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Re: [egit-dev] How to build [EJ]Git?

On Jan 6, 2010, at 04:10, Igor Fedorenko wrote:

Things get little bit more interesting if you want to have both jgit and
egit projects in the same workspace. In order to trick PDE to consider
jgit projects you need to do two things. First, you need to generate
bundle manifests by running jgit CLI build.

I thought manifest-first development didn't need a CLI build to generate manifests?

Second, you need to add PDE
nature to o.e.jgit and o.e.jgit.junit projects. You may have to
regenerate manifests after significant changes (new dependencies), but
hopefully this won't be needed too often.

That should be easy enough to do, and would help it pick up the changes.

We have m2e extensions we use internally to automate some of this, but
you need to talk to Jason if you are interested.

Can you provide a patch to do the changes to get JGit/EGit building/ running in Eclipse again, without needing to drop down to a command line tool?


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