Sun Jun 2 2024 14:10:53 EDT
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85 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
577670 PDE API Tool equinox.framework-inbox NEW --- Feature Request: Export-Package: * 2024-01-19
234861 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Cannot apply twice the quickfix for missig @since tags in the same file without saving 2023-08-14
255068 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Check API compatibility in Java projects with PDE API Tools 2019-10-31
256093 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Allow to set baseline for a project 2016-10-12
263049 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Tools report in builds should include missing @since tags 2018-03-13
266328 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Provide details for reported API problems 2014-01-23
267517 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- improve error message for resolution problems in API baseline 2023-08-17
298377 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- @maychange suggestion for auto-generated integers 2014-07-13
301541 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- leak not detected on API dependent when internal supertype modified 2023-03-23
309509 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API checking preferences/properties should have a filter for different source folders 2019-09-11
317329 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Provide a default report converter for the CompareTask 2016-05-17
328410 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Make API tools easier to consume 2023-04-23
331853 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- ApiBaselineManager confuses when multiple projects with same ID are present 2023-04-17
334280 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- BadLocationException logged by ApiAnalysisBuilder 2023-01-16
365781 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Baseline Tools- detect plugin/feature requires service segment bump 2015-03-25
371628 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Some problem filters don't work 2023-09-07
426865 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Tools builder does not remove 'API analysis aborted' problems on Clean 2023-03-10
465584 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Incremental build doesn't report breakages when API field refers to internal constant 2023-09-20
475211 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Tools should be usable/installable into other packages 2015-08-18
479055 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Reload the API baseline automatically when associated target definition was updated 2021-02-24
507631 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Tooling not suitable for use with EMF 2023-01-01
508691 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- End of line characters in api_description file 2023-04-26
513693 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Report issue when referencing "new" field, method or class 2017-03-15
517236 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API tools improvements in PDE 2024-05-22
532282 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- 304 API errors on SWT in existing workspace (appear and strangely disappear) 2024-01-25
538318 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Standard 4.3.2 - Not Supported for MC OS 10.13.6 2022-08-30
539517 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Incomprehensible warning from API tools 2023-06-11
541518 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- TCF won't output to TCF Debug Terminal while running Raspberry Zero - arm6 as target. 2022-11-04
541856 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Why does removal of a useless import require a major version change 2022-11-15
542902 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Build API Quick fix does not apply to all selections 2022-11-30
543369 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- No repository found at 2022-12-23
545074 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Need new API warning for leaking external types as part of the bundle API 2019-03-28
545975 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- "view contribution using 3.x API" wizard 2023-03-12
546027 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Unable to install axis2 plugins into eclipse photon 2023-03-14
547649 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Add de-compiler eclipse 2023-05-06
551247 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API check does not recognize changed class hierarchy across dependencies 2023-10-20
552205 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Incremental build seem not work properly for @since tags at least 2023-09-29
553847 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Error while updating softwares and plugins 2019-12-05
561140 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- [14] - Write test cases for record API tools support 2023-05-26
564817 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Getting Problems During Content Assist dialogue box again and again 2022-06-23
566442 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Intermittent 2 test cases junit failure on windows platform on I20200826-1800 2022-08-18
567409 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Scheduled Jobs executed in parallel 2022-09-19
568302 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Apitooling with private repositories 2022-10-18
568474 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Profile not locked due to exception ... file path too long 2022-10-25
570266 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- The API tools Javadoc Proposal from the'' plug-in did not complete normally 2023-01-03
570692 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Make it an error to reference API with newer @since tag than the import range in the MANIFEST 2023-01-18
570724 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Tools Javadoc Proposals' issue in eclipse 2023-01-19
571101 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- ApiAnalysisApplication - Support baseline p2-repositories and directory-locations 2024-03-24
571584 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- plug-in did not complete normally eclipse 2023-02-21
572023 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Give warning for types with both @noreference and @since tags 2023-03-08
572024 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Since tag can be tweaked to latest version for an API to latest version 2023-03-08
572672 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- "Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library" 2022-07-14
573339 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Issue with TestNG 2023-06-15
573406 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- [api tools] generate a CI friendly result file 2021-05-06
575083 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- API Tools is not working 2023-07-19
575663 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Ability to build and load multiple plugins with same / similar APIs 2023-08-18
578358 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Wrong API error on adding a constant to interface 2024-01-16
579286 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Progress bar of "Performing API analysis" always shows 17% to 18% 2024-03-07
564029 PDE API Tool pde-ui-inbox NEW --- cannot export project based on features 2024-05-24
307754 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Translation Question - WSW36#068 2023-01-31
327036 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Some Ant tasks perform complete analysis instead of scoped analysis 2023-02-03
405494 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- [patch] Add support to know when a baseline has changed on-disk 2023-07-26
406823 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- API Use Scans preference page doesn't recognize a use scan with no results 2023-07-10
525941 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- API Tools error not reported after getting "The local variable c may not have been initialized" 2022-07-07
531582 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Investigate "CoreException: Unable to resolve superclass" from API tools 2023-04-26
535054 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Investigate "Visible type javax.* has no API description" coming out of added jars 2022-07-11
541223 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Investigate giving warning for individual projects if project is not in baseline 2022-10-28
545677 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- False positive "Missing @since tag" error 2023-04-26
548502 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- API tools error on Mac 2023-07-04
550006 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Run APIAnalysisBuilder only when the contents of the preference file has changed 2023-07-26
558477 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Incorrect Type implements non-API interface warnings/errors when @noimplement's implementation in same bundle 2022-10-04
559354 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- final static public field addition to class with no reference should give unsupported tag error/warning 2024-03-21
568760 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- The @noextend restriction have been removed for type org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser 2023-05-26
569292 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra NEW --- Improve PDE API tool's progress monitor 2022-11-21
336399 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- We should correct the types of our Ant task setter methods 2023-09-05
233493 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- [api tooling] @since tag check should handle multiple @since tags 2020-04-22
213020 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- [api tooling] compute minimal required bundle versions 2015-01-11
215073 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- [api tooling] Support for package versioning 2015-07-27
218566 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- restricted field access not flagged as problem 2023-08-09
230277 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- [api tooling] Support for @noreference on constants 2018-09-16
255771 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- Report usage of non-available new code 2013-09-25
307996 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- Add a UI for running API migration scans 2014-01-23
549375 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox ASSI --- Inconsistent results with API Tools 2024-03-13
548680 PDE API Tool pde-apitools-inbox REOP --- Error reported with API Analysis application, not in IDE 2023-06-12
434408 PDE API Tool Vikas.Chandra REOP --- No delta message for binary-compatible change/removal of type arguments in method signature 2024-04-23
85 bugs found.
