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Re: [orion-dev] UX Concepts for discussion

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Susan Franklin McCourt <susan_franklin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thought I'd rename the thread so our replies to Anton's request stood out from the pre-meeting discussion...

The two themes that I would like to see us discuss sooner than later:
1) editor and navigation
2) what does the breadcrumb mean? (this one wasn't on the mind map,but came up in the email. To some folks, it is "the thing that takes you to the navigator" and so it could be seen as part of theme #1. To other folks, it's a "scoper" on the current page. I think we need to come to grips with what it means, how people use it

I regularly curse the search page because the breadcrumb searches when I expect it will navigate.  I guess it could be priming from Navigator but when I see a directory path I think "file system" not "scope for current context".



The mind map is very cool...!....
one suggestion is that if there were an accompanying text list, I could Ctrl+F on the wiki page to see that something is on the map. I had to read it pretty carefully to figure out if "breadcrumb" was mentioned.


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