Sat Jun 1 2024 10:47:20 EDT
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408 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
501155 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox UNCO --- When opening JavaScript file in editor: "FunctionBinding cannot be cast to IVariableBinding" 2018-07-05
287930 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [UI] New JavaScript Source File should filter folder selection to JavaScript projects 2013-07-18
323211 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [libraries] Provide HTML5 browser library 2013-07-18
325379 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor][views] JSDoc rendering of doc tags needs improvement 2014-05-29
406575 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Investigate merging NJSDoc support into JSDT 2014-03-07
234587 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [content assist] [syntax] JS content assist fails in nested functions under special conditions 2013-06-19
266148 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [validation] [preferences] Add validator warning/option regarding global variables 2013-10-24
266432 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [preferences] Need validation preference for wrong number of function arguments 2013-06-19
277393 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [misc] Enable use of the Templates view with the JavaScript editor 2013-06-19
277858 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [project setup] Base JS library container and source folder not added to scope file in some cases 2013-06-19
299213 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [language support] JSDT confuses static and member methods with same name 2013-06-19
304933 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [validation] [syntax] false warning reported about missing semicolon before the closing } 2014-05-29
307361 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [language support] JSDT core not generating proper AST 2013-06-19
310165 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [explorer] Handler conflict logged 2013-06-19
311643 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [libraries] JSDT doesn't know build latest Dojo 1.6.x and Dojo 1.7.x too 2013-06-19
314272 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [validation] Project scoped JavaScript validation preferences aren't used 2013-06-19
316968 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [outline] Namespaced class does not display in outline view correctly 2013-06-19
319851 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [misc] remove all calls to printStackTrace 2014-05-29
324671 JSDT General cmjaun NEW --- [exceptions] IllegalArgumentException editing js file 2013-06-19
582714 JSDT General eclipse.e4-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException with persistence.xml 2023-12-08
488912 JSDT General gorkem.ercan NEW --- [ES6] Update ECMA libraries to ES6 2018-11-22
219881 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [UI] Adding libraries should remove them from available list 2013-07-18
229190 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] [editor] "rename in file" action doesnt for for .prototype parent 2013-06-19
233599 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] JDT Compiler warnings in JSDT plugins 2014-01-30
240134 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [translation] Form and form fields cannot be resolved 2013-07-18
256762 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [API] codeSelect() returns nothing for 'this' source element 2013-07-18
279009 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] [syntax] Two validation errors shown in problems view for single syntax error 2014-05-29
280471 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Provide validation on javascript conflicts in included HTML/JSPs 2013-06-19
284833 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Request for JSDT to support XML based library definitions 2013-07-18
285227 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor] Automatic indentation after building control-structure (if, for) around a block 2013-08-22
285908 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor] occurrences support not working 2013-08-22
290078 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter][preferences] Formatter profile in plugin_customization.ini is ignored 2013-07-18
293243 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] JavaScript formatter: Allow space in anonymous function declaration 2013-08-22
296789 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [UI] Add icons to "Add JavaScript Library" wizard 2014-01-30
299946 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [api] Changes to types not included in JavaScript element deltas 2013-07-18
300670 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] Open Attached JSDoc throws NPE 2014-05-29
300677 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] Open Attached JSDoc is not compatible with JSDoc-toolkit 2014-05-29
304882 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] JSDT looses type information after assigning callback 2013-07-22
306289 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [UI] Content assist selected item background indistinguishable in high contrast 2013-07-18
310000 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [libraries] Make it possible to add a "Rhino Library" in the project settings 2013-06-19
310001 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] Java "Project" support in project settings that automates Javascript stub creation 2013-06-19
310741 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] eclipse slow/blocks/unresponsive loading certain javascript 2021-07-01
311042 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Variable is not recognized as a "same one" 2013-06-19
311883 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] JSDT UI has a lot of missing referenced identifiers in plugin.xml 2013-07-18
312841 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] Outline View -> Visible JavaScript Categories, Visible Categories... don't work. 2013-06-19
314881 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [project explorer] Type declared across files should be shown under JS Resources node once 2013-06-19
317165 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Boolean type assumed for || expression 2014-05-29
317249 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] Eclipse frequently hangs with high CPU when editing JavaScript with lots of local declarations 2020-11-12
317270 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [InferEngine] Support different names pointing to the same object 2013-06-19
317928 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] JSDoc3 Interface Support (@interface & @implements) 2014-05-29
318656 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [search] JSDT returns type from wrong project if in working copy 2013-06-19
319453 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [project setup] JSDT uses wrong default include path when deleting and recreating projects 2013-12-10
319876 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [exceptions] NPE entering doc in *.js file 2013-11-05
319880 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Unexpected "Unexpected Tag" warnings in JSDoc 2014-05-29
320374 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor] JavaScript editor does not support alternative DocumentProviders 2013-06-19
323283 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] Opening env.rhino.1.2.js hangs Eclipse 2015-04-12
324673 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Confusing 'Missing semicolon' warnings 2014-05-29
324750 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [UI] JsDoc location cannot be edited via the User Libraries pref page 2015-09-02
324763 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [UI] Global Supertype tab does not persist ordering 2013-07-18
325377 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Namespace objects don't show JSDoc when selecting from possible completions 2013-06-19
325653 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [exceptions] NPE in HierarchyResolver.resolve() for type provided by container 2013-06-19
326842 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Use of javascript const gives "missing semicolon" in associative arrays 2013-06-19
327395 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Editor doesn't understand E4X namespaces 2013-06-19
327620 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor] Have JS editor's "Open Type" action support the cursor being anywhere in the type string 2013-06-19
331499 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor][formatter] Improve "Save Actions" => "Format source code" to format just the edited lines 2013-06-19
331501 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatting] Wrong indentation if new line is inserted before opening a curly bracket 2013-07-18
333276 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Jsdoc support for optional parameters 2014-05-29
333712 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] JSDoc is not shown for the class properties 2015-09-08
333714 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Classes are not properly scoped 2013-06-19
335630 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Invalid errors on switch statement case expressions for mismatched types 2014-05-29
336579 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Regular Expression Error Handling Improvement Request 2014-05-29
336926 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Private methods aren't marked as being private, or hidden from external classes 2013-06-19
336928 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Multiple inheritance isn't possible using @extends 2013-06-19
337568 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [explorer] Source file content not automatically refreshing under JavaScript Resources 2013-07-18
338336 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] objects in functions not shown in outline view 2020-05-28
341823 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [search] JSDT ignores JSDoc in merged variable declaration 2013-06-19
343052 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [search] multiple jsdoc argument types lead to exception 2014-05-29
343053 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] properties of constructor shown on instance proposals 2013-06-19
343130 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter][exceptions] NPE during FormattingStrategyJSDT#format() 2013-10-24
343534 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [Formatter] adds newline after return statement 2014-05-29
344397 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Many errors, apparently spurious, from jquery 1.5.2 2013-06-19
344935 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline][content assist] JSDT ignores static and prototype methods with the same name 2013-06-19
345860 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] JSDT chokes on javascript files with long lines (>500k long) 2018-02-08
346173 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor][UI] Open Type keyboard shortcut not working when using Javascript Editor 2014-03-04
346960 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Unresolved variables validation is gone in 3.3m7 2013-06-19
348319 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] function overloading not supported 2013-06-19
350267 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [search] Local variables don't shadow globals provided by the built-in libraries 2013-06-19
350920 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Extending a method causes it's type annotations to be lost 2013-06-19
350928 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] jsdoc-toolkit array notation is not supported 2015-06-17
351336 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Add configuration to disable type checking 2013-06-19
351338 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] False "variable not initialized" when using for-in 2013-07-10
351346 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Check instanceof for type inference 2013-06-19
351470 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] The local variable is never read 2014-06-24
351473 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor] Incorrect local variable highlighting 2013-06-19
351764 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [explorer] Script explorer shows open projects twice with working sets as top level 2013-07-18
352108 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Regex can confuse javascript formatter 2013-06-19
353311 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] The local variable may not have been initialized 2018-11-22
353546 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] JavaScript formatter indents the whole object 2020-04-30
354160 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Anonymous functions not executed immediately show syntax error 2013-06-19
355036 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] New-line and indent after commas in var declaration 2015-01-15
355116 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Formatter and Indenter are not consistent 2014-05-29
357496 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] No content assist for optional parameters 2013-06-19
357829 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript formatter seems not to do anything 2023-01-18
359212 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Function return type lost over multiple files 2013-06-19
359228 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Type information lost when extending class over several files 2014-05-29
359416 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Member variable type lost after ?: assignment 2013-06-28
360439 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor] Wrong folding with function inside an object 2015-01-21
362403 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] assigning a property to a function makes it no longer being considered a function 2013-06-19
362455 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] indentation of comments in object 2013-06-19
362873 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Wrong highlighting of local variable after duplicate declaration 2013-06-19
365197 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] JSP+EL+JS: Syntax error, insert "}" to complete Block 2013-07-23
369782 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Formatter Settings window larger than 1440x900 2013-06-19
369783 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Missing indentation after line comment 2013-06-19
372814 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] Function inside global objects do not appear on outline 2013-06-19
372895 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Confusing 'There should only ever be one match...' warnings in log file 2013-06-19
373031 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- It seems working Sets are not working on Eclipse Indigo SR2 2013-06-19
374140 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript compare editor fails to open with IllegalArgumentException 2013-06-19
374173 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- error pop up on JavaScript proposal 2013-06-19
374394 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Annotating a local variable inside a function messes up the function annotation 2013-06-19
374718 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] White Space options should offer "TAB" 2013-06-19
375134 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Please convert variable type into instanceof inside if block 2013-06-19
376707 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript formatter messes up the code. Problem with a string passed to a function 2013-06-19
378432 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDoc of method is not shown and incorrectly shown in Hover and Content Assist. 2014-05-29
379114 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Implement the formatter on/off tags like in JDT 2013-06-19
382581 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT infers incorrect type during flow analysis (incorrectly overrides local variable type, leaking type information across method bodies) 2014-05-29
384445 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Wrong highlighting of method arguments 2013-06-19
384645 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Selecting text with arrow keys sometimes fails 2013-06-19
385175 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Suppress JS validation warnings like in PMD 2013-06-19
385274 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] Confusing "Missing semicolon" warning 2013-06-19
387822 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- StackOverflow while Building workspace 2013-06-19
388332 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation] "Module-level" variables are marked as unread 2013-06-19
388889 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- content assist inserts parenthesis 2013-06-19
389650 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Hangs with Text Viewer Hover Presenter (codeSelect) 2013-12-06
389813 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Invalid JavaScript syntax errors displayed in Eclipse IDE 2013-06-19
390913 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Error in JSDT Core during AST creation (IllegalArgumentException in ASTNode.setSourceRange) 2018-11-22
391887 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Jquery in javascript editor 2013-06-19
392096 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Local variable may not have been initialized with parameter named the same as local variable 2013-06-19
394715 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Refuses to recognize .json 2013-06-19
395996 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Validation "Type mismatch: cannot convert from any[] to any" 2013-06-19
397234 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [validation][preferences] Add validator option for reserved identifiers 2013-06-19
397566 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [Javascript] [content assist] No proposal is displayed for some js files added as a user library in a projects 2013-06-19
397775 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Outline incorrectly displays class built using prototype into namespace 2013-06-19
399804 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] O(n^2) behavior when parsing lists, e.g. WebGL 3D models 2013-06-19
403399 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JsGlobalScopeContainer image/wizard ignored when CPE_CONTAINER has aditional IPath segments 2013-06-28
404723 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- First jsdoc in file is not visible for inference provider 2013-06-28
405425 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [parser] Code Folding disruptions in JS Editor when comment are used in the code 2013-06-28
410128 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] ClipboardOperationAction waits for AST access on the UI thread 2014-05-29
410422 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- StackOverflowError during workspace build 2014-05-07
410450 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] Folding provider sends massive AnnotationModelEvent 2018-11-22
411092 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- NPE in org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.CompilationUnitScope.connectTypeHierarchy 2014-05-07
412245 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Formatter option for Align fields in columns doesn't work 2013-07-03
412727 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Outline view doesn't display assignments 2013-07-11
412879 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- NPE when parsing ColVis.js file 2013-07-12
413570 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- IllegalArgumentException when applying quick assist 2013-07-23
415210 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Incorrect warning for local variable not read or initialized when using if-then-else 2013-08-16
415822 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- ClassCastException in JS Validator 2014-09-26
417894 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Errors running builder 'JavaScript Validator; java.lang.String constant cannot be casted into int 2015-11-24
418201 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- tester property complaints on ProjectLibraryRoot 2013-12-10
418880 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Can not copy code from version 2014-05-01
420249 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javscript Validator hangs up when validating fckeditor 2013-11-07
420627 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Private (Non-Public) members not visible in outline. 2013-10-29
421149 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- GC overhead limit exceeded - during editing JS file 2014-09-22
421567 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Web Tools causes CPU performance to degrade; > 100% CPU% 2015-06-24
421912 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Possibility to manage Project path dynamically 2013-11-21
422758 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Explorer not showing project until refresh in eclipse 4 RCP application 2013-12-30
423464 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- The command is undefined warning message appears in Error Log 2016-01-28
423776 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] When working with multiple JavaScript projects sometimes proposals of the wrong project are displayed 2013-12-11
424648 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- AssertionFailedException in ExtractConstantRefactoring.getContainingTypeDeclarationNode 2013-12-25
424665 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Missing Filter "Non-javascript Projects" in Script Explorer View 2013-12-26
424795 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- (Kepler) NPE in JavaScript Validator 2014-01-01
424935 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend cannot be cast to org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration 2014-01-06
425058 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Private members always not avaiable in autocompletion 2014-01-08
425059 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- @private / @protected works only with object literals 2014-01-08
425838 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Validation appears to hang on a Javascript file 2014-01-15
425889 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Code assist for external library regression 2014-01-23
426441 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- git repos on are badly named 2014-01-27
426685 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- jsdoc version match to JSDT 2014-01-27
427868 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Java Script default perspective don't contains Script Explorer View By Default. 2014-02-11
428145 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- eclipse is crashed 2014-02-14
428244 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript editor syntax coloring uses wrong colors 2014-02-15
428842 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException at o.e.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding.resolveTypesFor( 2014-04-04
429444 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Script Explorer giving org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnViewer.checkBusy error. 2015-03-13
429515 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- IllegalArgumentException in content assist 2014-03-03
429871 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Invalid CA on this, propose classes if field/methods list is empty 2014-03-07
429873 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [CA] If InferredType haven't constructor, is not available in CA after new keyword 2014-03-09
433090 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Content Assist works too slow in Javascript with Nodeclipse installed and significant amount of JS libraries included into node.js app project 2014-04-21
433164 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- OO JS autocomplete causes crash with exit code=-805306369 2014-04-22
433663 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- projects page contains outdated repository list 2014-04-28
435234 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSO with 2 name member triggers java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ___anonymous_member name at org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.Signature.createCharArrayTypeSignature( 2014-05-20
435456 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- The JavaScript editor says "Failed to create the part's controls" with some files 2014-05-21
435542 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Code assist does not contain all members from super classes 2014-05-22
435784 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Renaming a file in a subfolder whose parent name contains dot causes ClassCastException 2014-05-26
436438 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JVM crash when typing "new this." in javascript file 2014-06-03
436675 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Outline does not recognize all functions 2015-12-14
437439 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Update eclipse projects to have maven nature and correct JDK compliance 2014-06-14
438245 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript editor freezes as soon as I copy (using key or menu) 2015-11-19
439669 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- MethodProposalInfo can't resolve members when declaring type is not in global(default) package. 2014-07-16
440051 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Outline view display JavaScript info 2014-07-22
440189 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Editor's auto-indentation adds additional spaces and tabs resulting in strange results. 2014-07-23
441173 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- outline missing 2014-08-05
441174 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- enhance formatting for chained variable assignments 2014-08-05
441260 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Formatter Cannot Be Toggled Off 2019-03-27
442049 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse 4.4 (JSDT 1.6.0) freezes when expending project node under JavaScript Resource and/or making copy/paste operations 2015-07-31
442760 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Hanging while editing JS files 2014-09-08
444328 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- CPU skyrockets when editing malformed JavaScript file 2015-06-24
445893 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] rename does not work for variables inside an anonymous function 2018-11-22
446393 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Inheritance support in ECMA 5.1 spec 2014-10-09
447188 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Freeze on file validation 2015-05-14
448286 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- ClassCastException spam: .ast.IfStatement cannot be cast to .ast.AbstractVariableDeclaration 2015-03-03
455714 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Validation exclude rule for JS does not work 2018-11-22
456077 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- When trying completion on ocde literal i get an exception 2015-03-26
456737 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [JSDT] Question about applying Tern and Esprima 2018-11-22
457830 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Add support for suppressing reserved keyword warnings (required for promises, IndexedDB) 2016-03-15
458840 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Exception opening viewer.js from 2016-05-23
461171 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Stuck on building workspace after installing Angular js 2016-06-04
462115 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [bower] Do we need to exclude dependencies installed by bower from the JSDT Include Path? 2018-11-22
462285 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT complains on some minified JS-files like angular.min.js and ionic.bundle.min.js 2015-03-16
462583 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [performance] New Project creation is slow and causes eclipse to be unresponsive 2015-03-24
462584 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Add code folding for any matched braces 2015-03-24
462595 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Sonar : Performance - Inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet iterator 2015-03-19
463071 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT should be able to customize code style with .editorconfig 2018-11-22
463323 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- CE in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 2015-03-27
464805 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSON style private function to public function 2015-04-16
465101 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Unable to use table editor in Change Function Signature Wizard 2015-04-21
466237 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- RuntimeException in IndexingOperation.addDocuments (267) 2016-05-09
466260 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- OutOfMemoryError in Parser.createStringLiteral (4582) 2015-10-27
466589 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Replace current Inference engine by DLTK port 2018-11-22
467140 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- ClassCastException in PackageExplorerContentProvider.handleAffectedChildren (1275) 2018-11-22
467435 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in SourceTypeBinding.resolveTypesFor (1737) 2015-05-15
467440 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-05-16
470112 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript editor ignores formatting preferences and indents with SPACEs when typing ENTER 2018-11-22
470328 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Extension point to delegate JSDoc "Generate Element Comment" 2018-11-22
470436 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript editor stuck, make operating system not response 2015-06-18
470895 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse hangs with high CPU load when browsing Javascript and finally runs into OOM 2015-09-24
471853 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript marks ".delete" and ".instanceof" as bugs 2015-07-05
474071 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT consumes 600% CPU 2015-08-11
474160 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Mars crashes when editing the build path 2015-08-03
474549 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- copying two lines of javascript freezes eclipse 2015-10-27
475279 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript Editor shows inconsistent syntax coloring for functions 2015-08-18
475449 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Quick Outline blocks UI for long time 2015-08-20
475452 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Collapse icon shows at statement after block comment inside function. 2015-10-16
475733 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Backport fix for Bug 468405 to WTP 3.6.3 : Missing help pages 2015-08-24
477792 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- References->Workspace in JavaScript does not work 2018-05-03
478998 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- OutOfMemoryError in JSDT Indexer 2015-10-06
479060 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Refactoring Support: Extract method/function feature for single JavaScript file 2015-10-05
479807 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- More extension for Find References (Ctrl+Shift+G) 2018-11-22
481162 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Assigning result of function to empty object property causes a false hiding warning in catch statement 2015-10-30
482010 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- No PRIVATE items in Outline and can not locate them by CTRL+click 2015-11-12
482054 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Support for Unit testing similar to JDT Junit 2016-01-08
482888 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Disable JSDT Hyperlink with extension point 2016-04-04
482971 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Disable some javaCompletionProposalComputer with a new extension point 2016-04-04
483283 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Space after opening bracket in for-each loop 2015-11-30
485321 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Extension Point to delegate refactoring 2018-11-22
486575 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Editor completion proposals do not expand vertical space correctly 2016-01-28
486596 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Building Workspace constantly at 0% 2016-01-26
487610 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- possible memory leak caused by IndexManager 2016-02-10
487681 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] "invert 'if' statement" does not invert condition 2016-02-11
488886 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Add custom action for some JSON property (ex: package.json/scripts) 2016-03-25
489121 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Consider removal of JSDT package/script explorer 2018-11-22
489366 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] See if we can dynamically add Nodejs context 2016-03-10
489369 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Template resolvers don't work 2016-03-10
489814 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT should provide an embedded node.js for internal and 3rd Party plugin use 2016-03-25
489859 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [cleanup] Change package that names refer to JDT 2016-03-17
489860 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [cleanup] Clean up org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core 2016-03-17
489861 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [cleanup] Clean up org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui 2016-04-13
490423 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [ES6] import folding 2016-03-25
490426 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] Override content outline 2016-03-25
490427 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [formatter] CodeFormatter extension point 2016-03-26
490429 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [Mark occurences] override mark occurrence 2016-03-25
490898 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT 2.0.0 very slow with big file 2016-04-07
491082 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [ES6] syntax coloration for "from" + "as" import 2018-11-22
491194 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [ES7] Syntax coloration for ES7 decorator 2018-11-22
491196 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Add custom keyword for syntax coloration with an extension point 2016-04-06
491491 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Add missing @Since tags to indicate provisional API (#2) 2016-04-12
491985 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [Parser] ASTParser produces wrong InfixExpression.Operator for "===" token 2016-04-21
492032 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Revert workaround to make PDE compile optional APIs 2016-04-19
492746 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Add code completion support for let and const 2016-04-29
493474 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- TypeHierarchy.getSuperclass() returns null 2016-05-18
494825 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- catch, delete and finally methods raise parse errors 2016-10-20
495418 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Mark Occurrences not working in Javascript Editor 2018-11-22
495717 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Bower/npm new project wizard name and description unexternalized 2016-06-08
495719 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Label for "description" field of "npm init" wizard unexternalized 2016-06-08
495878 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse freeze for 14 sec opening a basic JS file 2016-06-15
495884 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript files are not indexed 2016-06-10
496131 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- IES46 - TCT#7: wsw46aap001, etc. translatable? 2016-08-30
496199 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- ResourceException below WorkbenchResourceUtil.findFileRecursively (thrown in Resource.checkExists) 2016-06-15
496766 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [CLI] CLIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID is incorrect 2016-06-25
496767 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [CLI] Customize CLIStreamListener to observe custom messages 2016-06-25
496790 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- javascript code assist 2018-11-01
496863 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- javascript editor is partially broken 2018-11-24
497473 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Ctrl + Shift + T doesnt work when any js file is opened in editor 2018-11-22
498269 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Fix @Since and other versioning errors 2016-07-21
498370 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- ASTParser does not parse expressions like `var a = b;` correctly. 2017-03-28
498372 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Update JavaScript Indexer 2016-07-27
498440 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Node.js "Relaunch" support - not acting as expected 2016-07-27
499474 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT 2.0 Launcher doesn't allow to set environment variables 2016-08-10
499484 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- [editor][formatter] Support for auto format "onkey" 2016-08-10
499580 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Syntax Coloring Not Working for Variable References 2020-02-07
499903 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- when edit '.js'-files "Ctrl+Shift+Right / Left" do nothing. 2016-08-18
500161 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- WSW46 TCT #21 blank page 2016-08-30
500354 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSX Support 2016-08-31
500465 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Wrong generated brace after Enter 2018-11-22
500610 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- The local variable _ is never read 2016-08-31
500614 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- formatter completely fails if line contains more than one division operator (slash) 2018-02-07
500698 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Huge JavaScript library hang the IDE, then need to kill 2016-09-01
500824 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- a Wizard or accessible project template to create node.js express apps 2016-09-05
501187 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Open declaration (F3, Ctrl+click) doesn't work 2018-01-11
501455 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- refactor rename does not work 2018-11-22
501646 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Need more console logging from npm operations 2016-09-17
503006 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse PHP: JavaScript syntax coloring problem 2016-10-13
504057 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Neon JS autocompletion not working 2019-09-19
507782 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- javascript content assist don't work in eclipse neon 2019-01-18
507918 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- rename refactoring does not correctly update the model 2016-11-21
508335 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- ECMA 3 Browser Support Library in JavaScript project 2018-11-22
510677 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript Object's prototype property is not supported 2019-01-18
510801 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSON formatter fails for nested list 2018-11-22
511520 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Exception processing Java/Maven/JS project. 2018-11-22
512598 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Outline view does not show the type of the variable in Neon.2 2018-11-22
513609 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JDK 9 Modular compatibility 2018-11-22
513785 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Include reddeer p2 repo in WTP prerequisites 2017-03-16
514739 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Fix JSDT oomph setup for Neon.3 2017-07-07
515601 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- wrong result while trying to format for-in statements 2017-04-24
515602 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- error occurs while trying to format code including a return statement which is missing the semicolon 2017-04-24
515603 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Method invoking statements contain long strings may not be formatted correctly 2017-04-24
516742 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse CPU usage is way more than 100% on Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) with Java 1.8.0_131 when multi module maven projects are opened 2019-01-31
516973 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- New bower.json will not open in the editor if there is another bower.json open but move the focus to the open one 2017-05-19
517821 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Quick Outline for JavaScript extremely slow in Eclipse Neon 2017-06-05
517944 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- No folding for self functions 2017-06-15
518105 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- It's too slow when open javascript file 2017-06-12
518683 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript ontline broken for many Javascript language features 2024-01-13
518738 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse neon.3 doesn't indent JavaScript containing import statements 2017-06-24
518864 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- plugin not added to org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.feature 2017-11-03
519379 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- class org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.EmptyStatement is not assignable to class org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration 2017-11-30
519527 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript outline tree fails to show all first level members of an object (regression) 2018-02-22
520375 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- IllegalArgumentException in FileEditorInput 2017-08-20
521768 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript formatter breaks on computed property names 2017-09-01
521769 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Arrow functions break the javascript formatter 2017-09-01
525306 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Mark Occurrences for Javascript Editor broken 2018-05-14
525347 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- NPE when editing Javascript file - org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core 2017-10-03
525970 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- StackOverflowError exception in org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ClosureCompilerASTConverter 2017-10-30
526463 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JS-Editor: Nullpointer-Exception while opening .js-File with certain syntax. 2017-11-02
526542 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- json tool syntax error for sample data 2017-10-27
527036 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Oxygen: Formatting simple Javascript statement fails (Ctrl-Shift-f) 2017-12-07
527088 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Please publish JSDT artifacts to Maven Central 2017-11-09
527275 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSP Format Active Elements introduces Javascript error 2022-02-16
527490 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse JSP Formatter using tabs instead of spaces in JSP Scriptlet tags when <script> tags are present 2019-11-02
528027 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript -> Syntax coloring -> Preview box 2017-12-01
528918 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Formatter doesn't understand ES6 template literals 2018-07-05
528999 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDoc tags() are empty after parsing js file 2017-12-20
530728 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript element ctrl+click says "current text selection does not resolve to a javascript element" 2019-09-06
531538 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Error opening JS file 2018-03-05
532662 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript Editor: unable to create part breaking the editor 2018-03-20
532721 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- NO DEFAULT PROPOSALS error inside javascript tag 2019-07-20
532795 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Content Assist crash with: for (const [id, guildMember] of msg.mentions.members) 2018-06-29
533812 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- StackOverflowError on eclipse start 2018-05-02
534748 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- It works very slowly when copying some words in Jsp files 2018-05-16
534886 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- About Javascript editor 2020-06-04
535146 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Semi-colon expected after await 2022-03-01
535484 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javscript formatter breaks for certain cases 2018-06-07
535895 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- CCE in Project Explorer 2018-06-15
536598 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Initialize Setup Models will interrupt UI thread 2018-07-03
539442 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Code folding does not work 2018-09-25
540149 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Remove Nashorn extension from JSDT - Port to Neon 2018-10-15
542103 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- /org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.chromium.wipbackend bundles can not resolve javax.xml.bind under Java 9 / Java 11 2019-01-22
542861 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse reference and declaration context menu options missing when in a JSP file 2018-12-18
543074 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Unable to open ABAP Project in Eclipse IDE 2019-01-11
543567 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Outline view in Eclipse (Neon, Oxygen, Photon) is not displaying the JavaScript editor values properly 2019-01-18
543612 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Javascript editor save fails with NPE when lines are trivially transposed 2019-01-21
544570 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- prev/next annotation does not work in JavaScript editor 2019-02-19
544733 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- elided array elements 2019-02-23
545216 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Please support ES8 syntax, e.g. async and await keywords 2021-10-06
545921 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse run validation of resources even when it's disabled 2019-03-29
549173 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Eclipse IDE Crash when renaming a class 2019-07-11
552166 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException on save with syntax problem 2019-10-17
562757 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Exponentiation Operator does not parse properly 2020-05-03
562836 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Copy/paste of comments in .js removes spaces at start of line 2020-05-05
565410 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- 2020-09 Javascript Development Tools don't load 2020-09-17
575535 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT source bundles are not being distributed although they are being build 2021-08-20
580774 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Unsatisfied constraint: 'Import-Package:; version="3.8.1"' 2022-09-22
581996 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- Unable to edit javascript include path 2023-05-30
582450 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox NEW --- JSDT INstall problem 2023-09-21
356609 JSDT General Michael_Rennie NEW --- help file missing href attribute 2013-06-19
486037 JSDT General psuzzi NEW --- Improve JSDT development docs 2018-11-22
486944 JSDT General psuzzi NEW --- Create JSDT .target File 2018-07-30
501312 JSDT General psuzzi NEW --- JSON Editor improvement: enclose text within quotes 2018-11-22
217475 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [doc] JavaScript editor preferences pages missing CSH (infopops) 2013-06-19
237223 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Use information about the calling function prototype in content assist 2013-06-19
240319 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] syntax error when using e4x 2013-06-19
240322 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Destructuring assignment not supported 2013-06-19
257718 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Mozilla-style try-catch(ex if ...) blocks flagged as errors 2013-06-19
259178 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] [syntax] No content assist for keyword "case" unless one is already present 2013-06-19
266113 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] Closure (Singleton Pattern) does not show Outline 2015-03-17
267775 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [misc] jsdt is not fully compatible with JSDoc toolkit 2014-05-29
269214 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] "prototype" not available in content assist for build-in types 2013-06-19
273734 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] BIDI3.5:HCG_Incorrect display of entities in outline view for java script file. 2013-06-19
286722 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [doc] DVT35:TCT583: CHT: Some views in JavaScript perspective do not have specific descriptions in dynamic help 2013-06-19
287203 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] Global classes show up as functions in outline when defined with var 2013-06-19
294565 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [outline] Static classes not shown in the outline view 2013-06-19
296420 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [exceptions] JSDT Catch all exceptions when performing validation and show for which JS file they are 2013-06-19
298062 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] InferEngine could better detect fields 2015-11-23
298654 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Closures give warning/error if used in function before its definition 2013-06-19
298657 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] A named function expression is not available within its body 2013-06-19
298659 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [language support] Assigning function to property on this messes it up 2013-06-19
299745 JSDT General wst.javascript-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Code assist doesn't work properly with JS Literal Objects 2014-05-29
358026 JSDT General cmjaun ASSI --- Selecting a local variable occurrence in an anonymous function can cause variable occurrences with the same name in other functions to be highlighted 2014-05-29
234582 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox ASSI --- [validation] [content assist ] Inferred types always placed into global scope even if defined locally 2013-06-19
331502 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox REOP --- [content assist] Code assist not adding function arguments when the function is declared in another file 2013-07-11
578894 JSDT General jsdt.javascript-inbox REOP --- [Javascript editor] Curly braces are not highlighted 2022-02-27
408 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "General" component of the "JSDT" product