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Re: [swtbot-dev] [soc-dev] Added SWTBot GSoC proposal

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 9:10 PM, #ROHIT AGRAWAL# <ROHI0012@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mickael,


I installed Apache maven and the m2e plugin for eclipse after which I issued the command mvn clean verify from the Git BASH. However, in the end I got the following errors (attached). Can you please help me around this?

Do not send a screenshot of log output but post the log output as text or attach a text file
if it's a long log. This way your email is smaller and easier to read.

The log output says that some tests failed. All build output of Maven goes
under target folder(s). Check test logs which usually are under target/surefire-reports.
If you scroll up your maven console log output you'll probably also find a list of the failed
tests. If you run SWTBot tests don't touch your mouse or keyboard as this may interfere
with the running tests.

Try to run these tests from Eclipse and use the debugger to find out what's going wrong.


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