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Re: [rt-pmc] RT projects and standards


I see from the minutes of this morning's call: that perhaps more input on the issue of standards and runtime projects is needed from me. So here's my further contribution:

1) Difficulty of consuming standards from RT projects. Here are what I perceive as some consumer problems with RT wrt standards...I'm sure other RT project leads have others.

a) How do I find out what OSGi standards are implemented by RT projects?
b) How do I get implementations from RT projects of standards x, y, z (or parts of standard)
c) Why does project x *not* implement relevant standard y
d) Is standard x implemented by multiple RT projects?  If so, why?
e) What versions of which standards (e.g. OSGi 4.2, 4.3, etc) are implemented by which project? f) What is the status of the standards impls on RT projects that are engaged in implementing standards?

2) TCK access for projects. For EF projects to fully implement various standards...and verify for their consumers that those standards are complied's necessary for projects to have access to the TCK associated with the standard (if one is available). In too many cases, this is very difficult.

3) RT projects working together on relevant standards. I assert that 'encouragement' of rt projects to work collaboratively on standards hasn't, doesn't, and perhaps will never work. Case in point is this charming bug:

Hopefully this will help clarify things. There's probably more, but maybe other project leads that implement and/or use relevant standards will chime in also.


On 11/30/2010 12:46 PM, Scott Lewis wrote:
On 11/30/2010 11:21 AM, Jeff McAffer wrote:
<stuff deleted>
For RT PMC...particular to RT.
What, if anything, do you think would be unique to standards in the RT world vs. say in the modeling world?

I happen to think that RT standards (which are generally relatively 'low-level') are generally more important for consistent/interoperable sw platforms than most modeling standards (which are generally higher level)...but that's clearly just my opinion (so it's not meant to start a email battle).

All I'm suggesting with comment above is that the Runtime projects (and RT PMC) should be focused on obviously Runtime standards (e.g. OSGi core, persistence, remote services, web, etc).

Can you suggest some things that would be captured in these policies?
1) Cross-project collaboration (impls) and reuse (consumption)
Current state is that projects are encouraged but not required to do these things. Participation in the simultaneous release requires them to use the same impls of third party libs (standard or not). What should be different in the RT policy?

I would say something should be required. I don't know exactly what. 'Encouragement' is basically useless IMHO...with the way that EF projects traditionally interact with each other.

2) Cross-project standards impl and consumption agreements that make it easier for consumers (of all RT projects)...e.g. to know how/where to get standards impls (via RT projects)
Is this a policy topic or a "we should have a shared website that lists standards implementations" topic? Can you clarify your intent here?

I don't know how it should be operationalized...but it's pretty clear to me based upon what I've heard that many consumers have little idea of what RT projects and (OSGi) standards are related, what standards various RT projects implement, what their plans are WRT standards, how are these standards and impls relate to each other (e.g. dependencies), etc.

3) For RT projects that impl (at least OSGi) standards: some means to get TCK's verify compliance and make that compliance known to consuming community.
Yes, this a longstanding topic though not really "policy" per se. The Foundation folks have been talking legal with the OSGi folks and AFAIK have yet to come to a resolution.

Yeah, I'm quite aware of this. An actual policy might help for when it comes up again tomorrow (for us or someone else). Whether associated with Foundation, RT-PMC, Planning council, architecture council...I personally don't care. As a project that's trying to implement a standard (remote services and rsa) in response to community request it seems to me like a no-brainer that we should be able to do so without going outside of the EF. But currently that's not the case.

I don't attend that call...I believe Markus K does, however. Feel free to bring up the above suggestions.

We could bring this up but you seem to have something in mind and we would just be speculating as to what that is.

What I have in mind is the PMC and/or EF actually meeting a clear consumer and project needs wrt standards (e.g. for some coherence in how standards are dealt with in RT projects, some way for consumers to understand how the RT projects and standards are related to each other if at all, etc).

I understand that the regular RT PMC call time is early for west coast. Perhaps you could draft an initial policy proposal that captures your ideas and put it on this list or in a bug. Then we can try an email discussion or schedule an explicit call at a time that works better for you. Make sense? I don't have the resources to draft policy proposals. I was under the impression that the PMC, EF, councils can/could do such things.


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