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答复: [higgins-dev] Integration of RCP Identity Selector


Glad to hear that you are interested in the "RCP identitiy selector", I have developed this feature with Mike and Bruce in the year 07-08. I see you have defined two scenarios in the following, but my question is, do you have any business requirement at hand or typical use case/user stories about rich client application with identity selector functionality,or what's the motivation of typical rich client applications to integrate with the identity selector?  

For you questions:

The RCP ID selector and HBX are in two separate process, and I use socket as the inter-process communication channel. HBX can hold up info-card form's POST request, it can get the info-card description of the Web page (mostly are the <param> tags of the <object> tag), and send these information to the RCP identity selector process through a TCP connection, on 8088. The selector then work out the security token (from remote STS server or locally) and return the token to the HBX.    

We have define the message format (XML) for this TCP connection, so the RCP rich client application can use the same way to invoke this selector. Your application can just prepare this XML message, and send out through port 8088; and then wait for the security token on this connection.

I have a sample (which I prepared for IBM Lotus Expeditor/Notes last year), and you can find the stuff contains things you may want. Note that the code may be old as it is developed in April 2008.

Li Tie
China Development Lab, IBM
Phone: 86-10-82452494  Internal : 69052494
Notes ID : Tie Li/China/IBM  Email: litie@xxxxxxxxxx

子曰:弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文。 -- 论语 - 学而第一

发件人: Jochen Hiller <jo.hiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
收件人: higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
日期: 02/10/2009 12:47 AM
主题: [higgins-dev] Integration of RCP Identity Selector
发件人: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,

we, a group of four developers, have a joint submission about "Identity Management in your RCP application with Higgins" together with Mary Ruddy. We are doing development of RCP and server-side applications quite a good while, and are trying now to integrate Higgins into typical application architectures.

We are preparing a demonstrator for EclipseCon, where we want to show the integration of the RCP Identity Selector into an simple RCP application.

We have two scenarios in mind:

- Embed an RCP Identity Selector into an existing RCP application, to enable re-use of identity cards (either local, or managed)
- Use a locally installed RCP Identity Selector for more than one application

What is the preferred way, to startup the RCP Identity Selector from a RCP UI? Are there any samples within SVN?
The app "crpps" also contains a service (RPPSService2) providing Higgins Browser extension (<hbx...>) protocol running on port 8088. Is this the preferred way to share one common installed RCP Identity Selector for multiple RCP applications? Are there any details about the HBX protocol supported by this service?

Thanks, Jochen
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