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Re: [spaces-dev] SVN or CVS?

Bjorn Freeman-Benson wrote:
"can the fact that someone creates a GPL'ed implementation of a generic API invalidate the API itself " ==> No. The current issue in front of Eclipse Legal is that *all* the client implementations put forward by the Subversive project includes one or more licenses that are incompatible with the EPL. That does not prevent someone (them) from creating a client implementation that works with the EPL - and I hope they do so soon!

OK, so in essence you are saying that:
A client that has taken special care to only interface using a generic Apache/BSD licensed API is ruled out because all implementations of that API depend on a GPL license. A client that is written to exclusively interface with a GPL'ed software through a GPL'ed protocol is OK.

There are times in life when I'm glad I don't need to deal with legal issues. I simply don't understand them. How an, in my opinion, extremely subtle difference like this, can be allowed to discriminate a superior and very useful software, is beyond my comprehension.

- thomas

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