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Re: [mylar-dev] dev build

Regarding attachments for local tasks. One problem I have encountered
that I was working offline, then wanted to create a bug report and add
a screenshot showing the bug. But offline creation of an unsubmitted
task is not supported yet, as a pop-up windows says.  (For bugzilla

Or I am investigating a problem, but am not ready yet to submit a bug
report. I am using a local task for the time being and want to add
attachments to it. Storing the attachments on the file system is an
option, but they clearly belong to a task and will be much easier to
find if attached to a task. It is not as if a button to add task would
take up a lot of space. It wouldn't have to be a line constantly drawn
across as in the bugzilla editor.

and regarding a simple editor UI. There is already a resources section
for the local task where the task context file is listed. Does anybody
ever uses that information? What for? To back up the task context?
This could be the place where attachments could be added to a local
task IMHO.


On 10/24/06, Mik Kersten <beatmik@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Here's the bug report, which was resolved for LATER in February.  I'm
reopening it since some good points are raised on this discussion.  I doubt
that we will be able to get to this for 1.0 but we should continue
discussing the tradeoffs.

explore making local tasks be a repository

One thing that I think we need to keep in mind is maintaining a simple UI
for working with local tasks that does not have the overhead of working with
repository tasks, and that makes it clear that the tasks are personal and
not shared.  It's possible that we can do this with a local repository.
However, could those who would like to see this mode supported please
comment which features you would like to see on a local repository?  I'm not
sure if attachments are a good idea because the point of contexts is to
associate things implicitly with tasks.  The comment thread could make sense
for a kind of personal journaling functionality, and could be used to
address this request:

Timestamp button for Notes on the personal task page


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