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Re: [e4-dev] Why XML UI is important for us

yves.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

You forget that XWT is model-based. Of course, we think in model. This is
the difference between XSWT and XWT.

XWT is model-based in the same way that any XML document has a schema. Hence, it also has an EMF model, since you can generate such from the XML schema.

Do you agree that XWT's model is the classes, properties and methods/constructors of the underlying SWT API, since that's what XAML is: a serialization format for an object structure that is (re)constructed with a specific API (classes, properties and methods/constructors)?

It may be natural to program against SWT, but I don't think it is natural to model a UI with such an API-oriented model. A UI model should represent the _state_ of the UI, while an XWT model represents the _creation process_.

Yves, we are repeating ourselves. Until I can think of new pros and cons, I think I'll be silent.


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