Sat Jun 1 2024 23:09:00 EDT
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89 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
223490 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox RESO DUPL [compiler] Eclipse miscompiles uses of java.beans.ContructorProperties in the Sun JDK 6 2008-03-21
208234 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE Specify that CodeFormatter is not intended to be subclassed 2007-12-11
208541 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [formatter] Formatter does not format whole region/selection 2008-03-11
192670 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [api] need api to get from binding key to a IJavaElement 2007-12-13
209958 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Support getting default value from IMethod 2007-12-13
210310 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE IJavaElementDelta contains wrong data after APT processor is enabled 2007-12-12
207572 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [select] codeselect not available if unterminated string literal 2007-12-11
207929 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE No import added to declaring class if static member is 'class' 2007-12-11
209623 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE NullPointerexception on List.toArray + F3 2007-12-11
209661 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE ILocalVariable for method parameter misses annotations 2007-12-11
210273 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Content Assist cannot cope with explicit parameter types 2007-12-11
210404 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Method parameters are not recovered when followed by an annotation with a syntax error 2007-12-11
211180 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Statements recovery fails inside annotation of a local variable 2007-12-11
210922 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE ArrayStoreException when formatting set of regions 2007-12-11
73205 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI DUPL [Search] would be nice to be able to search for typecasts 2007-12-12
155013 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] [DCR] More finegrained options for Java search 2007-12-12
207754 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [AST][DOM] source range of ParenthesizedExpression does not include the parenthesis 2008-08-11
208807 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE JavaCore.getDefaultOptions() throws an exception when there is no workspace 2007-12-11
209054 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] for references to method finds wrong interface call 2007-12-11
209642 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [index] Improve search for annotation references by using a specific category 2007-12-12
209993 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [1.5][search] Generic search does not get correctly type arguments from BindingKey 2007-12-12
210432 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI INVA BodyDeclaration.getJavadoc() returns null if javadoc follows an annotation 2007-12-11
210567 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [1.5][search] Parameterized type reference not found when used in type parameter bounds 2007-12-18
210689 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] Type references are not found in import declarations when JUnit tests only use working copies 2007-12-11
210691 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] Type references position invalid in import references when using "*" pattern 2007-12-11
211366 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] does not return references to types in binary classes 2007-12-12
211779 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] better name for SUPERTYPE_TYPE_REFERENCE? 2007-12-12
211781 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] clarify 'ALLOCATION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_REFERENCE' 2007-12-12
211857 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] Standard annotations references not found on binary fields and methods when no source is attached 2007-12-11
211872 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] References to annotations not found in class file without source 2007-12-11
212137 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI WONT [search] PossibleMatchSet perform a linear search to see whether a PossibleMatch has been already stored 2007-12-12
212599 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] fine grained search must not report matches in Javadoc 2007-12-13
131382 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WONT Compiler compliance level 1.4 still allows 1.5 API to go through 2007-12-11
150229 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL new warning: unnecessarily implemented interface 2007-12-12
159452 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL [classpath] IDE does not rebuild properly when user libraries have changed. 2007-12-11
167952 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA [1.6][compiler] Invalid compilation errors for rt.jar for Java 1.6 annotations 2009-02-03
181256 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA support resolving more than just IType 2007-12-11
208436 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WONT bad code practice in JavaProject.hasJavaNature 2008-01-03
208608 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA javadoc added by quick fix is invalid 2007-12-11
209152 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] different captures for the the same wildcard 2007-12-11
210155 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WONT IType refers to the returning of "collections" when they are actually arrays 2007-12-11
210486 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WORK [JUnit] Junit 4 fails on Assert.assertEquals when comparing Strings 2007-12-11
211805 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA One project cannot see class in default package from another project. 2007-12-11
211897 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL User libraries often disappear 2007-12-11
212234 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA JobManager calling Thread.sleep in possibly infinite loop on UI thread 2007-12-12
212530 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WORK The project was not built due to "'nul' is an invalid name on this platform.". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent 2007-12-11
213527 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL ClassCast exception when search for Annotation type references 2008-03-07
149074 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL No F_CONTENT flag on delta when using auto complete w/ annotation 2007-12-11
173814 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI INVA IJavaElement not refresh after AST saved to the Buffer 2007-12-11
206597 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE IType#resolveType(String) is not implemented for binary types 2007-12-12
207775 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE incomplete source range for anonymous type 2007-12-12
207890 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Checking out JFace and then SWT leads to a strange state 2008-02-05
208386 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Annotation Javadoc glitches 2007-12-12
209222 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Stack overflow in TypeHierarchyPerfTest 2008-05-29
209475 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE BindingKey.isRawType() doesn't return the right result 2007-12-12
209823 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE IAnnotation#getSourceRange() and #getNameRange() throw JME on annotation of ILocalVariable 2007-12-12
210070 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Type hierarchy unpredictable 2008-01-30
210094 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Creating type hierarchy does not report progress 2007-12-12
210498 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Extra type in hierarchy when focusing on local class 2007-12-12
210565 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Null value is obtained from IMemberValuePair, when type is Enum 2007-12-13
211290 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Wrong delta renaming .classpath file 2007-12-12
211960 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI WORK StackOverFlow in MethodOverrideTester.findOverriddenMethodInHierarchy() 2007-12-12
84663 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI DUPL [DCR] Redundant superinterface specification 2007-12-12
111093 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE More problems with IMethodBinding#isSubsignature(..) 2007-12-11
208995 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE Static method hides method from instance when using generics 2007-12-11
209319 JDT Core martinae VERI FIXE [ast rewrite] @SuppressWarning is inserting an extra line break 2007-12-11
206017 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler] Type mistmatch on field declaration should be reported against initialization expression 2007-12-11
206423 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE Optimization opportunity in DefaultProblemFactory 2007-12-11
209824 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI INVA [compiler] Sometimes wrong problem reported for unnecessary declaration of thrown checked exception 2007-12-11
210130 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI WONT False positive "Potential null pointer access" warning after 2007-12-11
210353 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE Improve documentation for overridingPackageDefaultMethod option in JavaCore#getDefaultOptions' javadoc 2007-12-11
138018 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE When passed unsupported javac -warn warning options, fail gracefully & ignore 2007-12-11
207944 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL Exporting 2 Plugins resolves to a Nullpointer Exception 2009-07-08
208960 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [cldc1.1][compiler] Internal Compiler Error on valid code with particular combination of org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform and o.e.j.c.c.source 2007-12-11
209655 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [jsr199] export package should specify x-internal:=true 2007-12-12
211609 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [compiler][1.5] Unable to resolve annotations defined with a Class attribute 2007-12-19
207411 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] NPE in ASTNode.resolveAnnotations 2007-12-11
207758 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Unused SupressWarnings detection should consider more error situations 2007-12-11
207959 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] secondary error upon broken parameter type 2007-12-11
208030 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.7][compiler] Missing unused type argument warning for constructor invocations 2007-12-11
208383 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE IProblem.UnusedWarningToken has wrong category 2008-02-19
208873 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [compiler][1.5] compiler differences to javac 2007-12-11
209071 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] Obvious type errors with generic types not caught at compile time 2007-12-11
209779 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] javac mismatch in cast behaviour in a for loop 2008-05-30
210213 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Unused SuppressWarnings shouldn't complain if warnings are not even enabled 2007-12-11
210422 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler] Need to have local bindings created in error cases 2007-12-11
212147 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [compiler][1.5] Compiler problem related to annotations and/or generics 2007-12-12
212175 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI DUPL [compiler][1.5] Another compiler problem related to annotations/generics 2007-12-13
77918 JDT Core kent_johnson CLOS FIXE [compiler] Unnecessary implementation of interface in class declaration 2009-10-02
89 bugs found.
