Sat Jun 1 2024 16:11:57 EDT
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80 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
222532 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann RESO DUPL ClassFormatException icu4j-2.6.1 LocaleElements_zh__PINYIN 2008-03-26
9913 JDT Core david_audel VERI WORK Open on selection on JavaDoc methods doesn't work 2007-08-03
99631 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist][5.0] Unnecessary proposals on annotation completion 2007-08-03
102031 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Content assist proposes same type twice after "call(new |" 2007-08-03
111882 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] Invalid relevance while completing in case of a switch 2007-08-03
119434 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [code select] Code select returns doubled java element 2007-08-03
120766 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE problems when using classes of the same name 2007-08-03
132139 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] Duplicate names while completing in local variable declaration 2007-08-03
137452 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Autocomplete adds "Void" instead of doing nothing 2007-08-03
138401 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL [assist] duplicate proposals for camel case local variables 2007-08-03
141256 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL [assist] no proposals in anonymous class after abstract class declaration 2007-08-03
150632 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] Content Assist and Parameter Hints sometimes don't work for constructor call 2007-08-03
151967 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [1.5][assist] Code completion with enumerations implementing an interface 2007-08-03
153125 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [getter setter] Getters/setters for variables starting with non-Latin letter are generated incorrectly 2007-08-03
170889 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [5.0][content assist] strange label for 'class' proposal 2007-08-03
170954 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE void should not be proposed inside method 2007-08-03
171037 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [codeassist] if 1.4 or higher code assist after 'import' should not suggest types from default package 2007-08-03
185318 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] No proposals when completing inside a method import 2007-08-03
188876 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] Proposals inside an import statement shouldn't be fully qualified 2007-08-03
196514 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Bunch of exception during code typing in JDT editor 2007-08-09
197400 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE NPE for completion engine in class static block 2007-08-03
175467 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI WORK Very slow response and low CPU/Disk utilization 2007-08-03
197420 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI INVA [javadoc] No warning about unused method parameters if they're referenced by javadoc 2007-12-20
108053 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI WONT [search] SearchMatch.isInDocComment useless for SearchEngine.searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes 2007-08-03
181488 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [index] Lots of unbuffered sequential reads in DiskIndex 2007-08-03
186333 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] Should better locate fields and methods matches on binary super types with unresolved references 2007-08-03
195228 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] Invalid path in open type dialog 2007-08-09
195489 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] References not found while using SearchEngine.searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes 2007-08-03
196339 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] SearchEngine not returning correct result 2007-08-03
196923 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI DUPL [search] Search does not work correctly 2007-08-03
196974 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI DUPL [search] NPE in java search 2007-08-03
197350 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI INVA [search] Jobs stack in JobManager.performConcurentJob 2007-12-20
138938 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL [content assist] duplicated variable proposal 2007-08-03
156688 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL ISourceReference.getSourceRange() not following specification 2007-08-03
185037 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI FIXE Optimization opportunity in MethodVerifier 2007-08-03
189561 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA Danger of NullPointerException in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTConverter 2007-12-20
190965 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI FIXE [compiler] useless assignment to local variable parameters in Scope line 431 2007-08-03
191928 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI FIXE Use Util.log instead of printStackTrace at AbstractImageBuilder#612 2007-08-03
196102 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WORK If project name contains "+", classes can't be imported 2007-12-07
196815 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA Access Rules on import do not work for reexported classes 2007-12-20
197085 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL Even though its compile time error. Why the following code is running? 2007-12-20
197568 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA All Default Proposals listed twice after an array-type variable and '.'; 2008-05-30
198986 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA Refactor -> Renaming of parameter does not rename javadoc @param tag 2007-12-20
199247 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA printf function compilation problem 2007-12-20
234549 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL [compiler][null] Redundant null check warning fooled by assert 2008-09-16
18311 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE api: ISourceReference::getSource can return undocumented result 2007-08-03
94740 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL Classpath container not removed from JavaModelManager 2007-08-03
95288 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [model] CreatePackageFragmentOperation runs with wrong ISchedulingRule 2007-08-03
103654 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE BindingKey.getTypeArguments bug with qualified types 2007-08-03
129560 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [spec] Questionable javadoc for IJavaElement#isStructureKnown() 2007-08-03
130161 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL [spec] Java Model returns ISourceRanges [-1, 0] if source not available 2007-08-03
136382 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL [classpath] Discard container if not referenced on classpath 2007-08-03
139446 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [build path] bug in the Edit Library dialog box, when changing the default JRE, and switching from alternate JRE to workspace default 2007-08-03
149590 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [model] bindings for duplicate local variables share same key 2007-08-03
155858 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL [DOM][AST] Fup of bug 144858, keys must be different for duplicate locals 2007-08-03
163229 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [model] IAccessRule does not say it cannot be implemented by clients 2007-08-03
178226 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Clarify spec for IJarEntryResource 2007-08-03
186760 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Two cases of switch in DeltaProcessor#fire could be merged 2007-08-03
195091 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Index is rebuilt on each startup 2007-08-03
195263 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Update exportplugins.xml to 3.3.100 and 3.4 2007-08-03
194420 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE Misleading error message when build fails due to out of sync workspace 2007-08-03
97998 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [builder] improve the error handling in case the build encounters a locked file within the the output folder 2007-08-03
53727 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [Tasks] longest tags should match 2007-08-07
102569 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL [compiler] Tasks view does honour task tags fully 2007-08-07
154881 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA Remove unnecessary stack maps 2007-12-20
167357 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE non-empty init block in local member type has no children 2007-08-07
190960 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [batch][compiler] help message for annotations processing should be improved 2007-08-07
192387 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Wrong warning location for a non static reference to an enum value. 2007-08-07
193979 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE AST parser generates wrong AST 2007-08-07
194398 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA [compiler] Possible wrong bytecode generated for nested try-finally blocks: ret is part of more than one subroutine 2007-12-20
196169 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA With Ant build, java class file is generated even the source has syntax errors 2007-12-20
196249 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE problem in parsing 2007-08-07
197084 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA Even though its compile time error. Why the following code is running? 2007-12-20
197414 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI WONT StackOverflowError while compiling R3_0_maintenance code 2007-12-20
197733 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI INVA ClassFormatException when using icu4j.jar library( 2017-04-03
190945 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI WONT [1.5][compiler] failure to compile complex generic code 2007-12-20
196653 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] More resilience with unbound caught exceptions 2007-09-03
197569 JDT Core david_audel CLOS DUPL [assist] Default proposal clone() method on array reports to belong to primitive 2015-07-22
196576 JDT Core kent_johnson CLOS INVA method verification does not permit return-type-substitutability 2007-08-03
142044 JDT Core frederic_fusier CLOS FIXE [search] "And" Pattern fails with NullPointerException 2008-04-11
80 bugs found.
