allow querying on mapped superclass 2022-06-09
298252 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect error when orm.xml references non-existent entity class 2022-06-09
298290 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA: Derby DDL generation for multi-level EmbeddedId attributes fails on single serialized BLOB field instead composite PK keys 2022-06-09
298550 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA 2 NOT IMPLEMENTED: @ManyToOne with optional=true 2022-06-09
302194 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- inheritance of @EntityListeners broken with entity inheritance 2022-06-09
302329 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- SQLServer: 4 SQL doesnot support LENGTH - AllCMP3TestRunModel JUnitJPQLSimpleTestSuite.*LengthTest() failures 2022-06-09
302405 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Make it possible to map entity properties against stored function calls 2022-06-09
303130 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Provide extensions to allow user to avoid rollback only on Exception 2022-06-09
304363 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- MalformedURLException on misplaced persistence.xml for WAR only EAR requires enhanced error message 2022-06-09
304557 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- DDLGenerationModel sometimes generates incorrect create table SQL 2022-06-09
308477 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EE CM behavior of JPA eclipselink.jar placement in EAR - investigate and document 2022-06-09
312311 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA: Cache invalidation does not check existing invalidation state 2022-06-09
313367 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA: Persistence Unit property eclipselink.jdbc (deprecated) overrides standard javax.persistence properties 2022-06-09
313375 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Need validation error on column specified on id mapped by a relationship 2022-06-09
315408 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA: Extend Metamodel test model to include a BasicType superType 2022-06-09
316632 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CriteriaBuilder having clause is ignored 2022-06-09
316891 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- ChangeTracking weaving does not work with virtual access 2022-06-09
318225 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Adding Outer Join on OneToOne results in incorrect SQL 2022-06-09
318421 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Static weaving - please improve processing speed and performance 2022-06-09
321724 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPQL: Support connect by in JPQL 2022-06-09
322246 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Update can be lost for untriggered LAZY xToOne with Property access and underlying variable not named same as property 2022-06-09
324091 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Add VariableOneToMany annotation 2022-06-09
324974 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA:ER: Add early Login capability via new persistence property flag to EntityManagerFactory (extend validation-only to include login) 2022-06-09
325053 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect primary key for @OrderColumn 2022-06-09
325467 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA2: Metamodel Identifiable Types must handle a (non-identifiable) Embeddable subclass of an (identifiable) MappedSuperclass 2022-06-09
325992 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA metadata error message should include class 2022-06-09
330397 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- HistoryTables should be automatically created 2022-06-09
330538 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support LOB streaming 2022-06-09
330846 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- A facility to group named queries at a central place 2022-06-09
331951 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Runtime exception thrown for the generators with the same name 2022-06-09
332685 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- test: SessionBeanHA test does not test EclipseLink query retry, need RAC testing 2022-06-09
332973 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Spring 3.0.5 support requires new classpath variables for modified jar structure 2022-06-09
336645 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- jpa.jpql.JUnitJPQLComplexTestSuite.testEnumNullNotNull failed on Derby 2022-06-09
336651 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- protected embeddables annotated with @ElementCollection are not brought in cache 2022-06-09
337161 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Test implementation for test plan of "EL 2.2: Relationships between cacheable and noncacheable entities" 2022-06-09
338246 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- No primary key exception generated when Entity is overriden in the eclipselink-orm.xml 2022-06-09
339195 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- generate-ddl @ElementCollection<@Embeddable> creates Table with wrong datatype (VARCHAR instead of TIMESTAMP) 2022-06-09
342413 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- The CascadeOnDelete doesn't work on the relation where Remove or All of CascadeTypes are specified on Symfoware. 2022-06-09
347760 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Creation of Canonical Metamodel only possible when using annotations 2022-06-09
353036 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- jpa.advanced.multitenant.AdvancedMultiTenantJunitTest.testComplexMultitenantQueries failed on Sybase 2022-06-09
354732 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EntityMappings*testsuite and Multitenant testsuite failed on Sybase during INT to VARCHAR conversion 2022-06-09
355458 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Provide admin user access data from multiple tenants 2022-06-09
356256 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EclipseLink should insert new rows as necessary into empty @TableGenerator-specified tables 2022-06-09
357475 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Isolate the cache per Multitenant 2022-06-09
357838 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- SQL log should also include info on where it comes from (which Attribute / Basequery) 2022-06-09
359823 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- In ORMetadata hierarchy some .equals methods not fully implemented 2022-06-09
364546 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement: Updates to a value in an element collection map keyed by entity results in delete/insert instead of an update. 2022-06-09
366006 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Query cache does not work with <shared-cache-mode>ENABLE_SELECTIVE</shared-cache-mode> 2022-06-09
367630 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement: Identity Override for optional auto generator strategy in derived concrete entities 2022-06-09
373686 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- extend refreshMetadata of JpaEntityManagerFactory 2022-06-09
375100 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- support joda time dates 2022-06-09
376598 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- There should be a real MappedSuperclass descriptor 2022-06-09
380670 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA testing should run on JBoss-7.x 2022-06-09
382072 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement: @OrderColumn should be applicable to Set as well as List 2022-06-09
388769 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- OSGI ValidationException on MetadataProject.createDynamicClasses 2022-06-09
389816 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Warn with single table inheritance with nonnull field 2022-06-09
391062 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- AggregateCollectionMapping Map on Embedded causes NPE during pu deploy 2022-06-09
391247 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support query across VariableOneToOne relationship 2022-06-09
392797 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Query using count does not work for table per class inheritance 2022-06-09
393381 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Partitioning should to be accompanied by parallel processing 2022-06-09
395136 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Add support for Geometry types on Postgresql/PostGIS databases 2022-06-09
396448 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Consistent support for replication-partitioning policy 2022-06-09
405195 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA-RS: Generation and Handling of Etags 2022-06-09
405289 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Provide a concept for locale-dependant texts 2022-06-09
405519 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request: Enable EclipseLink JPA to Bootstrap from JSON File 2022-06-09
406559 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA-RS: Enhancements in metadata response 2022-06-09
406996 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA-RS : JPA-RS running on Glassfish Web Profile 2022-06-09
416046 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Embeddable attribute with foreign key not work if embedded twice, even using @AssociationOverrides 2022-06-09
416883 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect SQL binding values shown in server log for array type 2022-06-09
417378 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- dropping foreign key instead of index 2022-06-09
417470 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object:is not a known entity type. 2022-06-09
418031 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- java.util.Map<Entity, Entity> update not working - Element is being added to a map without a key 2022-06-09
419956 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Criteria Api Subquery and EclipseLink-6048 exception 2022-06-09
421493 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- reading outside transaction in extended persistence context results in unmanaged objects 2022-06-09
423402 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @Inject support in @Converter class 2022-06-09
423403 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @Inject support in @Entity class 2022-06-09
423433 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- TypedQuery.getResultList : empty result return a list of size 1 with a null element 2022-06-09
425509 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) forgets part of PK in subclass 2022-06-09
430174 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Detached Entities and Lazy Loading behavior breaks portability 2022-06-09
430633 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EmbeddedId and Spring Data 2022-06-09
432721 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- MultitenantType.TABLE_PER_TENANT cuases ValidationException (Cannot add a query whose types conflict with an existing query) if em.setProperty called more than once 2022-06-09
434338 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Prepersist changes are lost when EntityMenager.merge() is called. 2022-06-09
434603 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- lambda expressions in entities cause weaving to fail 2022-06-09
434817 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted on object copying (via CopyGroups) 2022-06-09
434877 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- OutOfMemory/StackOverflow error raised by orm.xml mappings in Embeddable entities 2022-06-09
435137 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JavaLog: Construction of namespace for session loggers voids any configuration attempt via JUL 2022-06-09
435675 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- UnitOfWorkChangeSet getDeletedObjects() returns always an empty map for deleted objects 2022-06-09
436117 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Unallowed GC of EMF closes Apache Derby connection on Java 8u5 2022-06-09
436154 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPQL current_timestamp on Oracle 9+ is using SYSDATE so no millis available 2022-06-09
437085 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Lazy-loaded basic attribute never refreshed 2022-06-09
437883 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- executeUpdate on a BigDecimal field truncates decimal part 2022-06-09
438316 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Additional criterias specified by the annotation @AdditionalCriteria are ignored when @JoinFetch(JoinFetchType.OUTER) are used. 2022-06-29
438864 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- please provide default cache expiry key for persistence.xml 2022-06-09
438866 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- When persisting an Entity with a composed primary key one of the attributes is overwritten when using @OverrideAttribute 2022-06-09
440049 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- cb.isMember works but cb.isNotMember doesn't work for query 2022-06-09
440078 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Named parameters in @NamedStoredProcedureQuery don't work 2022-06-09
441920 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support of Embedded/Embeddable buggy when an attribute annotated with EmbeddedId is inherited 2022-06-09
442913 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Stuck threads on ConcurrencyManager.acquireDeferredLock 2022-06-09
443825 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- OrderColumn can't have nullable=false because it is not populated in the first INSERT 2022-06-09
443858 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Question about EclipseLink and MongoDB on the forum but no answer 2022-06-09
444028 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- LoadGraphHint left out of QueryHintsHandler$Hint! 2022-06-09
444258 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Bytecode interpretation does not interact well with class renaming (JarJar) 2022-06-09
445272 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Jpa prepersist callback not called on parent 2022-06-09
446540 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Duplicated primary keys with GenerationType.SEQUENCE 2022-06-09
447447 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Method overloading silently prevents one-to-many relationship working 2022-06-09
448040 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- eclipselink hangs fetching data from cache 2022-06-09
448759 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Schema per Tenant - Memory leak OutOfMemory 2022-06-09
449109 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Converter used in a mapped superclass results in incorrect attribute typing information 2022-06-09
449119 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- OneToOneMapping insertableField size zero but has a map entry 2022-06-09
451309 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException at ParameterizedSQLBatchWritingMechanism.executeBatchedStatements 2022-06-09
451938 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @OrderBy can lead to null elements being inserted into relationship list in shared cache 2022-06-09
453415 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- left outer join clause refers to an alias of a table which is declared after 2022-06-09
456054 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Column specified twice in insert statement 2022-06-09
457558 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Add support for Tomcat server platform (even better: introduce a generic server platform) 2022-06-09
457754 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Fix Informix errors/failures in FullRegressionTestSuite 2022-06-09
459111 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @CacheIndex.updateable and @Column.updatable provide redundant information 2022-06-09
460570 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JoinFetchType.INNER with paging gives classcastexception 2022-06-09
462828 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- DefaultPersistenceProviderResolver: Bug when reading META-INF/services 2022-06-09
463042 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPQL Case operator is not thread-safe 2022-06-09
463663 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Bindable.getBindableType() returns SINGULAR_ATTRIBUTE for entities 2022-06-09
467283 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @JoinFetch must be ignored on composite-unit relationships 2022-06-09
477063 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @PostLoad method not called when loading @ReadOnly entity from database 2022-06-09
478162 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- StackOverflowError with large number of items in WHERE-clause 2022-06-09
480358 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- When setting a schema and creating an index on MySQL the DDL generator "qualifies" the index name 2022-06-09
482885 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- TypedQuery<Boolean> returns an Object of Type BigDecimal 2022-06-09
484286 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Intermittent NPR in SequencingManager.getNextValue 2022-06-09
484556 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support SortedSet for ElementCollections 2022-06-09
484610 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @Convert conversion does not get applied when retrieving the newly persisted entity. 2022-06-09
485003 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Connection is not recreated in a transaction 2022-06-09
485400 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Provide an API to get an attribute value for a given entity instance 2022-06-09
485414 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Wrong SQL generated when related one-to-one "mappedBy" entity must be null 2022-06-09
486015 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Bug while using Multitenancy with PK=true and Inheritance 2022-06-09
486146 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- ConcurrentModificationException in JpaEntityManager.copy 2022-06-09
487592 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Merging an existing object does not affect the database when the object is an @Embedded 2022-06-09
487795 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JPA 2.1 schema generation using SEQUENCE produces warning (Oracle DB) 2022-06-09
488599 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- @ManyToMany generates invalid query with multitenant 2022-06-09
488735 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NullPointer exception on @JoinTable usage 2022-06-09
488896 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Eclipselink persists fields with null values in mongo 2022-06-09
489175 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Incorrect Sequence allocation causes ORA-00001 (PK violation) 2022-06-09
492232 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Wrong SQL using COALESCE 2022-06-09
492706 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- LoadGroup dropped for queries by id 2022-06-09
493132 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Copying of embeddables with associations loaded read only failes 2022-06-09
493284 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.Property.setAdapterClass 2022-06-09
493291 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- IllegalStateException while copying cyclic object graphs 2022-06-09
493790 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Joining Superclass and Subclass results in invalid discriminator bounds 2022-06-09
493814 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- JOIN with Subclass with Discriminator results in QueryException 2022-06-09
494999 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- AttributeConverter: Converted types cannot be used as JPQL parameters 2022-06-09
495597 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Deployment with @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) fails with Internal Exception: java.util.NoSuchElementException 2022-06-09
495633 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Multiple ManyToMany Mapping to same Entity type causes SQLException 2022-06-09
495791 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Subquery does not join entities correctly 2022-06-09
495892 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EntityGraph with map throws exception 2022-06-09
496325 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- ElicpseLink multitenancy bug: tenant id not added in query 2022-06-09
497074 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Cascade.PERSIST on<Entity, Entity> fails to persist key entities. 2022-06-09
498096 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- CriteriaBuilder.or() operation returns an empty list with CriteriaBuilder.isMember() 2022-06-09
498410 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Link is unable to persist Data for Tables having Foreign Key reference. 2022-06-09
500033 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- selection does not allow subquery, ClassCastException 2022-06-09
501294 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Add database schema validation 2022-06-09
503375 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- "Wait was interrupted" while executing query 2022-06-09
506714 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EclipseLink create temporary table wrong column types for CriteriaUpdate (mysql) 2022-06-09
508032 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- prevents invocation of @PostLoad entity methods 2022-06-09
508436 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- issue with table generation with two persistance units 2022-06-09
508725 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Consolidating batch-fetching SELECTs 2022-06-09
510627 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Load- /Fetchgraph does not get applied after EntityManager.clear() 2022-06-09
511280 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Coalesce does not support LocalDate (converted attribute) 2022-06-09
514093 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Class DatabaseTable has inconsistent hashCode/equals methods 2022-06-09
516671 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Oracle11: name of indices containing the tenant discriminator column exceeds 30 chars limit 2022-06-09
518526 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Persisting multiple entities that use same sequence causes stuck threads 2022-06-09
520932 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Bug in IdentityMapKeyEnumeration.hasMoreElements causes incorrect results in RuntimeServices.printObjectsInIdentityMap 2022-06-09
521790 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Id Class do not use same access type as entity class 2022-06-09
527433 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- eclipselink.cursor.scrollable hint usually fetches full results in postgres 2022-06-09
528997 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Using @Multitenant along with @Inheritance(SINGLE_TABLE) annotation causing inconsistent failure 2022-06-09
529280 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EJBs not injected into Entity Listener 2022-06-09
529565 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Subquery assigns wrong discriminator value 2022-06-09
531031 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- System calendar is used instead of UTC when obtaining TimeStamps 2022-06-09
531060 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- MetaDataMirrorFactory.getMetadataClass(Element element) should not visit MetadataClass if it is TypeElement 2022-06-09
532256 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Catalog/schema name incorrectly prefixed to index name for MySQL 2022-06-09
533912 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Issues with JSR-310 support 2022-06-09
534042 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- StackOverflow on annotation scanning when annotation has circulation 2022-06-09
534218 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Generated metamodel doesn't extend base metamodel from another jar 2022-06-09
534802 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Wrong SQL generation when using CriteriaBuilder with distinct option and ordering by custom field 2022-06-09
535174 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Exception around ElementCollections and lazy loading once an entity has CacheType=ISOLATED 2022-06-09
535998 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EL 2.6.4 OF WLS DOES NOT PROPERLY IMPLEMENT JSR 303 ISSUE 2022-06-09
536691 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EclipseLink refuses to use an enum that implements an interface 2022-06-09
536730 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- NPE on 2.6 when running with Java 11 2022-06-09
537698 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Map attributes cause NPE in MappingAccessor.getDatabaseField when delimited-identifiers enabled in orm.xml 2022-06-09
539323 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Converter with autoApply=true flag is applied to the @Id, @Version, @Enumerated, @Temporal fields. 2022-06-09
540456 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- MERGE OPERATION FROM OSB IS FAILING IN Weblogic 12C 2022-06-09
544202 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Shared Cache (L2) : Old object from cache returned with invalid data (after db update) 2022-06-09
544995 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- BatchFetch can fail when Shared Cache is activated (multithreading) 2022-06-09
545052 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- different query generated when requested from simple main class on local computer and from web client in glassfish 2022-06-09
545248 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Support for mariadb 10.3 sequences 2022-06-09
545384 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- HANAPlatform doesn't handle boolean literals in the right way 2022-06-09
547953 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- SQL Anywhere pessimistic locking is broken 2022-06-09
549241 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: class "javax.persistence.SynchronizationType" from eclipselink 2.7.4 2022-06-09
550192 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Speedup of static weaving processor when weaving in-place 2022-06-09
550339 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- [modelgen] NullPointerException in MetadataMirrorFactory (due to EJB classes?) 2022-06-09
550477 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Empty arrays are inserted as NULL values 2022-06-09
558276 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- EclipseLink generates CREATE SEQUENCE statement twice 2022-06-09
559256 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Flush results in undo of removal from list if list is in second level cache 2022-06-09
560898 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- lock type OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT does not work after flush 2022-06-09
563179 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Unregistered existing entity placed in L2 cache after existence check 2022-06-09
563264 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Injection inside Jpa converter not working on tomcat 2022-06-09
565724 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- [NPE] NPE while executing count on a table using spring boot 2022-06-09
569362 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- Invalidated object returned when referencing non-cacheable entity 2022-06-09
574407 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.orm-inbox NEW --- We found a memory leak when we map the relationship and annotation with Batchfetch 2022-06-09
234179 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- null pointer occurs when namespace resolver is missing 2022-06-09
269045 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Need better error message for NoSuchElementException 2022-06-09
296274 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- MOXy: Address exception handling in initialize method of Marshal/Unmarshal callback classes 2022-06-09
306541 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JAXB JUnit: JAXBXMLComparer should ignore order for imports 2022-06-09
328823 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JAXB Externalized Metadata: Support for adapter on XmlAnyAttribute required 2022-06-09
328862 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Add ability to unmarshal as collection of objects without requiring wrapper object 2022-06-09
329598 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JavaClassImpl.getActualTypeArguments() throwing exception 2022-06-09
332762 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Implement getNode() on JAXB Marshaller 2022-06-09
332769 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Add Annotation/XML Config for Union Fields 2022-06-09
334832 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- [OXM] Simplify <xml-enum-value> for default case 2022-06-09
336076 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Provide Generate Schema Script and ANT task 2022-06-09
345055 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Rich Client App will not work with MOXy 2022-06-09
352791 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Need "xml-mixed" java attribute type in oxm file 2022-06-09
363192 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request: Add support for parameterized factory methods 2022-06-09
363866 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JAXB - reduce the number of maps created during context creation and set initial size when possible 2022-06-09
365840 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- @XmlPath support for XPath Axes and/or Parent 2022-06-09
366087 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Schema Gen Optimization - When property name matches root element name with anonymous complex type 2022-06-09
373400 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- doesn't support element wildcards or search any location operator 2022-06-09
376571 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- XmlPath pointing inside another attribute fails in various ways 2022-06-09
379705 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Add support equivalent to JAXB RI's Canonicalization support 2022-06-09
381058 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Invalid Discriminator Node exceptions should be thrown 2022-06-09
381542 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Map two different properties to the same element/attribute 2022-06-09
389298 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request - Unmapped Content Holder 2022-06-09
390335 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Use fixed value xml-bindings "version" attribute for oxm schemas. 2022-06-09
392574 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Support adapting to collection interfaces with XmlAdapter 2022-06-09
392721 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Read-only transformed properties with only XmlReadTransformer do not work 2022-06-09
393604 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Update MOXy's EmbeddedIdClass example to use annotations instead of customizer class 2022-06-09
394197 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- OXM superclass metadata does not properly override (various) java settings. 2022-06-09
394308 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Allow unqualified values for type attribute of xml-element in external bindings file 2022-06-09
395639 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- OXM - settings missing from xml-enum 2022-06-09
395871 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- OXM - java-attribute metadata ignored if java-type is xml-transient=true 2022-06-09
396637 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Provide API for XmlPath to specify if all elements in the path should be required 2022-06-09
397392 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- [OXM] xml-type overrides are not being treated granularly 2022-06-09
397517 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enable DomHandler to support more than Document and Element as root types 2022-06-09
397784 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Add an EclipseLink interface equivalent to com.sun.xml.bind.CycleRecoverable 2022-06-09
398723 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- ClassNotFoundException org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jaxb/WrappedValue when using Enum in Domain class 2022-06-09
404055 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON: Support @XmlMixed in isolation 2022-06-09
404453 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request: Generate MOXy Annotated Model from JSON Schema 2022-06-09
406375 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request: Enable object graph based on the value of a property 2022-06-09
406979 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Run MOXy JAX-RS Tests on GlassFish Web Profile 2022-06-09
407452 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSONReader should be updated so when XmlAnyElement is present don`t report everything as attributes 2022-06-09
407528 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request: Enable non-String inheritance indicators for JSON-Binding 2022-06-09
407532 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Incorrectly mapped composite key based relationship produces confusing result 2022-06-09
409761 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Missing xsi:type attribute on marshal 2022-06-09
410156 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Allow using @XmlWriteOnly on Class to ignore missing default constructor 2022-06-09
410638 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON Schema Generation NPE with compositemappings that have no reference class 2022-06-09
410943 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- An API to retrieve custom XMLNameTransformer class from the JAXB Context 2022-06-09
412236 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Instead of @XmlSeeAlso, scan for subclasses dynamically (use Jandex) 2022-06-09
412957 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Unhandled NPE in oxm.XMLRelationshipMappingNodeValue.processChild( 2022-06-09
413007 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Unclear exception msg if @XmlDiscriminator~ used in wrong setup 2022-06-09
414351 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- From Java generated XSD use moxy 2022-06-09
414496 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement Request: Enable Unmapped Content to be Stored in a Map 2022-06-09
415191 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Allow Setting Nested Values on Embedded Objects that Have Not Been Initialized 2022-06-09
416854 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- A set operation is not performed for null attribute values in JSON 2022-06-09
419802 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Marshalling target object derived from Collection produces empty string 2022-06-09
421463 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- namespaces returned from NamespacePrefixMapper.getContextualNamespaceDecls being re-ouput 2022-06-09
421680 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- XmlAdapter with Value Type of Map<Foo, Bar> not working correctly 2022-06-09
422712 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Provide Instantiated XmlAdapters to MOXy 2022-06-09
423953 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Issue with XmlAnyElement and ObjectGraphs 2022-06-09
426771 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- null back pointer after unmarshalling 2022-06-09
428281 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Package-level @XmlJavaTypeAdapters lost when property defined in OXM 2022-06-09
429607 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Issue when using @XmlInverseReference when field name does not match property name 2022-06-09
429877 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON JAXB marshalling issue with generic map adapters 2022-06-09
430533 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Date json marshalling uses wrong locale and encoding 2022-06-09
430758 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Unmarshal collection with null entry creates stray square bracket 2022-06-09
431304 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- ObjectFactory that references a W3CEndpointReference results in NPE 2022-06-09
431531 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- NPE when unmarshalling when schema validation is on and MTOM is used 2022-06-09
435221 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Feature that enables you to have unquoted field names in JSON 2022-06-09
436488 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON unmarshalling incorrect for elements with attribute and anyAttribute 2022-06-09
441746 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Use imports in MOXy tests whenever possible. 2022-06-09
443495 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Unmarshalling fails with generic wrapper 2022-06-09
444836 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Json jaxb binding for lists corrupts order 2022-06-09
448042 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Provide I18N to MOXy. 2022-06-09
448282 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- IO streams in tests are not handled properly 2022-06-09
449449 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Moxy - Cycle is detected in the object graph despite setting XmlInverseReference 2022-06-09
452207 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhance JSON encoding for Maps 2022-06-09
456070 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Json schema invalid 'enum' type 2022-06-09
456071 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON-SCHEMA: Reference definitions issue when multiple classes share simple name 2022-06-09
456266 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Context initialization fails when running in pararell 2022-06-09
457169 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Issue with @XmlVariableNode 2022-06-09
459541 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Refactoring of MOXyJsonProvider 2022-06-09
463655 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Wrong schema processing 2022-06-09
465014 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Exception during marshalling map adapter. 2022-06-09
468337 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- MOXy order of fields in the target Java object matters when unmarshalling 2022-06-09
472521 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- XSD import not generated in schema when using XMLPath and custom XMLRootElement names 2022-06-09
478404 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Enhancement: Programmatic definition of XmlAdapter 2022-06-09
481282 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JAXB -EclipseLink MOXy Object type not getting marshalled correctly 2022-06-09
483373 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Add namespace to @XmlVariableNode 2022-06-09
492364 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- XMLMarshaller is not producing namespaces properly 2022-06-09
493237 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON_WRAPPER_AS_ARRAY_NAME property doesn't work with @XmlElementRef 2022-06-09
500328 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Schema gen: Ignoring Bean Validation restrictions 2022-06-09
502046 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Given multiple unbounded elements in complexType all of them are assumed to be of type as last 2022-06-09
514772 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- xml tags not added when using binder and updateXml 2022-06-09
517144 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- Setting MarshallerProperties.JSON_WRAPPER_AS_ARRAY_NAME doesn't work when schema validation is enabled 2022-06-09
553236 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JAXB MOXY LEAK RELATED TO ORG.ECLIPSE.PERSISTENCE.JAXB.GENERATED0 2022-06-09
575096 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- JSON serialization of derived classes results in in correct serialization of complex sub-objects 2022-06-09
579081 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.oxm-inbox NEW --- BASE64 TO BINARY XML CONVERSION NEEDS OPTIMIZATION 2022-06-09
261057 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.sdo-inbox NEW --- CHANGE CODEWRITER INTERFACE METHODS TO THROW IOEXCEPTION 2022-06-09
336348 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.sdo-inbox NEW --- Memory Improvement: Improve App Info Handling 2022-06-09
408023 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.sdo-inbox NEW --- [Perf] SAXParserFactory is created for every XMLHelper.load() 2022-06-09
451764 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.sdo-inbox NEW --- Failing tests when run within IDE 2022-06-09
287285 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.utils-inbox NEW --- Perform SessionLog with SQL- Parameters 2022-06-09
303656 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.utils-inbox NEW --- Please give Workbench the ability to set IdValidation 2022-06-09
356834 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.utils-inbox NEW --- VFSFile Processing on JBoss 5.1.0 2022-06-09
388456 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.utils-inbox NEW --- I need eclipse 3.7 indigo 2022-06-09
402300 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.utils-inbox NEW --- More control in Static Weaver over @XmlTransient for WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface type 2022-06-09
476072 z_Archiv Eclipsel eclipselink.utils-inbox NEW --- cant download 2022-06-09
237082 z_Archiv Eclipsel edwin.tang NEW --- [Build]: Oracle Spatial JPA tests should only be on classpath if spatial jar is available 2022-06-09
361396 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- Publish latest releases to 2022-06-09
364080 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- Provide a Maven index for the EclipseLink Maven repository 2022-06-09
365329 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- EclipseLink Maven repository is non-standard, breaks mirrors 2022-06-09
374586 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- multiple versions of org.eclipse.persistence.* in Juno near M6 repository 2022-06-09
378400 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- Decouple jpa testing projects from jpa.test (jpa server, jpa osgi, jpa modelgen, etc) 2022-06-09
388880 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- Invalid site reference %primaryUpdateURL (or %secondaryUpdateURL) in many org.eclipse.persistence features 2022-06-09
390813 z_Archiv Eclipsel eric.gwin NEW --- Add Hermes JPQL parser test bundle to SDK 2022-06-09
463573 z_Archiv Eclipsel iaroslav.savytskyi NEW --- JAXBContextFactoryTestCases.testBindingFormatListJSONWhitespace fails 2022-06-09
245424 z_Archiv Eclipsel les.davis NEW --- fixpath routine cannot handle directory with two periods 2022-06-09
562893 z_Archiv Eclipsel lukas.jungmann NEW --- Eclipselink bundle is missing JTA API 2022-06-09
337033 z_Archiv Eclipsel michael.f.obrien NEW --- ER: Expose JPA Metamodel with Extensible API relationships via JMX Management API 2022-06-09
406429 z_Archiv Eclipsel neil.hauge NEW --- Enhancement Request: Generate JPA Entities with JAXB/MOXy annotations from Tables 2022-06-09
211331 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add target-join-column support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema 2022-06-09
219001 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add default server platform for Java EE 5 2022-06-09
224634 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add OneToOnes targeting non id fields and foreign target relationships support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema 2022-06-09
228502 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- core: JNDI connect() NPE masks InitialContext NICE and CNFE using non-jta ds in SE mode 2022-06-09
230488 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: *create-tables property fails on commit for JTA connections on Oracle11, non-jta is ok 2022-06-09
233237 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Enforce read-only objects through weaving 2022-06-09
235850 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Allow user to specify that text values should be trimmed 2022-06-09
237518 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Support new JDBC versions - 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 2022-06-09
238412 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Add J2SE MBean JUnit client test suite 2022-06-09
239637 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [Examples]: Wiki: JPA_JSF tutorial needs example code 2022-06-09
240244 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [core]: DB Platform auto-detect causes CNFE VendorNameToPlatformMapping requires update to latest class changes 2022-06-09
242008 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Unsupported CMP3 methods in CMPPolicy require better RuntimeException message 2022-06-09
242734 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- TransformationMapping without an attribute, support on the class 2022-06-09
245444 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SDO: Attempt to redefine a finalized type should cause an exception 2022-06-09
246126 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: WLS: EclipseLink Apps Cannot Access App Level DataSources 2022-06-09
246356 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- INNER JOINs instead of CROSS JOINs 2022-06-09
246774 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: javax.persistence.jtaDataSource requires wiki instructions on override usage 2022-06-09
247044 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Join-fetch hint(eager fetch) generates incorrect search criteria 2022-06-09
247852 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Please update Eclipelink Wiki "How do I integrate with a third party logging framework" 2022-06-09
248064 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Feature Proposal: Support for SQL2003/OLAP features 2022-06-09
248205 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DB2Platform needs to be subclassed for AS400 (aka iSeries & System i) 2022-06-09
249899 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Nesting jdbc fetch size query hint for batch query hints 2022-06-09
252786 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- WLS: Add extended metrics functionality to WebLogic specific JMX MBeans 2022-06-09
253682 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add Ingres Database Platform 2022-06-09
254287 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Default identity used in JMSTopicTransportManager.createConnection(boolean) 2022-06-09
256690 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Provide an exmaple using annotation and some xml based metadata 2022-06-09
256945 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Append JPA persistence unit name to MBean session name 2022-06-09
257772 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JMX: Modify wiki ELUG/tutorial/example content to reflect changes in 256945 and 256943 2022-06-09
261671 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: WebSphere 7 test-relationships warns of CNFE missing SessionEventAdapter 2022-06-09
263536 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- ClassAccessor method processAccessorMethods fails to override accessor for virtual method, when method is also declared in superclass (@MappedSuperclass) 2022-06-09
263897 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: Glassfish: suggestions for instructions on migrating from TopLink Essentials to EclipseLink 2022-06-09
265215 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Merge ECLIPSELINK_JAR (workbench) and eclipselink-jar (examples) classpath variables 2022-06-09
267701 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Need clear access to sequencing functionalities for unmanaged use case 2022-06-09
268873 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add loginAndDetectDatasource support for TimesTen 2022-06-09
269260 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- all JPA/ProxyAuthentication tests failed on OC4J 2022-06-09
269982 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA Examples: refactor deprecated jdbc persistence.xml properties to javax.persistence.jdbc 2022-06-09
273125 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [Workbench] Add KeepAsElementSupport to XMLAnyObject and XMLCompositeObject Mappings 2022-06-09
273304 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- PostLoad not called on clone when Refreshing objects 2022-06-09
274650 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Asynchronous aftercompletion calls can clean up resources while they are being used 2022-06-09
275367 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- No support for dynamically enhanced entity types 2022-06-09
276189 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [Workbench] Add XMLListConverter support to XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping 2022-06-09
276359 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Oracle specific test "DbChangeNotificationTest listener point to point" fails with Oracle 2022-06-09
276512 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink shall use Statement.getGeneratedKeys() 2022-06-09
276955 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- New object is merged into cache during cache coordination. 2022-06-09
278650 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- QueryValueHolder Strategy for Better Memory Management 2022-06-09
279176 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- [Build] Add annotations-only jar file 2022-06-09
279255 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SDO Support for Multiple Provider Environments 2022-06-09
279503 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- columnDefinition stomps on nullable = false 2022-06-09
279975 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Replace specific ListContainerPolicy classes with a ContainerFactory solution higher in the hierarchy 2022-06-09
280778 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Doc: expand on FullIdentityMap usage to avoid memory leaks 2022-06-09
280779 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Converting SDO object to SDO/JAXB object 2022-06-09
282410 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Dynamically creating a persistence unit 2022-06-09
283766 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Use different map implementation to preserve order when using OrderBy 2022-06-09
283767 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Provide reasonable hook to extends EntityManagerImpl 2022-06-09
283843 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: Extended ORM functionality for the Metamodel API 2022-06-09
284052 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Need placeholder to specify explicit order of attributes in an entity 2022-06-09
284184 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add "JAXB Mode" to SAXFragmentBuilder to handle special whitespace cases 2022-06-09
285358 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Proposal for Version Based Performance Improvement 2022-06-09
285613 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Example Links on download page are broken: 2022-06-09
285694 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Enhancement: Set array types to mutable for the entire persistence unit 2022-06-09
286206 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- default byte[] -> BLOB mapping for Derby incorrect 2022-06-09
286532 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Javadoc for 2.0.0 uses javax.persistence 1.0 in classpath, but the code for 2.0 preview 2022-06-09
288015 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SQL Server and IDENTITY with triggers 2022-06-09
288275 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA: Wiki: Update WebLogic JPA example server plugin config for Eclipse 3.6 Helios 2022-06-09
288918 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add support to InstantiationPolicy to allow Object[] args to be passed to constructor or factory 2022-06-09
288957 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- null-pointer using result-set mapping 2022-06-09
289141 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPA 2.0 Tuple results from JPQL queries 2022-06-09
289370 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink/Examples/JPA/JSF Tutorial source files difficult to find 2022-06-09
289402 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Bottleneck in ExpressionOperator calling getClass() more often than needed 2022-06-09
290570 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Need more generic hook than SessionCustomizer.handleException because not called by merge APIs 2022-06-09
290593 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Not Initialized Lazyload Serialization - avoiding the exception EclipseLink-7242 2022-06-09
291463 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Avoid Primitive boxing ctors in weaving setter methods 2022-06-09
292153 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- OSGi example code to be checked in 2022-06-09
294062 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DDL Generation ourput mode default setting documented incorrectly 2022-06-09
294072 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- DOM Platform - Support Composite Keys for Collection Reference Mapping 2022-06-09
294108 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Inheritance with abstract intermediate class using @MappedSuperclass fails to populate subclasses 2022-06-09
294245 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- criteriaapi server test can't be run in websphere 7005 and JBoss 5.1 GA 2022-06-09
294483 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- default test compile should be against eclipselink.jar 2022-06-09
294499 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Add Historical JPA Example illustrating Auditing and Historical Querying 2022-06-09
295031 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- EclipseLink static weaver does not discover persistence classes if both source and persistenceInfo are set 2022-06-09
295205 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- OneToOne Mapping to Subclass doesn't read from cache 2022-06-09
295349 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SHOULD_USE_DEFERRED_LOCKS = false support is incomplete 2022-06-09
295427 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Allow multiple persistence.xml in different OSGi bundles with the same Persistence Unit 2022-06-09
295587 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- RFE: EAGER should use a single JOIN instead of two SELECTs 2022-06-09
295589 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- RFE: Prevent unnecessary JOINs 2022-06-09
295636 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Lots of JPA Tests Failed on TimesTen 2022-06-09
295649 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- invalid eclipselink properties should log warnings 2022-06-09
295913 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- support conversion to/from DOM 2022-06-09
295925 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- JPQL parameter tests failed on Timesten 11.2 with SQL syntax error 2022-06-09
295930 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- MultiPlatformTest4 failed on TimesTen due to unknown function NULLIF 2022-06-09
295932 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- setup failures for ProjectClassGenerator and XMLProjectWriter on Timesten 2022-06-09
295997 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- CustomSQLTestModel and MWIntegrationTestModel failed to setup on Sybase using DataDirect 2022-06-09
296265 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- FeatureTestModel -> ExpressionTestSuite -> MultiPlatformTest5 failed intermittently with Derby 2022-06-09
296268 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- SessionXMLTestModel -> SessionManager tests -> MWConfigModelEncryptionTest failed with Derby 2022-06-09
296324 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Provide annotation to manually define the SQL to fetch a property 2022-06-09
This result was limited to 1000 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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