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Re: [jetty-dev] Re: jetty7 distribution

Hey Greg,

For what it's worth, it seems like there would be a number of individuals who would want JSP support but not the additional things included in Jetty 6 Hightide. But I may be biased because I fall in to the group just described. Until the IP issues around the JSP support get worked out, would you consider building a jetty-distirbution@eclipse + JSP@codehaus version?

Greg Wilkins wrote:
Jetty@eclipse, Jetty@codehaus & rt-pm@eclipse

As has already been described, we are currently unable to create full
distributions of jetty-7 for download from eclipse because not all the
jars we like to bundle with a distro have yet been through the eclipse IP
processes (mainly JSP).

We were initially building jetty@eclipse distributions in the
jetty-distribution module:

that was breaking the eclipse IP policy, so for the RC2 release there
will be no distribution available from eclipse (but the jars will still
be available from the update site).

Instead we are building a distribution from codehaus that uses the
eclipse jars, but bundles them other dependencies to create a
running server.   The good news here is that we can bundle even
more than we have previously - so RC3 will include the atomikos JTA
as well as JSP and other components.

However, it is our intent to have an eclipse distribution as soon
as possible. Thus I'd like to propose that before we go to 7.0.0
final release, we reinstate jetty-distribution @ eclipse to include
a runnable server with all the jetty jars plus just the eclipse
conditioned servlet-api.jar.    This will comply with eclipse
policy and be able to be downloaded from eclipse services and
will run non-JSP webapps out of the box.

We would still have jetty-distribution@codehaus and it would
be able to include the JSP, atomikos, slf4j, terracotta integrations,
gigaspaces integrations etc. etc.

To avoid confusion (and a third distribution) I'd like to propose
that we rename the jetty-distribution @ codehaus to be jetty-hightide,
which for jetty-6 has always been the optioned up release of jetty.

Thus we will have:

  jetty-distribution @ eclipse   - core jetty as executable servlet server
  jetty-hightide @ codehaus      - full application server distribution

Overtime, as we get IP clearances, I expect components will migrate from
jetty-hightide to jetty-distribution.  But I also expect that there will
always be some components (eg integrations with jboss/terracotta/gigaspaces)
that are very unlikely to come under the eclipse sphere.

So in summary - I'm making 2 proposals:

 1) reinstate jetty-distribution @ eclipse with a runnable server
    of all eclipse cleared components

 2) rename jetty-distribution @ codehaus to jetty-hightide


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