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Re: [egit-dev] How to build [EJ]Git?

Am 07.01.2010 16:27, schrieb Jason van Zyl:
> That's just simply not the reality of todays development with OSGi.

Oh really, did you ever looked into Eclipse CVS? Looks like Eclipse
doesn't do real development then?

> Especially with very popular technologies like Spring DM, and Peaberry
> where modularity is encouraged but there are other representations of
> the manifest, or they are hidden all together.

Hmm ... so Spring XML shouldn't be checked in either but generated? The
manifest is as fundamental to an OSGi bundle as is the XML (or the
annotations) to Spring.

> With a pom.xml for example a project works in IDEA, Netbeans and
> Eclipse.

Jason, it doesn't! Without Maven plus some plug-ins it simply doesn't
work in Eclipse. You may prove me wrong, but I can't find a package on for download that includes support for POM.XML out of the box.

> Change the Eclipse settings and the pom.xml is updated accordingly.

Great. But if someone modifies the settings with a vanilla Eclipse SDK
it won't be updated and they get out of sync. :/

> The problem that we found in organizations with checking in project 
> specific metadata was that the automated builds would not reflect
> what developers changed in the IDE and you end up with the "it works
> in my backyard" situation.

Hmm. You start spinning the loop. When I change dependencies in the
manifest they are perfectly consumed by my automated builds. The only
remaining issue is that I need to tell my build where to find new
dependencies. But that's the same with every system.

Anyway, the point is that it doesn't make sense to force one style of
operation onto a lot of people just because. It must be possible to give
people the freedom to hack easily on JGit without the need of installing
Maven. It's great if it can be consumed easily by Maven folks. I have no
issue with that. There is also some discussion at Eclipse to offer more
stuff in a central Eclipse Maven repository. However, such a solution
should not require *all* contributors to install Maven and it's plug-ins.

> For example building a multi-platform RCP application with Tycho
> requires me to specify the platforms I want to build the application > for. There's no way to do this in PDE so I
specify the platforms so
> that the right fragments can be pulled into the RCP build.

No true. It's specified where it belongs to - into a so called release
engineering project. What platforms to build is purely a release
engineering task. You don't need to clutter the development base with
release engineering information for that. PDE Build needs this
information. But it's not stored in an OSGi project. It's stored
somewhere else where it doesn't confuse people which aren't interested
in building multiple platforms.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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