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Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching

Mikhail Kadan wrote:
Sorry, I was to fast to write previous letter.

1) I've solved a promlem with "trunk" - I've just added another provider on top of my SearchPath with "trunk" resolution, so now it is:

Of course. Why didn't I think of that :-)

2) But I've found another problem. When I try to execute CQUERY without specifying exact version of component, it resolves well. But when I specify version of component, it failes.

For example:

My SearchPath:

<searchPath name="default">

<provider readerType="svn" componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckminster">
  <uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/">
    <bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
  <versionConverter type="branch">
      fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$" fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x"
      toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$" toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" />



  <cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle"/>

It resolves perfectly to R1.0.x branch, which contains 1.0.0 version of component.

But when I specify in my CQUERY that I need version 1.0.0 EXPLICITLY, resolution failes:

<cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle" versionDesignator="[1.0.0,1.0.0]" versionType="OSGi"/>

I've tried to provide "versionDesignator" in different forms, but none of it worked. I've also tried to make simple version->branch replacion (w/o any regexps, just 1.0.0 version transforms to 1.0.0 branch), I thought maybe I have some mistake in regexps, but it didn't help. Can you help me to solve this matter?

I can't see anything wrong with what you're doing. Can you please set the Buckminster preferences:

"Console logger level" >= DEBUG
"Maximum number of resolver threads" >= 1

and then run and let me have a look at the output? Feel free to send it to my private email if you don't want to expose it here.

- thomas

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