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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] never chosen by download site

On Mon, 27 Mar 2017, Denis Roy wrote:

Our most recent error was:
2017-03-26 04:16:23 Error 999 Response size: 1

Yeah, that's likely because
is the correct URL... You should have gotten a redirect to the correct
offloader though, not an error, but I guess 999 is something that your
script emits as it's not a HTTP error code...

But it could also happen if you expect us to sync more often than we
do (two times per day, your docco requires once a day), and punish us
for it...

Our sampling uses files >= 2 days old to avoid such penalties.  The
error code could indeed be a redirect, so we should not see any of those
anymore, as we've updated the hostname of your mirror.

If your script barfs on redirects it will always report errors for us now, as only small files are served directly by the frontend(s) responding at the name.

My recommendation would be to fix the script to allow redirects, but also check that the filename component of the final redirect target is the same as the requested file (to avoid sites with mod_speling or equivalent messing things up). Comparing Content-Length with your expected file length could also be an extra safeguard.

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}      |     nikke@xxxxxxxxxx
 Optical mice have no balls!

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