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Re: [ptp-user] PTP 1.1 I200701282100 build available

Ran fine in the normal "Run" view.

Tried to debug - it failed - timeout as usual.

Checked for sdm processes: I didn't find any active.

Enabled debug - retried a debug session - The error popup I received this time indicated "Exception occurred durin launch" Reason: "Cannot connect to proxy server".   The console is attached as eclipse.console.log (attached after I shutdown eclipse).  However, the eclipse parent is still alive - with a proxy instance active apparently.  There were also some ORTE instances still active.

krisd    12654  5147 12654  5147  0 11:37 pts/2    00:00:00         eclipse -clean
krisd    12655 12654 12654  5147  4 11:37 pts/2    00:00:42           /usr/bin/java -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar /home/krisd/local/eclipse/startup.jar -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -launcher /home/krisd/local/eclipse/eclipse -name Eclipse -showsplash 600 -exitdata c0004 -clean -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar /home/krisd/local/eclipse/startup.jar
krisd    12688 12655 12654  5147  0 11:37 pts/2    00:00:00             /home/krisd/local/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86_64/bin/ptp_orte_proxy --port=33339

So - I kill the eclipse process - then ran the script - got a java popup about fatal PTP Control System error. The proxy server disconnect with an error.

Still left with one java instance on eclipse :
krisd    12655     1 12654  5147  3 11:37 pts/2    00:00:42   /usr/bin/java -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar /home/krisd/local/eclipse/startup.jar -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -launcher /home/krisd/local/eclipse/eclipse -name Eclipse -showsplash 600 -exitdata c0004 -clean -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar /home/krisd/local/eclipse/startup.jar

So - killed that - jobs look pretty clear now - so retried.

eclipse -clean >& ~/temp/eclipse-2.console.log

This time it got further - two quick pop ups about starting something (as before) - then later receive timeout popups (as before).
Active jobs look like (if even decipherable below).
krisd    12922  5147 12922  5147  0 11:59 pts/2    00:00:00         eclipse -clean
krisd    12923 12922 12922  5147 12 11:59 pts/2    00:00:29           /usr/bin/java -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar /home/krisd/local/eclipse/startup.jar -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -launcher /home/krisd/local/eclipse/eclipse -name Eclipse -showsplash 600 -exitdata 120005 -clean -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar /home/krisd/local/eclipse/startup.jar
krisd    12956 12923 12922  5147  0 11:59 pts/2    00:00:00             /home/krisd/local/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86_64/bin/ptp_orte_proxy --port=33429
krisd    12989  5147 12989  5147  0 12:03 pts/2    00:00:00         ps -ejHf
krisd    12990  5147 12989  5147  0 12:03 pts/2    00:00:00         grep krisd
krisd    12961     1 12961 12961 60 11:59 ?        00:02:18   orted --scope public --seed --persistent --universe PTP-ORTE-12960
krisd    12971     1 12971 12971 99 12:00 ?        00:02:18   orted --bootproxy 3 --name 0.0.1 --num_procs 2 --vpid_start 0 --nodename ridge05 --universe krisd@ridge05:PTP-ORTE-12960 --nsreplica "0.0.0;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://" --gprreplica " 0.0.0;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://;tcp://"

I shut down eclipse - the orted -- scope public... and --bootproxy tasks remain.

Console log attached as eclipse-2.console.log.

On 2/5/07, Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Feb 5, 2007, at 11:17 AM, Kris Davis wrote:

> Well - I tried the new stuff - here is the results:
> when I start eclipse -clean - I get a popup that it cannot restore
> workbench layout.  Reason: Problems occurred restoring workbench.
> The details say: Unable to restore perspective: Workspace - PTP Debug.

This can happen after an update if you don't start with a clean
workspace. It shouldn't be a problem.

> And: Could not create view:
> org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.core.views.MPITableView (4 times).

Not sure why you got this error, since it's coming from the parallel
language development tools that should be completely independent.
Shouldn't cause a problem though.

> If I press ok - I get past that - the RTE seems to start (at least
> I get temp popup).
> Starting debug - eventually get two popups:
>   Error on tasks: 0-2 - Time out - Command Start debugger.
>   Exception occurred during launch - Reason: Error within Debug
> UI.  details = java.lang.reflect.InvocaitonTargetException.
> I've attached the console log.  I did evenually figure out where it
> was putting the core files (in the project dir itself).  I guess my
> "find" operation must have been bad before.

Are there sdm processes still running this time?

Please try launching a non-debug job just to check that is working.
Then try and launch another debug session to make sure it won't start.

If the debugger won't start, open Window->Preferences..., then open
the PTP->Debug->SDM preference page. In the 'Extra SDM arguments'
field, add '--debug' (without the 's). This will turn on maximum
debugging. Click OK, then try launching the debugger again. Please
send me the output.


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Attachment: eclipse.console.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: eclipse-2.console.log
Description: Binary data

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