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Re: [mylyn-integrators] Tasks retrieved from queries incorrectly show "Task has incoming changes"

The state in this case should remain incoming until the task is marked read (last read date stamp is set). It works this way to ensure the user doesn't miss new changes. If two subsequent synchronizations happen and the data itself is actually the same locally and on the repository, although the data is 'synchronized' we still want to display incoming if the user hasn't yet indicated they have read the information.


Dennis Rietmann wrote:
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the pointer. In my case the INCOMING state is set in RepoSynchronizationManager.saveIncoming() in the SYNCRONIZED case because it has incoming changes (checkHasIncomingChanges == true). But the changes are contained in the downloaded task data, so if it calls connector.updateTaskFromTaskData the task is up to date. Nonetheless the task still shows up with the incoming changes notification. Shouldn't the status be switched to SYNCHRONIZED at the end? Or is this behavior correct in Mylyn?

thanks again,


On Jan 8, 2008 11:26 PM, Robert Elves <rob.elves@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rob.elves@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    The incoming status is somewhat orthogonal to what data has been
    retrieved in the sense that the user must have marked the task
    read for
    the incoming state to go away.  Have a look at
    RepositorySynchronizationManager.setTaskRead (...) to see how
    tasks get
    marked as read. You will see that for a task not to have incoming
    it a)
    needs to have a sync state other than INCOMING and b) the repository
    task's last read time stamp must not be null

    Hope this helps,


    Dennis Rietmann wrote:
    > Hi everyone,
    > When I open a task retrieved by a query in my connector the task
    > editor shows that the task has incoming changes even though
    > updateTaskFromTaskData(repo, task, taskdata) has been called
    > (SynchronizeTaskJob.updateTask -> TaskFactory.createTask ->
    > connector.updateTaskFromTaskData ) with task data which has been
    > freshly retrieved in SynchronizeTaskJob.synchronize() with
    > taskDataHandler.getTaskData (retrieves fresh data from the
    > Do you have any idea what I could have missed in my implementation?
    > Did I miss any important information? I'm thankful for any advice.
    > Thanks a lot!
    > Dennis

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    Robert Elves
    Mylyn Committer,

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Robert Elves
Mylyn Committer,

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