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Re: AW: [jwt-dev] JWT2XPDL transformation

Hi Florian, Miguel

Florian :
Guillaume is on holidays till next week. If you could provide your example, we'd have a look at it. Anyway, at Open Wide we have to also commit our tests, and typicaly nicely make them fit in jwt-samples !

Miguel :
I agree with you on specifying engine specific features in an explicit manner. As Florian said, we're thinking about it but haven't extended the JWT metamodel yet. Florian, I bet you've talked about that with other member at Eclipse Con ? ;) However for now we've done it implicitly so it already works "as is" (we didn't think about putting it in comments). It obviously will have to be patched. We're going to work on databinding features in the following months (till june), so it will be a good time to do a general upgrade of the JWT metamodel.

Miguel, if you think it should be done earlier, let me know.


Florian Lautenbacher a écrit :
when I test the JWT2XPDL transformation, an empty XPDL file is generated and I get on the console the following messages:
Compiler warnings:

line 103: Attribute 'name' outside of element.

ERROR: 'The first argument to the non-static Java function 'declareName' is not a valid object reference.'

FATAL ERROR: 'Could not compile stylesheet'

Do you know, Guillaume, what I make wrong? I tried it first with very complex models and in the end with a model having one InitialNode, one action and one FinalNode and that's it :-) So I guess that one should probably work. Concerning the hooks: is there a special element that we shall include into the metamodel? We are currently discussing of including a generic "Property" element into the metamodel so that all kind of additional information could be modeled which are not possible right now - would this help? Another way right now would be to use the comment function that can be attached to each model element (To an action, an activity, etc.). But right now, this is only visible and editable in the outline view and not in the graphical editor itself.
Best regards,

*Von:* jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] *Im Auftrag von *Miguel Valdes Faura
*Gesendet:* 23 March 2008 23:17
*An:* 'Java Workflow Toolbox'
*Betreff:* RE: [jwt-dev] JWT2XPDL transformation


First of all congratulations for the last JWT release and the JWT2XPDL transformation. We, at Bonita team, will definitely give it a try (as discussed with Marc last week)!

Just one comment on your last post (Guillaume):

Hooks in Bonita are just java classes so I think that identify them at the JWT editor only by their package name (default is hero.hook but could be different) is not a good idea IMO. For hooks, mappers, performers… any other advanced features provided as an external attribute in XPDL we should add additional data to the model rather than use name conventions, what do you think ?


Miguel Valdes

* *

*BPM Manager*

* *

*Bull, Architect of an Open World TM*

1, rue de Provence

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*Bonita*, The XPDL open source project:

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-----Message d'origine-----
De : jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Guillaume Decarnin
Envoyé : vendredi 21 mars 2008 18:38
À : Java Workflow Toolbox
Objet : Re: [jwt-dev] JWT2XPDL transformation

If a JWT application is a hook (Java class "hero.hook.*"), it is

translated into a Bonita Hook. But the event is always afterTerminate,

the next version should manage other events.


Marc Dutoo a écrit :

> Very nice job Guillaume !


> And what about Bonita specific features, like Java Hooks ?


> Regards

> Marc


> On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:47:53 +0100, Guillaume Decarnin

> <guillaume.decarnin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


>> Hello,


>> I have commited the JWT2XPDL transformation, for export from JWT to

>> Bonita (path: transformations/jwt-xpdl).


>> This first version has some limitations :

>> - If the JWT workflow has a cycle, Bonita will not be able to load the

>> generated XPDL file. For supporting cycles, the transformation should

>> detect the concerned edge and translate it into an iteration, not a

>> transition.

>> - All the JWT data are converted in process properties instead of

>> activity properties, because of difficulties to manage unique field


> names.


>> - The subprocess calls are not managed. Embedded subprocess are ok.


>> Best regards,

>> Guillaume Decarnin

>> Open Wide


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