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Re: [rt-pmc] Progress for a downloadable "Eclipse RT Starter Kit"

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Jeff McAffer <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey Hugues,
> I don;t recall what use-cases were looking to address with this.  That should directly bear on what bundles we include. Can you provide a capsule summary of what you were expecting?

Sorry I omitted to define the use-case:
- a single downloadable that runs without a UI.
- out of the box support for equinox
- out of the box support for the management of the runtime components

The example was: download, start, install eclipse-link and jetty
through the OSGi console.

> In the absence of that I do still have some comments...
>> - equinox/P2 headless feature:
> - Ideally we would be able to reuse Equinox features here.  There are several that relate.  In particlur the server.p2 feature captures the majority of this content.

Indeed this feature includes the bundles that are defined in
server.p2. I started this experiment from the server.p2 feature.
I took a big shortcut by putting all the necessary bundles for the
usecase in the same feature and this would certainly need to be

> - We should identify a common base feature that can be used.  Then we build that up by adding Jetty, p2, ... So it would be ideal to have some common minimal Equinox base feature (o.e.osgi, DS, equinox.common, ...).

Agreed. However the RT Product must package enough features to provide
the support for the management of the runtime components. In the
project I am working on it is the minimum. Using a separate
application is too complex.

So I think P2 must be part of the base RT feature.

Also in my experience, building a product that is based on P2's
simpleconfigurator is very different from a P2 product based on the
osgi.bundles property:
if we were to start from a product that is not P2-enabled and have
director install the simpleconfigurator:
will this refactor the config.ini file and generate the

Please correct me: I have the feeling that I have missed something rather big.

> - metadata.generator is legacy and should not be included
ok removing that one.
> - things like the director, extensions support, dropins, update sites, ... should be driven by use-cases.  Ideally we would NOT include these things as they are not the recommended paths.  However, if they speak to a need, then by all means.

Here are the specific use cases:
- director: if we don't include director then we need to teach our
users to download director separately before they can install more
- dropins: same usage than the dropins folder for the
eclipse-platform; something really handy for development or those
cases or those cases where they don't want the bundles to be managed
by p2. Also something that apache felix developers are looking for.
- updatesites, extensions support: I must say that I included that one
without a precise use case in mind.

> - DS (and util) should be included in the Equinox base feature.
OK. I did put them there.

>> - rt-p2-starter-kit:
> - This is the EclipseRT Jetty Starter Kit right?
This was what I had in mind for a base p2 RT product; unrelated to jetty.
> - With the base/building block features outlined above, the Jetty starter kit product should list (roughly) Equinox minimal base, p2 essentials, Jetty (whatever you want), other things to add on.
>> - jetty-p2-starter-kit:
> - Not sure what the intended difference is between this and the other product. I mean, I see the difference but what is the usecase for this?

The only difference is that it includes the jetty feature out of the box;
Users looking for the equivalent of jetty-hightide or apache-tomcat or
geronimo can start using the app without having to first learn how to
install jetty on the top of it.
I think that was one of the use cases we discussed.


> Jeff
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