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Re: [m2e-users] Long term outlook for 'M2E plugin executionnotcovered'

Connectors (or m2e extensions, as I often call them) do not require
modifications of pom.xml files. The whole idea of connectors is to take
existing Maven plugin configuration from pom.xml and map it to eclipse
project configuration and build behaviour.

What you probably refer to, is m2e-specific pom.xml configuration that
allows users tell m2e what to do with Maven plugins that do NOT have
corresponding connectors. There are certain advantages of storing this
information in pom.xml file, and I also expect the need for this
configuration to mostly disappear as more connectors become available.
At the same time I appreciate that some m2e users prefer to keep this
configuration outside pom.xml files, so if somebody provides a quality
implementation to do so, we will review and make it part of m2e.


On 11-08-14 1:01 AM, Philippe Bastiani wrote:
Yes, the developer of a Maven plugin should be responsible for its
integration into a given IDE... Delegate the setting of the IDE to the
end-user is the worst solution ... This is what was proposed with

I agree with you for the following point: I do not understand why the
connectors requires modification of poms. I do not understand why Sonatype
does not offer an API for saving the settings of connectors in another file.

Jason and Igor could, I think, explain this choice !

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