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[recommenders-dev] [gsoc] Models API Weekly Report


here is my report for this week:

What I had planned for this week:
- Do some refactorings in the view classes to be able to reuse some code (e.g. sorting functionality).
- Finish the implementation of the new view (Dependency Overview).
- Do some improvements to the DependencyIdentificationView (Provide a refresh button, and filter functionalities)

What I have done this week:
The main issue I take care in the last week was a change in the UI concept.
That becomes necessary because of some performance issues related to the fact that the data in the views were always up to date.  The new idea is to display a snapshot of the data and provide a refresh functionality.

I improved the ProjectDependencyView. I added the refresh button and a menu which provides filters to find interessting dependencies faster (e.g. dependencies which are not mapped to a ProjectCoordinate).

Also it is now possible to edit the manual mapping in this view.
In a first version I used a simple TextCellEditor to edit the coordinate. The current implementation uses a ComboBoxCellEditor which is more comfortable for the user. The user can choose between different coordinates suggested by different strategies or can enter a coordinate manually.

Beside of that I take care of some small issues/changes which comes up the last week.

What I have planned for the next week:
- Finish the implementation of the Dependency Overview (See screenshot from the last report).
- Work on some issues/tasks I got during the last days. Most of them are improvements to the UI other to the models api.



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