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[gmf-dev] Label Enhancements in the GMF Runtime

GMF Developers,

I have created a new WrappingLabel that uses GEF's Flow Figure classes to perform that text wrapping. The TextCompartmentEditPart and its helper classes have been modified so that there is only a dependency on a new interface, ILabelDelegate, which a client could use with any figure for displaying the label. The TextDirectEditManager has been changed to fix a few bugs and work with an ILabelDelegate.

I have attached a document that discusses the design, gives an overview of the changes made, and provides documentation for the clients on how to use the new WrappingLabel.  From what I have seen of the generated code, TextCompartmentEditPart is not being used, but the changes made in WrapLabel and TextDirectEditManager will certainly affect a GMF generated application.  There are no changes required to inherit the new behavior as the existing WrapLabel subclasses the new WrappingLabel.

Please let me know if you have any issues or notice any regressions.



Attachment: Bug162932WrappingLabelEnhancements.doc
Description: Binary data

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