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Re: [mosquitto-dev] [mqtt] Re: RSMB now on GitHub

I'm not sure what Roger's current plans are for MQTT-SN - I'll check with him. I am definitely interested in bringing RSMB fixes back into the Eclipse project so that the project code there is the best and definitive. I had only held off because I thought that MQTT-SN support in Mosquitto was "imminent", I didn't want to step on Roger's toes, and a MQTT-SN gateway working alongside Mosquitto seemed like a reasonable approach.

My other thought is if there was a way for me to add MQTT-SN support into Mosquitto as a completely separate module internally, but it looks integrated, like a plugin.


On 07/07/2016 01:28 PM, Nicholas Humfrey wrote:
On 2016-07-06 15:46, Filipe Nicoli wrote:
Ian, I guess mosquitto won't be supporting MQTT-SN for some time. It's
been on the table for long and the only broker I've seen around is
yours (and a dozen forks of your code).

I'm currently using Michal Foksa's fork, and even his is already 1
year without bug fixes or improvements.

I guess it would be beneficial to the project sticking to one fork.
What do you think?


The main reason why I am interested in RSMB is because of the MQTT-SN support. It is easier to run a single server, than a MQTT server and seperate MQTT-SN (UDP) gateway - less things to setup/go wrong.

I agree that multiple forks isn't ideal. I wasn't actually aware of the Michal Foksa fork when I sent my Pull Requests. Get the improvements back into the main repo, would require going through the changes and making sure they are approved by the Eclipse Legal process.


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Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Paho Project Lead; Committer on Mosquitto

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