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Re: [m2e-dev] Java File Encoding and other settings.

I am still not sure I understand all alternatives.

When you say "dependency", do you mean project-level <dependency/>
element or something under plugin configuration like in the examples you
provided? I don't think using project level dependencies for code
formatter configuration is a good idea.

When you say "manual resolution", what do you mean exactly? Bypassing
aether and/or maven repository API and talking to remote repositories

I also do not understand how you plan to take advantage of transitive
dependency resolution, with or without use of classloaders. You just
need a single xml document with code formatter configuration, right?


On 11-05-11 03:58 AM, olivier nouguier wrote:
First I want the that the configuration remains shared as an artictact.
Then the question is how do I retrieve this artifact:
1a) As a dependency with transitive resolution.
1b) As a dependency *without* transitive resolution
2) As a manual resolution.

AFAIU my problem is that with the option (1a), if a want to be able
(easily) to transitively resolve resources I must use a classloader on

With option (1b) and (2) a can retrieve the resources for the artifact

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I assumed this is how you wanted to implement it, to be honest. What are
    the alternatives?


    On 11-05-10 04:56 PM, olivier nouguier wrote:

        After more reflexion, do you think I should not use the dependency
        mecanism to resolve my configuration file ?

        I could provide extra configuration:


        Then "manually" (with Aether api) resolve the artifact and
        finally load
        the file from the jar.

        What do you think of this solution.


        On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:26 AM, olivier nouguier
        <olivier.nouguier@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:olivier.nouguier@xxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:olivier.nouguier@xxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:

            Just to load file from the dependency (if the file is in a
            transitive dep).

            On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Igor Fedorenko
        <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:

                Out of curiosity, why do you need a classloader to
        configure code
                formatter from an xml file?


                On 11-04-18 06:23 PM, olivier nouguier wrote:

                    Hi all,
                       In the same vein, I like to be able to set some other
                    settings during
                    a project import.
                       To reproduce the
                    org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugins mojo
                    behaviour (eclipse:eclipse).

                       For example the formatter configuration.
                       AFAIU this settings is stored in
                    and can be exported/imported as xml file.
                       My idea is to provide a new MOJO like this:

                    Then provide a configurator that will inject this
                    configuration in .settings.

                    Remarks ?

                    Is there some helper to build classloader from m2e
                    dependencies ?


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