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[vtp-dev] How to save a recording?

I'm interested in implementing a service using OpenVXML that does a recording, play it for confirmation and finally save the audio file after affirmative confirmation.
The first two stages recording and playing are straight forward but I wonder how  can I save the audio file in a certain location using openvxml. Here is an example in VXML of what I need to do in may service.
  <form id="record_message">
     <record name="message" beep="true" maxtime="10s"
             finalsilence="4000ms" dtmfterm="true">
        <prompt> At the tone, please say your message.</prompt>
        <noinput>I didn't hear anything, please try again.</noinput>
     <field name="confirm" type="boolean">
        <prompt>Your message is <value expr="message"/></prompt>
 <prompt>To keep it, say yes. To discard it, say no.</prompt>
           <if cond="confirm">
              <var name="fromname" expr="'fred'"/>
              <submit next=""
               method="post" namelist="message fromname"
I would appreciate any help.
Best regards,
Luis Almeida

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