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Re: [swtbot-dev] [soc-dev] Added SWTBot GSoC proposal

On 04/03/2013 09:03 PM, #ROHIT AGRAWAL# wrote:

Hi Mickael,

Hi Rohit

 I cloned the git repository for SWTBot today, however from the documentation I couldn’t understand the following step :

1.    First Get the sources, as explained a few lines above.

2.    then mvn clean verify

3.    That's all!

NOTE: default build performs against Eclipse Indigo. You can test and build against Juno instead by activatin the "juno" profile: mvn clean install -P juno

I am using the Juno version and I have set the target platform as Juno. My doubt is that where do we have to run the mvn commands?

I personally use command-line to run builds, and once the Git repo is cloned, you have to run "mvn clean verify" from the source repository you just fetched.
If you prefer to be able to achieve that from IDE, you can install m2e plugin which installs the Maven launchers in IDE.

Also, I digged around a little but couldn’t figure out how to set Jgit to pedantic mode.

I think you mean JDT. There is no actual "pedantic" mode. I updated the Contributing page to make it clearer what I call "pedantic"

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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