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Re: [m2e-users] Automatic project changes resolution

But, do you have any information about what to do with the parts once I've managed to build it? I naively tried to set up a new Nexus OSS instance and drop the two nexus bundles into the plugins directory, but that didn't work at all...
In one case it complained that lucene-indexer 1.9.2 couldn't be found, and when I changed the nexus-oss-version (and rebuilt) to (the version I'm testing in) nexus gives me a 500 code and nothing identifiable in the logs. So where would I start getting it to work? (Or finding out what's wrong)


On 12 October 2011 15:24, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
No, we do not currently provide prebuilt version of onboarding.


On 11-10-11 4:31 PM, Java Questions wrote:
Hi Igor,

Thanks for the nice summary! It's exactly what I can start selling to my
managers ;) Especially because it's almost exactly what we're trying to

I just need to show them some kind of a demo, preferably using some of
our internal projects. While I'm having all these issues with building
the Onboarding project, I'm wondering if there are any working bits
available somewhere (update site?) where I can grab all the stuff needed
for the demo?


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