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Re: [mylar-dev] Re: Mylar Tasks (Repository) API

Jimisola Laursen wrote:
>  1. method to get all: components, versions, targets, status, resolutions,
> severities, assignees and priorities (and possibly more?)

See BugzillaConfigurationTest.test222RDFProductConfig

>  2. 1 with a twist (with search criteria)
> e.g. get all components, versions, targets, severities etc for outstanding
>  3. method to search on bugs just like Bugzilla's Search for bugs
> (query.cgi) allows

Bug 155279
Split search into headless and ui

> e.g. to search on things in 1) and have returned a) actual bugs returned
> and/or b) just their unique identifier (id?)

Current search functionality returns a BugzillaSearchHit, which is a bit of metadata about the bug. Once you have this, retrieving the full bug is trivial.

> This so that one can search for e.g. all open bugs grouped on  a) severity
> or b) assignee or c) priority.
>  4. General product/project information such as project lead (Jira has
> this), description, url etc

I don't know if we have support for that. Feel free to submit a bug report for it, if we don't.

>  5. Would be nice with some support for Saved Queries as well but that has
> VERY LOW priority

If you're referring to the saved queries built into Bugzilla, I don't believe we have support for that. Feel free to submit a bug report for it.

I have an idea for a Maven plugin and while doing some research I found out
that you and Jason van Zyl have been in contact. I don't want to interrupt
your discussion in any what. I simply had an idea for a plugin and was
thinking of using the the Eclipse headless Tasks Framework directly whereas
Jason is planning to wrap the Eclipse headless Tasks Framework for use by
the Maven community. Of course I want to see a solution that is as general
"as can be". Perhaps the needs for my plugin idea can reflect how others
(non-Mylar) would use the framework.

Some questions:

 1. What is the name of the API to access Jira, Bugzilla etc (Tasks API,
Tasks Framework?)

I generally call it the task framework.

 2. Does the API have Proxy support?


 3. What's currently included in the headless Tasks framework and what
 4. Will issue tracker specific stuff be included in the Framework? (Jira
might be an exception here since it's connection doesn't reside under

None, the Bugzilla/Jira/Trac connectors we have are dependant on the task framework. Use whichever one(s) you want, though I think Bugzilla is the only repository connector that is currently decoupled.

Bug 154876
extract trac.core plug-in from trac.ui

 5. Is the plan to create one or many separate jar files for the headless
Tasks framework , so that other projects can depend on it?

We're currently using the PDE export model, so each bundle is exported as one jar.

 6. Are there any dependencies on "Eclipse stuff" in the library and in
particular are there currently any non-headless dependencies?

Both org.eclipse.mylar.context.core, and org.eclipse.mylar.tasks.core depend on org.eclipse.core.runtime. The eclipse core runtime can be run headless.

Hope this helps,

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