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RE: [mylar-dev] dev build

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Regarding attachments for local tasks. One problem I have encountered
> that I was working offline, then wanted to create a bug report and add
> a screenshot showing the bug. But offline creation of an unsubmitted
> task is not supported yet, as a pop-up windows says.  (For bugzilla
> rep).

This is the following bug.  Rob: note that now that we have a generic new
repository task editor the solution should not be Bugzilla specific.

Can't save new bugzilla issue without submitting it to server

> Or I am investigating a problem, but am not ready yet to submit a bug
> report. I am using a local task for the time being and want to add
> attachments to it. Storing the attachments on the file system is an
> option, but they clearly belong to a task and will be much easier to
> find if attached to a task. It is not as if a button to add task would
> take up a lot of space. It wouldn't have to be a line constantly drawn
> across as in the bugzilla editor.
> and regarding a simple editor UI. There is already a resources section
> for the local task where the task context file is listed. Does anybody
> ever uses that information? What for? To back up the task context?
> This could be the place where attachments could be added to a local
> task IMHO.

That sounds like a reasonable use case for attachments, but I'm still not
sure whether they should appear as linked items or whether they should be
copied over into the task.  I don't think that we should be creating a
separate file store beyond what the workbench already provides.  Also, for
the submitting bug use case note that this might be addressed by having
unsubmitted repository tasks handle attachments.  Either way, please submit
a bug report describing your concrete use case(s) so that we can track this.


Mik Kersten,
Mylar Project Lead,

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