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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] What I dislike about using EMF for e4...

Hi Eric,

Eric Moffatt schrieb:

Tom wrote:

Does the following make sense?

If our workbench uses a model an IConfigurationElement is not needed any
more because you do your contribution using XMI (if we use EMF).

Tom, this is one of the important points that is being missed; thank you for pointing it out.

We -cannot- simply say we dont' need to use 'x' anymore where 'x' is something that comes from our use of 'core' infrastructure. IConfigurationElement is the integration point for our extension point handling. We're a -consumer- of these objects (which are supplied by equinox now) and unless we're going to re-write equinox they will, by necessity, exist in e4. The same is true where 'x' is part of our current API, at least IMemento and ScopedPreferenceStore fit into this category...

I didn't want say that. I wasn't think about throwing away IConfigurationElement completely . People can still use to IConfiguration-Element to contribute but the question wanted to rais if it is a good way of representing a datastructure.

If you look at my example I still need the IConfigurationElement but it's only task is to carry with it my real contribution-data. So in my thinking IConfurigationElement is an mechanism to pass the data from a contributor but not represent the data. I could without many tricks do this already today by defining an "XSD" which allows me to use the content contributed and load it using EMF.

If an application developer defines an Extension-Point what he does in fact is to create a Meta-Model-Definition described using "XSD" but this meta information is not provided to the developer at runtime.

I simply tried to bring up that's exactly the same we discuss when we talk about defining the structure backing the workbench.


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