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RE: [mylar-dev] dev build

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Another thing to consider:
> Adding a new task also means: create new task in task list, but there
> is no wizard available in the File->New menu for this. Or maybe rather
> in the File->Import. Instead the context menu has to be used which for
> me involves using the mouse.

Raphael, note that they're there, but were only added in 0.6 or 0.7 so you
have to use Window -> Reset Perspective to see them.  Then you can use
Alt+Shift+N for creating tasks.

> New Repository Task is used to add an entry to a repository. This does
> not necessarily have to be a task. It is a task in the task list view,
> but it could be a bug, an thread on a message board etc.  A user might
> just want to file a bug, but not use the generated task. Instead
> following the bug reports and patches by email.  What I am getting at
> is that there are different usage scenarios for the "New Repository
> Task" and in some having a different name would be more appropriate.

This is an interesting question.  Our philosophy so far has been that every
repository task that you create is relevant to have in your Task List.  So
if you create a bug, you might want to check up on the status of that bug in
a month in case nobody replied.  But you can always work around this by
explicitly deleting the task that was created.  What we really need to
inform these decisions is to get the Mylar Monitor working again so that we
have usage data from the slice of our user community who is willing to
install it.  


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