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Re: [tycho-user] Tycho and dependencyManagement

>> The only reason why it is bad to have repositories listed directly in
>> your pom.xml is that maven has this brilliant/bad/weird idea that
>> anyone that depend on such a pom also need to get that repository
>> added into their build - its basically "leaking" in the build details
>> of how projext X was built into projext Y which is just *using* not
>> building project X.
> Ummm... I am pretty sure Maven will handle such indirectly configured
> repositories correctly.

How ? afaik, it will use *all* repositories defined in my and any transitive dependent projects to try and resolve dependencies which causes nondeterministic resolution.

Thats at least what talks about and what i've seen everytime I've used projects that had repositories listed in their pom's.

> Unless you use mirrorOf=* (or external:*) in
> settings.xml, which is exactly the reason I avoid mirrorOf.

Afaik this is the only way to actually work around this problem of foreign repositories get into your build ? do you know of something better ? :)


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