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[vtp-dev] Access to platform variables

Hello All,
I'm trying to get up to speed on the openVXML tools.  I've read the documentation I can find, and watched the Flash demos, and been working with the tools for a couple of days, but I haven't seen/found a way to access platform and application variables like session.connection.protocol.sip.ani or application.lastresult$.confidence. 
I've tried adding a variable in the Application Start to get the ANI, and tried using an Assign module, but it doesn't appear to work.  After deploying a hello world type app that just assigns a variable ANI = session.connection.protocol.sip.ani, and hitting the /openVXML servlet using a web browser, I get:
     HTTP Status 500 - For input string: "s"
I understand VXML very well, I'm just not seeing how to get access to the underlying platform/application variables using the modules provided by openVXML.

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