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Re: AW: [riena-dev] Ridgets

Hi Scott,
Am 17.06.2008 um 21:35 schrieb Scott Lewis:

Hi Christian,

Christian Campo wrote:

Yes there are examples of using validations and conversions in riena.example.client and I believe there are also JUnit tests in riena.tests. However its quite early and we are currently have a discussion about how to implement validations and conversions (as you see in this other thread in riena-dev). So it might that a complete implementation will take some more time.

OK, if you would point me to the relevant other thread in archive and test/example code I'll check it out.
I can check out on that tomorrow

I am not sure that I am understanding the point of your questions about in general.

We decided to introduce Ridgets into Riena for a number of reasons that we already wrote about that we believe it supplies great value for enterprise smart client applications. Some of the concepts are already known in Eclipse like databinding (and we of course use them) and there are others like Marker support that we couldnt find any implementation in Eclipse.

Is your point that you see no value in Ridgets and wouldnt use it ?
Is your point that we shouldnt been allowed to have a concept like Ridgets ?

Maybe you can help me to understand what you dont like about Ridgets......

I don't dislike anything about them :). I'm just wondering what they are and what they are for. That is, if they don't differ significantly from something that's already available via Platform, I wouldn't tend to use/depend upon it myself...because the extra code and dependencies does have a distribution, code size, etc. WRT the ECF remote services provider based upon Riena, for example, I'm going to decide whether it's necessary (or desirable) to include any of the org.eclipse.riena.ui.* plugins.

Further, Riena is (of course) free to have Ridgets or other concepts, but my understanding of Riena (as articulated) isn't 'a useful set of classes created by compeople', but rather 'a framework for transparent remoting of OSGi services'. I feel its clearer (for the community, adopters, and users) to have as clear project focus as possible...and I'm just not (so far) seeing a clear connection between Ridgets and Riena's stated primary purpose. This may be just me.

Because communication is your focus that is maybe what you see in Riena. However again if you look at the Riena proposal as it was submitted in october it is not solely a remoting infrastructure. Actually it contains remoting but that is only a small piece of it (and I dont think we ever communicated anything else).

Riena is also
- a process orientient UI (containing an alternate navigation and Ridgets for views)
- about using security in a distributed client server environment
- about Object Transaction to support Persistence
- about for Reporting in a distributed environment
- about support for software update for Riena Clients
- etc.....

So I hope we dont get poked for anything that is not Remote Services in Riena :-).

With easy access to databinding I meant nothing more than an easy access to the existing databinding that is used interenally. But thats not the only added value of Ridgets.

OK. Please LMK about the appropriate discussion thread and/or test/ example code locations.



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