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Re: [spaces-dev] SVN or CVS?

"can the fact that someone creates a GPL'ed implementation of a generic API invalidate the API itself " ==> No. The current issue in front of Eclipse Legal is that *all* the client implementations put forward by the Subversive project includes one or more licenses that are incompatible with the EPL. That does not prevent someone (them) from creating a client implementation that works with the EPL - and I hope they do so soon!

Thomas Hallgren wrote:
I'm just afraid that someone is making a mistake that has a profound impact. AFAIK, both Subversive and Subclipse depend on the Apache/BSD licensed generic SVN client library. The SVNKit (with GPL'ish license) is just one of the implementations. It's optional. Does the other implementation (the JavaHL) have GPL dependencies also? If the answer is no, then next question is, can the fact that someone creates a GPL'ed implementation of a generic API invalidate the API itself (same question is of course valid for extension points)?

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