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[ajdt-dev] AspectJ 1.6.4 released

I'm very pleased to announce that AspectJ 1.6.4 is now available for download.  The 1.6.4 readme details the major changes and can be found here:

There are over 70 issues resolved in this release.  The readme lists the notable changes which include:
- faster full builds in Eclipse
- much (much!)  faster incremental build times, particularly in multi-project configurations within Eclipse
- new language feature: @DeclareMixin
- runtime changes to allow better performance for users maintaining per joinpoint state

AspectJ 1.6.4 is available at the download page (source jars are also available there):

Thanks to everyone that has helped by raising bugs and contributing testcases (and fixes!).

To try out AspectJ 1.6.4 in Eclipse, just download a recent AJDT 1.6.5 dev build for Eclipse 3.4.

For AspectJ 1.6.5 we will be looking at:

- more incremental compilation improvements for the IDE
- persistence of build state to remove the need for full builds on eclipse restarts
- memory consumption: in Eclipse and in load-time weaving scenarios

The AspectJ team.

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