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Re: [swtbot-dev] Test issue

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 1:40 AM, #ROHIT AGRAWAL# <ROHI0012@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



Also I need to clear this thing in case I am doing it wrong :


After I download the SWTBot git repository, how should I import it in Eclipse? Should I import it as a Git repository or should I import it as a Maven Project? Till now I was importing it as a Git Repository. However, I tried importing it as a maven project just now and I am getting this error repeatedly after importing the project as a Maven Project :


Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: (execution: default, phase: initialize)    pom.xml          /indigo line 19            Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem

in order to fix that you need to import some m2e plugins (yes plugins for a plugin :-) go to Preferences > Maven > Discovery
and click "Open Catalog" then install all (don't know exactly which ones you need) m2e plugins and try again.

An API baseline has not been set for the current workspace.           org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder                    Unknown         Default API Baseline Problem

go to Preferences > Plug-in Development > API Baselines click "Add Baseline..." and enter the path
to a local copy of the p2 repository of the latest SWTBot release (don't know if there is a prepackaged zip
otherwise you have to mirror that using p2 mirror task) 

or disable Error for missing baseline in  Preferences > Plug-in Development > API Baselines

Can you please let me know if I should stick to Importing as Git Repository or change to Import as Maven Project ?


Also, after installing SWTBot , when I right click on and click on Run as -> SWTBot Test, I get the following error on console :

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

try to increase java heap size in run configuration (find that under "Run Configurations" and find the entry for your failing test run)


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