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Re: [incquery-dev] Query Explorer refactor

Thanks for the details.

I have fixed some problems and both the isAddition flag and converting seems to work. Please test if using a comparator is also okay.

I managed to push my change/23459/2 branch to master, and I can't seem to delete the remote branch from the server. Someone with "force push" rights (Luke?) might help in.

Luckily, I managed to push my patch to Gerrit after a soft reset.

  Ábel Hegedüs

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group (FTSRG)
Department of Measurement and Information Systems (MIT)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

On 2014.03.26. 16:55:02, Tamás Szabó <tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

A quick debug revealed that the problematic portion of the code will be the ObservablePatternMatchList#pauseUpdates and ObservablePatternMatchList#removeUpdates

nextDiff = Diffs.computeLazyListDiff(cache, oldCache) causes the element to be of type IPatternMatch
and I guess this is also responsible for the reversed isAddition flag.

2014.03.26. 16:42 keltezéssel, Tamás Szabó írta:

I have tried it out and I have observed two things:
1. The ListDiffs are not correct after a filter update. When I specify a filter which will clear out the match set, I get the correct entries in the ListDiff, but with the isAddition flag set to true (instead of the expected false value).
2. When a converter is set, I would expect that the elements of the ListDiff will be of the converted type, not IPatternMatch.


2014.03.25. 14:37 keltezéssel, Ábel Hegedüs írta:

I have amended the setFilter method to your change on Gerrit. I did a quick test on it as well.

Best regards,
  Ábel Hegedüs

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group (FTSRG)
Department of Measurement and Information Systems (MIT)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

On 2014.03.16. 13:16:13, Tamás Szabó <tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:


2014.03.16. 11:28 keltezéssel, Ábel Hegedüs írta:

On 2014.03.15. 17:01:07, Tamás Szabó <tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:


* @Abel: is it possible to change the filtering partial match after it
has been set for the first time. This is an important question, because
when, for example, the patterns are reloaded, the current match set will
be removed and it will be recreated.
Abel: Changing the filter match (simply calling setParam) after setting it is not supported. The EVM Rule must be removed and added with the new filter.
* When a new filter is set in the UI, I also need to update the contents
of the tree viewer. Can this be handled somehow with this
ObservablePatternMatchList? Basically I would like to see something like
setFilter, which would then update the contents accordingly (and also
send the notifications about it).
Abel: Yes, it may possible to handle this inside a setFilter method. You would need to (1) disconnect the cache from the updater (2) remove the EVM rule with the old filter (3) add the new rule with the new filter (4) put matches into a new cache (5) create diff between old and new cache and send it as list update. Note that this is similar to the update mechanism of computed lists, but we only have to do this when setFilter is called, and it won't be called by multiple threads at the same time for a given observable.
Ok. Can you support me with the implementation of such a functionality in the ObservablePatternMatchList class? I have pushed a gerrit code review with my initial contribution. This one does not support the setting of a filter from the UI yet.


incquery-dev mailing list

Tamás Szabó
Software Engineer

Tel.:   +49 711 342 191 0
Fax.:   +49 711 342 191 29
Mobil:  +49 171 565 416 9
Mail:   tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx
Skype:  szabta89

itemis AG
Niederlassung Süd
Meitnerstr. 10
70563 Stuttgart

Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 20621 | Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Vorstand: Jens Wagener (Vorsitzender) | Wolfgang Neuhaus | Dr. Georg
Pietrek | Jens Trompeter | Sebastian Neus
Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel (Vorsitzender) | Stephan Grollmann
| Michael Neuhaus

incquery-dev mailing list

Tamás Szabó
Software Engineer

Tel.:   +49 711 342 191 0
Fax.:   +49 711 342 191 29
Mobil:  +49 171 565 416 9
Mail:   tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx
Skype:  szabta89

itemis AG
Niederlassung Süd
Meitnerstr. 10
70563 Stuttgart

Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 20621 | Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Vorstand: Jens Wagener (Vorsitzender) | Wolfgang Neuhaus | Dr. Georg
Pietrek | Jens Trompeter | Sebastian Neus
Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel (Vorsitzender) | Stephan Grollmann
| Michael Neuhaus

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