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Re: [m2e-dev] Java File Encoding and other settings.

You can use IMaven.resolve to resolve single artifact. This should be
much easier to use than either Aether or Maven repository access APIs.


On 11-05-11 11:58 AM, olivier nouguier wrote:
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I am still not sure I understand all alternatives.

    When you say "dependency", do you mean project-level <dependency/>
    element or something under plugin configuration like in the examples you
    provided? I don't think using project level dependencies for code
    formatter configuration is a good idea.

Under the plugin

    When you say "manual resolution", what do you mean exactly? Bypassing
    aether and/or maven repository API and talking to remote repositories

Using Aether.

    I also do not understand how you plan to take advantage of transitive
    dependency resolution, with or without use of classloaders. You just
    need a single xml document with code formatter configuration, right?

There is not advantage at all, as you say for some simples file ...


    On 11-05-11 03:58 AM, olivier nouguier wrote:

        First I want the that the configuration remains shared as an
        Then the question is how do I retrieve this artifact:
        1a) As a dependency with transitive resolution.
        1b) As a dependency *without* transitive resolution
        2) As a manual resolution.

        AFAIU my problem is that with the option (1a), if a want to be able
        (easily) to transitively resolve resources I must use a
        classloader on

        With option (1b) and (2) a can retrieve the resources for the

        On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Igor Fedorenko
        <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:

            I assumed this is how you wanted to implement it, to be
        honest. What are
            the alternatives?


            On 11-05-10 04:56 PM, olivier nouguier wrote:

                After more reflexion, do you think I should not use the
                mecanism to resolve my configuration file ?

                I could provide extra configuration:


                Then "manually" (with Aether api) resolve the artifact and
                finally load
                the file from the jar.

                What do you think of this solution.


                On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:26 AM, olivier nouguier
        <olivier.nouguier@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:olivier.nouguier@xxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:olivier.nouguier@xxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:

                    Just to load file from the dependency (if the file
        is in a
                    transitive dep).

                    On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Igor Fedorenko
        <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
        <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>> wrote:

                        Out of curiosity, why do you need a classloader to
                configure code
                        formatter from an xml file?


                        On 11-04-18 06:23 PM, olivier nouguier wrote:

                            Hi all,
                               In the same vein, I like to be able to
        set some other
                            settings during
                            a project import.
                               To reproduce the

          org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugins mojo
                            behaviour (eclipse:eclipse).

                               For example the formatter configuration.
                               AFAIU this settings is stored in
                            and can be exported/imported as xml file.
                               My idea is to provide a new MOJO like this:

                            Then provide a configurator that will inject
                            configuration in .settings.

                            Remarks ?

                            Is there some helper to build classloader
        from m2e
                            dependencies ?


        "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
                            - Pablo Picasso -

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