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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Saxon 9

I have still created an org.eclipse.wst.xsl.saxon plugin, but without saxon.jar in it. Doing this means that a user can add Saxon themselves to their local Eclipse installation via the Installed Processors preference page, which is a simple operation. Not as neat as having Saxon installed by the plugin itself, but not too bad either. Other than that, I've ironed out most of the remaining issues with the Xalan debugger, and it now works a treat. Of course, there are enhancements I can make to it, but its good enough to be released now.
Doug this works pretty well now. We at least have basic functionality for Debugging and stepping through using Xalan.

I created some bug reports for some additional enhancements for working with the debugger. You can find all xslt debugger requests by searching the summary of incubator for [xslt] [debug].

Also there are a few additional feature requests on the XSLT Project Requirements page that the community maintains.

But for an M1 release I think it's a good starting point.

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