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Re: [jetty-dev] Re: jetty7 distribution

Jesse McConnell wrote:
> Personally I am not keen on a jetty-distribution from eclipse that
> contains artifacts or dependencies, whatever anyone wants to call
> them, that are not publicly available from a durable maven repository.
>  I can handle it for osgi consumers that would consume jetty from a p2
> update site type location as those artifacts/dependencies have been
> run through the eclipse bundling process such they can be consumed
> into that environment.  That is a completely different type of
> distribution so I am all good with that.
> I will note that we can perhaps use the dependency maven plugin to
> grab the artifact out of Orbit through a hard coded URL but I am also
> not really keen on that approach either.

I agree with all those aspirations and I believe that eventually
there will be an eclipse maven repo (or groupID) out of which we
can take the dependencies.

But until that exists, it is still a big hole to not have a downloadable

So as a pragmatic short to mid term solution, using the maven dependency
plugin to copy some orbit jars will at least give us an eclipse

For core jetty, it is not a lot of jars that we are talking about. If we bundle


then we have an executable servlet server.  If we add:


then JNDI will work.   The only really difficult one is annotations which


not all of which exist yet in Orbit.

Also if we keep the Orbit naming of these jars, it will be apparent what
their origin is.  The start.jar is more than capable of handling the
naming differences and making sure there are no duplications etc.

Even if we just go with server-api-2.5.jar,  it gives us a distribution
that can act as a placeholder - and any deficiencies in the distribution
will act as a good reminder for the work we have to do.

> As for the jetty distribution idea...+1
> produces a jetty7 hightide distro

Well I was thinking of killing that branch and simply rename


I now don't think of hightide as a separate project.   I think
jetty-hightide   is just a distribution of jetty that has a few more
optional components included (JTA, JSP, etc.)

It is a sibling of other distributions at codehaus such as


Looking at it this way, the jetty-hightide name makes more
sense, since calling it jetty-distribution would crowd out
those other as "distributions".

Note, for jetty-6 hightide was different because it was patched and
compiled differently.   For jetty-7 the artefacts that will be
in hightide will just be the standard ones from maven.

> * henceforth all rpm, deb, tar.gz distro's for jetty7 would come from
> here, jetty6 we keep it the way it is and cleanup the hightide build
> bits

All the rpm, debs, tar.gz distros come from jetty@codehaus trunk

> I would also like to suggest that we move anything jetty7 producing
> into jetty/hightide/trunk and move the jetty6 branch back onto
> jetty/trunk so its clear that is where jetty6 lives and we remain in
> maintenance mode...that way it is clear that jetty7 is from eclipse
> except for hightide bits and jetty6 is from codehaus svn...At the same
> time we retire hightide-jetty6 since we haven't updated that recently
> either..unless we have someone that needs it then it is a branch of
> the above hightide location.
> Basically I want to get us down to as few active svn trunks and
> branches as possible. 


Going forward I want just to have

But until EoL we have to maintain jetty-6 and hightide-6 in

> Greg, some time ago you mentioned having a weekly or fortnightly
> either phone or irc meeting...perhaps we could set something like that
> up to discuss this?

This is a good idea and we should definitely do this... I'll separately
post with a suggestion for a regular time.

But meanwhile, I want to get 7RC3 out.   We have built the eclipse
project, but there is no runnable distro yet.     I could build
jetty@codehaus, but that currently has jetty-distribution as the
module name.    If we can get some agreement now, then I'd like
to rename that jetty-hightide for the 7RC3 build from codehaus
and this could be ready to run Monday!


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